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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 269

This is his respect and respect for [Axia Kaslana].

43. Lion King Dating Agency, trustworthy

Regarding Vatola’s invitation, Exia did not agree immediately. She just said “I will consider it” and then ignored him and left with Himiragi Yukina and Ami Asaki.

In fact, considering Exia’s character, he wanted to leave politely, but Sajou Aige kept saying in his mind “Be more dignified and domineering”, so he just ignored Vatola. .

On the way back to Exia’s house.

“Then are you going to attend? That vampire’s banquet?”

Lan Yu Qiancong asked Alexia beside her intentionally or unintentionally.

Before leaving, Vatola tentatively mentioned the time and place of the banquet – the start time is ten o’clock in the evening, and the location is a cruise ship under his name moored at the southern port. He needs to bring at least one companion. before admission.

Of course, an invitation letter was required to enter the banquet. Although it was not required as Alexia, in order to prevent the indifferent attendants from recognizing Alexia, Vatola also left an invitation letter.

Now it’s in Exia’s hands.

“I don’t really want to go.”

Alexia said while looking at the invitation.

Hearing this, Ji Hiiragi Xuena frowned: “I think…senior, it would be better for you to participate. After all, the other party is also a noble of the War King Realm, and now he is the special envoy of the War King Realm. The Fourth True Ancestor of the entire Xian Kami Island, since the other party has come to visit me, I think it is necessary to make some response.”

(Out of the most basic etiquette, I understand this, but…)

“When did I control the entire String God Island?” Alexia asked, “If I controlled the String God Island, would I still be attending school honestly now?”

“To the outside world, the master of Xian Kami Island has been a senior since the end of the Flame Banquet. Even without any formal documents or certificates, the outside world’s perception is this.” Ji Hiiragi Xuena explained. .

After all, Exia still underestimates the status and influence of the Fourth True Ancestor in this world, but this is also due to his character. He is not very accustomed to being the dominant party, and he also does not like to be dominated. party.

“Well… let’s put this aside for now. I don’t want to go for other reasons.”

Alexia put away the invitation: “I used to be entrusted by an elder in my hometown. From time to time, I would go to some banquets on his behalf, and every time I would be involved in all kinds of troublesome social interactions. Gotta be exhausted.”

Even though Bishop Otto thought that Alexia’s performance in attendance was perfect every time, in fact, Alexia was exhausted every time, and when he thought of him suffering there, Bishop Otto was playing as much as he wanted. Playing games……

“Anyway, I don’t want to go. Let’s eat curry rice made by yourself tonight, Ji Hiiragi.”

“Since senior is so insistent…I understand.”

Although he felt that if he didn’t go, he might be dissatisfied with Lord Aldia and might even cause diplomatic problems, but considering that he still had the strongest vampire in the world around him, Himeira Yukina did not continue. Think more.

While they were discussing this, the three of them also arrived at the door of Aixia’s house.

Ji Hiiragi Xuena took out the key from her schoolbag and opened the door——

“Give me a moment.”

Seeing this scene, Lan Yu Qiancong couldn’t help it.

“You… Alexia, how come she has the key to your house?”

“Because we are neighbors.” Aixia explained, “In addition, she is now my temporary lover. She usually comes to my house to cook every day and wakes me up in the morning, so I put the spare key to save trouble. Give it to her.”


(I, look down on this middle school student!)

Lan Yu Qiancong couldn’t help but screamed in her heart that she had miscalculated – she also wanted the spare key to Alexia’s house!

Not noticing the change in Lan Yu Qian Cong’s eyes, Ji Hiiragi Xuena opened the door, and just as she was about to walk in, a box placed at the door made her suddenly stop.

“Eh? What is this? Senior, did you buy something online?”


Alexia has never bought anything online, and he doesn’t have any distant relatives in this world. At most, he knows someone in Central America, but that person can’t send him anything-at least, it’s definitely not someone so young. s things.

Finding the place where the sender’s name was written, the three of them saw five familiar large characters at a glance.

“The Lion King mechanism?”

Alexia and Ji Hiiragi Yukina suddenly frowned – is this something sent from the Lion King Agency?

