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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 28

Loki and Freya are fellow villagers in heaven. If her fun has nothing to do with Loki himself, then she will be happy to watch it, but if someone robs her of Loki’s head, then she can’t laugh and laugh. Yes.

(Steal someone from us… Believe it or not, I will really send you back to heaven, Freya.)


Top of the Tower of Babel.

In the room where the goddess Freya is.

Shaking the wine glass in her hand, Freya called softly: “Hedin, are you there?”

“I’m here, what are your plans, goddess.”

One of the eight first-level adventurers of Freya’s family, a fairy named [Hedin Serland] appeared beside the goddess in time.

Normally, the task of serving the goddess Freya is handled by Ota, but now that the Ota people are in the dungeon, this task falls on Hedin – although all other first-level adventurers are interested in it. This result made me extremely angry and envious.

If it weren’t for Freya’s personal words, it is estimated that the high-end combat power of Freya’s family would have been directly fighting in a fight to the death.

“Let the children get ready to welcome the guests.”

Freya smiled.


Hedin’s eyes narrowed under his glasses: “It must be Loki’s family. Do we need to summon Ota back?”

“No, no need. He is doing the most important thing now. He will come back naturally when he is finished. And now is the most important time. You must not be disturbed – there is no need to be nervous, Hedin.”

Freya stood up and came to the floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking a certain direction below.

“There won’t be many guests coming. Just let the children prepare some snacks and wine. I think this time it will just be a brief reminiscence.”

“I understand. But please let me accompany you as a bodyguard.”

Freya’s family members will not have any complaints about the goddess’s words and decisions. Even if she takes some random actions, the family members will only complain while following the goddess’s will and doing their best to satisfy their goddess.

However, it is too dangerous for the goddess to be alone with rival factions, and only in this case will the members of Freya’s family do something outrageous.

“Well, I’m sorry to bother you. I think they will be here soon, so make preparations as soon as possible.”


Hedin responded and left the room, leaving Freya alone by the window.

Staring in the direction of Loki’s family, Freya smiled softly and said: “It really surprised me, Loki, that you would take the initiative for one or two children… But I’m sorry, I really I want to see the light of that child.”

The light that bloomed for the sake of protection, Freya sincerely wanted to take it as her own.

(It would be great if the person he could protect was me…)


Tick ​​tock!

This is the sound of water drops falling to the ground.

It was also the first sound that Ixia heard after she regained consciousness.

He opened his eyes with difficulty, raised his eyelids as if they were stuck, and what came into view was a dome that was emitting light like daylight.

(here it is……)

His consciousness was still chaotic, as if he was bound by countless chains and felt heavy and heavy, making it difficult to move freely.

Why are you here? Where is this place?

Driven by doubts, his consciousness gradually regained consciousness from the chaos, and the memories before losing consciousness also emerged in his mind bit by bit, just like a broken puzzle piece being gradually repaired.

The embryonic form of memory surfaced.


(By the way, I…lost.)

This was the first thing that Alexia recalled.

He and Lefiya encountered the strongest adventurer Otta on the twenty-seventh floor and were attacked by him. In order to allow Lefiya to escape, he stayed and had a one-on-one duel with Otta… …No, that’s not right.

Not a duel.

It was just that he challenged him unilaterally and was crushed mercilessly. The sword he swung with all his strength did not even touch his body once.

Different from the all-round suppression from his teacher, childhood sweetheart, Ota gave Exia only the purest [feeling of powerlessness].

This is not something that sparring and training can give him.

The teacher and his childhood sweetheart would let themselves go when they were fighting. It was a fight with the goal of defeating themselves, and it would not endanger their lives. Therefore, when fighting the two of them, Exia felt like she was trapped in the famous Aka. Same as Leus’ Paradox.

They always stood one step in front of him.

But Otta is different. From the beginning, he has been standing on the top of the mountain that Exia can’t reach yet.

“Damn… lost… lost… lost…”

Alexia clenched her teeth tightly, her chest filled with unwillingness.

I lost.



Doubts quickly came to mind.

(Why…am I still alive?)

Alexia thought in confusion.

He was defeated in the battle with Ota, so he should have been killed by him after that. Why was he still alive? Why can I still wake up?

Could it be that I have arrived in the world after death?

“Are you awake?”

The sound in her ears attracted Alexia’s attention, and she turned her head to look in the direction of the sound. What came into Alexia’s field of vision was the figure of a warrior sitting with his back against the wall.

The fierce one, Ota.


Without any hesitation, Alexia subconsciously jumped up and started the Cunxin Fist – and then he was surprised again.

