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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 277

(Of course I know.)


One wave of the seven thunders to purify sins.

The scabbard of lightning, blessed by the multiplier power that has not yet expired, swallowed up all the Narakweil without any delay! It and the surrounding artificial island ruins were all wiped out in an instant! There are not even atoms left for them!

Even though he has been attacked by the Seven Thunders of Purification several times and has evolved functions that can cope with the power of the Seven Thunders of Purification, the ability that Narakweil has evolved is beyond even one finger of the Herrscher of Thunder. Not comparable.

[I told you, if you use this little trick in front of me, go back and evolve for hundreds of years]

The Herrscher of Thunder said with disdain.

[However, if all these rags are torn down, aren’t you going to save that little girl? 】

(Of course not – so, let me use the power of the Great Holy Grail, Ms. Song.)

The Great Holy Grail.

A wishing machine that can grant any wish by consuming magic power. In the past, Exia would only use this ability when using forbidden hands or magic. She usually did not rely too much on this power, but would try her best not to To use it, the most he can do is to use this ability to directly copy answers when taking exams or doing homework – only for subjects he doesn’t know how to do.

After all, if you are used to using this power to make your wishes come true, it will easily lead to laziness and laziness, which is not a good thing in the long run.

But in fact, the Great Holy Grail can do more things, and the sacrifice of magic power is no longer a problem for Exia. After devouring the Fourth True Ancestor, Exia naturally inherited the world’s most powerful The magic power inherits the inherent accumulation time of all those plundered in the Feast of Flames.

The inherent accumulation time is the vampire’s power, and its quantity and quality are the quality and quantity of magic power – therefore, now Ixia has long been able to achieve the magic power needed to pay for her wish.

He is no longer the man without magic. Honkai energy and magic power, these two powers exist at the same time and are mixed in his body.


“I will make a wish to the Great Holy Grail.”

A large number of blue and gold lines appeared on the body, and Alexia sang softly.

“Let me go to my friend Lan Yu Qian Cong.”

(Well, I heard your wish, Mr. Prince)

Shajo Aige smiled lightly. As the Great Holy Grail, she would naturally not refuse any wish from Exia.


Glimmering lines extended and emerged under Ixia’s feet, forming a mysterious magic circle in the blink of an eye.

If Nangong Nayue was here, she should be able to see that this magic circle is very similar in form to the space control magic she uses, but it is more advanced and complex than her magic.

This is how the Great Holy Grail grants wishes – a specialized space transfer technique that can teleport to any designated object.


The magic circle burst into dazzling light.

The next moment, Exia disappeared directly from the spot, leaving only the ruins of an artificial island that had been ravaged and destroyed by him.

58. I will come no matter how many times

“Negotiations failed.”

Looking at the communicator in his hand that showed no response at all, and then looking at Narakweiler who had been completely wiped out in the network broadcast, Jia Dexiu sighed with some regret: “I thought the weapons of the gods could make us come back, but I didn’t expect it. They were all defeated by a mere Fourth True Ancestor… It seems that we should believe in the rumors more.”

A monster that freezes everything, a boy with dragon wings, a tyrant with a thunderbolt – these kinds of rumors about Exia, Jade Xiu finally saw them today. They were just as the rumors said, and even better than the rumors. More exaggerated.

Sure enough, is it still too difficult to choose Genkami Island as the first target of the comeback? Perhaps it would be more convenient to randomly select a country that is a member of the Sanctuary Treaty to carry out a terrorist attack.

(Anyway, since the negotiations have broken down, the only thing left is to escape from the island as much as possible before he discovers this place. If you leave Xiankami Island, it will be impossible to find the Fourth True Ancestor no matter how powerful he is. Get us.)

Thinking of this, Jia Dexiu looked at Lan Yu Qian Cong.

(As for this little girl… being able to decipher Narakweil’s slate text is a rare talent for a hacker. She may come in handy in the future. There is no need to rush to silence her at this stage. .)