Lan Yu Qiancong couldn’t help but ask: “Isn’t that the organization that Ji Hao belongs to? Why did you suddenly send something over?”

“I don’t know either. Because of the contract between the senior and the Three Saints, I have no connection with the Lion King organization now…”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena was a little confused.

After Ixia pondered for a while, she condensed an ice knife in her hand and carefully opened the box.

The Lion King Agency is an organization that specializes in dealing with magical disasters. In terms of nature, Exia is also the target of their treatment. Now they will send him something… No matter how you think about it, it is unlikely to be a normal thing. .

However, after taking it apart, what appeared in the eyes of the three people in Exia was——


After hesitating for a moment, he took out the things from the box and unfolded them. Ji Hiiragi Xuena looked at the things in his hands in confusion.

It was a substantial lotus leaf skirt. Just by looking at it, you could tell that it was made of quite high-end fabrics. In addition, there were some accessories that were not taken out in the box. Judging from the shape, they should be shirts and underwear.

And Lan Yu Qian Cong also picked up another one. Different from Ji Hiiragi Yukina’s, the one in her hand was a light pink evening dress, with underwear and some jewelry underneath.

Lan Yu Qian Cong gestured to her body: “Why did the Lion King Agency send these things to you, Alexia?”

“How do I know… hmm? Two more cards?”

Pulling out two cards from the bottom of the box, Alexia picked them up and read them subconsciously: “Custom-made party dress? Height 156 cm, b76w55h78…Ms. Ji Hiiragi Yukina, the fee has been paid pay off.”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena: “!”

“Then this one is… b83w57c82, Miss Lan Yu Qian Cong?”

Lan Yu Qian Cong: “!”

Listening to the words read by Alexia, the two of them looked at the clothes in their hands and realized a fact almost at the same time, and Alexia was aware of it because of the hint.

“I said, Ji Hei… shouldn’t these clothes of yours be…”

“I think… it should be…”

Ji Hiiragi Yukina, whose body measurements were mercilessly disclosed by her own organization, blushed and nodded.

Lan Yu Qingcong, whose measurements were also disclosed, immediately shouted out in embarrassment and anger: “How did the Lion King agency know my body data!? Are they perverts?”

“I’m really sorry, Senior Lan Yu…”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena apologized deeply for her organization – she was actually extremely embarrassed and angry right now.

(What are you doing! The Lion King mechanism!)

44.Photo in pants pocket.jpg

The Lion King Agency suddenly sent two dresses, which directly disrupted all the plans of the three people in Exia.

Considering that there is now a complete severance of contact with Ji Hiiragi Yukina, it is basically certain that this is the arbitrary behavior of the Lion King Agency. In addition, not only Ji Hiiragi Yukina’s, but also Lan Yu Asakon’s were sent together. came over, and the banquet invitation that Vatola mentioned before——

Holding the dress in his hand and slowly calming down from the shame and anger, Lan Yu Qiancong couldn’t help but ask: “Speaking of which, that Lion King organization would do this…could it be that he wanted us to participate?” Is that the vampire noble’s banquet?”

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why the dress was sent at this special time. You must know that the three of them were invited by Wattola less than an hour ago. And probably long before the three people were invited, the Lion King Agency had already started making preparations.

After all, you can’t make two outfits from scratch in half an hour.

“But, senior is not going to participate, right?”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena said: “If the seniors don’t participate, I don’t plan to participate either. The same should be true for senior Lan Yu, right?”

“…Maybe I really have to show my face.”

Unexpectedly, after thinking for a while, Lan Yu Qiancong showed a reluctant expression: “My dad is a council member of Xingkami Island. I don’t think he will not be invited. If dad said If you want me to go out and see the world…I guess it won’t be easy for me to refuse.”

Although she doesn’t show it off much at ordinary times, Lan Yu Qingsong is a real eldest lady. She comes from a famous politician family in Genkami Island. If you pay a little attention to the politics of Genkami Island, the surname “Lan Yu” is actually very easy to identify. Can be seen.

“Even if it’s Asakon, you might want to go… Then this dress can be put to use right away?” Alexia smiled, “In that case, do you want to try it on now?”

“Want to try it on?”

