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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 268

Himiragi Yukina explained: “Yes. I am now a cheerleader in the middle school club…because I was asked by all the boys in the class, so it was difficult to refuse, so I had no choice but to join. Nagisa-san also with me.”

Being asked by all the boys in the class to join the cheerleading team?

“That’s right… Then why are you here?”

“It’s a break in rehearsal now, I…uh…that…”

Halfway through speaking, Ji Hiiragi’s cheeks gradually turned red.

“The other team members… said that I was the senior’s lover… it would be best to come and see the senior’s training… so they were half-herded here.”

[Since we are lovers, we should keep an eye on his moving figure! 】

[Cherish Kaslana-senpai for me! 】

[If you can’t do that, hand over your girlfriend’s position! 】

【Hand it over——————! ! ! 】

In fact, Ji Hiiragi Xuena was sent here by her teammates for such reasons. She had no intention of coming here.

“I see. I’m sorry for making things difficult for you, Ji Hiiragi.” Alexia apologized, “Being my lover has caused you a lot of trouble in the middle class, right? I’ll buy you some Wagyu beef to reward you tonight. “

“No! How can I ask the senior to spend money? I can just do it myself!”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena quickly waved her hands and shook her head.

“And there’s actually no trouble. I just get pestered by girls and ask about some things… seniors’ preferences and living habits, etc., but I didn’t reveal them. Seniors, please don’t worry.”

“Yeah, thank you.”

Alexia smiled and took a sip of the drink in his hand. Because he was used to helping others chill drinks, he had some experience in how to freeze the drinks to the perfect level. The just right feeling of coldness made Alexia’s body feel excited. It cooled down.

And at the same time——

“You should turn on the air conditioner.”

On the other side of Alexia, Lan Yu Qianqing, who was sitting on the same bench as him and Ji Hiiragi Xuena, leaned directly on his shoulder: “If you don’t turn on the air conditioner, I will die from the heat.”

“Then don’t come out with me in the first place.” Alexia reluctantly released the cold air, and the cold breeze directly enveloped Lan Yu Qiang and Ji Hiiragi Xuena who were close at hand.

The pained look on Lan Yu Qiancong’s face suddenly softened a bit, and quickly turned into a look of comfort.

“That’s right.”

“Do you think of me more and more like an air conditioner?”

“You actually think you’re not an air conditioner?”


Hearing Lan Yu Qiancong’s words of not treating people as human beings, Ixia couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows, while Ji Hiiragi Xuena looked at this scene. After being silent for a while, she suddenly smiled and said, “Senior and Lan Yu The relationship between the seniors is really good. Looking at what happened just now, are the two partners in this competition?”

“Well, although I didn’t do it willingly.”

“How dare you refuse my request and give it a try?”

Lan Yu Qiancong smiled proudly, and then looked at Ji Hiiragi Xuena with a provocative look, “I’m sorry, transfer student, I have to borrow your boyfriend for a while. I hope you don’t mind. .”

“No, no, no, how could it be!”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena raised her hand again: “In the final analysis, I am just the senior’s temporary lover. I don’t really intend to consider myself as the senior’s lover. Senior, you don’t need to care too much about my thoughts when you get along with the senior.”

“Is it?”

Lan Yu Qian Cong narrowed his eyes.

(This tone… The person talking to me now is herself, not Shajo Aige.)

Shajo Aige did not tell Lan Yu Qiancong who her new lover was at the beginning, but after more than a week of observation, Lan Yu Qiancong was basically certain that the person Shajo Aige was targeting after her was Ji Hiiragi Xuena.

The time of attachment is probably every morning when going to school and after school in the afternoon. I am afraid that even after returning home, Shajo Aige will always be attached to Himeiragi Setuna until Himehiraki Setuna comes home.

(With this transfer student, I am no longer needed… Indeed, in terms of the frequency of contact with Exia and the convenience of relying on him, Ji Hiiragi is much better than me. I was abandoned. It’s also natural.)

But this is not the reason why Shajo Aige is ready to take away her memory.

She, Lan Yu Qian Cong, is not a tool that can come and go at a moment’s notice.

“I said, Alexia, could you please go back first?” Lan Yu Qiancong suddenly said, “I have something to tell Ji Hei.”

