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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 280

Withdrawing her attention from the conversation with Lan Yu Asakon, Artoria looked at Sajo Aige seriously: “Stop it, Aige, it’s over.”

“Stop? I don’t understand what you are talking about, Liya.” Shajo Aige smiled, “Do you want to protect Miss Asakusa? This is not possible. She has done something that I can’t bear. I must She has to be punished – and in another sense, I am also protecting her. Liya must understand what I am talking about.”

“…Well, I understand that it is not a good thing for us to have too many contacts with people in this world.” Artoria did not deny it, “But this is not because you are hurting Miss Lan Yu. Reason, you are not qualified to take away anyone’s memory and feelings, don’t continue to be willful, love song!”


Arturia’s sharp scolding caused Sajo Aige to fall into silence for a moment.

(In Liya’s opinion, am I being willful?)


Suddenly laughing, Sajo Aige stretched out his hands: “Well, indeed, I am being willful. Liya, your scolding is very reasonable. I don’t seem to have any qualifications to touch Miss Asakusa. “


“But I just want to be willful.”


The magic circle floating in the palm of Shajo Aige glowed with a little light, and Shajo Aige’s expression had a sickly blush: “Liya, you know that I love the prince very much. For the prince, I will I can do anything. As long as I can be with the prince forever, I am willing to do anything.”

Even if he had to give up his body and make himself a conceptually special being, Shajo Aige did it without any hesitation. Even if one day a situation arises that requires her to sacrifice to fulfill Ixia, she will sacrifice herself without hesitation.

This is the weight of love in Shajo’s love song.

She gave all her love to Alexia, and hoped that Alexia could respond to her love – not all of it, just a response to her. After all, with the existence of Bianca, Sajo Aige already knew that she could not completely monopolize Alexia, but even so, she hoped to get a response from Alexia.

For her, who will probably be with Exia from now on, this is a wish that can come true just by waiting.

But she didn’t want Alexia to respond to anyone but herself and Bianca.

If Alexia’s love is compared to a cake, then maybe 99% of it belongs to Bianca, and only about 1% belongs to Sajou Aige.

Although it is a very biased distribution method, this is still the [cake] that belongs to Shajo Aige, and of this one percent [cake], Shajo Aige has no intention of sharing it with others! Artoria can barely do it, but no one else can even think about it!

In the eyes of Shatiao Aige, Lan Yu Qiancong’s behavior was an aboveboard robbery!

“The prince’s love belongs to me and will not be given to anyone else. I will take back every drop of what he gave to Miss Asakusa.” Sajo Aige said with a smile, “If Liya, you really want to stop me As for me, I won’t be merciful to you—it just so happens that I can monopolize my share.”

This is the willfulness of Shajo Aige.

As a girl, this is a normal thought, although it is a bit extreme.

Looking at Sajo Aige, who could become her enemy at any time, Artoria took a deep breath: “Aige… I say it again, stop. What do you think the Master will think if you do this? ? Is this what the Master wants you to do? If the Master knows what you have done, you know how he will react without me telling you, right?”

There is no doubt that Exia will be quite angry.

He very seriously regards Lan Yu Qiancong and others he met in this world as his friends, and Exia has always been merciless to those who hurt his friends.

“I will take care of everything.” Shajo Aige vowed, “Whether it’s the Prince’s side or Miss Asakusa’s side, I will handle it one by one, whether it’s intelligence operations or cognitive distortions, Or it could be confusion of concepts or tampering of memory… I will use all means to ensure that the prince will not be affected in any way and will not have any changes.”

“Because I have a body now, I can do anything.”

While saying this, Sajo Aige stretched out her hand to Artoria: “Now is the last chance, Liya. Now I can still pretend that nothing has happened, and I can share the prince with Liya. The love of adults.”

“…I’m sorry, Aige. I’ll stop you.”

Without holding Shatiao Aige’s hand, after a moment of silence, Artoria shook her head and said firmly: “I can’t let you continue to be willful.”

“Is it?”

Putting down his hand a little lonely, Sajo Aige sighed regretfully, and the magic circle in his hand gradually rotated and enlarged: “That’s really a pity. But, how are you going to stop me with Miss Asakusa’s weak body? ? Now you can neither use magic nor summon the holy sword, right? At most, you can only rely on intuition and physical skills, but I can use some magic here.”

Flames burned in the magic circle, and then turned into several flame flowers floating around Shatiao Aige.

That was definitely not a magic that Lan Yu Qian Cong’s body could withstand.

“…I know. So I attached myself to Miss Lan Yu just to protect her. I said I wanted to stop you, but in fact what I can do is limited. To really stop you, I have to use Other ways”

“That’s it, can I leave it to you next?”



As Arturia finished speaking, the barrier covering the entire bathroom was suddenly shattered from the outside.

Not minding that this was the women’s restroom, Alexia walked in generously.

Shajo Aige suddenly froze on the spot.

It’s over – this is the only thought in her mind now.

63.Time of reckoning

“Miss Aige left?”

This happened about three minutes before Alexia came to the women’s room.

After realizing that Sajo Aige had left, Arturia immediately informed Exia.

“Is there any problem with this? Saber.”

[I think Ai Ge may have gone to see Miss Lan Yu]

Arturia explained.

[Please think carefully, Master. With Ai Ge’s love for you, I just witnessed the scene of Miss Lan Yu kissing you. It shouldn’t be possible for her to be quiet, right? 】


Although it’s not that she doesn’t believe in Sajo Aige, according to Alexia’s opinion, Sajo Aige should not be indifferent to what happened just now. However, Alexia feels that the approach she may take is to rely on Ji Hiiragi after returning home. Yukina, through Ji Hiiragi Yukina, did some [revenge] on herself.

