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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 279

The slightly clumsy kiss took away all of Alexia’s attention at this moment, causing his consciousness to fall into a very brief blank.

And when he came back to his senses——

“What is the strongest in the world…”

With a blush floating on his face, he leaned gently against the wall. Lan Yu Qiancong, who was knocked unconscious by Ixia, licked the remaining fluid at the corner of his mouth. He seemed a little proud and shy and smiled: “It’s okay to attack by surprise. How difficult it is…”

“Qian Cong, you…”

Alexia looked at the friend in front of her in confusion and confusion.

“You are…”

“That’s it, you can think about the meaning yourself, idiot~~~!”

Emerging from Aikexia’s wall, Lan Yu Qiancong pushed Aikexia hard: “Hurry up and buy me a drink! I’ll go to the bathroom first, and we’ll meet in the lobby later!”

“Huh? Wait, Qian Cong!”

Looking at Lan Yu Qian Cong who turned around and ran away after pushing her, Exia subconsciously wanted to grab her hand and ask for details, but even with the fastest speed in the world, she couldn’t catch up immediately at this time. Go up.


(What does this kiss mean?!)

The shocking impact made Exia barely react at this time.

This is not the first time that Exia has kissed someone of the opposite sex. Arturia and Sajo Aige have both kissed him. In a sense, he is already a veteran.

But this time, this kiss from Lan Yu Qiancong… Alexia didn’t think it was the same kiss as those two people.

(Miss Aige! Saber! Ddraig! The Herrscher of Thunder! What the hell is Asakusa…)

[Experience it for yourself, partner]

[Think for yourself, bastard master]

(Master, please think about this yourself.)

(That vixen!)

Well, not at all.

Looking at the direction in which Lan Yu Qian Cong left, Exia bit her lips.

“It should be…impossible, right?”

“Qian Cong treats me…”

61.Are you satisfied?

In the hospital bathroom on the same floor.

He rushed in here at a trot, found a single room at random, ran in and locked himself up. Lan Yu Qianqiong leaned against the door panel and covered his mouth with the back of his hand.

(I made it…I actually actually made it…)

This may be the boldest behavior and decision Lan Yu Qiancong has ever made in his life.

Although she didn’t think too much when she did it, after finally finishing it, her heart was almost filled with unbearable shyness and joy!

She really did that to Alexia…

(So ​​happy……)

Grabbing the clothes on his chest, he closed his eyes and listened to the accelerated heartbeat in his heart. After recalling the touch just now, Lan Yu Qiancong couldn’t control the corners of his mouth rising.

This was the first time that she was finally with the person she liked…and it should be in front of that Sajo Aige, right?

Based on Lan Yu Qianqian’s understanding of Shajo Aige, she can be sure that when she attacked Alexia, Shajo Aige was watching from the side, and thinking about her situation, she might be angry now Isn’t it possible?

——[Declaration of war].

Lan Yu Qiancong had said this to Shatiao Aige before, but now it should be regarded as an effective counterattack for her, right?

(In this case…it will be considered a formal war, Shajo Aige.)

Lan Yu Qiancong is not so naive as to think that she can defeat Shajo Aige with just a kiss, nor does she think that she can conquer Exia. Today’s action is just the beginning. What she needs to do after that is to muster up more courage and go Try to do more things with Alexia, and gradually develop your relationship with him into a lover…

“Just wait for me, Exia.”

“Dong dong dong…”

Just as Lan Yu Qiancong was talking to herself, there was a sudden knock on the door behind her.

“Sorry, there’s someone inside.”

“Well, I know it’s you, Senior Lan Yu.” The voice that sounded was Ji Hiiragi Xuena’s voice, “I just saw the senior downstairs, and the senior asked me to see how long it will take for you to recover.”

Did Alexia ask her to come?

Without being suspicious, Lan Yu Qiancong said, “Well, I’ll be ready soon. You can wait outside for a while.”

“Okay – speaking of which…”


“How does it feel to kiss the prince?”

With the sound of this sound, Lan Yu Qiancong suddenly felt as if someone had pinched his neck! And it was quite forceful, almost giving her the intention to strangle herself to death!

“Well…this, this…”

(This voice is – Shajo Love Song!)


A loud noise came from behind Lan Yu Qian Cong.

The door panel she was leaning on seemed to have been torn off by someone with brute force, and disappeared behind her on the spot.

And casually throwing the door panel aside, Shajo Aige came to Lanyu Qiancong, and laughed in the voice of Ji Hiiragi Xuena, who is now relying on it: “It really surprised me, Miss Lanyu , you really did something extraordinary.”


(I was careless, because I was too happy to think of it immediately…)

“Ah~~~It’s better not to talk casually. I don’t really want to hear your voice right now. I always feel that if I hear it, I will strangle you to death accidentally.”

Saying this, Sajo Aige didn’t actually make any moves, and there was nothing on Lan Yu Qianzuo’s neck, but in fact, Shajo Aige had firmly controlled Lan Yu Qianzuo’s neck through magic. , as long as she has that intention, she can break Lan Yu Qiancong’s neck at any time.

“It really shocked me.”

After putting down the toilet lid and sitting on it, Shajo Aige smiled like a queen: “If it hadn’t been for sister Ji Hiiragi who happened to come to the hospital, I wouldn’t have known how to punish you. After all, you did that kind of thing before. , just giving you a nightmare or something is really too cheap for you.”

This sentence is true.

Secretly kissing Ixia in front of him – Lan Yu Qiancong’s behavior undoubtedly completely ignited Shajo Aige’s jealousy.

