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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 272

“No, no, how dare you bother Your Majesty to prepare tea for me.”

“I…I don’t need it either, Your Majesty.”

Wattola and the girl refused.

Seeing the two of them like this, Alexia also knew that there was no need to continue chatting, so she took out a can of coffee from the refrigerator and sat down in the living room: “So… you two came to see me early in the morning. , what exactly is it for?”

“Well… you better come first.”

Wattola thought for a moment, and then gave the opportunity to the girl first.

The girl seemed to be hesitating, but she quickly put down the instrument case on her back and made a pretty standard earth seat towards Alexia.

“Hey you–“

“Although I have apologized just now, please allow me to formally apologize to Your Majesty.” The girl hit her head hard on the floor, “My name is Sayaka Kyosaka, and I am a dancer from the Lion King Agency. Weiyuan, now serves as the monitor for Duke Aldiyalu’s trip.”

Wu Weiyuan from The Lion King?

Alexia remembered that he was an expert in curses and assassinations trained by the Lion King Organization, and he was a special demon attack officer who specialized in these two areas.

(But…it turns out that she is a member of the Lion King Agency, so it is not difficult to understand why she was not arrested.)

This can be regarded as a privilege of the Lion King Agency.

After all, they are still members of a state agency.

“The purpose of coming here this time is, on the one hand, to supervise the behavior of Lord Arrudia, and more importantly, to apologize for the rude behavior I made to His Majesty yesterday. I am really sorry. , because of my impulsiveness, I did such a disrespectful act towards Your Majesty.”

“…I, I’m serious, you should get up first.”

Listening to the apology from the girl – Sayaka Kyosaka, Alexia suddenly felt uncomfortable. Her words and apology made him seem like a dictator, which made him quite uncomfortable. Restless.

“To be honest, your behavior didn’t cause me any trouble. I also froze you. As for punishment, that’s fine.”

Alexia really didn’t think her assassination was considered an assassination. To him, it was almost like going for a walk and killing a little thief.

“Or if you really want to be punished by me, then-“

“Ding dong!”

The doorbell rang again, interrupting Alexia’s words just in time.

After frowning and signaling to Wattola and Sayaka Kyosaka that she wanted to open a door first, Exia stood up and came to the door and opened it: “…Is it Ji Hiiragi? What’s wrong? “

“I’m here to wake up the seniors for school. The seniors got up very early today.” Ji Hiiragi Xuena stood at the door with a schoolbag and smiled, “By the way, I just seemed to hear some voices. Are there any guests today, seniors? “

“Speaking of guests…”


Alexia just glanced behind her, and Sayaka Kosaka, who was still sitting there, jumped up like a rabbit and flew directly towards Himiragi Yukina! He hugged her hard!

“I miss you so much! Yukina! My Yukina!”

“Hmm…Eh? Wait, wait a minute…”

The sudden hug made Ji Hiiragi Xuena panic for a moment, but after identifying the other party’s identity, she immediately showed a surprised expression.



These two people… turned out to be acquaintances?

49. Dating agencies are making steady progress

The acquaintance of Himeira Yukina and Kyousaka Sayaka surprised Alexia immediately.

After recovering, Ji Hiiragi Xuena also took the initiative to explain the relationship between the two – they were once roommates of a certain [Master] in the Lion King Agency. It’s just that compared to her, Sayaka Kosaka officially went out to work some time earlier.

Next door, Ji Hiiragi’s house.

Because there was Vatola on Exia’s side, in order to avoid disturbing the conversation between the Fourth True Ancestor and the nobles of the War King Domain, after explaining the identity of Sayaka Kyosaka to Exia, Himi Hiiragi Snow Cai took her to his home.

Unlike Exia’s house, Ji Hiiragi’s home has almost no furniture. The living room is empty, and there are not many kitchen utensils in the kitchen. The only ones that can be called furnished are her bedroom and bathroom.

Now the two of them are sitting on Ji Hiiragi Xuena’s bed talking.

“…I didn’t expect Sayaka to come to Genkami Island. I remember that you were not in the Foreign Affairs Department, responsible for handling multi-national magic crimes? Why did you suddenly come to Genkami Island?”

“It’s the same now.” Kosaka Sayaka explained, “I took over the same job of monitoring vampires as Yukina, and served as Aldia’s monitor while he was staying on Genkami Island to avoid He affects ordinary citizens. So I will stay on Genkami Island for a long time in the future, and we can continue to live together, Yukina!”

