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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 273

“What else haven’t you told me about the remnants of the Black Death Emperor faction?”

“——[Say it to me].”

For a moment, Vatola might have thought that he had seen it wrong. A little flame appeared in Alexia’s eyes, and her white hair seemed to be coated with an illusory rainbow color.

His blood immediately boiled for a moment!

“…Please, Your Majesty, please calm down.”

Wattola adjusted his attitude and became more respectful to Exia.

“It’s not that I intentionally concealed it, it’s just that I think some trivial matters are not worthy of Your Majesty’s attention. If Your Majesty wants to know, then of course I know everything – the remnants of the Black Death Emperor faction themselves are indeed not worthy of attention, but what they are doing now The batch of heritage we have is quite interesting.”


“The product of prehistoric civilization excavated from a certain ruins in South Asia. It is said to be a weapon created by the gods that destroyed countless cities and civilizations in the past. It is called [Narakweil]. The Black Death Emperor Faction does not know where it got it. I got this batch of weapons and secretly transported them to Genkami Island. It is said that I even have the slates on how to operate these weapons.”

Weapons made by the gods?

Exia thought of the Fourth True Ancestor that had been devoured by her. It was also a god-killing weapon created by the Tianbu, known as super-ancient humans, and the three Great Ancestors. And now there is another weapon made by the gods…

“So, it’s Narakweiler you actually want to deal with?”

“As Your Majesty said, I am very interested in the power and effects of the weapons made by the gods. So I hope Your Majesty can give me the right to fight with them on this island.”

Weapons of the Gods.

The vampire closest to the true ancestor.

After imagining the battle between the two parties in his mind, Exia sighed slightly: “Let me ask, the damage you mentioned to Genkami Island – to what extent will it be damaged?”

“Hmm… I can’t say for sure, it depends on Narakweil’s strength, but I think the worst case scenario is that the entire island is sunk by me.” Wattola said with a smile. “My beasts are not very good at precision work. If they let go of their hands and feet, they will easily burn everything around them.”

“Of course, I will try to avoid that situation from happening. After all, this is Your Majesty’s territory, and I will do my best to control the damage to a minimum. When rebuilding later, I am also willing to bear all the financial costs.”


As soon as Wattola finished speaking, Exia immediately gave her answer.

Weiwei released cold air around him, and a bit of flame appeared in his eyes again. Exia said in a slightly cold voice: “You are not allowed to do anything on Xiangami Island, Wattola. And similarly, I am not allowed to do anything.” You do anything that I consider to be out of line on Genkami Island.”

“…Then how do you plan to deal with the Black Death Emperor Faction and Narakweiler?”

“You have already said that this is my [territory]. Although I have no intention of dominating this place, if someone messes around here, I will not sit idly by and watch.” Alexia said as she stood up and picked up her schoolbag, “Say In the end, it’s just a weapon made by a group of gods.”

“——They are not yet qualified to be compared with [God-killing weapons].”

51.Axia’s reason for action

On the tram leading to Saikai Academy.

“…The Black Death Emperor Faction?”

Sitting on the seat next to the car door, Aixia was searching for things related to this organization on her mobile phone.

Although she said that to Wattola just now, Exia never considered Genkami Island as her own.

Even though as the True Ancestor, he could completely occupy this place, build his own Empire of Night with Xian Kami Island as the core, and become one of the four major overlords in the world, he had never thought that he could conquer the world.

He didn’t get the power for that kind of thing. Instead of using it for that kind of thing, he wanted to use it for protection.

Whether it’s protecting the one she loves, the people she cherishes, or the place she loves – Kaslana’s power has always been used at times like this.

As for String God Island, although Exia received some special treatment when she first came to the island, even so, Alexia did not intend to do anything excessive to String God Island.

After all, Genkamijima didn’t do anything excessive to him in the first place.

Let Nangong Nayue monitor him because he is wary of people from the other world. He wants him not to come into contact with the Banquet of Flames because he doesn’t want people from the other world to get too involved in the affairs of this world. He wants him to leave everything alone because he doesn’t want him to know too much about it. many……

This is a rejection of Exia, and it is also protection in another sense – after the Banquet of Fire, Exia, who became the Fourth True Ancestor, received special treatment from Xian Kami Island.

