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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 274

If the Sanctuary Treaty is destroyed, the impact will not end with one or two small wars!

“This is the operating instruction you deciphered last night.”

Without taking Lan Yu Qiancong’s words head-on, Jia Dexiu took out one of the photos in his hand. The content on it was a stone tablet inscribed with a strange long sequence of text.

Lan Yu Qian Cong was impressed by this string of words.

“…That’s just part of the operating instructions.”

“That’s right. There are a total of fifty-four stone tablets unearthed together with Narakweil. This is just one of them, but the operation instruction recorded above can be said to be the most important one – it is to let Na Operational order activated by Rackweiler.”


Jia Dexiu threw all the photos in front of Lan Yu Qianqiong: “You should understand now. With your help, we have mastered the method to get Narakweiler to start taking action, although we are unable to make any subsequent operations. , but I think if we leave it alone, the weapon will automatically start destroying the surrounding area. It will only be a matter of time before this artificial island is turned into a scorched earth.”

“However, our Black Death Emperor faction has dignity and soldiers. We will not carry out meaningless killings. We will only prioritize hunting the targets with the greatest impact. I will try to minimize the damage caused to the neighborhood – as long as I can Complete control over Narakweil’s words.”

“…So that’s what it means.”

Lan Yu Qiancong completely understood what the old man in front of him meant.

[If you don’t want Genkamijima to become a scorched earth, then quickly analyze all the instructions and hand them over].

That’s what Jia Dexiu wanted to say.

“You are very smart, Miss Lan Yu. This room has been prepared with the latest model of the supercomputer with the same specifications as the one you are using. It is funded by a philanthropic capitalist. If you are interested in helping, then hurry up. Take advantage of it. Narakweile has not yet destroyed Xian Shen Island.”

Listening to Jia Dexiu’s words, Lan Yu Qiancong was silent for a while, and then took a deep breath——

“My answer is that – the devil wants to help you!”


“Also, before you speak, you should think about it for a while. Old man, it’s a shame that you can say what you just said. No, maybe an older person like you won’t be aware of modern news. Pay attention. After all, if you have any knowledge about someone on the Kami Island, I don’t think you would say that kind of thing.”

Lan Yu Qiancong clenched the phone in her hand, and a certain figure automatically appeared in her mind.

She didn’t need to give in, and she didn’t need to worry, because she believed that what the old man said would never come true.

If there is a reason…

“As long as that guy is here, there will never be any problems.”

“The most powerful vampire in the world is a good idiot with an excessive sense of justice.”

(I must be right to think so, Exia.)

(——Will you come to save me this time too?)

53. I have always been serious

Genkami Island, somewhere in the boundless sky.

“Where on earth will Asahi go?”

Exia thought in confusion as she flapped her ice wings and flew close to the sun.

He couldn’t guess where Lan Yu Qian Cong would go now.

Although they are classmates and good friends, there are actually many things that Alexia doesn’t know about Lan Yu Qiancong. For example, she doesn’t know where her home is, what she does when she’s not working, and where she usually goes most often. Where… Because I didn’t need to know this knowledge before, Ixia didn’t care about it, not to mention that he didn’t feel that he needed to have such a deep understanding of Lan Yu Qiancong.

But now, after Lan Yu Qian Cong’s whereabouts were unknown, Exia felt that she had no idea what to do.

It was clear that the Black Death Emperor faction had infiltrated into Xian Shen Island and might launch a terrorist attack at some point, but he could not find even one of his missing friends. If something really happened to Lan Yu Qian Chong because of the Black Death Emperor Faction, then Ixia is really——

“Calm down, Prince.”

Appearing next to Alexia, Sajo Aige softly comforted: “That’s just the worst case scenario. Please think in the best direction as much as possible, Prince. Maybe Miss Asakusa really just overslept?” Please don’t take things too seriously.”

“…I know, Miss Aige. You don’t need to worry about me.”

That being said, Alexia still couldn’t help but want to think in that direction.

You can’t think of the situation too badly, but you can’t think of the situation too well either. It’s not advisable to be too optimistic or too pessimistic.

(Qian Cong, where have you been? At least leave me some clues.)

“Dingle, ring, ring!”

At this moment, a rush of incoming phone calls suddenly rang.

Finding a random rooftop to land on, Aixia took out her mobile phone: “This is Aikexia.”

【it’s me. Where are you now? 】

What sounded on the other end of the phone was Nangong Nayue’s voice.

“Teacher Na Yue? I’m looking for Qian Cong outside right now. She seems to be missing. I asked Gu Cheng to ask you for leave for me, right?”

[Well, I received your request for leave. I can approve it because you have always ranked first in your grade. But now I am not calling you as a teacher, but as a national demon attack officer – something happened on the additional artificial island, and now you, an amateur demon attack officer, are urgently summoned to support]

“Add artificial islands?”

Alexia couldn’t help but be a little surprised when she heard this place.

As we all know, the main body of Genkami Island is composed of four large artificial islands in the southeast, northwest and northwest. But in addition to these four major parts, there are actually many scattered additional blocks outside Genkami Island.

For example, offshore cargo tanks for storing crude oil and other materials, floating docks for ship repairs, or garbage collection areas specifically used to accumulate waste—these can be considered part of the additional block.

[Do you still remember the remnants of the Black Death Emperor faction that I mentioned to you before? I don’t know when it started, but the core of the remnant party has smuggled onto the island, and is now in the midst of a firefight with the Special Administrative Region Police in the 13th additional area. There are quite a few people]

Black Death Emperor Faction? !

