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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 261

“I think so. After all, if you want to do something, what kind of effect can be the most important.” Bianca looked at Ji Hiiragi Xuena, “If Alexia has no objection, I support Ji Hiiragi. The lady is here to help him solve his problems.”

(….Why did the last Demon King surrender directly?)

Shajo Aige’s voice expresses clear and intuitive disbelief and annoyance.

(Although I have known that Miss Bianca has this character for a long time, but…can you please make Miss Bianca have some awareness that she is the first?)

If Sajo Aika were to stand in Bianca’s position, she would never agree to such a thing! How could you give up the person you like to someone else? Holding it in my arms every day, eating it and wiping it clean is not enough!

Of course, she is not the first one now, so let’s talk about it separately.

But Bianca just can do it.

Shajo Aige was a little confused, but Bianca was really able to do it with ease and fully believed in Alexia. I still really don’t care much about this aspect of the fight.

“Bianca…thank you.”

He didn’t pay attention to the unclear words that Sajo Aige said in his mind. Seeing Bianca’s attitude of supporting him, Alexia couldn’t help but feel warm in her heart, and the smile on her face became a little gentler.

“This is what you want to do, and I have no reason not to support it.” Bianca smiled, “Then, could you please temporarily assume the role of Alexia’s lover before leaving? Ms. Ji Hiiragi.”

“Ah! Okay, okay! I’d love to!”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena, who took a moment to react, quickly bowed her head and accepted Bianca’s request.

(What a generous person… Is this the person the senior likes?)

Ji Hiiragi Xuena even felt that Bianca exuded some kind of strange aura and shimmer.

And since Bianca said so, no one else present had any opinions.

“Hey, Himiragi Yukina!”

However, Kiana suddenly spoke again, pointing at Alexia with a pen in her hand: “Even if Sister Bianca thinks it’s okay, I won’t think it’s okay. Even if you are a lover, you You are not allowed to do anything excessive to my brother! The best thing you can do is hold hands, not even a hug!”

“Are you only allowed to hold hands… I understand, Miss Kiana, please don’t worry.”

“Jue~~~~ right?”

Kiana deliberately prolonged her words and emphasized it again.

Alexia sighed slightly: “You don’t have to worry about my emotional affairs, idiot Kiana, just finish your homework first – Bronya, keep an eye on Kiana.”

“Bronya understands, Master. The heavy-armed bunny begins to perform the mission.”

“Hey, hey, hey! Bronya, don’t force your way into my lady’s room again! The door was finally repaired!”


As Kiana screamed, her and Bronya’s influence disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes, and it seemed that their relationship had been strengthened.

When Raiden Meiyi and Yae Sakura saw this, they also spoke one after another.

“Then let’s say goodbye, Alexia. Sakura and I have to clean the house.”

“Well, thank you for your hard work. Is the living allowance still enough? If not, just pay it from me.”

“No, no, no, that’s enough. Let’s go, Sakura.”

“Okay. See you later, Alexia.”


The images of Raiden Mei and Yae Sakura also disappeared in front of everyone.

The only ones left were Bianca and Rita.

“…Lord Alexia, Lady Bianca.”

After a moment of silence, Rita suddenly said: “If possible, can Miss Ji Hiiragi and I chat alone? In addition, if possible, I would like Miss Sajo to join in.”

“Miss Aige?”

Alexia was slightly surprised. Rita actually wanted to talk to Sajo Aige? When the two of them were there, they didn’t deal with each other openly or secretly as soon as they met.

And after hearing what Rita said, under the confused and surprised look in Ji Hiiragi Yukina’s eyes, Shajo Aige emerged from Alexia’s body: “It’s really rare that you have something to tell me… …No, maybe this is the first time, Miss Rita.”

“Today is different from the past. I think Ms. Shajo also has a lot of things she wants to tell me, right?” Rita smiled, “I think it only takes about ten minutes. Is that okay? Sir Alexia, Bianca grown ups?”

“…Don’t make any noise.”

After hesitating for a few seconds, Aixia couldn’t help but warned.

Sajo Aige and Rita both showed kind and elegant smiles.

“Of course, Lord Exia.”

“I know, Prince.”

——That’s weird.

30.Start up! Shajo Aige’s second unit!

After getting Exia’s permission.

In Alexia’s room.

Shatiao Love Song: “…”

Rita: “…”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena: “…”

The three people occupied three positions in the room respectively, looking at each other in silence at the other two people, causing the room to fall into a rather strange atmosphere for a while.

Rita and Sajo Aige simply put pressure on each other out of habit and waited for the other party to prepare a move.

But Ji Hiiragi Yukina was just nervous and didn’t know how to speak.

(What should I do in this situation?)

The Lion King Agency never taught her how to deal with this situation.

The weird atmosphere of deathly silence lasted for dozens of seconds. It wasn’t until Ji Hiiragi’s Yukina’s legs were numb from standing that Sajo Aige took the lead to speak.

“Just say what you want, Miss Rita. It’s useless for us to keep speculating on each other, right?”

“Indeed. When it comes to the ability to observe words and emotions, none of us should be able to do anything to anyone else.” Rita smiled slightly, “Then, let me ask directly – was it you who caused this situation?”

Rita’s question made Ji Hiiragi Xuena suddenly stunned.

Single-handedly facilitated?

What’s the meaning?


