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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 270

“This is…a specially made arrow—no, the product of a spell?”

After identifying the origin of the hidden weapons in her hands, Ixia looked towards the direction from which they were shot, and immediately spread out a pair of ice wings behind her and flew high into the sky.

(This battle…is coming with the idea of ​​sneak attack on me?)

(Who is it?)

45. The mysterious assassin

“Did you actually get avoided?”

On the roof of a building some distance away from Exia’s house.

Having a clear view of everything that just happened, the girl standing here couldn’t help but feel a sense of surprise and surprise – she was quite confident in her assassination ability, and the assassination spell just now was carefully prepared by her. Secret skills.

Once hit, even the vampires of the old generation will lose all mobility in a short period of time and suffer lethal levels of poison. Even though vampires are immortal and cannot die without destroying their heart and brain, it is still effective to make them endure considerable pain.

Therefore, the girl never thought about the possibility of failure as to whether she could hit Exia severely. As long as she hit one shot, the rest could be done as she liked.

But the scene she just saw made her a little unbelievable.

(Dodging a spell arrow flying at supersonic speed within a distance of less than ten centimeters! What kind of reflexes does that guy have! How can a vampire’s physical abilities be so exaggerated!)

Among the many demons, the physical abilities of vampires are not very strong. It would be impossible for other vampires to react at that distance!

But Alexia reacted.

(Is it possible that he has an ability similar to spiritual vision?)

Spiritual vision – simply put, the ability to see the future in a short period of time – most of the sword wizards who came from the Lion King’s organization are excellent users of this ability.

For example, Himiragi Yukina.

“…Anyway, if you fail once, you can’t stay here any longer. It will take some time for him to catch up. Let’s move as soon as possible.”

Assassination cannot always be carried out in one place. Once it fails, it must be moved to another place – provided the assassin has the life to do so.

The distance between the girl and Exia’s house is nearly ten kilometers. It is impossible for even an orc to cross this distance in a short time, let alone a vampire who is not known for his physical abilities.

And this time is enough for the girl to leave here and move to a safe place to prepare for the next assassination job.

“Wait for me, Fourth True Ancestor, I will definitely kill you next time -“

The girl hummed as she packed up the props at hand, then picked up the black box leaning against the eaves and was about to turn around and leave.


A flash of blue suddenly fell from the sky!

Like an arrow, a long sword that seemed to be carved from ice plunged directly into the ground not far in front of her under the girl’s horrified eyes, as if it was a roadblock to block her way.

next moment,

“Is that you?”

A huge shadow appeared in the girl’s field of vision, and along with it was a question from above.

Raising his head almost instinctively——


The figure of Alexia with her ice wings stretched out behind her suddenly came into the girl’s eyes.

“The Fourth True Ancestor…!?”

In an instant, the girl exclaimed, her eyes widened with obvious anger, and her beautiful face showed an expression as if she had encountered an enemy.

“Why, why did it happen so quickly…”

But even so, what came out of the girl’s mouth were words of doubt.

This is natural, after all, she has confirmed that it will take dozens of minutes to get from Exia’s house to her location, no matter how fast it is! Even if he could fly over, it would probably take a few minutes at the fastest!

But is there a past minute now?

“To have such a big reaction to my appearance, it seems that you are right.”

Folding her ice wings and landing in front of the girl, Exia pulled out the ice sword used to block her and absorbed it back into her body. Then she stared at her: “You seem to underestimate my speed. It’s only a few kilometers away. You Do you think it’s a safe distance for you?”


Hearing what Alexia said, the girl’s face suddenly turned ugly – according to her experience, this distance was already a completely safe distance.

“However, it really surprised me. It was actually you who attacked me. I thought it was some kind of terrorist who had a grudge against me.”

This was the first time Exia was assassinated.

According to his idea, the person who would come to assassinate him should be a traditional assassin, wearing a black hood and fully armed. Unexpectedly, she turned out to be a very beautiful girl. She didn’t look too old. She was probably the same age as Alexia.

(Why do people like this want to assassinate me?)