His body, which should have been injured by Otta’s attack, now actually feels no pain at all, and his right arm has recovered to its original state without any distortion at all.

“It seems that the recovery is very good. The panacea can heal the body, but it cannot heal the spirit. If you have a mental breakdown due to defeat, then I can only baptize you again.”

“…It was you who saved me?”

“It’s not me, it’s the goddess.” Ota stood up from the ground and threw the bag in front of Ixia. “There are weapons in here. Pick one you like, and then follow me to a place.”

Alexia looked at the weapon bag at her feet, shook her head and couldn’t help but asked loudly: “You… what on earth do you want to do? Why do you want to save me? Aren’t you here to kill me? And what’s more? Where is this place? How is Lefiya doing?”

“—Answer my question! Otta!”

The barrage of questions made Ota’s calm expression waver slightly, and then he sighed slightly and sat down again: “Let me explain to you from the beginning. Sit down and stay calm. I won’t do anything to you now.”


Without saying a word, Exia just took out a sword from the weapon bag and stuck it on the ground, as if he was ready to attack Otta at any time – anyway, it was a weapon thrown by the opponent, so it was not used in vain.

“I have only one purpose, and that is to realize the goddess’s idea.” Ota explained, “The goddess wants to see you grow and see your soul bloom, so I came – in fact, to Protect Thousand Fairies, your battle has allowed me to see your determination, I think the goddess should be satisfied.”


Alexia frowned: “Goddess Freya?”

“Exactly. And saving you is also the will of the goddess. The so-called killing you is just an excuse to force you – but if you cannot show the corresponding determination, I will not show mercy.”

He means it.

Alexia can hear it.

“…How is Lefiya? Where are you?”

“She’s fine. I asked her to collect fruits. The only food in the dungeon is fruits. This is the thirty-ninth floor, the first safe floor in the deep. When she comes back and you fill your stomach, we will go to the third floor. Seventeenth floor.”

Thirty-seventh floor?

“What are you doing there?”

“Adventure.” Ota said, “I said, the goddess hopes for your growth. The floor master Udaios on the thirty-seventh floor has been reborn. Go and defeat him alone.”

That’s why weapons are needed.

Exia understood what Ota meant by throwing the weapons to him. He wanted him to use these weapons to defeat Udaios.

“What happens after you’re defeated?”

“Return to the surface, this is the map.” Ota threw a bundle of scrolls in front of Exia, and then stood up again, “Then, my mission ends here, farewell.”

“Hey! Stop!”

Alexia quickly stood up and called to him: “Are you… just going to leave like this?”

“There is no point in staying for me anymore. Whether you can defeat Udaios has nothing to do with me. It would be best if you can defeat him. But if you are killed by Udaios, it means that you are nothing more than that and not worth it. The goddess favors you.”

Horta’s voice had no fluctuation.

“I can see the unwillingness in your eyes. If you want to fight me again, then crawl back from here again. I will wait for you in the Freya Familia.”

After saying this, Ota left Exia’s sight.

Looking at his leaving figure, and then looking at the weapons and deep maps left by Otta on the ground, Ixia clenched her fists so hard that her nails were almost embedded in her palms.

Not willing to give in.

Unwilling to lose, unwilling to be saved by the other party, unwilling to be ignored by the other party… Alexia is extremely unwilling now!

If possible, he wants to go up and fight Otta again now! But he also knows that he can’t defeat him now, and he doesn’t have that power yet.

Udaios——The floor master of the thirty-seventh floor, a level 6 monster.

(If knocking it down will allow me to level up…)


Just as Alexia was thinking this, she suddenly remembered a girl’s exclamation behind her, followed by the sound of something rolling to the ground.

Turning around, Exia saw some fruits scattered at her feet, but she was standing there blankly, Lefiya looking a little haggard.


Something was triggered in my mind.


Before Lefiya could say anything, Exia rushed forward and hugged her with both hands!


The sudden hug instantly made Lefiya’s cheeks turn red! Her shy mood made her instinctively want to push Alexia away, but when her hand touched him, Lefia felt his body trembling continuously.

“Very good……”

This is a word of great relief and relief.

Lefia is fine.

Although Otta said that, now after actually seeing Lefiya in good condition, Exia was truly relieved.

“That’s great…Lefia…you’re okay…that’s great…”

“…Well, it’s really great that you can wake up, Alexia.”

Putting away her shyness, Lefiya also said with relief.

It’s great that I and Ixia can still survive like this and see each other like this.

49. The lonely king appears

Tens of minutes later.

After both Exiya and Lefia calmed down from the joy of surviving the disaster, the two sat on the floor, eating the fruits Lefia had picked, and exchanging things they knew about each other.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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