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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 266

“Artoria Pendragon. However, perhaps calling yourself [the person who wants to stop Ai Ge] is more suitable for you now? If it is convenient, I would like to discuss some things with you.”

“——About Ai Ge’s out-of-control behavior.”

The King of Knights, who appeared in the world for the first time without permission, said this to Lan Yu Qian Cong.

37. I believe in Miss Aige

Time soon came to lunch break.

Following Nangong Nayue’s instructions to herself at the school gate in the morning, Aixia came to her office on time.

The first thing I smelled was the smell of black tea.

He put his hands in his pockets and sat down on the sofa. Alexia smiled and said, “You really like black tea, Teacher Nayue.”

Nangong Nayue, who was sitting behind the desk, picked up black tea: “Of course, life without black tea is not fun. Do you want a cup too?”

“No need, compared to black tea, I like coffee, the kind that has milk and sugar added and has a smooth taste – then, what’s the business? Teacher Nayue, I haven’t spent much on living expenses, so I’m not in a hurry for you to introduce it to me. Work.”

After taking a sip of black tea and putting it down, Nangong Nayue shook his head: “I’m not looking for you this time just to give you money, but there is something that needs your help on Xian Kami Island. Astaludi.”

“Command accept.”

Following Nangong Nayue’s call, an expressionless blue-haired girl wearing a maid outfit walked out from the corner of the office.

Seeing this person, Alexia couldn’t help but be a little surprised: “Teacher Nayue, she’s not…”

“Well, the artificial life form carried by the Teacher Annihilation of Lotan Lingkia.” Nangong Nayue explained, “According to the judgment of Xian Shenjiao, all the responsibility for the attack was thrown on the Teacher Annihilation. , this girl was judged not to bear the main responsibility. In the final analysis, she is just a prop that knows nothing.”

“So, she is now under three-year protection. As a national demon attack officer and a teacher, it makes sense to entrust her to my care. It just so happens that I also want a loyal and lovely maid.”

Protective discipline?

Alexia frowned: “…The actual reason is probably her familiar.”

“You don’t have to be so smart.”

Exia had some impressions of the familiar beast that Astaludi used. Its name seemed to be [Rose’s Fingertip], and it had the special ability to absorb magic power. I’m afraid Genkamijima thought she still had some value, so he kept her.

It doesn’t matter what happens to Teacher Jian, he’s probably been sent back to the country by now.

“But she is an artificial life form. Will there be any problems if she uses a familiar?”

“We have reached a cooperation with Mar. Just go there from time to time to adjust her body. She seems to have been specialized when she was created. She is a type that is easy to use as a companion – in fact, the most direct way is to let her Become a blood servant of a certain vampire, so that the magic power consumed by the familiar beast does not need to be paid by her. Unfortunately, there is no such reliable partner.”

Blood Servants can directly share magic power with the vampire who is their master, even if it is an artificial life form. As a Blood Servant of a vampire, there will no longer be any burden when using a familiar beast.

Alexia thought for a while: “Do you want me to come? I can be considered the fourth true ancestor for the time being.”

“You were the one who was put on the candidate list from the beginning, stupid True Ancestor.” Nangong Nayue rolled her eyes at him, “The Fourth True Ancestor is a vampire without any compatriots, without any blood clan, and is alone – if If you increase the number of Blood Servants, all the countries in the world will become nervous.”

“[Is the Fourth True Ancestor preparing to expand], [Is the Fourth Empire of Night about to be established?]… There are many rumors like this, so just stay calm, don’t Do the extra stuff.”

“It’s just like you haven’t been able to fully master a single beast so far.”


When this matter was mentioned, Aixia couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed.

Of the ten beasts he devoured from the Fourth True Ancestor, just as Nangong said in that month, he has not yet surrendered any of them.

Although it is very simple to defeat them with power and make them surrender to her, Exia has always remembered the last words of the Fourth True Ancestor, so she wants to control them in as normal a way as possible.

Forced surrender is definitely not as good as voluntary surrender.

And when it comes to the way for vampires to control the beasts, it is to suck blood.

By sucking the blood of an excellent psychic, if the familiar beast recognizes that Ixia is a qualified [vampire], Ixia will have complete control over the familiar beast.

Therefore, Exia is currently preparing to return to the Destiny Headquarters and obtain Bianca’s consent to use her blood to make those familiar beasts obedient.