Now there should be no need to do anything excessive to Lan Yu Qianzui. After all, they have known each other for almost half a year, even though Shajo Aige and Lan Yu Qianzui have never met (Exia’s perspective).

[Just in case, I’d better follow up and take a look, Master]

“You can trust Miss Aige more, Saber.”

[It’s because I believe in Ai Ge that I want to confirm it now – Master, please come too, maybe you will be needed to come forward then]

After listening to Arturia’s words, Exia hesitated for a moment, then stood up and followed them together.

After that, he heard all the conversations between Shajo Aige and Artoria.

The barrier of Sandjo Aige is a barrier that is specialized for concealment. Although it has the effects of sound insulation and camouflage, as long as you are aware of it, you can naturally hear it with Alexia’s ability.

And now—


(Definitely angry!)

Looking at Alexia who had been silent since she walked in, Sajou Aige was now so panicked that she couldn’t be more panicked!

She really never thought that Artoria would complain directly to Alexia!

[We can handle what we want to do ourselves, and don’t bother Exia] – This shouldn’t be a tacit understanding between the two! It’s always been like this! Doing things secretly that are beneficial to Alexia without letting him know is what a qualified lover should do!

(Liya, you traitor!)

“Miss Love Song.”


Alexia spoke gloomily, staring at Shajo Aige: “Aren’t you ready to come out to see me?”

“No, no, no! I definitely didn’t mean that!”

Sajo Aige almost escaped from Himiragi Yukina’s body!

“I just…just…”

“Are you okay? Ji Hiiragi.”

It should be said that she deliberately ignored Sajo Aige. Exiya came to Himihara Yukina and asked: “Did Miss Aige’s possession have any impact on you?”

“Ping Yi…?” Ji Hiiragi Xuena was a little confused, “Senior, what are you talking about? What Ping Yi? And… why is the senior in the women’s toilet? Why am I here? “


Memory confusion?

Alexia quickly looked at Shajo Aige: “What’s going on? Miss Aige?”

“Uh… this… that…” Shajo Aige poked her finger in fear, “Actually… every time I rely on you, Ji Little sister Hiiragi is unconscious, and then I will use magic to make up a false memory and implant it into her when I end her possession… to avoid mistakes…”

Because those are memories that belong to [Sajo Aige] and [Exia], and Sajo Aige doesn’t want those memories to be owned by Himeiragi Yukina.

“As for the fact that she doesn’t know about the possession, it’s actually the contract between me and her. I asked her to forget about the possession related things…”


“Um, my lord prince…”

Seeing that Alexia didn’t speak, Shajo Aige stretched out her hand toward him uneasily.

But the next moment,


Alexia suddenly raised her hand, clenched her fist and hit Shajo Aige directly in the face! But just as he was about to hit Shajo Aige, he forcibly stopped in mid-air. He clenched his fist hard for a few moments, but soon released it. After repeating this several times, Exia finally Lower your hands.

“Anyway, come back first, Miss Aige, Saber.”


“As commanded.”

Shajo Aige and Artoria responded one after another, and then returned to Exia’s body.

After regaining control of her body, Lan Yu Qian Cong glanced at Ji Hiiragi Xuena and Alexia with somewhat complicated eyes. After being silent for a while, she said, “What…are you going to do with her?”

“……have no idea.”

Alexia shook her head in confusion.

He always believed that no matter which world he was in, apart from Bianca, the partners around him were the most worthy of his trust.

He believed in Ddraig and the Herrscher of Thunder who gave him power, and in Artoria and Shajo Aige who gave up their bodies to follow him. Even if it was another self, he had always believed in it before that incident.


“I will have a good talk with her. Although I don’t know how the talks will turn out, I can guarantee that I will definitely make her apologize to you and make Miss Ai Ge make corresponding compensation – of course, the same goes for myself. .”

Exia believed that she was at least half responsible for the things that Sajo Aige did.

Because he trusted Shajo Aige and didn’t pay too much attention to her, he failed to notice Shajo Aige’s behavior and unconsciously allowed her to do these things.

(What have you done, Miss Aige… What is the difference between you and the other me?)

Alexia now hates her other self.

He didn’t want to hate Shatiao Aige himself.

“…In that case, let me go and talk to her too.” Lan Yu Qingcong suddenly said, “I am the victim herself. I have the qualifications to decide how to punish her, right? And if I can, I I still want to punch her twice, so let me go and talk to her too.”

“Light onion…”

“In that case, I also want to talk to Miss Shajo.” Ji Hiiragi Xuena also raised her hand at this time, “Although I don’t know the general situation very well, my situation should be similar to that of Senior Lan Yu, right? I want to at least find out what happened to me first, and then I can settle the accounts with Miss Shajo… um.”

A very reasonable request.

Alexia pursed her lips and said: “…Okay, I understand. Let’s go to my house first. When we get there…we will resolve this matter properly.”

Today’s events are not over yet.

Rather, maybe today is just the beginning.

64. Do you still want to believe it?

Alexia’s house.

Because of the incident with the Black Death Emperor Faction and the subsequent trip to the hospital, Exia left here in the morning, and it was almost noon when she came back.

She sent a message to Nangong Nayue, saying that she, Lan Yu Qiancong and Ji Hiiragi Xuena were all going to take leave today. After receiving the approval, Alexia returned to her living room.


In the center of the living room, Sajo Aige is already kneeling on the floor. She is surrounded by three sofas. On the left is Lan Yu Asakon, and on the right is Ji Hiiragi Yukina. Behind her stands a person who has completed the pseudo-spirit body. Arturia stared at her, holding the Sword of Victory.

At first glance, it looks like they are in a courtroom, but whether it is Lan Yuqiang or Himeira Yukina, they are both plaintiffs, and Shajo Aige has no defense lawyer at all.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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