Alexia was certain that this was his first meeting with the girl in front of him. He had never met her before.

And since he doesn’t know him, that eliminates the possibility of seeking revenge, so…

“Before I hand you over to the SAR police, let me ask you this – who asked you to assassinate me?”

A little frost condensed on her palms, Alexia asked in a deep voice, and at the same time, her mind began to think of people who might have a grudge against her.

He came to this world for about half a year. During this period, he stayed on Xian Shen Island and almost never left. He usually behaved quite peacefully. Even Nangong Nayue said that he could just keep the status quo.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for him to attract assassination. Even with his status as the Fourth True Ancestor, it is already good to attract some surveillance and tracking.

“…No one asked me to assassinate you.”

After pondering for a moment, the girl said coldly.

After removing the black musical instrument box at hand and unzipping it, the girl took out the contents – it was a very large and heavy silver sword. The blade was definitely more than one meter long. The blade had a certain arc and was extremely sharp. , the overall look is also full of mechanical texture.

Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, the girl met Alexia’s gaze with cold eyes: “I am the one who wants to kill you, the Fourth True Ancestor!”

(You are obviously an assassin, but you want to take the initiative to fight me head-on? It seems that you are quite confident in your own skills.)

“A sinful existence like yours should not exist in this world! Wake up! The evil thief who stole my treasure!——[Huang Hualin]!”

The girl just shouted the name of the giant sword in her hand, glared at the ground with her slender thighs, and rushed towards Exia with a very fast speed and momentum! He raised the blade high and slashed at Exia as if he was going to cut him in two!

No, she really wanted to kill Alexia!



It only took a moment, without even moving a finger. Before the blade was cut down, the giant sword and the girl herself were directly frozen into an ice sculpture by Exia.

Alexia took out her phone from her pants pocket and turned it into camera mode.


Take a photo of the scene in front of you and send it to Nangong Nayue. At the same time, attach a note like “This is the person who came to assassinate me. I have subdued him. Let the security team come and deal with it.” After that, Exia unfolded her back The ice wings flew into the sky.

“That’s enough… Qian Cong and Miss Aige should have changed their clothes, so it’s better to go back quickly.”

Dealing with assassins and so on were not as important to Exia as what to eat tonight.

As soon as the ice wings flapped, Exia disappeared instantly, leaving only the girl frozen in the ice, waiting to be taken away by the SAR police.

46. ​​Take off your earrings and give an invitation

Not long after Alexia left.


The door to the rooftop was suddenly opened.

Holding a black cat in his arms, Feidao, who had met Alexia several times – or [Xiangu Yong] – walked through the door to the rooftop and looked at the completely frozen figure not far away. The girl in the ice, who had always been calm and calm, couldn’t help but have a slight headache.

“Is it too late? Although I had thought that this would happen, I didn’t expect that she would be so impatient.”

Arriving outside the ice, Xian Guyong put down the black cat in his arms.

“Kosaka Sayaka–like Himiragi Yukina, she is your student, Mai Weiyuan who specializes in curses and assassinations. Since she will be frozen here, it means that even she cannot assassinate that person. Where is your Excellency?”

“Ha~~~ She must have brought it upon herself. I have told her several times not to do anything with that Excellency. She has a stubborn temper and refuses to listen. She arbitrarily resorts to assassination. What else can she gain besides asking for trouble? ?”

The second half of the sentence was not spoken by Xian Guyong, but by the black cat she lowered to the ground.

An animal actually speaks human words, which is definitely an amazing thing for ordinary people, but Xian Guyong’s face did not show any change in expression because of this, and he just asked lightly: “Is there any hope?”

“Who knows? From what I know about this girl, she should have used a spell to protect herself at the moment she was frozen. I just don’t know how long she can hold on.” Black Cat said, “But , was able to freeze her without even a single movement. Is your Excellency so skilled in the use of the beasts?”

Hearing this, Xian Guyong shook his head: “You have misunderstood. He has never mastered a single beast so far, and the power he uses is all his own.”


