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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 278

Sitting slumped on the computer chair, Lan Yu Qiancong feebly asked his AI partner.

This is now her second consecutive weekend of working overtime at Cornerstone Gate, and counting the time, the third week should be coming soon.

During this period of time, she could be said to be extremely busy, with almost no time to rest. Because I don’t know why, some disaster events with particularly large-scale impacts have often occurred on Xiankami Island in the past period of time.

First, a street was set on fire by vampires using their familiars, then there was a big explosion at the port in the East District, and a port was destroyed. After that, there were terrorist attacks in residential areas, and the old southeast area was hit by a bomb that could sink it. Severe damage, the Cornerstone Gate was occupied by unknown people, and a large-scale vampire infection plague broke out on Genkami Island… In just three days or so, things happened that may not happen once in several years. Come again!

Thanks to this, it can be said that the operations of Xian Kami Island were completely paralyzed, and it was only Lan Yu Qianzuo who managed to survive. Whether it was planning routes to alienate people, or calling in various emergency measures to ensure the power supply to Genkami Island—Azure Asakusa did everything she could!

As a result, Genkami Island has finally stabilized again due to her efforts. According to real-time monitoring reports, all aspects of work are gradually returning to normal. Lan Yu Qianzui no longer needs to work hard to support herself and stay up late and work overtime. After two weeks, she was finally able to go home and rest.

However, when she was about to leave, she found that the door to her room could not be opened – due to the aftermath of some previous vibrations, the foundation of the cornerstone door collapsed to a certain extent, which happened to block Lan Yu Qiancong. inside the house.

She couldn’t get out like this, and today was already the third day.

At that time, Lan Yu Asakon immediately contacted the Artificial Island Management Commune, but they said that the current Genkami Island could not find any manpower to rescue her, and the area near the cornerstone gate was still an area that Genkami Island had not yet had time to rebuild. , so Lan Yu Qian Cong can only continue to be trapped.

And this sleepiness lasted for two days.

[Well, just bear with it a little longer, young lady]

Mogu on the computer opened his mouth to comfort him.

[According to the current progress, you will be saved in two days at most. Anyway, there are complete living facilities here, so don’t worry about not being able to survive]

Although the room where Lan Yu Qiancong is located looks small, it is actually a small living room. Many daily necessities are prepared, otherwise she would not be able to work overtime for two consecutive weeks.

“Two days… I should be dead by then.”

After changing his position and lying on the computer table, Lan Yu Qiancong, who was deeply bored, pressed the keyboard casually and switched the computer screen to the surveillance video.

Due to the impact of those events two weeks ago, most of the surveillance on Genkami Island was paralyzed, but luckily some of them survived. This is also one of the few ways Lan Yu Qian Cong can pass the time here.

What Lan Yu Qian Cong saw the most was the monitoring of a temporary shelter in the southern district of Genkami Island.

To be more precise, it is the surveillance related to Xiao Gucheng.

“You are really enthusiastic about being a volunteer, that guy from the ancient city.”

The Akatsuki Castle on the screen still has not left the volunteer team, following the rescue team of the Special Administrative Region Police Force, doing rescue work everywhere on Gengami Island – this has always been Lan Yu Qianzuo’s motivation. After all, her friends are working hard there, so she must persevere.

but now……

“Come and save me…”

Looking at Xiao Gucheng’s figure, Lan Yu Qiancong couldn’t help biting her lips and complained some willfully.

Of course she knew that this was a difficult task, and it was unrealistic to ask Xiao Gucheng to save her. However, in the past two weeks, Lan Yu Qingcong had not received a single call or message from Xiao Gucheng. Every time she looked at what he was doing, she saw You will always see him there helping others.

“Speaking of which, it was like this before…”

Lan Yu Qiancong remembered what happened before. It seemed to have started last year. Xiao Gucheng had often left her alone. Every time he came to see him for something, he said he was not free. Almost every day after school, he was nowhere to be seen. I can’t even make a date on weekends. When I send him a message, I always say “I still have something to do” after one or two sentences. When I call him, I always hear other women’s voices.

