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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 27

“That’s enough.”

Otta came in front of him and punched him directly in the abdomen!

Consciousness is interrupted.

Defeat without any suspense!

The huge gap in strength is not something that can be subverted by will.

Ota caught Aixia’s fallen body, took out a bottle of elixir from the bag on his waist and poured it into his mouth: “The goddess specially prepared the elixir for you. Although you can’t hear it anymore, please remember the goddess This favor.”

[If the child is knocked down by you, use it for him; if you are injured, use it yourself] – These are the original words of the goddess Freya.

In this way, one of the goddess’s purposes has been achieved.

Carrying Exia on his shoulders, Otta looked towards the direction Lefiya had fled from before – to achieve another goal of the goddess, the goblin could not be let go.

46. ​​March of Despair

Underground city, level 24.

On the road leading to the communication channel on the 23rd floor.


Lefia was running hard and out of breath.

The endurance ability value of mages is generally low, because they usually do not do any special training in this area, so Lefia’s durability is considered poor at lv.3, and may not be as good as some people at lv.2.

She had run four floors in a row from the twenty-seventh floor to the present, and now she was extremely tired.

After holding on to the wall and taking a few breaths, Lefia turned her head and looked behind her – Ota was not chasing her, and neither was Alexia.


Lefia couldn’t help but think of her partner.

Otta’s attack was unexpected. No one would have thought that Orario, the strongest, would actually attack members of the second army of the enemy Familia in the dungeon. If this incident was spread, it would be very harmful to the Freya Familia. It will also cause great damage to Ota’s personal reputation!

“no, I can not…..”

Lefiya shook her head.

It is normal to die in a dungeon. Because you cannot accurately determine your own strength and enter deeper floors, you encounter unexpected events. There are many adventurers who die every year because of this.

Events called [Monster Feast] where a large number of monsters break out will even occur from time to time in the dungeon, which is also a major factor causing casualties to adventurers.

Therefore, even if Ota really killed Lefiya and Exia, because it was on the twenty-seventh floor, even if he was discovered, he would just have to insist that it was an accident.

[The new member of the Loki Familia overestimated his abilities and lost his life in vain on the twenty-seventh floor]

Looking at the floor behind her, Lefia clenched the wand in her hand: “Is… is it really okay for me to just walk away like this?”

Just run away like this, regardless of Alexia’s life or death, and run away alone – although this is to go back and ask for help, is it really okay to leave Alexia alone like this?

Would it be better to go back? If two people are together…

“No, you can’t do that!”

Lefia shook her head vigorously!

If you go back now, you will only be holding Exia back. If you want to help him, the best way is to go back and seek help from the members of the Familia – the first-level adventurers!

This is the only thing I can do now.

(Exia, please don’t let anything happen to you before I and everyone come back…)

As if to strengthen her mind, Lefia gritted her teeth and faced the passage leading to the twenty-third floor.


Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps coming from behind.


Lefia’s spirit instantly became tense!

It would be very difficult for her to deal with the monsters on the twenty-fourth floor by herself, and her parallel chanting skills were not yet up to that level.


There was another sound of footsteps.

(No…not a monster?)

If it were a monster, the footsteps should be more violent, but the footsteps behind him now are extremely calm.

Could it be that……

A terrible thought came to mind, and Lefiya couldn’t help trembling – she subconsciously wanted to turn back to confirm the truth, but she didn’t dare to look back. If it was really what she thought, wouldn’t it mean …

“found it.”

A steady voice sounded from behind.

Lefia could no longer restrain her body’s impulse and turned around suddenly to look behind her!

What came into view was Otana’s hill-like body, and the unconscious Ixia who was carried on his shoulders.


“He’s fine.”

Otta said calmly.

“He was just exhausted and knocked unconscious by me. I gave him a panacea and he couldn’t die.”


Lefia was a little surprised.

She knew about this elixir, which was the highest-level elixir in Orario and even the world. Unless an arm or leg was amputated or someone was killed on the spot, any injury could be cured instantly.

Did Ota use such a valuable elixir for Ixia? Didn’t he come to kill them?

“You… fierce man, what exactly do you want to do?”

Lefia held her wand tightly, as if she was ready to chant magic at any time – even though she knew she had absolutely no chance of winning.

“Just following the will of God.” Ota replied, “The goddess longs to see the light of his soul and his growth, so in order to realize the goddess’s dream, I came to baptize him.”

The baptism was a success. It must have had unexpected results. Otta thought the goddess would be very satisfied.

“He showed me his will, and also showed the goddess the soul to protect you. One of the goals has been achieved, and now I will not regard you as enemies for the time being.”

Otta’s words caused Lefia to fall into a long silence.


“So…what else do you want to do?” Lefia asked with a trembling voice.

