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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 282

“Ugh…Ugh…it hurts…”

Holding her buttocks that didn’t rise much, Shajo Aige lay on the sofa, her eyes red and she kept sobbing softly.

“I…I can’t get married…”

In the past twenty-two years, Shajo Aige has never accepted such humiliation as today, and has never even accepted punishment once, but today she has accepted a large amount of punishment at once… To put it bluntly To put it bluntly, except for some dead ends, Shajo Aige can already be said to be “unclean”, and the punishment plan Lan Yu Qiancong listed for her is simply hell-level.

While looking at Sha Tiao Ai Ge, who had been bullied by him once and for all, Lan Yu Qian Cong’s face couldn’t help but look rounder and brighter, and she felt quite refreshed.

“Well, that’s about it…I’m almost done with it.”

“You are really slow to dissipate your anger.”

Alexia helplessly dismantled the oversized ice brick in her hand – he had just used this thing to spank Sajo Aige’s ass.

After all, hitting her with her hands would undoubtedly be a reward in another sense for Shajo Aige, and she might even take advantage of it, so at Lan Yu’s suggestion, Exia directly used the weapon. Now, 99% of the reason why Shajo Aige is lying there is because her butt hurts like hell.

By the way, not all punishments were taken by Exia. There was quite a bit of content that was not suitable for men and he consciously returned to his room and let Shajo Aige and the others handle it on their own.

Shajo Aige looked at Lanyu Asakon with tears in her eyes: “Miss Asakon… aren’t you the kind of woman with strong jealousy and revenge? “

“I just don’t want to be judged like this by you, Shajo Aige. In terms of jealousy, you are the strongest one, right?” Lan Yu Qingqing said, and raised his mobile phone in front of Ixia and others, ” Anyway, I have sorted out the follow-up arrangements, do you guys think this is appropriate?”

The treatment of Shajo Aige is divided into two parts – one part is punishment, which has been done just two hours ago, and the other part is the subsequent restraint of Shajo Aige’s future behavior.

Just because Alexia won’t make restrictions doesn’t mean that Lan Yu Qian Cong and Ji Hiiragi Xuena won’t do it.

Both of them were victims who were truly affected by Shajo Aige.

On Lan Yu Qiancong’s cell phone, several entries edited by her were already displayed.

The contractual relationship with the two of them is terminated. From now on, they must not do anything similar to this situation. All actions must be made public… The contents are all known to everyone present, even if they are not written. Come out and everyone will know it.

Wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes, Shajo Aige snapped his fingers, causing a shimmering parchment to appear in front of Lan Yu Asakon and Ji Hiiragi Xuena: “These are contracts, and the contents are the same as Miss Asakon’s. What is listed is exactly the same, I have signed it myself, Miss Asakusa and Sister Ji Hiiragi can just sign it if they think it is okay, then it will have the actual effect of the contract.”

“Well, you are quite conscious now.”

Taking the parchment, Lan Yuqiang took Alexia and Ji Hiiragi Xuena to sit down, and checked it back and forth several times with him, confirming that there was really nothing that could be exploited by Sandjo Aige before he was satisfied. He nodded and signed his name on it.

The same goes for Himeira Yukina.


As the two people’s names fell, the parchment turned into golden light and sank into the bodies of the two people and Shajo Aige.

Sticking her butt out and floating in the air in a strange posture, Shajo Aige said with a bitter look on her face: “Then this is the end, right? Oh~~~ My butt hurts…and my breasts too. It hurts…Ms. Qian Cong or Mr. Prince, you guys are working too hard.”

“Hmph! You deserve it!” Lan Yu Qiancong snorted coldly, “However, the treatment of you is over, but in the process of punishing you just now, I had some other thoughts and things – Ai Ksia.”

“Huh? What’s wrong?”

“Is there anything else you haven’t told me?”

Lan Yu Qian Cong asked.

“I’m not talking about the Fourth True Ancestor. Apart from the Fourth True Ancestor, there should be something else you haven’t told us about, right? And… this is the first time I’ve seen you take out This kind of thing, the hand has become like that.”

The talking gun – the Seven Thunders of Purification.

A cage hand that looks like a dragon – the cage hand of the Sekiryuutei.

Even though she has known Alexia for almost half a year, this is the first time Lan Yu Qiancong knows that he still has these things.

Of course, it would be fine if it was just like this. After all, it is just a weapon. Everyone has their own secret weapon. Lan Yu Qiancong also has some hidden treasures. But she still remembered what Arturia said when she was talking to Sajo Aige.

[In another sense, I am also protecting her.]

[For us, having too many connections with people in this world is not a good thing]

Lan Yu Qiancong has been very concerned about what those two people said when they were confronting each other in the women’s room from then on, but it was just because it was not the right time to ask about it, so she has been holding it back until now.