“Moguwai, do you think that idiot in the ancient city didn’t care about me at all?”

【Who knows? But don’t be too impatient. The guy from Gucheng doesn’t know you’re trapped here. Even if he knew, he wouldn’t be able to get through, right? 】

“…I know, but…”

However, Lan Yu Qiancong still wanted to be willful. She couldn’t understand and accept everything. She just wanted Xiao Gucheng to care about her.

Forget what happened before, now even if Xiao Gucheng just gives her a message, she will be satisfied——

[Oh, there is information coming, Miss]


Lan Yu Qian Cong suddenly became more energetic!

“From the ancient city?”

[No, it belongs to Brother Alexia]

Lan Yu Qiancong’s spirit dropped a little: “…What did he say?”

[Ask you if the matter here is finished. If so, he can come to pick you up and treat you to a meal or something]

(Not the ancient city, but Exia…)

It’s not that Lan Yu Qian Cong is dissatisfied, it’s just that at this time, Lan Yu Qian Cong still wants to receive Xiao Gucheng’s gift more than Aixia’s.

“…Then just tell him that I’m trapped underground and can’t get out. It will probably take a few days before I can be rescued.”


In this reply, Lan Yu Qiancong did not have any expectations, but simply reported the current situation in a coping manner.

However, not long after that.

It shouldn’t even take two minutes, right?


Lan Yu Qiancong was suddenly surprised by the noise coming from outside: “What’s going on? Moguwai?”

【Who knows? Without monitoring, I don’t know.】


There was another sound, and Lan Yu Qiancong quickly stood up from the chair and looked behind her nervously.

next moment–


With a sound that sounded like a kick on the door, the door that was supposed to be blocked by a large number of stones was broken open from the outside. The light of the flashlight shone into the house, and someone entered the house with it——


Lan Yu Qiancong looked at the somewhat gray-faced figure that appeared in front of him in surprise.

“W-why are you… here?”

“Ah? Didn’t you say you were trapped underground? That’s why I came to rescue you. It’s really troublesome to dig down layer by layer.” Alexia, who was holding a flashlight, said matter-of-factly. , and stretched out his hand to Lan Yu Qiancong, “Let’s go, I’ll take you out.”

go out?

“You…wait a minute, you mean you dug it out?”

How long has it been since? Do you have three minutes? Exia came here alone in such a short period of time? This is the twelve underground floors buried underground! In the end he…

(Wait, his hands…)

Lan Yu Qian Cong looked at Alexia’s hands. Although they looked like they had no wounds, they were full of dust and some blood.

He dug out all the blockages with his bare hands and relied on his own hands to save her – Lan Yu Qian Cong realized this,

“……Why are you?”

“Huh? Why?”

“Why did you come to save me?” Lan Yu Qiancong asked doubtfully.

Putting her hands like that, and taking the risk of being buried accidentally… Why did Exia come to save her? And judging from the speed, he rushed over as soon as he received the message, right?

Why did he do this?

“Because you are my friend.”

Alexia’s tone was still so matter-of-fact, and she took the initiative to step forward and hold Lan Yu Qiancong’s hand: “Okay, don’t stay around, let’s go, I will take you to a safe place.”


Following Exia’s words, at the moment when she was led out of the room, Lan Yu Qianqing saw the [wings] spread out behind Exia, and was led by him to fly into the sky for the first time. Bathed in the sunshine again after two weeks.

【I’m here to save you】

At this moment, Lan Yu Qiancong’s inner feelings changed in a certain direction.

And this was the initial opportunity that led to her subsequent “transference of love”.

60. The strongest person in the world who was attacked by sneak attack

In a hospital on Genkami Island.

“——Thank you for bothering me.”

Walking out of the consulting room with Lan Yu Qiancong, and thanking the doctor inside, Exia breathed a sigh of relief: “It seems like everything is fine.”

“So, I already told you that I’m fine. You’re worrying too much.”

Lan Yu Qian Cong smiled.