That is something that others must never do! It would be fine if it were Miss Bianca or Artoria, but not other vixens!

And it happened that Ji Hiiragi Yukina also came to the hospital because she saw the broadcast on TV, so Shajo Aige directly leaned on her without even the slightest hesitation, and rushed here in a hurry.

“Now it’s not enough just to take away your memories and feelings.”

Shatiao Aige smiled.

“Let me think about it… Well, let me reverse it. Completely reverse your feelings for the prince, from liking the prince to hating the prince – let you become the world How about the person who hates the prince the most?”

From love to hate.

Lan Yu Qianqing, who was currently in the most ecstatic state, was suddenly knocked down to the state she least wanted to be in.

In terms of punishment, it should be quite harsh, right?

“This way, the prince won’t think too much about your behavior just now. Well, it’s a pretty good way to deal with it.”


This time Shatiao Aige pinched Lan Yu Qiancong’s neck with his own hands, and said with a smile: “——I’m just kidding. This kind of punishment is too easy for you, I have to make you regret it. I have to. To make you regret what you did just now, I have to make you regret why you thought that way…I have to make you regret so much that you want to kill yourself.”


“Ah, that’s right, let me tell you again. No matter how much you scream and struggle, it’s useless. I had already set up a barrier when I came in. No one will realize what is happening here. Won’t even realize there’s a toilet here – until I lift the barrier.”

At the door of the bathroom, just as Sajo Aige said, there were several magic arrays floating together in mid-air, and the light they emitted enveloped the entire internal space.

“Are you satisfied anyway?”

“You have been saved by the prince several times, experienced princess-like experiences several times, and even kissed the prince – even if you die now, you should not have any regrets, right? You know I don’t have a manager like that. , I think it’s really too much for you to go through this and not give me your body.”

(How can I not have regrets! I still have a lot of things I want to do! I don’t want to be solved by you like this!)

Holding Shatiao Aige’s hand with both hands, Lan Yu Qiancong tried hard to break away, but Shatiao Aige’s slender arms had incredible strength, making Lan Yu Qiancong wonder if she was fighting with a man with a full body. Muscular men compete in strength.

“Anyway, let’s start with capturing the memory.”

Not paying attention to Lan Yu Qian Cong’s resistance, Shatiao Aige lightly snapped her fingers. Lan Yu Qian Cong immediately floated into the air, and her hands and feet were pulled apart to form a big character, as if a large number of invisible chains appeared in the space to hang her up. Lived the same.


A small magic circle appeared in the palm of his hand, and he placed his palm on Lan Yu’s forehead. Shatiao Aige smiled and said: “Don’t worry, it won’t be painful. There is nothing wrong with losing memory.”

“……All right.”

I don’t know if it was an auditory hallucination, but Shatiao Aige felt that Lan Yu Qiancong seemed to have said this.

“Oh? Are you accepting your fate? Miss Qian Cong.”

“Yeah. I’ll leave it to you.”

“Yeah, yeah, I like cooperative children very much. I wish you had been obedient earlier.” Shajo Aige nodded with satisfaction, although she didn’t know why Lan Yu Qiancong suddenly became so obedient at this time. But that didn’t stop her from continuing her behavior.


“【I see】.”

The third sentence sounded in Lan Yu Qian Cong’s mouth, but it was not the voice and tone that Lan Yu Qian Cong would have.

Shajo Aige was a little confused——


Lan Yu Qiancong, who was restrained in mid-air, tugged hard on his hands and feet, breaking the invisible chains that bound him. Then, under Shajo Aige’s surprised eyes, he punched down. On her chest!


The penetrating power immediately knocked Shatiao Aige into the air and hit the wall of the single room!

(This power…)

Standing up while holding on to the toilet, Shajo Aige rubbed the sore chest, and looked at Lan Yu Qian Cong, who had fallen to the ground in front of him with a little surprise in his eyes. His expression was inexplicably sharper and calmer: “… …So what I said just now was meant for you? Hahaha, when did you get involved with Miss Asakusa?”


62. King Arthur’s backstab

Shatiao Aige was surprised.

The scene before her eyes was something she had seen once before in a dream, but did not think it would happen in reality.

“I didn’t expect you to reach a cooperation with Miss Asakusa. When did it start? Liya.”

Now in the eyes of Sajo Aige, Lan Yu Asakon does not look like Lan Yu Asakon, but a [companion] she is very familiar with, the only person she thinks can be used as a partner and ally [Artoria Pendragon] 】.

Without immediately answering Sajo Aige’s question, Arturia controlled Lan Yu Asakon’s body to get into a fighting stance, while communicating with Lan Yu Asakon in her mind.

(I’m sorry, Miss Lan Yu, I’m late. Are you okay?)

[It’s okay, it’s just that my throat feels a little uncomfortable. Thank you for coming to save me, Pendragon]

(This is the contract between us.)


Just like there is a contract between Sajo Aige and Lan Yu Asakon, there is also a contract between Lan Yu Asakon and Artoria.

That was what happened after Sajo Aige told Lan Yu Asakusa for the first time that he would take away her memory. In order to stop Sajo Aige’s behavior from gradually getting out of control, Arturia and Lan Yu Asakusa formed a contract. ——[When Sajo Aige’s behavior goes out of control, Artoria can use Lan Yu Asakon’s body to stop her]

[Pendragon, the current sandiao love song…]

“Well, there is no doubt that your behavior is out of control. But please don’t worry, I don’t mean to blame you. It’s just Ai Ge’s own jealousy that broke out. Leave it to me and I will handle it. .”

【Well, sorry to trouble you】


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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