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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 267

On the sea quite some distance from Genkami Island.

A luxurious cruise ship is constantly breaking through the sea and moving slowly forward.

The total length of the cruise ship is more than 400 meters. It is very majestic and luxurious. Both in size and appearance, it is far superior to ordinary luxury cruise ships. It looks like an extremely gorgeous palace. It is difficult to imagine this world. There are actually such luxuries in the world.

What is even more unimaginable is that such a luxurious cruise ship is owned by only one person.

——[Dimitriye Vartola]

This is the name of the owner of this boat. A nobleman from the realm of the King of War, an old-generation vampire known to the world as Duke Aldia.

At this moment, he was standing on the top deck enjoying the moonlight, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, looking at the sea in the distance – from this distance, he could actually see some shadows emerging from the sea level.

That is the shadow of Genkami Island.

“I didn’t expect that in just a few months, I would be able to return to that place.”

Wattola smiled to himself.

For him, this is probably his first official visit to Genkami Island.

After all, five and a half months ago, during the Banquet of Flames, he actually logged in illegally and did not follow any formal procedures. However, this time, he made an official visit and boarded a luxury cruise ship that he was proud of. Come.

In terms of status, Vatra is now equivalent to an ambassador from the Empire of Night.

Of course, at this point in time, Genkami Island should not have passed the relevant written application. But from a practical point of view, even if he does not pass, Vatola will board the island on his own after arriving at Gengami Island. Gengami Island cannot stop him, a vampire from the old generation.

Unless the adult on the island takes action.

“More than five months… nearly six months, I haven’t seen you. I don’t know how that adult is doing recently. I hope he still remembers me, the supporting actor who left the scene without permission before the last scene.”

Although half a year has passed, what happened during the Feast of Flames – especially the two final battles, is still etched in Vatola’s mind to this day, and he still feels emotional when he thinks about it. with body tremors.

Because Vatola has devoured two vampires of a higher level than him, he is called the vampire closest to the True Ancestor, and can almost be said to be the first person under the True Ancestor. But after the Feast of Flames, he hated and despised this title.

Close to the True Ancestor?

It’s really a ridiculous statement. If he wants to catch up with the monsters that have reached the top of the world, his current strength is far from enough. I’m afraid the true ancestors don’t even need to be serious about dealing with him, right?

Therefore, it was rare for him to seriously train himself after that.

This time he came to Xian Shen Island, on the one hand, he was ordered by the true ancestor he served, and on the other hand, it was his own wish.

“I wonder how far there is between me and that gentleman now? I really can’t wait to ask for proof.”

“I can’t pretend I didn’t hear these words, Your Excellency.”

Just when Vatola was looking forward to the moonlight, someone’s voice suddenly sounded from behind.

A slender figure walked up the stairs to the top deck and came to him.

That was an extremely young oriental girl.

She is tall and plump, with skin as white as jade. Her face exudes a clean and elegant temperament, which is reminiscent of the colorful blooming cherry blossoms. Her long brown hair is tied into a long ponytail, blown by the sea breeze. Swaying quietly.

The girl was wearing the uniform of a prestigious girls’ school in the Kansai region, and she was holding a black musical instrument box in her right hand.

“It is you.”

Wattola was not surprised by the girl’s arrival, after all, it had been a few days since she came to his ship.

“I remember you were…”

Unfortunately, even if he knew her, Vatola still couldn’t remember her name and identity, but it was no wonder, after all, he would not deliberately remember the names of weak people, and the girl was not qualified to be remembered by him.

Faced with Vatola’s attitude, the girl did not have any dissatisfaction. She just said calmly: “I’m talking about Mai Weiyuan from the Lion King Agency, Your Excellency. This time I bring you the information about Genkami Island and the Japanese government. Your reply and written document regarding your visit to Genkami Island to serve as ambassador.”

“Starting from 0:00 this morning, you are allowed to visit the Demon Tribe Special Zone, Genkami Island. From now on, based on the Holy Domain Treaty, you will be regarded as a diplomatic envoy from the [War King Realm] – this is the gist of the replies from both sides.”

