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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 271

“You’re also very good-looking, Ji Hiiragi.” Alexia didn’t realize that it was Sajo Aige now. “If you two go to that banquet like this, you will probably become the focus of the audience all of a sudden, right?”


Lan Yu Qian Cong and Sha Tiao Ai Ge looked at their own attire respectively, and then Lan Yu Qian Cong smiled and said: “Then when the time comes, you who are going with us should also attract attention, right?”

“Didn’t you tell me that I wouldn’t go? Besides, I don’t have any clothes to attend.”

In the world where Alexia was, most of the clothes for banquets were prepared by Amber or Bishop Otto, and she wore a suit. But in this world, because it is completely unnecessary, there is no preparation in the wardrobe.

There are even only four sets of clothes in his wardrobe. One set of school uniforms, two sets of private clothes, and one set of pajamas.

“Then…if I invite you, would you like to be my [temporary companion] and go with me?”


The question from Lan Yu Qian Cong made Exia freeze in thought for a moment.

47. Waiting to be taken off on your own initiative

Lan Yu Qian Cong is extremely nervous now.

(What did I ask?)

Even though he asked according to Alexia’s wishes, after asking, Lan Yu Qiancong immediately fell into unprecedented shyness and regret.

Obviously at first I just wanted to take off the earrings first, and then slowly push forward step by step, but now I am playing the trump card directly driven by the atmosphere!

(What, what should I do? What should I do now? Just make a joke and fool him? Or… listen to his answer first?)


Just when Lan Yu Qiancong was so entangled, a sharp gaze suddenly fell on her, making her tremble.

(This sight… does Sandjo love singing!?)

She turned her gaze slightly to look at Ji Hiiragi Xuena. As Lan Yu Qiancong expected, even though it looked like Ji Hiiragi Xuena on the surface, she would never mistake that look.

That was the look Shajo Aige had used on her before.

(Did she switch over again without realizing it? In other words, she must have heard what she just said.)

Lan Yu Qiancong also had a certain understanding of Shatiao Aige, and it was clear that the other party could definitely hear the mood and thoughts behind her question just now. And considering her character and previous behavior…it can almost be concluded that she is quite angry now.

This is indeed the case.

From an angle that neither Lanyu Qiancong nor Ixia could see, Shajo Aige was about to bleed from her palms.

(Hehehe, look at the good thing you have done, Miss Asakusa. You offered to ask the prince to be your temporary companion… You dare to ask such a question in front of me, your courage makes me proud. I admire you a lot, you are the first person to be so brave.)


Shajo Aige’s eyes were sharp for a moment.

(Now the prince is my [lover]! By doing this, you are tantamount to provoking me and starting a war! It seems that you are quite serious about that so-called declaration of war!)

This woman selectively ignored the prefix “temporary”, and even ignored the fact that the “temporary lover” was not actually her, she was just a substitute who occupied the magpie’s nest.

(Well, since you did this, don’t blame me for being rude. Tonight is the moment when your memories and feelings are taken away from me! I won’t even have a little bit left to give you aftertaste. of!)

There is murderous intent!

Lan Yu Qian Cong immediately noticed the hostility and targeting from Sha Jiao Ai Ge. Even though Sha Jiao Ai Ge had hidden it very well on the surface, as someone who had been relied on by her, Lan Yu Qian Cong could feel her changes. of.


After swallowing silently, Lan Yu Qiancong gently grasped the hem of her skirt with both hands.

“Well, I can do that.”

However, Alexia’s voice suddenly sounded at this moment.

Lan Yu Qian Cong and Sha Tiao Ai Ge were stunned.

“Okay? It can mean…”

“I will temporarily be your [partner] and accompany you to the banquet.” Ixia smiled, “Although I don’t want to go, but if you want to go, I can accompany you. But then you have to prepare. There are already clothes, it’s probably too late to buy one now, right?”

“No, Exia, that…”

Lan Yu Qian Cong calmed down from the tense thinking just now: “Are you… okay? Now you and Ji Hao are temporary lovers, right? You are also my temporary partner… It is not good to spread it. Bar?”

“You also said it’s temporary. It’s just for one night, isn’t it?”

(This, this is true…)

“Besides, Ji Hao and I are not really in a relationship. This relationship will end before she leaves at the end of this month. In the end, it won’t have any impact.”

“…….never mind.”

After listening to Aixia’s words, Lan Yu Qiancong sighed helplessly after a while of silence: “I just said it casually, and I didn’t really intend to go. You don’t have to follow my lead all the time.” . But no matter what, I still accept your mood, thank you – I’m going to change clothes, it’s not good to keep wearing this outfit.”

After saying this, without giving Alexia any time to say anything else, Lan Yu Qiancong walked towards Alexia’s room.

“…Then let’s start preparing curry rice, Ji Hiiragi?”

Alexia said as she walked towards the kitchen.

However, Himeira Yukina… or Shajo Aige did not move immediately. Instead, she stood there and asked Alexia: “Yeah. But before that, I can ask the prince a question. ?”

(Changed to Miss Aige?)

“what is the problem?”

“If Ms. Asakon didn’t just want to be a temporary partner with you, but really wanted to take my place and sister Ji Hiiragi’s place, and really wanted you to be her lover and partner, would you still accept it so easily? ?” Sajo Aige asked, “Or in another situation, if Miss Asakusa wants to avoid certain things by becoming your partner, will you accept her request?”

“…Why are you asking this all of a sudden?”

“I’m just a little curious.”