The surveillance was cancelled, and he responded to almost everything he asked for. He gave him money in various ways, and everything he did would help him deal with the aftermath.

It’s almost a 180-degree change.

Of course, Alexia knew that this was Genkamijima’s show of goodwill to her, and she also knew that the reason for such a change was that he had shown a power that surpassed the true ancestor, which made Gengamijima fear him.

If his power was not that powerful, then Gengamijima would definitely not behave as he does now, and would not regard him as an object of awe, but would continue to maintain the same attitude as at the beginning.

But, to be honest, no matter what attitude Genkamijima adopts, Ixia feels it doesn’t matter. He is not from this world. He will leave this world in more than half a year. No matter what attitude you use to treat him, it will be useless.

Isn’t it possible that Genkami Island enforces law across the world?

Therefore, as long as Gengamijima does not actively antagonize him, he will not do anything to antagonize Gengamijima. And seeing that Genkami Island now takes good care of him in all aspects, and in order to protect his friends, Exia doesn’t mind doing his best to protect the island.

The reason for his actions is so simple and simple.


“If you want to take action, just do it.”

Looking at the content related to the Black Death Emperor faction displayed on the phone, Ixia remembered the face of the man whom Vatola called Christopher Judesh.

No matter whether they are orcs or the so-called weapons of the gods, it doesn’t matter how many they come. What will greet them when the time comes is the ice and thunder of Exia.

“Beep beep beep beep!”

Suddenly, the phone rang with an incoming call, pulling Alexia’s consciousness back from her thoughts: “Hello? I’m Alexia.”

【Exia? I said Gucheng, haven’t you arrived at school yet? 】

“Well, we had guests at home this morning, which delayed us a little.”

Normally, Exia and Himiragi Yukina go to school with the Akatsuki brothers and sisters, but today Vatola came to the family, and the four of them were separated for a rare time. It is estimated that the people in Akatsuki Castle are also aware of this. Let’s go first.

“What’s the matter with calling me?”

[Nothing, I just saw that you were going to be late, so I called to check on you]

“There is absolutely no chance that I will be late. If it’s too late, why don’t I just fly over?” Alexia said with a smile, “You don’t need to worry about my affairs. Just focus on yourself.”

[Yes, yes, yes~~~~ But it’s really strange. Not only you, but even Qian Cong haven’t come to school today. You two have a tacit understanding in some areas, right? 】

Lan Yu Qian Cong hasn’t gone to school yet?

Hearing what Xiao Gucheng said, Alexia couldn’t help but frowned: “Did Qian Cong take leave today?”

[I don’t know. I just said that because she is not in the class now. Why don’t you call Alexia and ask? 】

“Okay. That’s it. See you back at school.”

【See you】

After hanging up the phone, Aixia quickly found Lan Yu Qiancong’s number and called it.

“Beep~~~Beep~~~Beep~~~The number you dialed is currently unanswered~~~”

Listening to the voice from the other end, Alexia’s frown deepened.

(Isn’t Asakusa not up yet? But it wasn’t too late when I sent her home yesterday. Did she stay up late after that?)

Alexia hung up the phone temporarily, and then called again.

“Beep~~~Beep~~~Beep~~~The number you dialed is currently unanswered~~~”

Still the same situation.

After staying like this for a minute, Alexia hung up the phone again.

(Something is not quite right.)

The voice of Shajo’s love song sounded in his mind.

(Miss Asakusa will not answer your calls twice in a row. Even if she overslept, she should not be so sleepy.)

“Hmm. So the only thing that can be imagined is… it’s not convenient for her to answer the phone right now?”

(It is also possible that the mobile phone is not around – considering Ms. Asakusa’s dependence on mobile phones and computers, this should not be the case, right?)

Lan Yu Qiancong is a super genius in computers, and because of this, she carries her mobile phone and portable projection keyboard with her anytime and anywhere so that she can do things online at any time.

It’s almost impossible not to have her phone with her.

(The Black Death Emperor’s faction infiltrated Genkami Island, Miss Asakusa did not answer the phone and she was suspected of being missing, and the weapons of the gods were unknown… Is there any connection between these three?)