“It seems that you haven’t read the notes I sent down – that Your Excellency is an existence that surpasses the True Ancestor by his own strength alone, surpassing the “World’s Strongest” and the world’s strongest. From now on, we When you get along with them, you need to show them the utmost respect at all times.”

The greatest awe.

The black cat scratched his own fur: “Do you mean to worship him as a god? This should be something that [Anbainai] would say.”

“…Save people first.”

Xian Guyong did not answer Black Cat’s question, because she knew that Alexia was not a so-called god, even if his power was no different from that of a god in the eyes of the world, and even theoretically, he swallowed the Fourth True Ancestor. God-Killing Weapon] He has long been a being above the gods, and he is definitely not a god.

He is just a human being.


“Where did you go?!”

Meanwhile on the other side.

When Alexia landed on the balcony and returned to her living room, such a question rang out immediately.

“Nothing, I went out to deal with some things…things…”

While giving the answer subconsciously, Exia looked up and looked in the direction of the sound, and when he looked over, he couldn’t help but froze in place.

What came into view was a [Her Royal Highness the Princess].

The dress with the main color of light pink fits the opponent’s body very well. It is quite conservative in terms of exposure. However, a large part of the shoulders and back are cut off, which is very focused on highlighting the user’s upper body. Curvy style.

The skirt of the lower body adopts a slightly slanted design. The smooth thighs with beautiful shapes are generally exposed, half of them are covered by the skirt. Together with the white stockings underneath, they create an absolute field that accurately captures Alexia’s breasts. Eye.

In addition, there are some small jewelry on the other party, such as flower hair accessories on the bangs and delicate necklaces around the neck.

“…Don’t just look at me.”

Lan Yu Qianqing, who was dressed like this, noticed Alexia’s eyes, and immediately averted her eyes shyly, stretched out her hand to press the hem of her skirt: “Well… I would like to give you some comments, this is my first time wearing it. This kind of clothes…”

“I think it looks good, very beautiful.”

After recovering from the initial surprise, Alexia smiled and praised: “For a moment, I thought I was facing a very confident princess. It suits you very well, Asakusa.”

“Yes, really? That’s good.” Lan Yu Qiancong couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief, “It’s not in vain that I can be praised like this by you. I bear the shame of wearing this kind of dress. My back and shoulders are chilly.”

“The weather in Genkami Island won’t be cold, right? But that earring of yours…are you not wearing it?”

Alexia asked.

Normally, Lan Yu Qian Cong always wears a pair of light green earrings, which seem to be a gift given to her by Xiao Gucheng before. Alexia has always felt that they suit her very well.

But at this time, she didn’t bring it with her.

“Um…well, I’m going to keep them for a while.” Lan Yu Qianqing touched her ears, “Of course, I will be very happy if you are willing to give me a new pair, Alexia. Oh.”

“I will do it if I have the chance. But you should consider my wallet.”

“Aren’t you the richest among all of us? You just made one million before, right?” Lan Yu Qiancong smiled, “Don’t worry, I will look forward to it without any hope and won’t keep pestering you for gifts. Mine – if you want to give it to me now, it should also be given to your lover, right?”


As Lan Yu Qiancong finished speaking, the bathroom door opened at this time.

Relying on Himiragi Yukina’s body, Shajo Aige walked out and came to Ixia, imitating Himiragi Yukina’s tone and asked: “I just heard my senior mention me? What’s the matter?” ?”

“No, no, I was just chatting about some random things with Alexia.” Lan Yu Qianqing shook her head quickly, “But… you look very good, too, transfer student.”

“Yes, yes?” Shajo Aige’s cheeks turned red, “As far as the dress is concerned, the fabric on the back is really missing, and the hem of the skirt would be a bit dangerous if you don’t wear safety pants.”

Like Aiyu Asakon’s dress, Sajo Aige’s dress has a similar design, except that the overall tone is blue and white, and the lower body is a gorgeous lotus leaf miniskirt.

If I have to say it, Lanyu Asakon is “mature”, while Sajo Aige is “cute”.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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