Alexia didn’t think much about it: “Then I will definitely refuse, no matter what the situation. Temporary forgery aside, I don’t think it is a simple matter to truly become a partner with someone. At least you have to do it. Let’s just be able to stay with that person in the future.”

“I don’t think I can guarantee this kind of thing to Asakusa. And I don’t have that kind of feelings for Asakusa now, so if she does that, I will refuse.”

Will refuse.

After receiving this answer, Shajo Aige smiled slightly: “That’s great. As expected, the prince is still the same prince. I feel relieved when you say that. I’m sorry for asking you some strange questions.”

“I don’t have much else to do. Instead of this, let’s prepare dinner quickly. I’m hungry.”


Following Alexia’s footsteps, Shajo Aige also headed towards the kitchen, but behind her, she quickly typed out a message with her hand and sent it.


In Alexia’s room.

“Ding dong…”

As the phone rang, Lan Yu Qiancong, who was leaning against the door, looked at the message sent.

[I think you should have heard it? This is my last advice, and it is also the last chance I give you. Treat it as for your own good, and don’t have any nostalgia for the prince anymore. You are just a human and it is impossible for you and the True Ancestor to accompany each other. Right? 】

[So, if you understand, just put on the earrings. This way I can make it easier for you later and not take away your memories and feelings in a painful way]


Silently deleting the message, Lan Yu Qiancong took off her dress and jewelry, put on her underwear and uniform, and then lay on her back on Alexia’s bed. She reached out and picked up the earrings from the bedside table and raised them to her eyes. a while.

This pair of earrings is not something particularly important. It is just an ordinary pair of earrings found in an ordinary jewelry store. It is not expensive and even students can afford it.

Of course, whether you put it on or take it off, it will not have any substantial impact, and it does not have any magic or spell meaning.

But Lan Yu Qiancong knew what Shajo Aige meant when she asked her to put on her earrings again, because that was similar to what she wanted to express by taking off her earrings.

“…I can put it back on.”

After staring for a full minute, Lan Yu Qiancong stood up and placed the earrings in the palm of her hand.

“But next time I won’t take it off myself. Whatever I say will make that guy take the initiative to take it off for me.”

“To make me admit defeat, just one or two sentences are not enough.”

Beep beep beep!

At this moment, Lan Yu Qiancong’s cell phone rang again.

Is it another message from Shajo Ai Ge?

Lan Yu Qiancong picked up the phone in confusion: “This is…”


48.Are you an emperor?

After that, just like Exia’s initial decision, he did not attend the banquet that Wattola invited him to.

Although it was not a courtesy to save face for Vato, but with Sajou Aige’s persuasion, Exia finally understood the fact that she did not need to save face for Vato.

So, in the end, he just had dinner with Shatiao Aige and Lan Yu Asakon, and then ended his work for the day after sending Lan Yu Asakon home.


“Good morning, Your Majesty. The weather is very nice today.”

Early the next morning.

Exia woke up to a knock on the door. The first thing she saw after opening the door was Wattola standing at the door with a smile on her face.

“…Why are you here?”

“Because Your Majesty did not come to the banquet last night, I thought maybe I had offended Your Majesty in some way that I was not aware of, so I came to apologize now.” Wattola said with a smile, “But, it seems, Have I disturbed your Majesty’s rest?”


Vatola has a great attitude. And since he has this attitude, Alexia can’t say bad words: “No, I was ready… Come in first, it’s not good to stand at the door.”

Turning sideways, Alexia welcomed Vatola into his home. However, when Vatola walked in, a figure following him also came into Axia’s eyes.

“Wait, wait, wait…”

Frowning and holding his forehead, Alexia looked at the second figure who was about to enter her home with some confusion and surprise: “I remember you weren’t…”

“…We meet again, the Fourth True Ancestor.”

The speaker was a tall girl carrying a black musical instrument case.

She was none other than the girl who tried to assassinate Ixia yesterday, but was subdued by him and thrown to the SAR police!

Why does she appear here? Alexia remembers that she contacted Nangong Nayue and asked the SAR police to arrest the person?

“Oh? Does Your Majesty know her?”

“…Rather than knowing her, it’s better to say she——”

“Yesterday, there were many offenses in various aspects. The Fourth True Ancestor… Your Majesty!”

Before Alexia finished speaking, the girl in front of her suddenly took a deep breath, then immediately bowed at a ninety-degree angle, bent down deeply and apologized: “I fully understand that my behavior towards you yesterday was rude. To the extreme, if you intend to punish me, then I am willing to accept any form of punishment. I only ask that Your Majesty can be merciful and forgive my ignorance and folly.”


(What is going on?)

The girl’s sudden and solemn apology made Exia unable to fully react for a moment.

Didn’t she look like she wanted to kill herself yesterday? Why did he suddenly feel like a different person after only one night, treating himself with such respect? What about asking him to be merciful… Can she actually say it with the same lines in a TV series?

He is not an emperor, there is really no need to talk to him like this.

“…I said, Wattola, what is she?”

“Please forgive my ignorance, Your Majesty.” Vatola apologized with a smile, “I don’t know why she reacted like this, but I will come to visit Your Majesty today. Some of the reasons are related to her. , it was she who took the initiative to apply to visit His Majesty.”

(Visit…is this a visit?)

Looking at the girl in front of him who was still bowing at 90 degrees without getting up, Ixia couldn’t help but rub her temples to wake herself up – it was really a headache for him to do something like this so early in the morning.

“Anyway, you should come in first, there is no need to be so polite to me.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”


After watching the girl and Wattola all arrive at her home, Exia closed the door of the house, turned and walked into the kitchen: “Do you need anything to drink? Can coffee be used?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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