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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 281

After returning, Alexia also sat on the sofa in front of Shajo Aige.

“Qian Cong, Ji Hiiragi, I’ve taken care of your leave. The three of us don’t have to go to school today.”

“Well, that’s good – but then you have to help me with tutoring. If I don’t go for a day, my study progress will definitely fall behind.” Lan Yu Qianqing said, “This means that we have a whole day next. Can you come and settle accounts with Shatiao Aige?”

“That’s right…”

Alexia sighed slightly and looked at Sajo Aige with somewhat puzzled eyes: “Let me explain it from the beginning, Miss Aige. I really don’t understand why you would do such a thing, Asakusa and Ji Hiiragi are all my friends, and you also know my attitude towards my friends, why…are you still doing this?”

“…it was for you in the first place.”

After a moment of silence, under the gazes of the four people around him, Shajo Aige spoke.

“Because I thought you might need someone who could secretly help you deal with some troubles, so I initially found Miss Asakusa, who was suitable to be my body, and after talking with her several times, we formed a contract.”

“Is that so? Asakura.” Alexia asked herself.

Lan Yu Qiancong also nodded: “Absolutely, but rather than talking, she is basically threatening me. She said that if I don’t sign a contract with her, she will harass me every day. She even followed me secretly at the beginning. He came to my house and attacked me.”

“Miss Aige?”

“I’m really sorry…”

Under Alexia’s gaze, Sajo Aika simply got down and took her seat, her movements even cleaner than that of Sayaka Kyosaka who knelt down in the same position before.

“Well, but the content of the contract is basically beneficial to me, and it has not been implemented a few times after signing the contract, so this is not a trouble – but it was almost the first time Ji Hiira became your temporary lover. In two days, she said she no longer needed me and was going to take away my memories and so on. It was also at that time that I met Pendragon.”

That was almost two weeks ago.

Ji Hiiragi Yukina also realized something: “I must have been possessed by Miss Sajo at that time, right? I remember being possessed by Miss Sajo once.”

“…Then why didn’t you tell me earlier, Asakusa?” Alexia couldn’t help but ask, “If you had told me earlier, I would–“

“I don’t want her to tell you about this, Master.”

Arturia explained.

“This is a tacit understanding between Ai Ge and I. We believe that you don’t need to worry about some things for us, especially since this is something caused by Ai Ge, so we are prepared to resolve it privately… But this time I think it’s better to leave it to you to handle it yourself. I’m sorry.”

“…How many things are you hiding from me?”

Alexia looked at Artoria with some disappointment and dissatisfaction in her eyes: “I…I really trust you. I believe that neither Saber nor Miss Aige will be with another person.” One is the same as me, but why…why do you want to hide everything from me?”

“My lord prince…”


Neither Sajo Aige nor Artoria had ever seen Alexia like this – although they didn’t mean it that way, in terms of the result, their actions were [betrayal] against Alexia.

Taking a deep breath, Shajo Aige raised his head: “I have no intention of betraying you, Mr. Prince. Even though I have done such a thing, I still love you with all my heart. This is something I I will not lie to my soul, and I am willing to swear on my soul that there is absolutely no falsehood in my love for you.”

“…I am the same, Master. As your knight and your servant, I will be loyal to you until the last moment.” Arturia also said sincerely, “But… ….It is true that we did something wrong this time. We did something without authorization, and then we wanted to solve it privately without authorization, hiding all the process and results from you…”

Arturia was also a person who was once a king, and she understood the impact that her subordinates’ concealment would have on their superiors, but she forgot this in this case.

“I am willing to accept any punishment, Master.”

Taking the lead to put down the sword, Artoria knelt on one knee and said.

Sajo Aige also sighed resignedly: “I… have the same idea as Liya, Prince. My original intention is to better help you and bring those who are close to you… ….The opposite sex with ulterior motives and villains with evil intentions were all dealt with secretly, but because I personally failed to control my emotions, I did things that hurt Miss Asakusa and Sister Ji Hiiragi.”

“I’m also willing to accept any punishment.”