“Teacher Yue, is it so easy to sneak up to Xian Kami Island?”

[Then you have no objection to going for reinforcements? 】

“…Hmm. Originally, I happened to hear about the smuggling of the remnants of the Black Death Emperor’s faction, and I was thinking of finding an opportunity to deal with it.” Exia looked into the distance, “It’s just, it’s just If they are just the remnants of terrorists, the SAR police force should be enough, right?”

[If it is just a simple terrorist, that is indeed the case. But the situation has changed. The Black Death Emperor faction has obtained some more difficult weapons, which are not something that the SAR police force can deal with.]

The weapons of the Black Death Emperor…


[Boy, where did you hear that? 】

“This morning, just a few dozen minutes ago, Lord Aldiyaru of the War King’s Domain told me.”

[That snake charmer… But that’s fine, since you know the relevant information, you don’t need me to repeat it again. You also know the dangers of those prehistoric toys. I’m on my way there now, so hurry up too】

[Maybe this time it’s really time for you to be more serious, ‘Fourth True Ancestor’]

After saying this, Nangong hung up the phone that month.

(Are you serious…?)

Alexia put away her phone: “I’m always serious, Teacher Nayue.”

“Especially when I need to save something.”


The ice wings suddenly unfolded.

Like an arrow of light shooting into the sky, Exia instantly rushed into the sky!

(Let me finish early and go find the green onions early.)

(Don’t waste too much of my time, Black Death Emperor Faction)


On the 13th, artificial islands were added.

This is a fan-shaped piece of land with a radius of about five kilometers and protruding toward the sea. There are a large number of engineering cranes and monitoring buildings on the island. At a glance, people can immediately think of the layout and scenery of certain construction sites.

But today, a large number of roadblocks have blocked the pass near the external road to the artificial island, and patrol cars with flashing red lights are constantly warning the surroundings, emphasizing that outsiders are now prohibited from entering.

And on the artificial island——

“Da da da da da————————!”

The machine gun kept spraying flames.


Use special bullets against demons and shoot them from the gun as if they were free.

Scenes like those in a gunfight movie are now taking place in every alley on this artificial island.

The two parties involved in the exchange of fire were the remnants of the Black Death Emperor faction and the special zone police force of Genkami Island.

And it’s not just limited to shooting——


Mixed in with the gunfire was the sound of bombs exploding. Along with the explosions, the cranes and monitoring buildings were affected by the aftermath and collapsed and collapsed.

The battle situation can be said to be quite tragic. Even the special zone police force, which has dealt with many demons and terrorists, found it difficult to fight against top terrorists such as the Black Death Emperor Faction.

But even so, the overall situation is still the advantage of the Special Administrative Region Police Force. Although there will definitely be a certain price to pay in the end, there is absolutely no problem in completely wiping out the remnants of the Black Death Emperor faction.

——The above is the situation as of three minutes ago.


at the present point in time.

The artificial island added on the 13th is already a [ruin] shrouded in the rising thick fog.

There are ruins everywhere, and the ground and buildings seem to have been torn apart by something, showing quite unnatural sections and gaps. Scorching flames are burning everywhere on the artificial island, as if they are going to destroy the entire island. Drag into the fire.

And in that thick smoke——


A huge figure stood on the ruins like a demon.


A crimson flash of light erupted from its body, easily tearing apart the earth made of steel and shattering it! The barrier formed by the armored vehicles was as fragile as paper in the face of the flash, and exploded to pieces with the dazzling fire!

The weapons that the SAR Guard was proud of were being destroyed at an incredible speed.

And this was also what Ixia witnessed the first moment after arriving.

54. A reassuring presence

“It’s really a tragic scene.”

More than 20 meters above the ground, overlooking the scene below, Shatiao Aige sighed.

“The mere terrorists and the SAR police were able to cause such a large-scale destruction. The fight was really fierce enough – but in fact it wasn’t?”

At this height, both Sajo Aige and Alexia could clearly see the huge figure looming in the thick fog.

It was a six-legged chariot-like thing about seven or eight meters tall.

In terms of overall impression, it almost resembles a giant ant covered with carapace. On the oval body is a hemispherical head, with two tentacle-like sub-arms at the tip, making it look like a mechanical creature.

There is a red light spot on its head, and deep red flashes of light are constantly flashing out from it, like a spear of flames, constantly penetrating and tearing apart everything on the artificial island.

“Is that Narakweiler?” Ixia stared at the weapons being destroyed below, “It is said to be a legacy of prehistoric civilization, but its appearance is quite modern…the same as mine. Similarly, were the technological levels of prehistoric civilizations higher than those of modern times?”

Judging from the destructive power currently displayed by Narakweiler, it is already far beyond ordinary military land warfare weapons, and may even be able to match the familiar vampire beasts.

Under normal circumstances, this can indeed be regarded as a powerful weapon, but if it is a weapon of the gods…

“The weapons of gods in this world are really cheap.” Sajo Aige sneered, “Let’s deal with it as soon as possible, Prince, it’s just a matter of one blow, right?”

“makes sense.”

Folding its ice wings, Exia landed like a falling star.


The artificial island, which had already been reduced to ruins, immediately trembled slightly under Exia’s unrestrained landing.

Immediately afterwards——


The blizzard that froze everything raged across the entire artificial island in an instant! The blazing flames were quickly blown out in the blizzard!


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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