Lan Yu Qiancong looked at the dress in her hand. Although she didn’t care much about this aspect, even a layman like her could tell that the dress in her hand would be extremely expensive if she were to sell it. The feel was completely different from ordinary clothes. The production craftsmanship is also remarkable.

Should we say that the Lion King Agency deserves to be a national institution? Although his behavior is quite disgusting, the things he produced are really good.

“… Just to confirm, Alexia, if I wear this dress, the Lion King agency won’t come and ask me for money, right?”

“They dare?”

Alexia smiled and shook the card in her hand.

It is clearly written in black and white on this piece of paper that the money has been paid. If the Lion King Agency dares to come to buy and sell by force, Exia will freeze them and throw them into the sea.

Ji Hiiragi Xuena also consoled her: “Don’t worry, Senior Lan Yu, the Lion King Agency will not be so unreasonable.”

“Hmm…Okay, Alexia, lend me your room and I’ll go change.”

“Why do you need to use my room? Can’t you use the bathroom?”

Before Alexia could finish asking this question, Lan Yu Qiancong had already walked into his room and locked the door, which made Alexia’s brows jump several times.

“Forget it…what about you, Ji Hiiragi? Do you want to try it on too?”

“—If the prince wants to see it, I’d be happy to.”

The one who spoke was not Himiragi Yukina, but Sajo Aige who had come to possess her again at some point.

Spreading the dress in his hand completely, Shajo Aige took a moment to look at it: “Well, as far as ordinary clothes are concerned, the craftsmanship is pretty good – then, do you want to see it, Prince? If you want to see it, I will show it to you. It’s okay to change.”

“Go to the bathroom and change!”

Almost in a driving tone, Alexia pushed her into the bathroom as soon as Shajo Aige finished her words!

What do you mean by changing in front of him… Using Ji Hiiragi Yukina’s body to do such a thing must be unacceptable to her, right?

(Miss Ai Ge should pay more attention to the fact that it is not her original body. Alas~~~~Has she been a little too proactive recently?)

Although the former Sajo Aige was very proactive when facing Alexia, because she didn’t have a body at that time, it didn’t matter how she took the initiative and Alexia just thought she was joking.

But now that she can possess Ji Hiiragi Xuena, she seems to have turned on some strange switch. As long as the two of them are alone, she will naturally possess him, and then use Ji Hiiragi Xuena’s body and voice to try to attack him. Do something intimate.

(Sooner or later something will happen if this continues…)

Sitting down on the sofa, Alexia covered her face and thought to herself.

He now refuses all interactions with Shajo Aige as much as possible. He will only accept things that he cannot refuse, such as holding hands and hugging her. The most he can do is kiss her on the forehead.

This level of contact is already the limit for him. If it goes further… Alexia always feels that there is something wrong with him, or that he feels that he is heading in a dangerous direction. Move forward and never look back.

Although it is just a pure intuition without any evidence, Ixia still believes in her intuition-especially her intuition about crises!

“…It’s better to look at Bianca’s photo and calm down.”

After sitting on the sofa for a while, Alexia decided to return to her true nature, picked up her schoolbag and prepared to dig out her personal terminal.

Although freezing yourself is a good way to calm down, since it is related to your interpersonal relationships, it is more effective to confirm your origin than forcing yourself to calm down.

Even though he met many other girls outside and even had some close relationships with other girls, the only person Alexia liked was Bianca.


However, just when Alexia took out her personal terminal, a slight tremor suddenly came from the open French window not far away.

Alexia raised her head in confusion——


At this moment, a silver thread suddenly passed through the space, like a fleeting flash, flying from a distance in an instant! Its speed was so fast that it was already in front of Alexia the moment he caught its existence in his eyes!


While feeling a little confused in her heart, Exia quickly tilted her head.

The silver thread immediately rubbed his hair and shot into the wall not far behind him, actually shooting a small hole directly into the wall.

Immediately stood up and went to the balcony outside. Following the flight path of the silver line and looking in a certain direction, Exia frowned——


Three silver lines appeared in the field of vision again.

(Are you coming again? For me?)

Without dodging, a field of sub-zero air-conditioning filled the air in front of Exia, instantly freezing all three silver threads in mid-air before collecting them all.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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