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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 276

“What neutralized Miss Herrscher’s attack was the electromagnetic interference force. What melted the prince’s power was probably a barrier of the same nature as the laser cannon – as long as it cannot be completely destroyed with one blow, then it will It’s going to get more and more difficult.”

This is what Jia Dexiu relies on.

Even if it is the fourth true ancestor, as long as Narakweil is given time, even the strongest beast in the world will not be able to defeat him.

“In other words, just wipe out everything that’s left of it, right?” Ixia laughed, and at the same time changed the Seven Thunders of Purification into sword mode, “It’s easy to deal with it that simple – be more serious. Come on, Herrscher of Thunder.”

[No need for you to tell me]


The violent lightning began to dance on the blade.

[Playing with electromagnetic force in front of me, it’s just a pile of scrap metal and you’re not qualified to do so – crush it with a power that exceeds its processing limit, human being! 】

56. Powerful Flying Brick

Exiya’s range of activities is basically limited to Genkami Island. It is rarely necessary to leave Genkami Island. Even then, it is only a short-term outing that only comes back after a day or two.

Therefore, after coming to this world, ninety-nine percent of Exia’s battles were fought on Genkami Island.

The only people who know the extent of his power are the people on Genkami Island and a very small number of people from the outside world. Others – especially people like the Black Death Emperor faction who have long been reduced to remnants and are out of touch with the times and the world. , there is no way to know the power that Exia holds.

Just as Lan Yu Qian Cong said.

[Anyone who knows a little bit about Exia would never say that kind of thing]


The sound of thunder resounded in the sky above the artificial island.

The ice wings spread out behind him, and at a speed as fast as a meteor, Ixia arrived in front of Narakweiler in an instant! Before Narakweiler could fire the laser cannon, the Seven Thunders of Purification turned into flashes of light and slashed down!


A violent tremor like an earthquake!

A deafening roar erupted along with the impact!

[Here comes this feeling]

The Herrscher of Thunder immediately felt that her power was being interfered with, as if mosquitoes were biting her body, which directly made her feel unhappy and irritable from the bottom of her heart.

Even if she becomes the Key of God, she is still the Herrscher of Thunder. The electromagnetic interference of the three-legged cat evolved by Narakweil is simply a trick on the class!

[You shameful thing, get out of here]

The electric light on the Seventh Thunder of Purification suddenly shook, and the electromagnetic interference field around Nalakweiler’s body was immediately shattered and cut open by the strike of the Seventh Thunder of Purification!



Even after some interference and weakening, when the blow of the Seven Thunders of Purification fell on Narakweiler, his entire body was cut in two without even a trace of resistance!

Learning and evolving does sound like an incredible ability, but this also means that Narakweiler was quite weak at the beginning, so weak that even a power as strong as an old-era vampire could cause damage to it.

As for Exia, it doesn’t matter even if Narakweil has evolved – because he will crush it head-on and destroy it with a power that far exceeds its evolution!


On Alexia’s left hand, the Sekiryuutei’s cage hand quietly appeared and activated.

Ever since he devoured the Fourth True Ancestor, Exia has almost never used his Divine Destruction Gear. After all, with his current strength, there are simply not many places where the power of the Divine Destruction Gear is needed, even if The same goes for a vampire of Wattola’s level.

The only opponents worthy of him using the Divine Destruction Gear are the three True Ancestor level opponents.

And the reason why the divine destroyer is used now is just for insurance.


The power that had been doubled was transferred to the Seven Thunders of Purification, causing its already strong lightning to surge again! In an instant, it transformed into a scabbard of lightning that wrapped the entire sword body and extended to dozens of meters away!

The next moment, before Narakweiler, who was split in half, had time to use elemental conversion to repair himself, the second blow had already followed!

——[Sword of Oath to Save the World (messiahkaslana)]


The violent lightning sword soared into the sky!