Jia Dexiu is a soldier and knows very well the role a hacker can play in today’s era.

“It seems that your friend is not planning to rescue you, Miss Lan Yu.”

Throwing away the scrap metal in his hand, Jia Dexiu smiled at Lan Yu Qiancong and said, “You have been abandoned, Miss Lan Yu. But we welcome you to join us. Your mind and wisdom can be used by us starting today. , we will treat you as a distinguished guest.”

“……what are you talking about?”

Listening to Jia Dexiu’s [nonsense], Lan Yu Qiancong did not show any fear or panic, but seemed to believe in something, with a firm smile on his face: “Don’t plan to save me? Are you being killed? Abandon? If you say something like this, it means you really don’t know anything about that guy.”

Lan Yu Qiancong may not be able to fully describe what kind of person Alexia is, but she at least knows one thing – he will never leave others in crisis without mercy.

(He is a hopeless good man and a fool who will do his best for things that have nothing to do with him.)

“He will come, absolutely.” Lan Yu Qiancong said unwaveringly, “No matter where he is, no matter where I am, I believe he will definitely come. Otherwise he will not be the person I know [Exia ].”


As if in response to Lan Yu Qiancong’s words, a magic circle appeared on the floor in front of her without warning!

Strong spatial fluctuations suddenly spread in the room with the appearance of the magic circle.

Upon seeing this, Jia Dexiu immediately turned cold.

(Magic circle? Could it be this little girl did it?)

At the same time as this idea appeared, Jia Dexiu made a move to rush towards Lan Yu Qian Cong – even though according to the intelligence, Lan Yu Qian Cong was just an ordinary person with very good hacking skills and did not have any magical abilities. But the current magic circle did indeed appear after she finished speaking, and it absolutely couldn’t have anything to do with her.

(Kill her!)

There was no thought of saving Lan Yu Qiancong’s life before, Jia Dexiu rushed out with murderous intent!

But the next moment, in the light released by the magic circle——


A left fist wrapped in an ocher-red cage suddenly appeared in front of Jia Dexiu, and hit him straight in the face, sending him flying out of the room with one blow!


Jia Dexiu’s body directly broke the half-open door, and then broke through the wall behind it and flew into another room not far away.

And in the increasingly dazzling light, Lan Yu Qiancong, who was slumped on the ground, gradually saw a figure that was quite familiar to her.

“Aren’t you late?”

Walking out of the light holding the Seven Thunders of Purification, Ixia turned her head slightly to look at Lan Yu Qian Cong behind her, and stretched out her hand: “I’m here to save you, Qian Cong.”

【I’m here to save you, Qian Cong】

The moment he heard these words, Lan Yu Qiancong immediately remembered the scene more than five months ago when he was trapped under the Foundation Gate and Alexia came to rescue him.

It was the same at that time. Faced with him being trapped in a small dark room, Alexia, who was standing on a high place, was like a saint who saved others, and extended a hand to her to save her.

“…You came too slowly, idiot Alexia.”

With a hint of uncontrollable joy and relief at the corner of his mouth, Lan Yu Qiancong held the hand stretched out in front of him and stood up under the pull of Alexia: “What did you do?”

“I didn’t do much, I just solved some irrelevant troubles. Are you okay?”

“It’s okay, they didn’t do anything to me.”

Lan Yu Qiancong patted the dust on her skirt: “If you want to say it, only the clothes are stained.”

“Just in case, I’ll take you to the hospital for a checkup later, but now -“

Alexia looked outside the door.

You can hear the sound of footsteps coming towards here. It seems that the movement caused by Exia’s punch just now attracted the attention of other remnants of the Black Death Emperor faction in this place.

“Over here! There’s an intruder!”

“Where’s the Colonel?”

“Suppress the intruder first!”