“Eh? With me?”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena was a little surprised.

Alexia also became confused: “What’s going on? You specifically asked me to leave.”

“You grown man, don’t stay and listen to the private matters between girls.” As if to drive away Ixia, Lan Yu Qian Cong waved his hand a few times, “I will go find you later.”

“…Okay. Sorry, Ji Hiiragi, please stay with Qian Cong for a while. Also, thank you for coming to see me.”

“It’s no trouble. Goodbye, senior.”

After watching Alexia leave and watching him enter the badminton court, Ji Hiiragi Yukina withdrew his gaze. After a moment of silence, the expression on his face suddenly changed into a look that was a little sick. and pure smile.

Lan Yu Qiancong slightly distanced herself: “…Has she been possessed?”

“After all, the person you actually want to talk to is me, isn’t it?”

Said the Shajo Aige who was attached to Ji Hiiragi Yukina.

“Your performance just now was very good, Miss Asakon. If you could be so proactive and strong before, I would have used your body to offer my love to the prince.”

“Then I really thank you.”

“Hmph hum~~~ So, what are you talking about?” Shajo Aige asked, “Compared with you before, your active power is very different now. What happened? Something?”

Standing up from the bench, Lan Yu Qian Cong raised a confident smile at the corner of his mouth: “It’s nothing, I’m just conveying one or two of my thoughts to you.”

“I will not give you the memory of being with Exia, nor will I let you reset my feelings for him – in short, [Declaration of War], as long as you understand it this way.”

After saying this, Lan Yu Qiancong left the bench and caught up with Alexia.

(Declaration of war…)

Taking note of Lan Yu Qiancong’s words, Shatiao Aige couldn’t help but laugh.

It was to be amused, but also to mock and ridicule.

“Declaring war on me… Hahaha, should I say that you overestimate your capabilities? Or are you ignorant?”

“—You are no longer qualified to compete with me on the battlefield, Miss Asakusa.”

42. The messenger of the war king

The training lasted until sunset.

After there was almost no one else in the badminton court, Lan Yu Qiancong signaled for Exia to stop.

When the two of them finished their training, Ji Hiiragi Yukina, who had been watching from the sidelines, immediately stepped forward.

“Thank you for your hard work, senior, senior.”

Handing towels to Aikesia and Lan Yu Qianconi respectively, Ji Hiiragi Xuena said: “I have been exercising for nearly two hours… Not to mention the seniors, Lan Yu senior is really amazing. .”

Ji Hiiragi Yukina’s training with the cheerleading team ended almost an hour ago, so she also watched here for an hour.

In this hour, she almost watched the entire training process of Alexia and Lan Yu Qiancong – Alexia didn’t talk about the whole process, but most of the time she wasn’t serious and just played the ball casually. On the other hand, Lan Yu Qian Cong played very seriously, and it could almost be said that they were playing in a formal match.

“After all, the weak point of this combination between me and him is me.”

Lan Yu Qian Cong said while wiping sweat.

“Although I think he can actually do it alone, as a partner, I don’t want to hold him back, so I have to work harder.”

(What’s more, this can be regarded as my way of resisting her.)

Unaware of what Lan Yu Qiancong was thinking, Ji Hiiragi Xuena couldn’t help but smile when she heard what she said: “Senior Lan Yu is indeed very powerful. I believe that the combination of the two will definitely win.”

“Thank you – then it’s almost time for us to leave, right?” Lan Yu Qianqing glanced at the time, “It’s already past six o’clock, and I don’t know if I can still buy dinner in the supermarket.”

“I think there should be some leftovers, right? But there are definitely no lunch boxes or anything like that.” Exia said, “If you hadn’t pestered me to insist on training until this point, Ji Hao and I would have been Finished dinner at home.”

“Yes, yes, you have a lovely girlfriend cooking dinner for you. You must have a great time every night, right? You don’t need to express your feelings to me.”

I told you she was just a temporary girlfriend.

I don’t know why, but ever since Ji Hiiragi Xuena became Alexia’s temporary lover, Lan Yu Qiancong would joke and tease him about it from time to time. Occasionally, she would lose her temper for no clear reason and make some small fuss. awkward.