After all, the blood-sucking behavior of a vampire has the same meaning as the sexual behavior. If this is the case, then Bianca’s first time must be Bianca’s – this is non-negotiable!

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not urging you to master the beasts. That won’t be of any benefit to me or us.”

“I know, I don’t have any intention of causing trouble myself. Who told me to have an excessive sense of justice?” Alexia smiled, “So, what’s the business?”

The topic returns to the original question.

Nangong Nayue did not answer, but first asked Astaludi to hand over a document to Alexia.

Taking the file, Aixia looked through it: “…the number of stowaways has increased significantly? And they have also formed a criminal group to conduct underground transactions?”

“That is, what happened in the past month, when it was discovered, it was already a group of more than ten people, and there are dozens of such groups at the port, all of whom are orcs. The content of the transaction has not been investigated clearly yet—— All in all, it’s a bit troublesome to deal with.”

“Is the SAR police force short of manpower?”

“We haven’t recovered from the previous invasion incident, and we are still adding new blood.” Nangong explained that month, “In fact, if it is just for suppression, the existing combat power is enough. I called you just to be sure. .The reward is one million.”

one million?

Alexia couldn’t help but be a little surprised. Considering the work content, he felt that the reward was too much.

But since Genkamijima is so generous this time, he doesn’t intend to refuse: “Okay, I accept this mission. When is the specific action time?”

“I will contact you then. No more than three days at the latest.”


Putting away the documents, Exia stood up and prepared to leave——

“By the way, there are two more things. Although it has nothing to do with work, I still want to tell you.” Nangong Nayue suddenly stopped Aixia, “You’d better keep an eye on that guy on you, she seems to be Not very peaceful.”

“Miss Love Song?”

Nangong knew about Sha Tiao’s love song that month, and during the five-plus months of getting along, it wasn’t like he could always hide it from her.

“Well, Miss Ai Ge must have been suppressed for too long in the past two days and finally broke out, so her actions were a bit excessive. I will talk about her later.”

“… Just be aware of it yourself. Don’t make a big mistake because of your carelessness.”

“Don’t worry, Teacher Nayue.” Alexia smiled, “I believe Miss Aige. And if she really makes a mistake, I will take the responsibility to punish her – is this the one thing I want to say? “

After being silent for a while, Nangong Nayue shook his head: “Forget it, there is one more thing that is still a bit early to say now. I just heard some rumors. I will tell you after the actual confirmation. It’s okay. You go back and prepare for class. Bar.”

“Okay, goodbye teacher.”

Watching Alexia leave her office and close the door, Nangong Nayue leaned on the chair and took a sip of black tea.

(Hope nothing serious will happen.)

38. Actions on a certain night

[Report, the first team has completed its mission and all stowaways have been taken into custody]

[Report, second team…]

[Report, the third team…]

The time is night.

The date is September 11th.

The location is a port area in the East District of Genkami Island that has not yet been fully restored, an old abandoned warehouse area.

Because it has been scheduled to be demolished, no one comes here at all, and ships will not come near it. It is a complete no man’s land. Therefore, of course, this has become a place where stowaways on Genkami Island live in groups. It is a black area that has caused quite a headache on Genkami Island in recent months.

Today, this place finally received a visit from the SAR police.

The five specially selected raiding teams carried out raids on the five criminal dens here at the same time as scheduled – each den was home to about eight stowaways, and all of them were demons who had not logged in. .

The battle was not long, and it could even be said that it ended quickly. Under the surprise attack of the heavily armed assault team, the unsuspecting orcs were all subdued with almost no resistance at all.

Sitting on the roof of the warehouse, listening to the constant reports coming from the headset, Alexia, who served as the temporary commander, sighed slightly.

“This is how it ends today…”

This is his fourth time as a temporary commander.

At first, Exia only thought that the operation mentioned by Nangong that month was a one-time event. However, after they went to rendezvous, he was told that this operation against stowaways was not just a one-time operation.

In just one week, including today, he has come four times in a row.

Although because the SAR police force was too capable, he just sat and listened to the report every time, and then told Nangong Nayue that it was over. There was no difficulty, but he still earned a million just by doing this. …..Aixia felt that the money was not enough for her peace of mind.

“At least let me take action once.”