“Live together… Sayaka, will you move in too?”

“Yeah! That’s what Master Master and Master Three Saints said… and they also said that this is also part of the apology.”


Ji Hiiragi Yukina frowned in confusion: “Sayaka, did you make any mistake?”

“The assassination attempt on the Fourth True Ancestor failed.”

Kosaka Sayaka said, and at the same time, she remembered the stern instructions she was given yesterday after being rescued by her master and the head of the Three Saints.

[In view of your excessive behavior and some arbitrary actions so far, after this mission is over, Wu Weiyuan’s activities will be temporarily suspended and you will stay on Genkami Island for indefinite self-reflection]

[To put it simply, let me use all my respect and apology to apologize to that Excellency, stupid disciple. If I can’t get forgiveness from His Excellency, don’t think about having a job again and stay on that island for the rest of my life. In addition, I also use shikigami to monitor you. If you don’t apologize properly, you know what the consequences will be.]

(This is basically deposing and banishing me!)

Regarding the punishment issued by the head of the Three Saints and her master, Kosaka Sayaka felt extremely reluctant!

It was obviously the perverted Fourth True Ancestor who defiled her Xuecai first, and she was just acting for heaven to eliminate that dirty existence. Why was it she who was punished in the end?

(Simply unreasonable!)

This person has no idea who the unreasonable person is.

After hearing Kosaka Sayaka’s explanation, Ji Hiiragi Yukina suddenly showed a surprised look: “Assassination of seniors? Why do you want to do such a thing, Sayaka?”

“Because I’m worried about you, Yukina!”

Sayaka Kosaka directly held Yukina Himiragi’s hands: “The execution department of the Lion King Organization has gone too far. They actually gave you such a dangerous task of monitoring the Fourth True Ancestor while I was away. This is simply destroying you! You must be having a hard time during this time, right?”

“No, Sayaka, that…”

“But Xuecai, don’t worry. Now that I’m here, I won’t allow that perverted True Ancestor to continue to do whatever he wants to you. If he wants to suck your blood, he must get past me first! I will pull out all his teeth.” Come down and make his hands and feet hurt!”

Someone was halfway through speaking a bold statement without self-awareness, and his whole body seemed to be electrocuted. His whole body suddenly twitched, and his hands and feet moved uncontrollably in the air, looking as scary as dancing demons and monsters.


The sudden change shocked Ji Hiiragi Xuena for a moment. This was the first time she saw such a reaction from her roommate.

“What’s wrong with you? Are you okay?”


After twitching and trembling for dozens of seconds, Sayaka Kosaka suddenly hit her head on the bed and stopped the strange changes in her body: “Oh… I, I’m fine… ….It’s just a little…curse, Master Master’s.”

“Master Master’s curse?”


Standing up from the bed with the remaining pain all over her body, Sayaka Kyosaka said with a tearful face: “Because I made the arbitrary act of assassinating the Fourth True Ancestor before, in order to punish me, the Lion King Organization asked Master A curse was placed on me. Once I act beyond a certain level, the curse will be activated, causing severe pain all over my body and life worse than death…”

This is not a fatal curse, but a pure punishment curse. It is actually not difficult to remove it at the level of Sayaka Kosaka – but she does not dare to remove it.

After all, this was a curse that the head of the Three Saints personally requested to impose on her. If she lifted it without permission, she would inevitably be punished even more harshly.

“…I see, that means Sayaka, you are bringing this upon yourself.”

After listening to Kosaka Sayaka’s explanation, Ji Hiiragi Yukina said seriously: “Since Master Master and Master Three Saints have done this, please reflect on it. In addition, you don’t have to be too hostile to the seniors. , Senior, he is actually a very good person.”

“Him? A good guy?”

Kosaka Sayaka frowned: “But he is the fourth true ancestor, right? The incarnation of natural disasters, the existence of disasters, a destructive maniac who destroys wherever he goes… How can he be a good person? ?”

“Is that so?”

This is a completely different description from the Alexia Himiragi Yukina knows.

Natural disaster? Disaster? Destructive maniac?

Who are you talking about?

“Sayahua, your prejudice against senior is really too serious… Senior is really a good person, you can tell after spending some time with him.”

