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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 265

((((————This traitor!!!))))

Feeling the constant gazes directed at her from the class, Alexia lay down on the table helplessly, preparing to continue sleeping all day like yesterday.

But before he could lie down——


Lan Yu Qiancong suddenly slapped his table hard, startling him!

“What, what are you doing? Qian Cong, you scared me.”


There was no immediate answer. Lan Yu Qiancong leaned into Alexia’s ear and asked in as low a voice as possible: “This lover… is temporary, right? It’s the one we talked about yesterday.”

“Ah…well…I guess so.”

If it were just the relationship between herself and Himiragi Yukina, it would indeed be an ordinary pseudo-love. But the problem is that the person pretending to be Alexia’s lover today is Sajo Aige. With her feelings for him, this pseudo-love is directly It becomes a one-arrow true love that is one thousand percent pure.

“…Basically I’m looking at it as a temporary thing.”

Exia could only give this answer.

After getting the answer she wanted, the dissatisfaction and anger in Lan Yu’s green eyebrows also disappeared, but the next moment she had new dissatisfaction.

(Then why are you looking for that transfer student? They are all temporary anyway… There must be other candidates, but they chose a middle school student – maybe this guy likes that type, right?)

Every boy has his own favorite type, and this can basically be seen from his preference for buying certain secret magazine books.

But Alexia never bought it.

In the past, for his own purposes, Lan Yu Qiancong went to investigate Exsia’s purchase records in that area. The results showed that there was no data at all. He had never been to that kind of store at all. It was so timely that people doubted whether he was A normal high school student aged seventeen.

(How about…asking someone familiar with the matter?)

“Yeah…that’s good.”

After a moment of silence, Lan Yu Qiancong straightened up again: “I’m going to the bathroom.”

Looking for a random excuse, regardless of whether the morning meeting would start in a while, Lan Yu Qiancong walked out of the classroom directly.

He quickly came to the bathroom, locked himself in the innermost single room, sat down on the toilet, and closed his eyes to concentrate.

(Shatiao Aige, are you there? I want to ask you something.)

Because she had been possessed by Shajo Aige twice, Lan Yu Qiancong had mastered some skills in communicating with her.

The response didn’t come immediately.

After waiting for a while, Lan Yu Qiancong initiated the link again.

(Sajiao Love Song! You should be able to hear it! I have something to ask you!)

(…here it comes.)

This time the response came quickly.

Emerging from the floor under Lan Yu Qian Cong’s feet, Sha Tiao Ai Ge floated in front of her: “Don’t scream so loudly in your head, it will take me time to get here.”

“Aren’t you a ghost? Can’t you fly over all at once?”

“But that will be seen. Except when facing insiders, I basically adopt a hidden course of action.” Shajo Aige said with a smile, “So, what do you want to see me for? This is still This is your first time to contact me.”

“Yeah, it’s not a big deal…”

Lan Yu Qian Cong’s cheeks turned red.

“It’s something related to that guy, I want to ask.”

That rascal?

(Oh, Prince.)

“Well, what do you want to ask?”

“It’s… it’s… that idiot’s preference… something like that.” Lan Yu Qiancong continued intermittently, as if he was ashamed to speak, “Didn’t he talk to that guy this morning? Did he come with the students? He also said that he was a temporary lover, so I wondered if he liked her… Of course! I didn’t mean anything in particular, I just asked… casually That’s all!”

(Ah la la~~~~It’s really a textbook level performance. It’s not even a competitor. If they really start fighting with each other, they will definitely be the first to be killed.)

Seeing Lan Yu Qiancong’s exemplary demonstration, Shajo Aige smiled slightly: “Although there is not much evidence about this, judging from the prince’s performance, the prince should like [the blond with a good figure] women].”


In good shape? blond?

Lan Yu Qiancong looked at herself subconsciously – her hair color was still far from blonde, and her figure… was pretty good for a high school student.

“By the way, when I say [good figure], I mean [b:88w:59h:89] level.”


Is this data too accurate? Did Shajo Aige give a practical example?

(I remember the last data I measured was…)

“Ah, by the way, I have something to tell you.”

At this moment, Shajo Aige remembered something.

“I don’t want to hurt you. To be honest, I like your idea of ​​making changes for the sake of the prince. But from today on, I no longer need you.”

“No longer needed…you mean possession?”

“Yeah. That means you are no longer of use to me, because I have found a better body. You can still rely on me anytime and anywhere. There are legitimate reasons for me to be with the prince all the time. Body.”

“So, I will no longer need your body from now on, and similarly, please pay attention to the distance between you and the prince in the future~”

Shatiao Aige said as she approached Lan Yu Qian Cong.

“After all… I don’t really like the world between myself and the prince to be disturbed.”

“At least in this world, it is enough for the prince to have me by his side.”

36.Women fighting.jpg

The contract between Lan Yu Qian Cong and Sha Tiao Ai Ge was forged more than five months ago.

That was a contract that was basically beneficial to Lan Yu Asakon. Under the validity of the contract, it was entirely up to her to decide whether Shajo Aige could rely on her. Therefore, since the contract was formed, Lan Yu Asakon has never been possessed by Shajo Aige once – except for the previous meeting with Ji Hiiragi Xuena, and the first time that she was completely unaware of.

Because his sense of presence is not high, Lan Yu Qiancong often forgets this matter.

And because of this, she never thought that the contractual relationship between herself and Shajo Aige would come to an end.

