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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 262

“Well, the conversation ended successfully.”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena smiled and nodded, and walked into the kitchen while talking.

“Senior, please handle the ingredients.”

“It’s okay. I have nothing to do anyway while sitting on the sofa. Then I’ll leave it to you?”

As she said this, Exia was about to put down the kitchen knife and hand over the kitchen to Himeira Yukina——


The feeling of being hugged suddenly came from behind.

Then a pair of hands passed through his arms, hugged his waist from behind, and began to swim towards his chest little by little. At the same time, there was a soft collision and squeezing feeling on the back.

(This! This is…!)

Alexia’s eyes suddenly widened, and her whole body immediately tensed to the limit.

“Ji-Ji Hiiragi?”

“Catch you~”

The somewhat charming voice of Himiragi Yukina reached Alexia’s ears.

“Finally… finally I can truly hug you again…”

“——Your Majesty Prince!”

This title!

(Miss Ai, Ai Ge——!?)

31. Exia’s defeat

what happened?

Why did Ji Hiiragi Yukina hug herself suddenly?

Why would Himiragi Yukina say the name that only Sajo Aige would say?

Alexia’s thoughts were temporarily occupied by doubts and questions such as this.

Behind him, he hugged Alexia’s body tightly, keeping her current body tightly pressed against his. Ji Hiiragi Yukina sucked hard on the slightly cold breath of Alexia’s body.

“Huh~~~ The smell of Prince… smells so good…”


This whisper immediately gave Alexia goosebumps all over her body, and she quickly broke away from Himiragi Yukina’s arms! After pulling away a certain distance, he turned around and stared at her!

(This tone of speaking…)

“Miss Aige…?”

“Yes. It’s me, Prince.”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena said with a smile.

“Did it surprise you?”

“You…what’s your current situation? What did you do to Ji Hao?”

“I haven’t done anything, please don’t be too nervous, Mr. Prince, everything I do now will not cause any harm or impact to sister Ji Hiiragi.” [Ji Hiiragi Xuena] put her hand on her chest and smiled, “I As for the current state… Prince, just understand it as [possession] and [possession].”

Just like what he did to Lan Yu Asakon before, Sajo Aige now attached his consciousness to Ji Hiiragi Xuena’s body.

“Sister Ji Zhi and I made a suggestion – if she can’t do something, then I can attach my consciousness to her and let me do it for her. Now let her experience what it means to be possessed by me. Whatever you feel, you can exchange it back at any time.”

“…That’s it.”

Hearing what Shajo Aige said, Alexia felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

He believed what Sajou Aige said. Although he was surprised that Sajō Aige possessed Himeiragi Yukina, since it was Sajō Aige, it was normal.

“But…it really shocked me. You hugged me all of a sudden. Don’t use Ji Hiiragi’s body to do something she doesn’t want to do.”

“Uh huh huh~~~ Specifically?”

[Ji Hiiragi Yukina] showed a smile like a little devil, put her hands behind her back and approached Alexia, leaning forward slightly to look at her: “In the eyes of the prince, is there anything that Ji Hiiragi doesn’t want to do?” Woolen cloth?”

“That’s the kind of thing.”

Alexia turned her head away and stretched out her hand to straighten [Jihiira Yukina]’s body.

“Ji Hao definitely doesn’t want his body to be used by you like this, right? You should be more restrained.”

“Convergence…” [Kimei Hiiragi Yukina] smiled, and suddenly reached out and held Alexia’s hand, “But, I don’t know what [Convergence] is. The prince can teach you Teach me?”

“For example, where can you touch and where can’t be touched? Is it better to touch harder or softer… If the prince doesn’t make it clear, I don’t know. “

Shajo Aige feels very free now.

After nearly nine months, she finally had a body that could legitimately have close contact with Alexia. The thoughts and impulses that she had tolerated before were now like Pandora’s box that had been opened. , unable to stop flowing out of her heart!

(It’s like hugging the prince…)

[Himeira Yukina] got closer to Exia.


Alexia instinctively took a few steps back.

In order to prevent the distance between the two from being widened, [Himeira Yukina] followed closely, causing Exia to continue to retreat.


His back hit the wall.

Chased by [Himeira Yukina], Exia was directly forced against the wall.

“There is no way out, Prince~~~”

Stretching out his hands against the wall and holding Alexia in his arms, [Himeira Yukina] stared into Alexia’s eyes with slightly red cheeks, and there seemed to be a heart-shaped light flickering in her eyes.