Listening to the girl’s dictation, Wattola smiled with satisfaction: “Well, it’s a reasonable conclusion. But even if you ask me not to go, I will go there in my own way. Your cooperation will save some effort and trouble. “

Wattola didn’t mind going to war with the Japanese government and Genkami Island. Although he couldn’t destroy an entire country by himself, he thought it would be quite interesting.

However, the girl’s words did not end there.

“As a condition for allowing you to land on Genkami Island, the Japanese government hopes that you will be accompanied by the assigned monitor and follow his advice.”


Wattola became slightly more interested.

“If you are going to spy on me…it should be someone who is confident that he can beat me up, right? Who could it be?”

“Excuse me, I am the one who monitors you.” The girl said in a neither humble nor condescending manner, “The Japanese government has given me the privilege to monitor your every word and deed, and to eliminate you when necessary.”

If other people heard what the girl said, they would probably find it quite ridiculous.

After all, considering the power of Vatola, if you want to destroy it, you must have at least the power of the old generation vampire level, and that is not something that a mere girl can master.

Wattola glanced at the girl up and down: “Hmph~~~ It’s really interesting. If you can really do it, then I’m looking forward to fighting with you.”

“But now I’m more looking forward to meeting that adult than you – I remember that I also asked you to provide information about him, right? Did you bring it over?”

“Yes, here.”

The girl handed a document in her hand to Wattola.

Such decisive behavior made Wattola a little surprised: “Is it so direct? I thought you would hide it from me.”

“No, we have no need to protect that person.” The girl gritted her teeth, “The Fourth True Ancestor – Ixia Kaslana – is our enemy. This is a fact that has never changed. “

When someone’s name was mentioned, the girl’s hands clenched into fists.

It’s like he hates someone deeply.

40. In this atmosphere full of couples

To be honest, Exia has no objection to his participation in the football competition.

After all, he is quite good at sports. As long as he has the intention, breaking the world record is very easy. And even if he doesn’t participate, other people in the class will probably ask him to participate in order to get good grades, and Ixia won’t refuse then.

Therefore, participating in the golf tournament is a matter of course for Exia.

Whether it’s basketball, football, baseball or tennis… Alexia is ready to participate in any event. Even if it weren’t for time conflicts, Alexia felt that she could do it all by herself. All items are fine.

But Exia never thought of——

“Exia, I’m going to you.”


At the same time as he heard the sound in his ears, Alexia swung the racket in his hand directly at the thing flying towards his field of vision. The white badminton quickly drew an arc in the air, and [smashed] with an momentum comparable to that of a tennis ball. On the opponent’s court.

When seeing this scene, the student serving as the temporary referee immediately whistled.

“The training match is over, the victory of Senior Lan Yu and Senior Kaslana.”

(That’s it… badminton is really too simple.)

Aixia didn’t feel very happy after receiving an unexpected victory, because he really never thought that he would play badminton, a sport that he considered to be mostly leisure.

Beside him, Lan Yu Qiancong, who had just spoken, came over with a racket in hand and said with a smile: “Yeah, you played well, Exia. With you here, we are almost guaranteed to win.”

“It’s just a matter of playing badminton. It can be played by anyone, right?” Ixia waved the racket in her hand, “But is it really appropriate for me to be your partner? Asakusa.”

“Eh? Why do you say that?”


Alexia looked around.

The place where the two of them are now is a gymnasium that has been temporarily transformed into a badminton hall. The people here are all people who come to practice in order to participate in badminton events.

This situation in itself is nothing, but the problem is that the people practicing are all male and female, and they look very close, just like lovers. Whether they are practicing serving or anything else, they are close to each other intentionally or unintentionally.

Lan Yu Qiancong also quickly understood the situation, and said with a slight blush: “What can I do? Who told this badminton event to be a mixed doubles for men and women? Allen signed up for me without permission, so I can only I’ve asked you to be my partner.”

Mixed doubles.

This is the new rule adopted by Saikai Academy for the football competition this year. It reduces single events as much as possible and increases double events. It is said that it aims to enhance students’ feelings and promote a harmonious campus environment. The above statement comes from Yaze Motoki.