The lightning that seemed to penetrate the sky directly engulfed Narakweiler’s entire body, and swept up into the sky along with a large amount of surrounding rubble and ruins!

The entire artificial island added on No. 13 was shaken violently by the spreading waves, causing turbulent waves to continue to rise in the surrounding sea area!

And in that thunder light, the interference field evolved by Narakweil was of no use at all. The carapace on his body was completely broken and decomposed, and the six crab-like legs were broken and disappeared… In the Thunder Under the power of the Herrscher, no matter what kind of existence they are, they will only end up being destroyed. It is simply a fantasy to resist the mere weapons of the gods.

Staring at Narakweiler, which quickly disappeared in the lightning, and watching it being completely wiped out, Exia stopped her power output.

“That’s it, right?”

[Hmph, a natural result! 】

The proud voice of the Herrscher of Thunder rang out.

[Even without the enhancement of dragon power, it would be more than enough for me to destroy that pile of scrap metal. You are minding your own business, human being]

“To be on the safe side, I have no intention of distrusting you, Herrscher of Thunder.”

Alexia smiled, then put away the Seven Thunders of Purification and looked around: “But, in this case, the things around here are over, right?”

Appearing in mid-air, Shajo Aige was silent for a while and then said: “There is not much reaction within the detection range of magic. The only ones left are, I think, some remnants of the Black Death Emperor faction, but then It’s not something that the prince needs to deal with, so we can just leave it to the SAR police afterwards, right?”

“Yeah…that’s right.”

He took out his cell phone from his pants pocket and called Nangong Nayue. As soon as he got through to Alexia, he said, “I’ve already done it, Teacher Nayue.”

[I know, your exaggerated fatal blow just now was probably seen by most of Genkami Island]

Nangong Nayue’s voice sounded helpless.

[I told you to be more serious, but are you taking it too seriously? Do you want to add artificial islands and sink them? 】

“Don’t worry, I hit you in the sky, not the ground.”

With Exia’s power, if it really hits the ground, not to mention adding artificial islands, it is estimated that the entire Genkami Island will be affected, and the result will not necessarily be just sinking, but will be cut open and severed with one blow. Just sunk?

Listening to Alexia’s words, Nangong Nayue sighed slightly.

[Then I thank you for thinking so much. You are suddenly asked to make this trip, and the SAR police will deal with it later. You——]

“Your Majesty, an enemy is coming.”

Shatiao Aige suddenly reminded.

The conversation between Alexia and Nangong Nayue suddenly stopped.

“Directly above, less than a hundred meters away, there are seven in number, and they are landing.”

“——Teacher Nayue.”

[I heard you. I’ll leave it to you to handle it. The security team won’t cause you any trouble – but don’t go too far. It will be very troublesome to deal with the aftermath for you.]

“Yeah, I’ll try my best.”

After hanging up the phone with a smile like this, Exia looked up at the sky.

Seven huge black shadows of different sizes have appeared in the field of vision, which are reminiscent of spiders hanging down by spider silk, slowly descending from the sky.

And the body of each black shadow is almost exactly the same as Narakweiler who was destroyed by Exia just now.

“Dong dong dong dong——————!”

Soon, with a heavy landing sound, all the Narakweilers landed around Ixia, surrounding him heavily in the center!

(Mass production machines of the same model…no, more than one?)

Axia glanced at the surrounding Narakweilers. Although they all looked like Narakweilers, one of them was obviously different from the other Narakweilers.

It is equipped with the same specifications of armor as Narakweiler, but the size is very different, with eight legs and three heads, and a thick body bulging like a queen ant.

(Speaking of which, it’s true that there is only one Narakweiler coming – but it’s the same no matter how many come)

The Seven Thunders of Purification once again transformed into the sword blade mode. Exia glanced at all the machines with cold eyes. The lightning quickly filled and gathered on the blade, and in the blink of an eye it condensed into the scabbard of lightning again!