“I don’t want to get along with her. No man is a good person!”

It was detected that Kosaka Sayaka had spoken inappropriate words again, and the punishment curse engraved on her body immediately struck again, and the electric shock-like feeling made her wail again.

Looking at Sayaka Kosaka who was lying on her bed and twitching again, Yukina Himira sighed helplessly: “You should pay more attention in the future, Sayaka.”

“But…since Sayaka, you are here to monitor Mr. Aldiya, then why did Mr. Aldiya come to visit the senior?”

“…I guess that’s what happened.”

Sayaka Kosaka, who was as paralyzed as a corpse, said weakly.

“——About the remnants of the [Black Death Emperor Faction] sneaking into this island.”

50. Not qualified

The Black Death Emperor Faction.

A group of orc supremacist extremists that collapsed several years ago.

“——Their remnants have sneaked into Xiankami Island.”

In the living room of Alexia’s house.

Hearing what Wattola said, Exia raised an eyebrow: “The remnants of the Black Death Emperor faction… I remember that I helped arrest some of them a few days ago, and now I’m still talking about doing this. What?”

“Those are just some of the pawns. They belong to the remnants of the remnants. They are not particularly important.” Wattola said with a smile, “The remnants I am talking about are the core of the remnants other than those people – Christopher Judithio , has your Majesty heard of this name?”

“Not at all. Is it very famous?”

“He was a well-known terrorist in Europe, and now he is the leader of the remnants of the Black Death Faction. About ten years ago, he presided over a terrorist attack in a theater in a certain country, killing more than four hundred people. Casualties. In the past, when the Black Death Emperor faction was still alive, he was also a cadre of it – judging from the qualifications of a terrorist, he can be regarded as a senior with great achievements. “

Can a terrorist attack be considered a great achievement?

Alexia couldn’t help but feel a little contempt for this statement.

“Now Christopher has sneaked into the island with his cronies.”

Wattola continued.

“Based on the actions of the Black Death Emperor faction, I think they are probably preparing to trigger a terrorist attack on this island, right?”

“…The purpose of the Black Death Emperor Faction is the First True Ancestor and the War King’s Domain, right? Why attack this island?” Exia frowned and questioned, “This is far away from the War King’s Domain. It’s so damn far east.”

“Who knows? But probably for self-satisfaction.”

Although it is an artificial island in the far east, the reason why Genkami Island can exist is precisely because of the existence of the Sanctuary Treaty. If a terrorist attack is carried out here, it cannot be said to be completely meaningless – at least it is meaningful in announcing the return of the Black Death Emperor Faction, in the eyes of the orcs.

“Is there something wrong with the minds of the Black Death Emperor faction?”

Alexia couldn’t help but ask.

To launch a terrorist attack here just for such a thing, what else can it bring besides causing panic and commotion? If you want to deal with the First True Ancestor, go to the King of War Domain to launch an attack.

“In the final analysis, it’s just a group of cowards who don’t dare to offend the First True Ancestor and can’t breathe a sigh of relief, so they are ready to vent their anger here, right?”

“As expected of Your Majesty, you can tell the essence in just one sentence.” Wattola laughed.

“And what I really want to say to Your Majesty is also related to these cowards – although they are such a group of unworthy guys, they are also enemies of the War King’s domain. If they cause trouble on Xiangami Island, then I will He should be able to take action.”

“At that time, it may cause some damage to the island that Your Majesty loves, so please forgive me.”

Hearing what Wattola said, Alexia couldn’t help but have some doubts in her heart.

(Is this actually something he needs to take the initiative to deal with?)

Vatola is the first person under the True Ancestors. In terms of power, he is perhaps one of the strongest vampires in the world besides the True Ancestors. Compared with his power, the remnants of the Black Death Emperor faction are nothing worth mentioning.

There was no need for him to personally deal with the Black Death Emperor Faction, and even according to what he said, he was doing it to deal with the [enemies] in the War King’s Domain – to be honest, the current Black Death Emperor Faction, let alone enemies, might even be [ Trouble] It doesn’t count, right?

“…You still have something to say, right? Wattola.”

Alexia narrowed her eyes and asked.

“I have heard that older vampires are all out-and-out fighting maniacs, and you are the best among them. Now that you have offered to deal with the Black Death Emperor faction, do you think you can defeat some cowards? Do you feel the joy of fighting?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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