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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 275

In just a few seconds, Exia completed the fire-fighting work on the entire artificial island.

“You, you are-“

Someone’s surprised voice came from behind.

Alexia turned around and looked: “Is he a member of the security team? Do you know me? I am Alexia Kaslana.”


The man in the guard uniform nodded.

Many times of cooperation have long since made Exia an acquaintance of the police force.

“As long as we know each other, you can all retreat out of here and leave it to me. Although there is no relevant documentary evidence, Teacher Nayue will be here soon, and she will testify for me.”

“Eh? Please, please wait!”

The man staggered and stood up with a gun; “How can I leave it all to you? The security team can still continue to fight. Please let us stay, Mr. Kaslana -“


The crimson flash ruthlessly interrupted the man’s firm will.

Alexia stretched out her hand directly to meet the flash——


The ice shield condensed in the palm collided with the crimson flash, and the burst of flash and impact swept directly around!

Turning his head, Aixia smiled at the security team members and said: “I understand the good intentions, but it is very dangerous here, so let me handle it. Wait until your security team regains its posture and then come back to help me.”

“……I see.”

Looking at the boy in front of him who was resisting the crimson flash by himself, and somehow giving people a sense of security, the man nodded solemnly: “Be more careful, Mr. Kaslana. Reinforcements from the security team will arrive soon. .”


After watching the man leave, Alexia put away the smile on her face and returned her attention to the attack in front of her. The power output from her palms instantly increased by several levels!

Ice Shield, which was almost evenly matched with Crimson Flash, immediately turned against the guest!


With the burst of frost impact, the crimson flash exploded into debris all over the sky, flying in all directions like broken glass!

Guard reinforcements?

Although she didn’t want to offend others’ good intentions, Exia didn’t need reinforcements.

“I alone am enough.”

“That’s what it is, Prince.” Shajo Aige smiled, “This kind of confidence is suitable for you – the analysis results have come out. The flash is actually the so-called large-caliber laser cannon, with a focus temperature exceeding 20,000 degrees Celsius. The beam spear. With the prince’s speed, you can easily dodge it with a little attention.”


As he spoke, Narakweiler fired another laser cannon, and the crimson flash quickly magnified in Ixia’s eyes!

However, this time, Exia did not use ice to resist.


Violent purple thunder shot out from Exia’s other hand! The electromagnetic gun that can penetrate everything directly tears the beam lance from the middle and smashes it! Then he shot Narakweiler straight through the head!

【Avoid? Is there something wrong with your brain? Slut]

In Alexia’s hand, the core of the Seven Thunders of Purification, which he had grasped at some point, shone with a faint purple light, and the proud voice of the Herrscher of Thunder came out of it.

[Playing with laser cannons in front of me is a thousand years too early. Just defeat them head-on.]

“Ah la la, it’s rare to see you working once, Miss Herrscher.” Shajo Aige said with a smile, “It’s not easy to be used by the prince once, can’t you contain your excitement?”

[Ask my bastard master, if I hadn’t been dealing with some low-class guys in the past six months, wouldn’t I have been useless? 】

The Conquest Gem briefly and quickly flashed, seemingly expressing the Thunder Herrscher’s dissatisfaction.

Alexia smiled bitterly: “I’m sorry, Herrscher of Thunder. It’s not that I don’t want to use you, but I can solve most situations by myself. I don’t think I should use a cannon like yours to shoot a bird.” ?”

【snort! Guess you can talk! Is there anything else you want me to deal with? 】

“I don’t think there is—”


Before Alexia finished speaking, a trembling sound suddenly came from not far away.

Narakweiler, who was supposed to be penetrated by the Seven Thunders of Purification and completely crippled, now stood up again bit by bit, and the place where he was penetrated was visibly restored to its original state. It only took a few seconds. The clock time has been completely restored!

“It’s elemental conversion.”

Shatiao Aige said.

“By integrating with the building materials of the artificial island to repair its own damage, it seems that the weapons of the gods still have some merits.”

[I see, it’s a target that can be used countless times]

The Herrscher of Thunder sneered.

[Go on, humans. You can shoot it through with me, you can cut it off with me, you can use my power as you like]


Aixia once again pointed the gun of the Seven Purifiers at Narakweiler and pulled the trigger hard!


It’s more like a cannonball than a bullet.

The railgun that shattered everything fired again! Penetrating space with the purest power and speed!


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55. Weapons of self-evolution

“Is that the fourth true ancestor?”

In the room where Lan Yu Qiancong was, Judd was watching what happened on the artificial island on the 13th through real-time broadcast on the Internet.

“I’ve heard a lot about him.”

“[The monster that freezes everything], [The boy with dragon wings], [The tyrant with lightning]… I see, the rumors are true, it is indeed eye-catching. The power seems to be far superior to that of some vampires from the old era.”

As a terrorist who had gone back and forth with the King of War realm many times, Judexiu had seen many familiar beasts of vampires from the old era. Although there were some individuals among them who could do similar things to Exia, it would take an instant to destroy all of them. Adding an artificial island to freeze is not something those vampires can do.

