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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 263


With such a voice ringing in his mind, under the surprised eyes of Exia and Akatsuki –


As if she had lost all her strength, Ji Hiiragi Xuena’s body immediately collapsed into Alexia’s arms.


Holding the pot in his hand, Xiao Gucheng stood at the entrance and looked at the scene in front of him. He suddenly took a few steps back consciously: “Could it be that…I have disturbed you from doing your business? Ixia?”

“No, Gucheng, this is that——”

“Okay! You don’t have to explain Alexia!”

Interrupting Alexia who wanted to explain, Xiao Gucheng quickly exited Alexia’s house: “Sorry! I, I didn’t expect that you and Ji Hiera would have this relationship in just three days! Take your time next time !I’m going back!”

“No… Gucheng you——!”

Seeing Akatsuki running back to his own house next door, Alexia immediately wanted to catch up and explain, but feeling the body touch of Yuki Hiiragi Yukina in her arms, after hesitating for a moment, Alexia decided to settle her down first. good.

Anyway, Xiao Gucheng can explain it later.

Thinking of this, Alexia put her hand on Ji Hiiragi’s Yukina’s thigh and was about to pick her up –

“Nagisa! Wait, don’t go!”

“Dong dong dong dong!”

Suddenly, Xiao Gucheng’s voice and a heavy running sound came from next door.

Immediately afterwards——

“Brother Xia! It’s true that Furujo-kun said that you and Xuena are dating-“

Rushing into the entrance hall of Alexia’s house, Akatsuki Nagisa said this before he saw Alexia putting her hand on Himiragi Yukina’s thigh.


The panic expression on Akatsuki Sa’s face suddenly froze!

Alexia quickly put down her hand: “No, Nagisa, this is…”

“No, I didn’t expect…” Akatsuki took a few steps back in disbelief, and shrank her hands, “Brother Xia and Yukina… are actually–“

“Listen to me and explain first, Nagisa, there is something very complicated here…”

“I will bless you! Brother Xia! Xuecai!”

After saying these words, Akatsuki Nagisa, like her brother, turned around and ran back to her house next door.

Standing there and watching this familiar scene, Exia fell into a long silence.

【It’s getting interesting now, partner】

(Ddraig, please shut up for a moment…)

Feeling extremely tired, she held her forehead and Alexia put her arm around Ji Hiiragi Yukina’s shoulders to prevent her from falling down. She leaned against the wall and sighed forcefully.

“Oh…Miss Ai Ge, you are really…”

Now it seems there is an explanation.


Tens of minutes later.

In Xiao’s living room.

“——To sum up, you have completely misunderstood. Ji Hao and I are not, and definitely not, the relationship you thought. Just now was purely an accident and Miss Ai Ge’s indiscretion.”

After setting up Ji Hiiragi Yukina in his living room, Alexia went to find the Akatsuki brothers and sisters, and it took a lot of talking to get them to sit down and listen to his explanation.

Listening to Exiya’s explanation, Akatsuki Kojou and Akatsuki Nagisa looked at each other, and then they both showed “I don’t believe it” in their eyes and expressions.

“Normally…only people who are passionately in love would do it in that kind of place, right?”

“I…I…I think even if Yukina becomes my sister Giri…wu~~~”

It’s not that Akatsuki Kojou and Akatsuki Nagisa are unwilling to trust Alexia, but… the impact is too great!

That’s Alexia, who just said in school today that she wouldn’t find a girlfriend! Alexia, who can reject all the girls who are pursuing her from dozens or even three figures!

In addition, there is not even a single eighteen-year-old book or magazine in Alexia’s home. Xiao Gucheng sometimes really thinks that Alexia might be aloof!

As a result, he suddenly found him kissing Ji Hiiragi Yukina over there!

The impact on him was no less than when he first learned that Nagisa had become the Fourth True Ancestor.

Akatsuki Sa’s situation is similar.

Originally, she had always had feelings for Alexia that were not limited to [Brother Giri] because of the Feast of Flames, but in the blink of an eye, Alexia actually developed a super-friendship with a new friend she also liked very much. …..

“Brother Xia! I, I will treat Xuecai as [Sister Xuecai] from now on!”

“You idiot brothers and sisters should listen to what I say!”

Alexia was so anxious that she uncontrollably released a shock wave of cold air storm!

The sudden drop in temperature made Akatsuki and Akatsuki tremble several times!

“It’s so cold!”

“Brother Xia! Don’t turn on the lowest temperature of the air conditioner all of a sudden!”

“Then you should calm down and listen to me!” Alexia rarely spoke loudly, “I told you that Ji Hao and I are not in that relationship at all. Just now it was really all due to Miss Aige’s nonsense and accident!”

Along with the violent ups and downs of Alexia’s mood, the cold air storm in the room immediately became more intense.

“Exia! It’s so cold! I know, I know! I believe you!”

“I believe in you, Niya! Anyway, turn off the air conditioner first! Nagisa is going to catch a cold! By the way, is it snowing!?”

Feeling that there was almost snow falling in the room, Xiao Gucheng brother and sister quickly begged for mercy.