Without letting Himiragi Yukina think about it, Sajo Aige replied: “How could I do such a thing to increase competitors for myself? Although I don’t think that just anyone can take it away from me. Prince, I will not ignore even the slightest possibility.”

“So, this situation has nothing to do with me at all. It’s really just that the prince’s charm is too great.”

Shatiao Aige directly ignored Lan Yu Qiancong’s situation.

“Instead of asking me to accuse you, why don’t you tell me what you really want to say? Miss Rita, you can’t just leave sister Ji Hiiragi aside all the time.”

As he spoke, he looked at Himiragi Yukina, and Sajo Aige said: “This is the first time we have met, Himiragi Yukina. I am Shajo Aige, and I am the only lover who follows the prince, please. Please give me some advice.”

“You can just think of these words as nonsense, Miss Ji Hiiragi.” Rita smiled and demolished the stage of Shajo Aige, “I don’t deny her role in Sir Alexia, but from now on Relationship-wise, she is just pestering Lady Alexia, Lady Alexia’s only true love is Lady Bianca.”


Shajo Aige suddenly felt like she had been stabbed in the heart – why don’t you just throw out a weapon that can kill with one hit!

“As for what I want to tell you, it’s actually about [temporary lover].” Rita continued to say to Himiragi Yukina, “Although Miss Kiana has already made some explanations, just in case, I think it would be better to provide you with a more detailed course of action and various rules.”

“Is it… to prevent me from causing trouble to seniors?”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena understood Rita’s intention.

Rita smiled and nodded: “Because similar things have happened before. In order to be able to be with Lord Alexia, someone in a certain place used some means that would cause trouble to Alexia and achieve what she wanted in her heart. Selfish purposes.”

“Hehehe, who are you talking about, Miss Rita?”

“Uh huh huh~~ It’s not interesting, but why did Ms. Shajo take the initiative to answer the call? Are you feeling guilty?”

“No, no, no, I don’t have anything to feel guilty about.”

“Uh huh huh~~~”

“Oh hehe~~~”

Seeing the two people starting to fight overtly and covertly again, Ji Hiiragi Xuena suddenly felt a little redundant.

After a while, Rita returned to the topic: “Let’s get back to the topic, Miss Ji Hiiragi. Regarding the matter of you becoming Lord Exia’s temporary lover, since Lord Bianca has agreed, I will not do anything to you. Denial, but I hope you can keep one thing in mind at all times – you are not real lovers, just temporary false lovers.”

“Things such as kissing, hugging, and sleeping together are prohibited in any case. However, holding hands or going out on a date in order to convince others is still allowed.”

“And once Master Ixia thinks that you are no longer needed, please don’t have any nostalgia for Master Ixia, leave Master Ixia calmly, and end the false relationship with him.”

This is something that Rita should understand without explaining it.

Ji Hiiragi Xuena nodded seriously: “I know, Miss Rita.”

“Yes. It’s good that Ms. Ji Hiiragi is so sensible. Later I will formulate a more detailed [Temporary Lover Rules] and send it to Sir Alexia, and ask him to pass it on to you. During the period of playing the role of temporary lover, if you meet Questions, you can refer to the content above.”

“Okay. Thank you very much, Miss Rita.”

“You’re welcome. This is also for Sir Alexia and Lady Bianca. If you have any questions later, you can ask me at any time through Sir Alexia, but I may not be able to reply in time.”

“Well, I will try not to cause any trouble to Miss Rita and senior.”

(He is really a very obedient child.)

Seeing Ji Hiiragi Xuena’s obedient look, Rita became satisfied with her. Since she has such an obedient character, she is indeed very suitable to help Alexia solve problems.

“Then that’s all I have to say. I’ll take my leave now. I’m sorry for taking up your precious time.”


After saying this, Rita’s image disappeared in front of Himeira Yukina and Sajo Aige, and the personal terminal that projected the image also dimmed, displaying the words call ended.


After watching Rita leave, Ji Hiiragi Xuena breathed a sigh of relief.

(So ​​nervous…)

Different from when she faced Bianca, when she was talking to Rita just now, Ji Hiiragi Yukina was actually extremely nervous. It almost felt like she was facing her teacher and the Three Saints at the same time, which made her now My stomach hurts a little.

(But that’s it, right? From now on, I will be your senior’s temporary lover… Well, I have to help my senior properly.)

“Sister Ji Hiiragi~~~~~”

Just when Ji Hiiragi Yukina made this decision, Shajo Aige’s friendly voice suddenly came over, and then Ji Hiiragi Yukina saw her floating in front of him.

“Is there something wrong? Miss Shajo.”

“Hmm~~~~ Actually, I have a small proposal here that can better help you fulfill your duties as a temporary lover, so I want to discuss it with you.”

Can you help seniors better?

Ji Hiiragi Xuena couldn’t help but be curious: “What is the proposal?”

“Uh huh huh~~~Actually…”

Leaning close to Himiragi Yukina’s ear, Sajo Aige whispered her [suggestion].

A few minutes later.

in the kitchen.

“Da da da da…”

Alexia was cutting the ingredients that Ji Hiiragi Yukina had half-processed earlier.

Although he is not very good at cooking, he is only good at knife skills.


At this moment, the sound of the door being opened sounded.

Alexia glanced over subconsciously: “Ji Hiiragi? Have you finished talking to Miss Aige and Rita?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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