“There are even rumors that he is an existence that cannot be defeated even by the [Prince of Chaos] in the Chaos Realm. In terms of strength alone, he can be said to be the strongest in the world.”

Although it is unclear how true this rumor is, the habits of soldiers have always made Jia Dexiu have some trust in this rumor. And for this reason, in fact, when planning to launch an attack on Genkami Island, Exia’s existence has always been a great potential threat. If he collided with him before the goal was achieved, there would be no doubt that it would be a disaster. All bets are lost.

The true ancestors are the true ancestors after all. Even though not many people in the world today remember how powerful the true ancestors are, and few people see the true ancestors taking action, the reputation of the true ancestors will not fade away.

Not to mention the Fourth True Ancestor, who is known as the most powerful vampire.

“Since you know that he is the strongest in the world, you should give up as soon as possible.”

Also seeing the frost that erupted on the artificial island, and realizing that it was Exia’s power, Lan Yu Qiancong’s inner nervousness, anxiety and fear quickly subsided for the most part, and her tone of voice became more confident.

“That guy has already taken action. Your Narakweiler will definitely be taken care of by him in a few or two strokes.”

“Is it?”

Jia Dexiu retracted his gaze: “Then, I regret to tell you, Miss Lan Yu, even if you are as strong as the Fourth True Ancestor, there is absolutely no possibility of defeating Nalakweil – the weapons made by the gods are not only powerful. It’s commendable.”

The Black Death Emperor faction does indeed fear Exia.

But that was until Narakweil was activated. Even if it is just some piece of information analyzed from the literature, if that information is really true, the power possessed by Narakweil is definitely not something that a single person can deal with.

Even if that person is the rumored fourth true ancestor in the world.


At the same time, Ixia’s side.

As the railgun penetrated the space, the deep purple thunder suddenly turned into a light curtain and exploded. The dazzling thunder was like an exploding water ball, and it instantly occupied Exia’s entire field of vision.

The attack of the Seven Thunders of Purification is destruction and decomposition starting from the atomic level. As long as it is hit by one of its blows, any material will be directly destroyed. Even if Narakweiler can repair the body through elemental conversion, as long as the scale and speed of damage exceed the speed of its self-repair, no matter how powerful his repair function is, it will be useless.

——Exiya thought so.

But the next moment,


The crimson flash suddenly penetrated the thunder light, and the laser bombardment quickly shot towards Exia!

An ice wall instantly formed in front of him to block the blow. Alexia frowned and looked forward: “Didn’t you defeat me? I shot the blow just now quite seriously.”

[I was the one who contributed, you just pulled the trigger, human]

The Herrscher of Thunder corrected.

[However, you can continue to move after taking two hits from me. The durability of this sandbag is really good]


While he was talking, two more laser cannons struck.

Randomly creating an ice wall to block it, Ixia looked at Narakweiler, who emerged from the flames and thunder: “Then let’s do the third shot. This time, adjust the output to be bigger. Yes, the Herrscher of Thunder.”

[I can adjust myself, don’t order me]

The thunder once again accumulated in the gun of the Seven Thunders of Purification, and after aiming at Narakweiler, Exia pulled the trigger again.


What was fired this time was a more powerful bombardment than the previous two!

But this time…


The shelling suddenly exploded before it hit Narakweiler, and the lightning that flew out in all directions penetrated all the surrounding ruins instantly!


【what happened? 】

Both Exia and Herrscher of Thunder were a little surprised and confused – this was the first time they encountered a situation where Herrscher of Thunder’s attack failed to work, but Narakweiler seemed to be doing nothing there. ah.

“It was interfered with.” Sajo Aige said, “Before Miss Herrscher’s attack hit the weapon, the attack itself was interfered with, and its power was greatly weakened before it exploded out of control.”

[That piece of junk still has this ability? But it was penetrated by me the first time, right? 】

“Well, I think it didn’t have that ability at that time. As for the current situation… Sir Prince, try to attack with other powers. I want to confirm my guess.”


Alexia put away the Seven Thunders of Purification, raised her left foot and then stepped down hard!


Countless icicles suddenly rushed out from all directions of Narakweil and pierced it like sharp stakes!

“Crack, click, click!”

Without even a trace of delay, Narakweiler’s body was directly penetrated. However, the next moment, the elemental conversion function took effect immediately, directly absorbing all of Exia’s ice and using it to repair its body.


The icicles came out again in the second round.

However, just when the icicle was about to penetrate Nalakweiler again, strange lines appeared on the surface of Nalakweiler’s armor. A faint magical light enveloped the body, and the icicle that touched it turned out to be. Everything melted instantly!

“…As expected.”

“Did you see anything? Miss Aige.”

Shatiao Aige nodded: “If my guess is correct, Nalakweiler’s ability should be the so-called [Adaptive Evolution]. He only needs to withstand one attack, then Nalakweiler will immediately evolve into something that can The ability to fight against it.”

Self-learning and evolution—this is the biggest reason why the weapons of the gods have been able to destroy many civilizations.

Theoretically, if it is given enough time and experience data, Narakweil will continue to grow and evolve until there is no longer anything in the world that can destroy it.

An ability that fits the name of [Weapons of the Gods].


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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