It made Alexia wonder if her aunt was here.

“I think there should be some ingredients at home. It would be no problem to make curry rice.” Ji Hiiragi Xuena thought for a while, “Senior Lan Yu, do you want to have dinner with us tonight?”

“Eh? Is that okay? Will it disturb you?”

“No. Rather, I really want to get along with my senior. Although I am only a temporary lover for one month, in order to play this role well, I actually still have a lot to know. Senior is a special A good friend must know a lot of things that I don’t know, right?”

(Ah~~~~So it’s for this purpose.)

After hearing Ji Hiiragi Xuena’s purpose, Lan Yu Qiancong raised his forehead and said, “Well, it’s okay for this kind of thing. Then I will go to your house tonight to disturb you, Alexia?”

“You can come anytime if you want. I’ve always prepared your dishes and chopsticks.”

Alexia smiled.

Living alone, he actually welcomes having more friends in his home.

However, just as the three of them picked up their schoolbags and prepared to walk home together——


Alexia, who had just raised one foot, suddenly put it down, stretched out her hand to stop Lan Yu Qiancong and Ji Hiiragi Xuena beside her, and stared at the door not far away with a dull expression.

The sudden behavior made Lan Yu Qiancong stunned: “What’s wrong? Ixia -“

“Senior Lan Yu, please be careful.”

Seemingly realizing something, Ji Hiiragi Xuena stood in front of Lan Yu Qiancong and seriously put on the bare-handed fighting stance she learned in the Lion King Agency.

Seeing that the two people around him were all a little serious, Lan Yu Qiancong also closed his mouth.

“Come out.”

Only then did Alexia shout: “The smell in the air has been exposed. Stop hiding it and come out to see me. How about you? Or do you want me to force you out?”


As Alexia’s voice fell, a burst of golden mist gradually appeared in the huge badminton court, and with the flow of air, it quickly gathered not far in front of Alexia, condensing into a human shape.

It was a tall young man with blond hair and blue eyes wearing a well-dressed white suit.

The moment he appeared in front of Exia, the young man knelt down on one knee very respectfully, as if he were a knight who saw the king he served and offered him a noble gift.

“Your Majesty, please calm down. I just peeped in the dark because I didn’t want to disturb Your Majesty’s conversation. If I have caused any offense, I would like to sincerely apologize.”

“……I remember you.”

Not shaken by the other party’s sudden humble attitude and performance, Ixia looked at the young man in front of him who stood up slowly: “You were there during the Banquet of Flames, right? I remember your name is… …..”

“My name is [Dimitriel Vatola], and I was granted the title of Duke of Aldia by our true ancestor [The Forgotten War King].” The young man – Vatola – made He introduced himself, “It’s a great honor for Your Majesty to still remember me, who only met you once.”

Dimitriy Vartola.

More than five months ago, before the war with the Fourth True Ancestor and the Third True Ancestor, I had a brief meeting and conversation with Exia in the old southeast region. After hearing his name, Exia also remembered This past incident.

However, Alexia never saw him again after that, and she didn’t know where he went.

I didn’t expect to see him again now.

“Appearing in front of me…can I understand that you are looking for me for something? Mr. Wattola.”

“It’s really a frightening title. Your Majesty, you can just call me by my correct name.” Wattola said with a smile, “Actually, I came back to Xiankami Island this time because of the blessings of our true ancestors. Instructed to serve as the special diplomatic ambassador of the War King Domain to Genkami Island.”


The expressions of the three people in Exia changed a little.

“As a celebration of taking up this position, and as a courtesy for arriving here for the first time, I have hosted a banquet on my cruise ship tonight, and invited people from all walks of life in Genkami Island to attend. And now that I am here to visit you, I hope that your Majesty and The two friends can come to tonight’s banquet.”

According to the normal procedure, to invite others to the banquet, Wattola, as the organizer, only needs to issue an invitation letter.

But the person he is inviting now is Exia, one of the only four true ancestors above all the beings in King’s Landing and this world. Even in terms of power, he is the only one above the true ancestors.

If you don’t come to invite him in person, wouldn’t you be looking down on him?

Wattola thought that was too rude, so he appeared in front of Exia now.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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