Looking at the two people kneeling in front of her, Exia put her forehead with her hands, frowning and lost in thought.

From an emotional point of view, Exia wanted to continue to believe in Sajo Aige and Artoria, but from a rational point of view, Artoria didn’t care. If Sajo Aige once again… obviously the two of them They should all be one of the people she should trust the most, but now Exia is hesitant to continue trusting them.

“…Then come and sign the contract.”

At this moment, Lan Yu Qiancong suddenly said this.

“Whether it’s punishment or the treatment of Shajo and Pendragon, as long as we clearly formulate a contract and create a magical bond, then any one of us can feel at ease, right? “

“[From now on, all actions must be reported to Exia], [If you dare to know and fail to report again, you will die immediately] – and so on.”

The example given by Lan Yu Qian Cong made Exia and others silent.

Indeed, making a contract is the most straightforward method and the most effective means to prevent similar things from happening again.

“I don’t have any opinion.”

“me too.”

Both Arturia and Sajo Aige accepted it. In a sense, for the two of them, having a contract was a good thing. After all, for two people who are extremely free, the contract is a kind of regulation and restraint, which allows them to have a limit in their actions and avoid losing control to the greatest extent due to excessive freedom – specifically Shajo Aige.

Ji Hiiragi Xuena nodded in agreement after thinking for a while.

And the most important thing is Exia…

“There is a contract about punishment, and I agree. But…”

With her eyes closed, as if she was engaged in some mental struggle, Ixia clenched her hands tightly for a while and then relaxed as she stretched her headless head: “I…I don’t think Miss Aige We need more contracts with Saber to bind them.”

“I want to continue to believe in them.”

65. Ansai waist drum

Alexia doesn’t like gambling, it can even be said that she hates it.

He doesn’t like to do things that are uncertain.

But now he wants to take a gamble.

“My lord prince…”

Shajo Aige looked at Exia who said this seriously with some surprise: “You…are you still willing to believe me?”


He took out the Seven Thunders of Purification from his waist, and at the same time, the Sekiryuutei’s cage hand appeared on his left hand. Exia showed a somewhat ugly bitter smile: “If I don’t believe what you said, I think I will no longer be myself. Alright.”

Alexia and her partner are a whole.

Sandjo Aige and Ddraig are his strength.

The Herrscher of Thunder is his weapon.

Arturia is his knight.

The reason why Exia can become the strongest in the world is because he has always had these partners around him to support him and give him unconditional strength and trust.

If you don’t believe them…will Exia still be [Exia]?

Absolutely not!

Therefore, even if her trust has been betrayed once by Sajo Aige and Artoria, even if there may be a risk of being betrayed again, Exia wants to trust them again – just this time.

Shatiao Love Song: “……”

Artoria: “……”

This was a solution they had never thought of.

Sajo Aige originally thought that she would be scolded by Exia after the incident was revealed, and it might be possible that she would be beaten up by Exia in the realm of consciousness.

Artoria also felt that she knew and failed to retaliate. From another perspective, it was an act of protecting Shajo Aige, and she should be punished in the end.

But…is Exia still willing to trust them again?

I believe their [trust] and [support] for him are still absolute.

“…Thank you for your trust, Master.”

After a short silence, Arturia lowered her head towards Alexia.

“In the name of the King of Knights, and in the name and soul of Arturia Pendragon, I swear to you that I will never betray your trust again.”

“Why did you steal what I wanted to say first, Liya.” Shajo Aige said with a smile, “Your Majesty, although I have sworn just now, I am willing to swear on my soul again that I will never If you do anything like this again, I will give everything I have to you, and I will dedicate everything I have to you.”

These two are serious.

Alexia can feel [Emotion], although she is not sure, but at this moment, Alexia can feel [Will] and [Emotion], and… [Restraint] from the words of the two people. .

——[Oath (geass)]

This is a terrible taboo spell in Irish legend. Once it takes effect, the person who made the oath will be affected and restricted by the oath for his whole life. He must not do anything that violates the oath, and even the fate of the whole person. The future will be affected by the oath.

