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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 264


Too dangerous.

Himiragi Yukina couldn’t imagine what Sajo Aige would do next time she possessed her body, but at least she could conclude that continuing to let Sajo Aige use her body would be a bad thing for Himiragi Yukina herself. A very dangerous thing!

Maybe the same is true for Exia.


“This is my body, and I will never give it to you again, Miss Shajo.”

“…Well, there will be such a reaction.”

After a moment of silence, Shajo Aige smiled slightly: “But…sister Ji Hiiragi, do you think you can stop me?”


Almost at the same time that Shajo Aige’s words fell, countless chains appeared directly around Jihiira Yukina, tightly binding her entire consciousness into a cocoon.


“Forgot to say.”

Shajo Aige came to Ji Hiiragi Yukina.

“I am the highest-ranking magician. No matter in the past, present or future, there is no magician more powerful than me. During the time I have been relying on you, I have actually carved a mark on your body. It’s a [magic (back door)] that I can rely on anytime and anywhere.”


The highest ranking…magician? !

Reaching out and gently lifting Ji Hiiragi Xuena’s face, Sajo Aige smiled.

“The time is limited to before you leave Genkami Island, and there are three conditions.”

“First, as soon as I say [Switch], you must give your body to me for at least thirty minutes.”

“Second, let me lean on you at least once a day.”

“Third, you have to forget the above conditions.”

Just like how he tricked Lan Yu Qianzui into signing a contract with him, now Shajo Aige also started to trick him… or semi-forced him into signing a contract with Ji Hiiragi Xuena.

“In exchange, if anything happens to you during the period of possession, I can help you sort it out and deal with it. Not a bad proposal, right?”

“…I’m sorry, please forgive me for refusing-“

“I’m not discussing it with you.” Shajo Aige raised a finger and put it on Ji Hiiragi Yukina’s lips, “I’m just explaining to you that [Magic (Backdoor)] already exists, and you don’t have any Resist my power and opportunity.”

After undoing the consciousness magic used to restrain Himiragi Yukina, Sajo Aika helped her up: “Of course, I also promise you. As long as you play [my body] well, we will always be good friends. .”

“I can teach you some magic to a certain extent, and give you strength to a certain extent, so that you can gain more power than that Snow Cloud Wolf – in exchange, I think the value is equal.”

Devil…no, I should say [Witch].

“Then, as I just said, let us get along well from now on, sister Ji Hiiragi.”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena realized.

The girl named Sajo Aige in front of him, even though she had been acting normal before, was actually a [Witch] in the true sense of the word!

34. The powerful Miss Ai Ge

the next day.

The entrance of Caihai Academy.

Still on that ramp.

There should be a large number of students walking on this ramp, but now only students stop on it. Every student’s gaze is like a magnet attracted by the iron products, all staring in a certain direction.

And in the direction they are looking at…


“Uh… um… can you stop being so close to me?”

Just like a pair of lovers who are in the stage of passionate love and have a close relationship, Alexia and Himiragi Yukina are holding hands with each other and walking on the road to school.

Both of them had very [happy] expressions on their faces.

However, if you observe carefully, you should be able to see that the expression on Alexia’s face is a bit forced.

After all, the person who is actually holding hands with him now and almost pressing her whole body against him is not the real Yukina Himiragi, but Aika Sajo who is leaning on her.

This situation has been going on for nearly half an hour.

This morning, when Alexia walked out of the house and was about to go to school with Himiragi Yukina who also walked out of the next door, Himiragi Yukina suddenly changed into Shajo Aige.

In the words of Sajo Aige, after what happened last night, she and Himeira Yukina signed a formal [cooperation] contract [reasonably and reasonably]. From now on, most of the work related to temporary lovers will be In any case, Shajo Aige can handle it on your behalf, otherwise Himiragi Yukina will be responsible.

Regarding this cooperation between Sajo Aika and Himeiragi Yukina, Alexia’s first reaction was to firmly refuse!

You have to know what Shajo Aige did with Ji Hiiragi Yukina’s body last night. If she is still responsible for this in the future, wouldn’t it be completely over? It is full of threats to him in every sense!

Faced with Alexia’s rejection, Shajo Aige’s answer was——

[Unfortunately, even I can’t break the contract, because I agreed that each exchange would take at least thirty minutes, but I can’t exchange it back before the time limit is reached]

This sentence directly led to the current situation.

As if to let more people around him see the close relationship between himself and Alexia, Sajo Aige used Jihiira Yukina’s body unceremoniously and hugged Alexia’s arms to her chest. .

“That…love…Ji Hiiragi.”

“Huh? What’s wrong, senior?”

“It’s almost time to enter school, should you let go of your arms? The sights around you are pretty…”

Alexia knew that what she felt was not an illusion. As he got closer and closer to the school, the sights focused on him became more and more intense and exciting, as if they were trying to penetrate his body. .