Looking at Lan Yu Qiancong’s number on her phone, Exia sighed slightly, got up and walked off the tram that happened to stop at the platform, switched to Xiao Gucheng’s number and sent him a text message.

[Gucheng, please take a leave for me. I have something to do at the moment. Tell Teacher Na Yue that it’s something serious related to Asakusa, and she should understand.]

(Are you going to skip class for Miss Asakusa? Prince-sama.)

“After all, we’re going to school to sleep, so why not spend your sleeping time looking for someone – I hope the situation won’t be the worst we imagined.”


On the empty platform, gorgeous ice wings stretched out from behind Ixia.

(Asakon… don’t really get in touch with the Black Death Emperor Faction.)

52. Will he come to rescue this time too?


At the same time that Exiya started skipping classes for Lan Yu Qian Cong.

Lan Yu Qian Cong’s side——

“Is it a call from family?”

“No, just an idiot with good connections.”

After deleting the two missed calls on his phone, Lan Yu Qianqing looked at the person who spoke to him: “You, on the other hand, kidnapped me here so much, what are you planning to do?”

“Mr. the remnant of the Black Death Emperor faction.”

After hearing Lan Yu Qiancong directly reveal her identity, outside a certain gate some distance away from her, a man wearing an old black military uniform with gray temples had a resolute look on his face that was unique to an elderly man. That smile.

“I just want you to do your part-time job, Miss Lan Yu. As the leading hacker on Xian Kami Island, you should be familiar with this kind of commission, right?”

“…How about this?”

Lan Yu Qiancong smiled bitterly.

Because she considers her computer skills to be quite good, she occasionally receives illegal hacking commissions, such as stealing certain information or tampering with data.

In the past, she would have directly refused such a commission, after all, it would not be of any benefit to her – but she did not expect that this time she would encounter unreasonable barbarians like the Black Death Emperor Faction, who came directly to kidnap her.

You know, ten minutes before she walked, she was still at home. She had a rare interest in putting on makeup and was ready to go to school after putting on makeup. As a result, the group of people claiming to be the Black Death Emperor faction suddenly broke in and kidnapped her here.

(After all, I live in a high-end residential area. Where are all the security forces deployed?)

“Do you think I will agree to your request?”

“You have no right to refuse, Miss Lan Yu.” The man – Christopher Judithio – said slightly coldly, “Besides, I think you only need to understand the current situation, and you will provide it no matter how reluctant you are. Assisted.”

“Remember the [puzzle] you solved last night?”

Last night’s puzzle?

Lan Yu Qian Cong frowned: “You mean…oh, that super boring puzzle-solving email?”

As Jade Xiu said, that was what happened last night before Lan Yu Qianqiong left Exia’s house. She received an anonymous email, hoping that she could decipher the content on a stone tablet. After returning home, she appeared Out of interest, she took the time to spend three or four hours to crack it.

The content she remembered was…


“It seems that you have an impression.” Jia Dexiu took out a few photos from behind, “Those are prehistoric weapons excavated in South Asia. As weapons, they may be the best. But unfortunately, they were unearthed together with them. There is a stone tablet with operating instructions engraved on it, but no one can decipher it so far—except you.”

“The super boring puzzle-solving email you mentioned. So far, we have sent the same content to more than 150 hackers, but very few people have solved it, let alone like you in just more than three years. The decryption was completed within hours.”

At this point, Lan Yu Qiancong finally understood what Jia Dexiu meant: “So, you just want me to continue to help decipher those Narakweiler’s operating instructions?”

“Our purpose is to immediately destroy the abhorrent Holy Land Treaty and to obliterate the first true ancestor who betrayed our demon clan. In order to achieve this tragic wish, we need the power of Narakweiler.” Jade Xiu said, ” Here, we sincerely hope you can contribute your wisdom and strength.”

“…Why do you think I would agree to such a boring request?”

Lan Yu Qian Cong’s face looked a little gloomy and nervous.

“After hearing this, how can I possibly help you! If that happens, in the worst case scenario, there will be a war all over the world!”

In today’s world, even elementary school students know the importance of the Sanctuary Treaty. The reason why humans and demons can coexist peacefully and keep the world as peaceful as it is today lies in the Sanctuary Treaty!


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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