It is now dozens of minutes after the two of them returned to Genkami Island. After being flown back from the sea by Exia, Lan Yu Asakon was semi-forcibly pushed to the hospital for a physical examination, even though she said it several times He was really fine, and Exia refused to give in.

Although she knew he was caring about her, being worried to this extent made Lan Yu Qiancong feel like he was a bit like an elderly woman.

“I just want to make sure that you are completely fine. After being kidnapped by terrorists, you were still unharmed. Not many people would believe it.”

“You were the one who rescued me. How could I have been injured with you here?” Lan Yu Qianqiong pushed Aixia’s waist, “Compared to this, I just saw you going out to answer the phone, right? Is there anything I want you to deal with?”

Previously, when Lan Yu Qiancong was undergoing a physical examination, Exia left once because of the ringing of her cell phone.

“No, it’s just that Teacher Na Yue told us to cooperate with her in making a record. After that, this terrorist attack by the Black Death Emperor will be completely over.”

The ship housing the remnants of the Black Death Emperor faction was sunk by Exia with one blow. Everyone on board was either wiped out by Exia’s power, or sank into the sea with the ship and drowned. The terrorists who fought with the SAR police on the additional artificial island were all arrested by Nangong Nayue’s team after Exia left.

We are still checking to see if there are any fish that escaped the trap by chance, but I guess even if they exist, they won’t be able to hide for long.

“This is how we solved a terrorist attack…”

Lan Yu Qian Cong put his hands behind his back and moved slightly closer to Alexia: “Even the weapons of the gods were defeated by you so easily. You are really too powerful, Alexia. The title of the strongest in the world. It’s really not just something you say casually.”

“I don’t care much about this kind of title. It doesn’t mean anything to me whether I am the strongest in the world. I just need to be able to do what I want to do.”

“That’s true… Even if you are not the strongest in the world, you will definitely come to save me this time, right? How many times have I been saved by you?” Lan Yu Qiancong clapped his fingers, “Probably Three or four times, right? This time, the time I was buried underground, and a few other minor things. I’m really embarrassed to have been saved by you so many times. I never gave him any help. What gift do you want in return?”

Alexia shrugged: “I didn’t save you just to return a gift. Don’t worry about it. If you gave me a return gift, I would be a little uneasy.”

“Your character is really…sigh – will you do the same next time?”


The endless question made Aixia slightly startled: “What next time?”

“If I encounter danger like this next time, will you come to save me as soon as possible?”


Alexia’s answer was without any hesitation: “To put it a little bit exaggerated, even if you encounter danger on the other side of the world, I will rush there as soon as I know about it. Didn’t I also say that on the way back just now? Have you passed? I can save you as many times as I want.”

“Of course, it’s not just you, Kojo, Nagisa, Motoki, Teacher Nazuki, Ji Hiiragi…even people I don’t know. As long as someone needs to be saved, I will help. Use. According to Teacher Nazuki, I have an excessive sense of justice.”

(As expected…)

He is not special, and Alexia does not save himself because he is special. Even if he is not the one who is in trouble today, Alexia will definitely behave the same way – Lan Yu Qingcong can understand.

“So, my true ancestor who has an excessive sense of justice, I’m a little thirsty now. Can you please buy me a bottle of drink?”


Alexia looked at the vending machine not far behind Lan Yu Qianqiong: “Isn’t it right behind you? Why don’t you just take a few steps to buy it yourself?”

“I don’t have any money. Have you forgotten that I was kidnapped early in the morning?”

“Yeah, what do you want to drink?”

“Pineapple watermelon soda.”

What kind of weird combination is that? ——Axia thought as she walked towards the vending machine.

And just when he and Lan Yu Qiancong were about to pass each other…


Lan Yu Qiancong suddenly reached out and grabbed his collar, pulling Alexia toward her.

Alexia quickly turned around and prepared to hold on to the wall to stand firm, but at this moment——



The sudden soft touch on her lips made Alexia’s breathing stop for a moment.

The world fell silent for a moment.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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