However, just when Exia was about to take action——

[Let’s negotiate, Fourth True Ancestor]

Such a sound suddenly rang out from the queen-ant-like Narakweiler.

57. Great Holy Grail = Cheating


Hearing this voice, Exia frowned and did not respond immediately, but continued to raise the Seven Thunders of Purification in her hand.

He didn’t intend to negotiate.

Generally speaking, when terrorists propose negotiations, they often want to do something secretly. Negotiations are just to delay time in order to achieve certain goals. Agreeing to negotiations may lead to some Unnecessary things happen.

Besides, Alexia has no intention of communicating with terrorists. These guys who try to destroy world peace are the most annoying type of people for Alexia who wants to protect and save.

Isn’t world peace bad? Why must it cause war? Is war that interesting? Is combat that fascinating?

Alexia couldn’t understand it at all.


“If you have anything to say, go to hell and talk to Satan.”

The seven thunders of purification suddenly fell.

[Lan Yu Qian Onion is in our hands]


The sound coming from the large Narakweiler made Aixia’s eyes widen in an instant, and she quickly deflected the direction of the Seven Thunder Strikes!


The two Narakweilers located on the path of the attack immediately evaporated and disappeared! The other two machines that were affected by the aftermath were mostly destroyed in an instant! The land where the artificial island was built was directly penetrated to dozens of underground levels by this blow! It almost penetrated the artificial island!

Stormy waves and earthquakes hit the artificial island again.

However, Alexia didn’t care about this kind of thing at all, and directly threw Nangong Nayue’s instructions to him behind his head, and stared at the large Nalakweiler with cold eyes: “What… did you just say? Who is in your hands?”

[It’s really a beautiful blow. It’s obvious that Narakweiler has collected your combat data from the destroyed machine. In theory, it can completely block your attack.]

The voice didn’t answer the question.


Frowning her brows, Exia suddenly raised her foot and stepped on the shaking earth!

“Stop changing the subject for me! Black Death Emperor Faction! Where did you take Qian Cong?!”

[Please forgive us for not being able to tell you, the Fourth True Ancestor. But as long as you accept the negotiation conditions we proposed, we will naturally return Miss Lan Yu. And if you refuse to cooperate, then we will not be able to guarantee Miss Lan Yu’s personal safety]

【Please also think about it carefully】

[In addition, I have not reported my name to you yet – I am Christopher Judithio, the current manager of the Black Death Emperor Faction. It is an honor to talk to you]

(That’s him…)

Alexia bit her lip: “Kidnapped my friend, used this rag to attack Genkami Island, and now wants to use Asakusa as a hostage to negotiate with me… He is obviously a terrorist with a lot of rumors, but it turns out What they did was all despicable third-rate behavior.”

[For terrorists, all actions are the same. 】

(What should we do, Prince?)

Shajo Aige asked.

(Although I expected that Ms. Asakusa might be attacked by the Black Death Emperor Faction, I didn’t expect that it would be used in this place. In my opinion, I’m afraid they wanted the prince to let them go.)

The purpose of the Black Death Emperor Faction is to destroy the Sanctuary Treaty and kill the First True Ancestor. For this reason, they came to Xian Shen Island in an attempt to use Narakweiler to create a terrorist attack and announce the return of the Black Death Emperor Faction. But now, let alone carrying out a terrorist attack, Exia alone can destroy Narakweil, which they have high hopes for, not to mention the special zone security that can attack at any time in addition to the artificial island. surrounded by teams.

In essence, the Black Death Emperor’s plan can be said to have failed.

If you continue to stay on Gengami Island, you will only be completely wiped out. In this case, it is better to use the blue feathers on hand as a hostage in exchange for the chance to leave Gengami Island safely.

(In addition, I think even if the prince agrees to their request, they will not release Miss Asakusa. Terrorists are not so easy to talk to. Going back on one’s word is a classic behavior of terrorists.)


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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