Leopards, werewolves, tigers… amid the footsteps and noises, dozens of orcs with different appearances rushed into the room, surrounding Ixia and Lan Yuqiang. Everyone held rifles in their hands, as if they were ready to shoot Alexia and Lan Yu Qiancong at any time.

However, facing this kind of battle, Lan Yu Qiancong didn’t feel any panic at all.

Because she has the strongest person protecting her.

“Go away.”

Alexia just said this coldly.

The seven thunders of Purification in his hand flashed quickly.


The lightning that burst out directly tore apart and obliterated everything in front!

And as if the entire space was blown away, under the bombardment of lightning, all the walls and ceilings around the space where the two of them were were disappeared. Instead, there is an extremely wide view and the boundless ocean as far as the eye can see!

The sudden violent shaking under her feet made Lan Yu Qian Cong lose her balance. She quickly leaned on Alexia to prevent herself from falling, and at the same time looked around in surprise.

“This is… the sea?”

“We were on a ship?”

Because Lan Yu Qianqing was blindfolded when she was kidnapped, so she actually didn’t know where she was kidnapped.

Unexpectedly, we were on a ship?

“It seems so – sorry, Asagi, for being a little offended.”

Putting away the Seven Thunders of Purification and canceling the manifestation of the artifact, Exia bent down and picked her up horizontally, just like she had flown with Lan Feather before, and flew up with her with a slight flutter of the ice wings behind her. sky.

“Hey, you…”

The sudden close contact made Lan Yu Qian Cong’s cheeks turn red, and his hands subconsciously wrapped around Alexia’s neck.

“…Tell me before you fly.”

“I said it.”

“I’m not…Oh, forget it, that’s it.”

Not knowing why she felt helpless, Lan Yu Qiancong sighed softly and turned to look down at the wreckage of the ship that was gradually sinking into the sea: “Anyway…is this the end?”

“I don’t know. There should be some follow-up, but I think you definitely don’t need to worry about being in danger anymore.”

“I think so – after all, you are here now.”

Leaning gently on Alexia, Lan Yu Qiancong narrowed her eyes.

“I asked you to save me again, Exia. I’ve caused you trouble.”

“What kind of trouble is this?”

Hitting Lan Yu Qian Cong with her forehead, Ixia smiled and said: “It doesn’t matter dozens of times or hundreds of times. No matter how many times, as long as you are in danger, I will go to save you – friends meet When you are in danger, you have to help. This is a true friend, right?”

“…Well, thank you.”

(I know, this is what you will say, you will definitely say this. It is because of your thoughts and attitude, because you will definitely come when I need you no matter how many times the behavior of……)

(——That’s why I’ll fall in love with you, Exia.)

59.The initial opportunity

Lan Yu Qian Cong likes two people.

One is Xiao Gucheng, whom he has known since junior high school. Because of some things that happened when they first met him in the hospital, Lan Yu Qiancong had some good impressions of Xiao Gucheng. After that, for almost three years, Lan Yu Qiancong gradually fell in love with Xiao Gucheng. ancient city.

Although Xiao Gucheng usually looks like a loser, his academic performance cannot be said to be good, and he has no enthusiasm for things other than sports, giving people a rather slow and lazy look, Lan Yu Qiancong is still unaware of it. I fell in love with him.

——Until Exia arrived.

To be honest, at the beginning, Lan Yu Qiancong didn’t have any special feelings for Ixia. Although from the perspective of outsiders, the two of them acted together a little more often, there was really almost no contact between the two. , the only topics are study and some trivial matters.

In addition, at that time, Lan Yu Qian Cong still had some grudges with Alexia because of someone’s affairs, so at the beginning, Lan Yu Qian Cong might have had a good impression of Alexia, but he definitely didn’t like her. the point.

The opportunity for change came at the end of the Feast of Flames more than five months ago.

The day Lan Yu Qian Cong was rescued from the underground by Exia.

“I said, Moguwai, how long are we going to stay here?”

In a secret room with no light source except the light from the computer.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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