“Your Majesty the Prince’s chest… Your Majesty the Prince’s cheeks… Your Majesty the Prince’s legs… Your Majesty the Prince’s waist… Your Majesty the Prince’s lips… “

As if ordering, [Himeira Yukina] scanned Alexia’s body one by one, and her body seemed to be covered with glue and stuck to Alexia.

This made Alexia feel the pressure squeezing on her chest.

(Okay, something seems a little bad?)

(I can’t control my love song, Master)

This time it was Artoria’s voice that sounded in Exia’s mind.

(Sorry, Master, I failed to watch Ai Ge and let her possess Ms. Ji Hiiragi – I should have expected that she would do this.)

(saber…what should we do now?)

(The most direct way – Master, you don’t have to give in to anything, just let Ai Ge be satisfied)

That means letting Shatiao Aige do whatever he wants to him?

Looking at [Himeira Yukina]’s current state, Ixia felt that if she really wanted to do this, she would probably not have the face to see Bianca. She always felt that she would lose something important to her.

(Is there any other way?)

[Partner, you might try to take the initiative]

The voice changed to Ddraig’s.

[To put it bluntly, this little girl likes you too much, too deeply, so as long as you satisfy her, she will naturally stop – giving her a hug should be enough, right? 】

Embrace? Is hugging okay?

(Indeed, this is much better than being touched by Miss Aige… Let’s apologize to Ji Hiiragi later.)

“My lord prince…”

Just when Alexia was thinking this, [Kimei Hiiragi Yukina] had already raised her hands and hugged his neck, her pale pink lips gradually came up, her eyes were slightly closed, and she looked towards Alexia. kissing gesture.


The situation was urgent, and Exia didn’t have time to think about anything anymore. She stretched out her hands and hugged [Ji Hiiragi Yukina]!


The sudden hug made [Himeira Yukina], who was originally addicted to her own desires, suddenly perk up! The somewhat confused eyes suddenly sobered up a lot!

“King, king, king, prince—!?”

“Miss Aige…”

Close to [Himeira Yukina]’s ear, Exia breathed out as softly as possible to her.

But for [Ji Hiiragi Xuena], just such a soft cry made her whole brain and spirit tremble.

(To use this kind of tone towards me from such a distance… ugh… is so foul~~~)

“What…what happened? Prince?”

“…Come back, come back to me.”

Alexia further exerted slight force, increasing the strength and depth of the hug.

The voice flew into [Ji Hiiragi Yukina]’s ears along with the warm breath.

“……I see……”

Although Sajo Aige would do anything for Exia, if she was asked to do something by Exia, she would not be able to refuse at all. From the moment she fell in love with Alexia at first sight, she was already at her wits end with Alexia’s request.

“But… dear…”

“Huh? What?”

“To…at least let me kiss you one more time…” [Ji Hiiragi Yukina] raised her head slightly, “It’s not easy to be in direct contact with you again. I won’t be satisfied with just a hug. …..So, please kiss me, Prince.”


(Ddraig? Saber? This…)

【Nothing to do, partner】

(Me too, Master.)

The Sekiryuutei and the King of Knights immediately admitted defeat.

And looking at the lips of [Himeira Yukina] who were getting closer and closer, Exia tilted her head back as hard as she could——

“Exia? Sorry, my family cooked too much for dinner—”

Suddenly, such a voice came from the entrance. Xiao Gucheng, who was carrying something, pushed open the door at an untimely moment and walked into Exia’s house.

Of course, the moment he walked in, he directly saw Alexia and [Himeira Yukina] [warmly hugging each other].

(Tsk! Ancient city, you——)


Because of the sudden appearance of Akatsuki Castle, Exia was inevitably distracted.

[Himeira Yukina] did not miss this golden opportunity, stood up on tiptoes and pressed her lips directly on his cheek!

Xiao Gucheng: “!”

Alexia: “!”


In every sense of the word, screwed.

32. Xiaojia door god

The moment [Himeira Yukina]’s lips touched Alexia’s cheek, three people fell into a daze.

And that is at the same moment.

(My body will be returned to you.)

Ji Hiiragi Xuena heard such a voice, and then she felt that her perspective as a third party instantly switched to the first perspective!

Looking at the profile of Alexia who was suddenly close at hand, and feeling the cold touch on her lips, Himiragi Yukina’s shame exceeded her limit almost instantly!


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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