Alexia didn’t know that Artoria and Sajo Aige’s words were the vows they had made to themselves.

This is their feedback for their trust in Alexia.

Watching this scene from the side, Lan Yu Qian Cong and Ji Hiiragi Xuena looked at each other, and then smiled helplessly: “In other words, give it to the two of them… no, give it to Sha Tiao.” The song is only about the contract related to punishment, and the rest is completely unnecessary, right?”

“Yeah.” Exia nodded slightly, “As for the content of the punishment…you can decide for yourself. In the end, I should also be the target of punishment, and I have no qualifications to decide the content of the punishment.”

“No, no, no, there is no need for you and Pendragon to accept punishment. Have you done anything wrong? The culprit is Shatiao Aige.” Lan Yu Qianqiong waved his hand and said with a smile, “However, if you want to say When it comes to punishment…Sajou Aige looks like a ghost, physical punishment is useless to her, right?”

“I can do it for you.”

Arturia raised her hand.

“Ai Ge and I are actually projections of our true nature into the real world. As long as her true nature is punished, her projection will also be affected by the same impact.”

“That’s it…then Pendragon, can I ask you to spank her a hundred times first?”

Hearing this, Miss Knight Wang immediately rolled up her sleeves.

Shajo Aige quickly covered her butt and jumped up: “Wait wait! Why is it a spanking?!”

“Aren’t you willing to accept any punishment? Do you want to regret it?”


Looking at Alexia with a blushing face, Shajo Aige said a little shyly: “Here… there is still the prince watching here! I don’t want the prince to see me being spanked. !”

Lan Yu Qian Cong: “…”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena: “…”

Alexia: “Then I’ll avoid it, and you can continue.”

“No, wait a minute.” Lan Yu Qiancong grabbed Alexia’s clothes, “Would it be better if… Ikesia fights you?”


“Miss Asakusa!? Are you a devil!?”

While Ixia was stunned, Sajo Aige exclaimed with her cheeks reddening! She actually wanted Alexia to spank her… so vicious!

And this suggestion also made Aikexia feel a little embarrassed: “Then what… Asakusa, this is not good, right? And I can’t beat Miss Aige like this.”

[Just dive into the realm of consciousness, partner]

Ddraig on his left reminded.

The voice of the Herrscher of Thunder also sounded from the Seven Thunders of Purification.

[Hit this bitch hard, human being. It’s best to beat her to tears. This kind of person must be given a severe lesson, otherwise she will not remember it long]

(Sekiryuutei! Herrscher! You two!)

Shajo Aige glared at the Seven Thunders of Purification and Sekiryuutei’s caged hands with shame and anger – why did she think these two weapons were watching the excitement?

“Isn’t this possible?” Lan Yu Qiancong laughed, “Then I’ll leave it to you, Alexia. If you teach her a lesson, it will definitely be a lesson she will never forget in her lifetime, right? In addition, I’ll leave it to you, Alexia. After a hundred spanks, give her a few hard slaps.”

“Miss Qian Cong, this is definitely a personal grudge of yours, right?”

“You said yourself that you are willing to accept any punishment – then it’s okay for me to take a small revenge, right?” Lan Yu Qianqing supported his chin with one hand, “I was both threatened by you and followed by you, I was choked by you, and you even had to modify my memory.”


Shajo Aige made a rather embarrassing cry, glanced at Exia with a blushing face, and then seemed to have given up the struggle: “Then… then come on! I will treat it as if it was given to me by the prince. The reward is ready! Please ravage my ass as you like, Prince!”


Why does this statement feel so weird?

66. If you say it, I will say it too

The punishment for Shatiao Aige lasted for two hours.

In addition to the spankings and slaps that Lan Yu Qianzuo strongly requested, Ji Hiiragi Xuena also proposed some of her own punishment plans, plus a lot of content that Lan Yu Qianzui added later – including but not limited to using ropes to tie the sand bars. Ai Ge was tied up and then spun dozens of times like a yo-yo.

The result till now——


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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