“Hahaha, if the prince wants to take action, that would be a bit too much.” Shajo Aige appeared next to Alexia, “If the prince has to take action on such a trivial matter, then the Special Administrative Region Security Force will So incompetent.”

[Report, this is the fifth team. I’m sorry, Kaslana commanded, allowing a target to escape, we are pursuing it]

As soon as Shajo Aige finished speaking, this voice sounded in Alexia’s headset.

With a wry smile, Ixia stood up from the roof and asked, “Tell me the direction and I’ll go after him.”

【yes. According to the tracker, the other party is heading straight towards you】

“It’s actually delivered directly to your door. It’s really considerate. You guys over there should prepare to close the team. I’ll take this one back with me.”

【yes! Thank you for your hard work! 】

After saying this, Exia looked directly in front of her.

And soon, within a few seconds, a vigorous figure jumping back and forth on the roof appeared in his eyes. It looked like a leopard-faced orc, tall and slender, with dark fur.

“Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it…it’s all the good deeds of those humans!”

The leopard-faced orc shouted angrily as he jumped.

“You actually killed all our compatriots… Remember this! I will definitely make you pay the price!”

In his hand, he is now holding a small switch similar to a remote control, and his finger is already on the red button. He only needs to press it, and the signal from this device will activate him and his accomplices. The traps hidden throughout this area will blow up all the humans!

The current Leopard Man is trying to escape from the explosion range.

However, the moment he stopped midway——

“Hmm, do people still use this old version of wireless remote controls?”

When he thought of such a voice, the Leopard Man suddenly felt a pain in his shoulder. Then he saw the hand holding the switch fly out of his body without warning!

Catching the hand that fell from the sky, Ixia took out the small switch and froze it, then looked at the Leopard Man with a smile: “Don’t scream, I gave you anesthesia, it doesn’t hurt at all… Ah, can’t you hear it anymore?”

In front of Ixia’s eyes, the Leopard Man, who was still surprised a second ago, was completely frozen into an ice sculpture with one arm missing.

“Would it be a violation of the law to protect the demons if I removed the entire arm? Would it be better to remove one hand?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

The magic circle of space control magic appeared next to Ixia, and Nangong Nayue, who was still holding an umbrella at night, appeared from it: “Based on what these guys have done during this period, a punishment is not excessive.”

“Teacher Nayue, have you finished processing it over there?”

“Well. It seems that it’s done here. I’m sorry to trouble you during this period. Once it’s over, the reward will be in your account in a while.” Nangong said that month, “Now, these gangsters The orcs of the Imperial Faction should become more honest.”

The Black Death Emperor Faction.

Hearing the name of the organization spoken by Nangong Nayue, Exia raised her eyebrows slightly: “Are these orcs originally from the Black Death Emperor faction?”

“Hmm. Have you ever heard of the Black Death Emperor Faction?”


The so-called Black Death Emperor Faction, in short, are extremist terrorists who believe in “Orc Supremacy”. They believe that Orcs are the rulers of this world, and are quite dissatisfied with the world now managed by the Sanctuary Treaty.

Because the Sanctuary Treaty was established at the urging of the First True Ancestor, the scope of this organization’s activities has always been in the War King’s domain in Eastern Europe. Its purpose is to completely destroy the Sanctuary Treaty and seize the power from the First True Ancestor. Take control of the King of War domain.

“However, I remember that the Black Death Emperor faction was wiped out a few years ago, right? Are these guys the remnants? What are you doing here at Genkami Island?”

“Who knows? I’m not interested in the terrorists in the War King’s Domain.” Nangong Nayue said coldly, “What’s more, I don’t think the pawns who were sent to Xian Shen Island, which is so far away from the War King’s Domain, are What will they know? To put it bluntly, they are a group of scouts who don’t even know that they have been sold. No matter how much they are interrogated, they will not be able to find out much – but the side I am responsible for has already captured a cadre, and he should be there in the next two days. You got news.”

(As expected of Teacher Nayue, he moves really fast.)

Alexia sighed secretly.

The next moment, a magic circle accompanied by space control magic appeared at the feet of the two of them. Exiya, Nangong Nayue, and the leopard man who had one of his arms removed all disappeared here, leaving only the remnants. There was some blood on the roof, and—


The low sounds of cruise ships came from the not-so-distant eastern sea.

39. The coming two


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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