(If you really walk into school with Miss Aige in this state, the situation will definitely get out of control!)

Although Ixia feels that the current appearance alone is enough to cause a sensation.

Hearing what he said, Shajo Aige glanced at the surrounding situation, and a slightly malicious smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: “But we are lovers now, right? Senior, I don’t think it is necessary to hide it from everyone and say it directly. That’s it.”

“This is also to prevent the seniors from being spied on by senior seniors and junior high school girls. The seniors belong to me alone.”


In an instant, Aixia suddenly felt that the atmosphere around her had completely changed!

If the atmosphere before was a bit like the calm before the storm, now it is already an atmosphere that may break out at any time.

But Exia couldn’t refute or stop her, because everything Sajo Aige said was right.

“What’s going on with that transfer student?”

“I’m actually so close to Senior Kaslana…”

“Is that the type you like, senior?”

“Junior…my junior Kaslana…”

“You actually sneaked away…you have a way of doing it, transfer student!”


At the same time, as Shajo Aige finished speaking like Himeiragi Yukina, a large number of girls’ whispers suddenly sounded around, one after another, and continued to reach Alexia’s ears.

(Is this… considered to have had an effect? ​​Or has it had the opposite effect?)

(I think the effect is very good.)

Although it was said to be a state of dependence, the communication of consciousness between Exia and Sajo Aige did not end.

(I think we should take advantage of the victory now and give them a fatal blow, Prince.)


(Kiss my forehead, or I can kiss the prince.)

This abacus ball was so good that even Alexia could guess the intention of Sajo Aige – but I have to say, maybe this can really have a significant effect?

Continuing to hug her arms tightly, Sajo Aige used Ji Hiiragi Yukina’s body to show a pure and charming look with a little immaturity, and slightly raised her head to look at Exia.

(I’m always ready, [Senior])


This is simply a challenge to Ixia’s will and spirit.

It was clear that there was nothing wrong with her getting along with Sajo Aige before, but judging from her behavior after being taken over by Sajo Aige yesterday and today, Alexia had to admit that Sajo Aige was really good in every aspect. Challenging his self-control!

And just when Exia was mentally prepared——

“You are really brave, making love in front of the school so early in the morning.”

A somewhat indifferent voice sounded from behind the two of them.

Immediately afterwards, Exia and Sajo Aige felt something hit their heads.


Covering her head, Axia looked behind her: “Teacher Nayue… I don’t think any teacher would hit a student’s head so early in the morning, right? Good morning.”

“I just can’t stand it anymore.” Nangong Nayue looked at the two of them coldly, “Although the school rules don’t say that dating is prohibited, you two should pay attention to the occasion. If you want to be affectionate, go home and talk about it. …..Um?”

Halfway through the words, Nangong Nayue’s voice suddenly weakened a little, and his eyes were on [Ji Hiiragi Xuena]. After staring for a while, he took it back: “Humph, that’s it…”

(Ah, have you been spotted?)

Shatiao Aige, who was also covering her head, said something cute, and at the same time, she winked at Nangong Nayue without any trace.

Staring at her, Nangong held up the parasol that month: “Anyway, school is a place for learning, you two should pay attention to me – and Alexia, come to my office during lunch break, I have a [part-time job] ”

part time.

Alexia nodded slightly when she heard this: “I understand, Teacher Nayue.”

“That’s it – when are the others around here going to see it? Do you think you’re going to be late if you’re just dilly-dallying around here?”


When Nangong Nayue said this, all the surrounding students immediately cheered up and rushed into the school gate.

35. I don’t need you anymore

“What’s going on with that one at the school gate?”

After a while.

After parting ways with Himeiragi Yukina and welcoming Sajo Aika back into her body, Exia heard such a question as soon as she arrived in her classroom at the high school.

The person who asked the question was Lan Yu Qian Cong.

She was now seen with her hands on her hips, a bit of dissatisfaction and suspicion on her face, and there seemed to be anger brewing in her red eyes.

Arriving at his seat, Alexia put down her schoolbag and sat down: “Ah…well…I think it’s probably what you thought.”


Lan Yu Qian Cong’s expression suddenly became shaken.

On the other side, after hearing Alexia’s undeniable words, other students who had also seen the scene at the school gate just now – especially the girls – also had the same reaction.

“In other words…”

“Well, Ji Hao and I started dating. We started dating yesterday.”


a bolt from the blue!

Now not only the girls, but also the boys were stunned.

(Exia actually got close to that transfer student from the middle school?!)

(Didn’t he just say yesterday that he wouldn’t have a girlfriend?!)

(It’s so quick to start, tsk, I still want to do it!)

Although he didn’t say it out loud, every boy felt a turmoil in his heart. Who would have thought that in just one day, this guy Alexia would betray all the singles in the class?


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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