If you don’t kill them and don’t regard them as enemies, what does Otta want to do now?

Ota turned around and said, “Follow me and go back to the thirty-seventh floor.”

Thirty-seven floors.

The floor where the lonely king of the maze is born.


“Udaios has been resurrected and can be used as an opportunity for him to upgrade.”

Refia immediately understood what Ota meant: “You…you want Exia to deal with Udaios?! Isn’t that a monster with a potential potential of lv. 6?!”

“That’s why it fits.”

Leap level challenge – the purest way to upgrade.

Alexia’s ability is approximately equal to lv.5 with a full ability value of zero. The floor master on the twenty-seventh floor [Double-Headed White Dragon Anphisbina] is no longer enough. If he wants to upgrade him, Udayo This is the most likely opportunity.

Let Exia challenge Udaios to achieve the great deeds required to level up.

“You are his helper, Thousand Fairies. Come with me, you have no choice.”


Looking at Otta, who was holding Alexia and walking back in the direction she came from, Lefia stood there in silence for a while, then seemed to have given up struggling, followed Otta, and walked to the thirty-seventh floor. path of.


this day.

The rich hostess did not welcome the familiar white-haired boy guest and the new Yamabuki-colored fairy.

The Loki Familia did not welcome the super newcomer who had recently joined and the magician who had high hopes.

Alexia Kaslana and Lefia Velidis failed to return from the dungeon.

47. Conflict between goddess and goddess

The next day, noon.

The residence of the Loki Familia, in Finn’s office.

Finn put his chin on his hands and frowned: “Aren’t Exia and Lefia back yet?”

“Well, there is still no report sent back.” Riveria said, “The guild and the hostess of Fengfei have also confirmed that the two people did not go there last night. It can be confirmed that the two people did not leave the underground last night. City.”

Gareth touched his beard: “Staying out all night at this time…there must be something wrong, right? Finn.”

It is not unusual for adventurers to spend the night in the dungeon. Because the floors they explored were too deep, they were unable to return in time and had to spend the night on a safe floor. This was not uncommon.

But judging from various circumstances, Exia and Leife are probably not people who would do that kind of thing.

Because in the dungeon, the only place where you can stay is the adventurer town Rivera on the 18th floor. However, staying there is extremely expensive!

Exia and Lefia didn’t have the money to stay there.

In addition, today was the day that Exia and Finn had agreed to go to the Hephaestus Familia to receive their first-level weapons. Finn really didn’t think that Exia would forget such an important thing.

“Did something happen in the dungeon?” Finn licked his thumb.

Monster gifts, monster feasts, traps in dungeons, hostile factions targeting… One possibility after another flashed through Fenn’s mind.

“Rivelia, have Ais and the others gone to look for her already?”

“It was confirmed in the morning that before the two of them came back, Ais and Bert had already gone.”

Ais has the magic of wind, and Burt has the agility specialization. It is the best plan for the two of them to find someone. Even so, with the scale of the dungeon, finding two people is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

I can only hope that those two people can gain something.

According to Finn’s plan, after taking Alexia to pick up the weapons today, let him get familiar with it for a day or two before starting the expedition.

After two weeks of preparation, the material preparation and the spirit of the family members have been adjusted to the best, but this last-minute problem cannot be delayed.

“Dong dong dong!”

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and then Loki walked in from outside, glanced at the three of them: “Hey~~~~You three, you are still thinking about Ixia and Lefiya. ?”

“Yes, it’s very important. What can I do for you, Loki?”

“Well, that’s right. In fact, we just got some interesting information from an acquaintance here – that Otta was witnessed by someone around the twenty-fifth floor yesterday.”

Otta appeared on the twenty-fifth floor? !

What Loki said made the three of them look stern.

As Orario’s only lv.7, there are only two possibilities for Otta to enter the dungeon – one is to go on a solo expedition in order to seek opportunities to upgrade, and the other is to carry out the order of the goddess Freya.

Finn asked seriously: “Is it true? Loki.”

“It can’t be wrong, after all, no one will spread such false information leisurely.” Loki opened his eyes slightly, “Although I think it is impossible, but…Otta was killed yesterday I saw them entering the dungeon, and then our two little guys stayed up all night——”

“Although we cannot rule out coincidence, we cannot completely deny it.”

The goddess Freya is very fond of Ixia – this is something Finn confirmed before when he and Ixia went to the dungeon for the first time, and everyone present was also an insider.

And considering that goddess’s methods and Ota’s loyalty to that goddess…

“Did that goddess take Alexia away with force?”

“It’s not impossible. After all, she’s that slut who can fall in love anytime and anywhere – so now we’re going to make a small scene. Is there anyone who can act as a bodyguard for us to calm the scene?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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