After hearing what the two said, Alexia controlled the power she leaked, went to the wall and turned on the heating, allowing the temperature in the room to gradually rise.

“Do you understand now?”

“Ah…well…you are so anxious, so I think it must be true, right?”

Standing under the vent and feeling the hot wind, Xiao Gucheng rubbed his hands and said: “This is the first time I’ve seen you so anxious… But we can’t blame us entirely. Anyone who saw the scene just now would have misunderstood it, right?” ?”

The door that wasn’t closed tightly, the corridor in front of the entrance, the boy and girl hugging each other tightly… Xiao Gucheng felt that he was still close to staging a quite classic scene.

Alexia held her forehead: “So, didn’t I come to explain to you? But you didn’t listen at all.”

“I’m sorry, Brother Xia…”

Akatsuki Nagisa, who was also rubbing her hands, had red cheeks.

“But, does this mean that Brother Xia and Xuecai are not lovers?”

“…Uh, this…”

Alexia looked away.

“You can’t say it’s not.”



The Xiao brothers and sisters were stunned again.

Can’t you say no?

“Actually… Gucheng, you mentioned that temporary lover before… I discussed it with Ji Hao and asked her to help.”

“Help? That means-“

“Ji Hiera and I will be lovers openly from now on, although it will be for a limited time.”

Xiao Gucheng: “…”

Xiao Nagisa: “…”

The brother and sister looked at each other and then took a breath.

“”So we didn’t misunderstand at all. “”

“These two are not the same thing!”

33. Hello, yes, she is a witch

“What have you done with my body! Miss Shajo!”

Just when Alexia was explaining to the Xiao family siblings.

Ji Hiiragi Xuena also complained to Shajo Aige in her own consciousness.

“I actually hugged my senior so intimately…and also used my body and my mouth…I violated the agreement with Miss Rita and the others!”


Facing the accusations and complaints from Ji Hiiragi Yukina, who was already blushing and shy to the extreme.

Shajo Aige, who had not yet left her body, just held her face in her hands, still intoxicated in the happiness just now and unable to extricate herself.

For her, this was the first time she had close contact with Alexia after more than half a year!

Ever since she became the Great Holy Grail, Shajo Aige has never had such an opportunity. And since she spends time with Exia every day, it is completely impossible to say that she doesn’t have any small thoughts in her heart.

Here is an important point – Shajo Aige, 22 years old, is a female college student in her youth.

Not to mention that she was deeply in love with Alexia. Even if she were any other girl of similar age, she would spend twenty-four hours with Alexia every day, looking at his body while he was taking a shower. Look at his sleeping face when he sleeps…

At least it was difficult for Sajo Aige not to let her will be affected, and she had no intention of resisting this influence.

But the problem is that she has no body, she can only see and think, and cannot take any actual actions at all. Even though she signed a contract with Lan Yu Qiancong, Lan Yu Qiancong’s awkward arrogance and clumsy personality make Sha Tiao fall in love with her. Song didn’t stand a chance.

Now I finally enjoy it for once…

“Miss Shajo!”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena shouted again.

Slowly coming back from the feeling of happiness, Sajo Aige said with a satisfied smile: “What’s wrong? Sister Ji Hiiragi?”

“What’s wrong… You did this with my body, how am I going to explain it to Miss Rita and the others afterwards? Besides, the senior likes Miss Bianca, right? If you do this… ..”

“It’s okay.”

Perhaps this success gave Shajo Aige confidence. Now Shajo Aige is full of confidence and quite proudly puffing out her flat chest: “The prince knows that I did everything just now, so he won’t It’s your fault. And as long as Mr. Prince explains, Miss Rita and Miss Bianca will only pursue me – for me, this is what I want.”

Shatiao Love Song: Confidence.jpg

“Compared to this, sister Ji Hiiragi, I really want to thank you this time, and I will continue to trouble you in the future.”

“Eh? After?”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena was stunned.

“After that it means…”

“Of course you will continue to let me borrow your body from time to time.”

Sajo Aige said it with a very pure and cheerful expression.

“Not counting the first time, this time I have already won the prince’s hug and cheek. Next time I hope to get the prince’s princess hug and wall-dong. If possible, I also hope that the prince can take the initiative to kiss. As for me, after all, I took the initiative both times, and occasionally I want the prince to be tough on me.”


Looking at Sajo Aige who was trapped in fantasy time, Himiragi Yukina felt a sense of fear for no reason.

Perhaps her previous act of agreeing to let Shajo Aige possess her was a bit too reckless.

(I…shouldn’t I be…)

“Ah, but sister Ji Hiiragi, don’t worry, I won’t use your body to do the last step.”

I don’t know if it was to reassure Himiragi Yukina, but Sajo Aige smiled and added: “That’s something I have to do with my own body, and even I don’t want to experience it through her body. , so you don’t have to worry.”

“No…I won’t teach you about my body.”

With a slightly firmer expression, Ji Hiiragi Xuena looked directly at Shajo Aige and said this.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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