“I mean, you can’t just ask me, right?”

“You are the only boys I have a good relationship with, but that idiot from Gucheng went to play basketball, and Motoki is from the operations department, so after all, you are the only one who is still idle.” Lan Yu Qiancong said, “Or what about? Does it make you unhappy to play doubles with me? Are you afraid of causing misunderstandings from your middle school lover?”

Why are you mentioning Ji Hieras here?

Alexia sighed: “That’s not true. It’s just that the people around me are all lovers. If we get together like this… will it be a little troublesome for you?”

“No way. Compared to me, you should worry about yourself, right? The sight of other boys will kill you.”


Lan Yu Qiancong didn’t need to remind her, Exia had already noticed it.

Let me reiterate again, Exia is extremely popular [His Royal Highness] in Saikai Academy. The girls who like him range from the first grade of junior high school to the third grade of high school. Even those girls who have boyfriends, many of them are I made a secret promise to him.

And among those girls, some are in this badminton court – if it were normal times, it wouldn’t have a big impact, but now their boyfriends are all present.

No matter how popular Exia is, if he [(unintentionally) seduces] their girlfriends in front of them, they will never give him a good look.

In fact, there are almost no other combinations around Aixia and Lanyu Qiancong. The one they play training matches with is another couple in the same class. That is, because we are in the same class, the opponent will not be like other couples. Targeted at Exia.

“…Sure enough, it was a wrong choice for me to participate in this project.”

“Humph~~~ The list has been handed in. You can’t escape if you want to.” Lan Yu Qiancong said with a proud smile, “After you have rested enough, come with me for another round. You don’t care, but I don’t want to be your breakthrough and weakness.”

From the look on her face, she seemed very happy to be able to play badminton with Alexia.

Seeing her full of interest, Alexia had no choice but to smile helplessly, raised the racket and prepared to continue practicing with her for a while – even if he didn’t actually need to practice at all, he could do it with his pure physical ability. Kill all combinations present.

However, just as the second round of training matches was about to begin.


Suddenly a boy’s shout came from the door, which suddenly attracted everyone’s attention and attention.

Alexia also immediately looked over there.

“Your girlfriend is here to find you!”

At the entrance of the badminton court, next to a boy who was speaking, Ji Hiiragi Yukina, who was supposed to be in the middle school department, was standing there waving to him for some reason, looking a little nervous.

(Why did Ji Hiiragi come?)

Alexia frowned in confusion, and at the same time, he felt that the sight around him became more intense, as if there were countless needles piercing him.

If Exia could see the so-called resentment, or had the ability to sense emotions, he should be able to find that he is now filled with a lot of resentment and resentment in all directions.

Most of them are women.

“Hmm~~~My girlfriend is here to see you, Alexia.”

The smiling Lan Yu Qian Cong patted Alexia on the shoulder: “Aren’t you going?”

“Uh… I’m going to go first, Qian Cong, and I’ll be back soon. Before that, you can just do some exercise on your own.”

“No, I’ll go with you.”

Lan Yu Qian Cong shook his head.

“It just so happens that I also want to take a rest.”


Before Ixia could say anything else, Lan Yu Qiancong had already taken the lead in the direction of Ji Hiiragi Xuena and greeted her naturally.

(…..Is it my imagination?)

Although it was only for a moment, Alexia always felt that there was something wrong with the way Lan Yu Qiancong looked at Ji Hiiragi Xuena just now.

Between them…did something happen?

41. Square, bench, three people

On a bench outside the badminton court.

Handing the drink she just bought from the vending machine to Alexia, Ji Hiiragi Yukina smiled and said: “Come on, senior, have some drinks. You have worked hard in training.”

“Oh. It’s not that hard actually.”

After habitually freezing the drink, Alexia opened the drink and asked, “By the way, Ji Hiiragi, why are you here? And you are dressed like this…are you a cheerleader?”

The clothes Ji Hiiragi Yukina is wearing now are not the uniforms of Saikai Academy, nor are they sports uniforms, but the cheerleading uniforms with white background and blue stripes.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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