“You want me to…keep distance from Alexia?”


Shajo Aige smiled and nodded.

“Ah, but I don’t mean to ignore the prince. Since you have become friends with the prince now, I will not deliberately isolate the prince. It’s just that your feelings for the prince will not be ignored in the future. Hide it well.”

“From today on, you are just Mr. Prince’s [classmate] and [ordinary friend], and no further relationship is allowed. Do you understand? Miss Asakusa.”

Can’t we have a further relationship with Exia?

Lan Yu Qiancong frowned and returned to his usual attitude: “I don’t understand what you are talking about. Exia and I have always been friends and classmates.”

“Yeah, you just have to have this kind of self-consciousness. Miss Qian Cong, you really make me happy that you are so self-conscious.” Sha Tiao Ai Ge floated around Lan Yu Qian Cong, “But, I hope this kind of self-consciousness is not a pretense. What comes out is the real one.”


“Just in case, I will come to you in a new body in the near future, and then I will extract your inner feelings for the prince and reset your feelings for the prince to the time when you first met. But don’t worry, I will keep part of the memory.”

Reset feelings? Keep a part of your memory?

Lan Yu Qiancong’s expression became serious: “Are you trying to tamper with my memory?”

“That’s right. Because if those memories are kept, even if the relationship is reset, it may lead to a resurgence, so I have to completely eliminate the consequences of the severance – and those memories will be digested by myself.” Shajo Aige explained, “In other words, I will accept and inherit your feelings for the prince, and I will love the prince even more with your share.”

“In terms of results, this is equivalent to letting you experience it. It’s not a bad result, right?”

My memory… will be taken away by Sajo Aige.

Looking at the smile on the face of Sajo Aige who was so close, it was obvious that the weather was hot on Genkami Island, and there was no Alexia around, but Lan Yu Qianzuo felt a coldness running straight up his back. meaning.

(this person……)

The image of Shatiao Aige in Lan Yu Qianqian’s eyes gradually blurred, her eyes gradually became longer and larger, with sharp jagged edges, and her mouth turned into a black mass, as if it was about to swallow her up.

“…….don’t want.”

It’s all a coincidence, Lan Yu Qiancong said.

“I have no problem with ending the contract with you, but if you want to take away my memory and reset my feelings, I absolutely don’t want it – that’s my thing, right? I have no intention of giving it to anyone else.”

“…An expected answer.”

Shatiao Aige floated in front of Lan Yu Qiancong again, her long golden hair hanging down like a curtain: “But, I’m not discussing with you, I’m just informing you.”

“I don’t need to ask for your permission, and I won’t mind your resistance. Let me think about it… Just in these two weeks, I will find an opportunity to take away your memories and feelings. , you have to be prepared before then.”


Almost subconsciously, Lan Yu Qian Cong wanted to stand up and leave the toilet, but she didn’t know if there was something wrong with her body. Lan Yu Qian Cong suddenly felt her body sinking and couldn’t stand up!

“What’s wrong?”

Shajo Aige asked gently.

“Is it because you’ve been sitting for too long that your legs are numb?”


“Then that’s it this time. It’s time for me to go back to the prince. If I stay outside for too long, the prince will be worried about me.” Sajo Aige said while sinking to the floor, “Also, , before I go and take away your memory, try to reflect on it as much as possible, Miss Asakon – I still allow such small things.”


Lan Yu Qiancong stepped hard on Shatiao Aige, but her foot just landed on the floor and could not touch her at all.

“This guy… runs really fast.”

[Looks like you are in trouble, Miss]

The cell phone in Lan Yu Qian Cong’s pocket rang with the figure of Mo Guwai.

An image like a doll appeared on the screen of her phone.

[She must not be joking, she really plans to take away all the memories and feelings the eldest lady has for the younger brother]

“Is that really possible?”

[Leave aside feelings, memory is okay. All she needs to do is manipulate the inherent accumulated time, and it’s easy to take away memories or something like that – I think she’s targeting those memories where the eldest lady and the younger brother are alone, right? 】

[I was rescued from the Cornerstone Gate by my little brother, was taken flying in the sky by my little brother, went out on dates with my little brother every day… memories like these]

“Who, who dated him! Those were not dates, they were just going out for study sessions with him!” Lan Yu Qiancong quickly corrected with a blush.

[We have already encountered this situation. Miss, you should be more honest… Well, if you think it doesn’t matter, miss, then I don’t have a problem with it either.]

After saying this, Moguwai disappeared on her mobile phone.

After putting away the phone, Lan Yu Qiancong leaned on the toilet lid, thinking about what Gang Qian and Sha Tiao Ai Ge said in his mind.

(Take away my memories and feelings…?)

(My feelings for that guy Exia…)

“Beep beep beep!”

The phone suddenly rang again.

Lan Yu Qian Cong picked up the phone and took a look – it was a message from Aixia.

[The morning meeting has begun. Teacher Na Yue wants to take names. Aren’t you coming back? Having diarrhea? 】

“Oh…who has diarrhea, you idiot.”

After sighing helplessly and replying that he would go back immediately, Lan Yu Qianqing stood up from the toilet and opened the door——

“Hello, can I take some of your time? Ms. Lan Yu.”

Such a sound immediately reached Lan Yu Qian Cong’s ears.

And in front of her, a heroic girl wearing a blue dress, covered with silver armor, and with her blond hair tied up appeared in front of her at some point.

“You…who are you?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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