“Just like your attitude towards Sha Tiao and Pendragon just now, I also want to ask you, Exia – what else are you hiding from me? Is that something that must not be said?”

“Uh… this… not really, it’s just…”

Alexia shook her head and opened her mouth a few times, as if she wanted to say something but didn’t want to. She hesitated.

Seeing him like this, Lan Yu Qiancong sighed slightly and said: “If you don’t want to say it, I won’t force you to say it. That’s your secret. It’s not good for me to keep asking. But… if you If you want to say something, I will say it too.”

“……say what?”

“The meaning of that behavior in the hospital before.”

In the hospital…

Alexia’s eyes subconsciously moved to Lan Yu Qian Cong’s lips, and noticing his gaze moving downward, Lan Yu Qian Cong also sipped it, and her face turned slightly red.

“It’s better to say it, Prince.”

At this moment, Shajo Aige suddenly intervened.

“Miss Aige?”

“I know that the prince was planning to say it when he was about to leave, but since this is the situation, it’s better to just say it.”


What’s the meaning?

Lan Yu Qian Cong and Ji Hiiragi Xuena felt confused at the same time.

After continuing to hesitate for a while, Aikexia also helplessly pressed her eyebrows and looked at the two people on both sides: “Okay, I will tell you.”

“Qian Cong, Ji Hiiragi, I am actually a person from another world.”

67. Please identify them all

People from another world?

Hearing Exia calling herself this, Lan Yu Qian Cong and Ji Hiiragi Xuena looked at each other, and then Ji Hiiragi Xuena asked: “Hmm… that is to say, seniors are in the same situation as familiar beasts. ?”

Familiar beasts are a collection of magical powers, but they are also summoned beasts from another world.

“No, I guess not.”

Alexia shook her head and said: “If the world is compared to a tree, then I came from another tree. I have nothing to do with this world. I am a foreigner who does not belong to this world at all. . And the time I came to this world was two days before I transferred to Caihai Academy. Teacher Yue and some people who managed the commune knew about it. Even the first [acquaintance] I met was that Where’s Teacher Yue?”

“Oh, that’s it?”

“that’s all.”

“Then why did you hide it for so long?” Lan Yu Qiancong curled her lips in disappointment.

She thought that Alexia was hiding something special. It turned out that she was just a person from another world. Although it was a little surprising, in this demon special zone, things related to other worlds were not allowed. too much.

The familiars of vampires are life forms from another world. There are also many companies on Genkami Island that are conducting research on otherworldly elves… The identity of a person from another world is not a big deal at all.

“I don’t plan to hide it, I just plan to tell you after a while when I leave.”

“Yes, Sha Tiao said the same thing just now.”

Lan Yu Qian Cong frowned: “Are you leaving Xian Shen Island?”

“Well… rather than leaving Genkami Island, it’s better to say leaving this world. The time I can stay in this world is only one year. I will wait until the end of February or early March next year. I left. Originally, I planned to wait until then to say goodbye to you, as a farewell to you.”

Late February or early March next year?

It’s already September, so there are only about six months left.

(Is there still half a year left…)

In terms of time span, half a year is not very long, but it is not very short either. After all, Ixia has lived in this time for half a year without knowing it, and it is estimated that the next half year will also be spent unknowingly. Live it.

“Then…will you come back after you leave?” Lan Yu Qiancong continued to ask.

She probably understood the meaning behind what Sajo Aige and Arturia said before.

Exia will leave in half a year, and Sajo Aige believes that taking away the memories related to Exia is to protect her, and Artoria believes that it is not a good thing to have too many people involved in this world – these things are combined When I wake up, the first thing that comes to mind is…

【He may not come back】

The moment this idea came into their minds, Lan Yu Qiancong and Ji Hiiragi Xuena felt some emotions in their hearts at the same time.

Although the length of time they get together is different, people are creatures that get used to easily. Once they get used to a certain environment, they will feel nostalgic for that environment – Lan Yu Qiancong and Alexia have known each other for half a year, and now It took a lot of effort to work up the courage to do that to him. Ji Hiiragi Xuena also got used to living with Alexia in almost two weeks.

If he just left and never came back…

“Maybe not.”

Alexia interrupted their thoughts.

“Although it is definitely possible to come back, and it will come in about a month…but that is [one month] for your time, not for me. [One month].”

Exia has the idea of ​​​​going back to those things he has been to, but he does not plan to go back now. He still has things to do. The battlefield against the collapse will definitely require his strength, so before going Before meeting the people she met in another world again, Exia wanted to prioritize what was most important to her.

Destroy Honkai.

“That means…even if it’s only been a month here, it might have been more than ten years over there?”

“That’s a bit exaggerated. No matter what happens, I won’t come back in more than ten years…”

Now that the Third Herrscher has appeared, the Third Collapse has ended, and the Collapse will happen faster and faster. It is estimated that in another two or three years, the Herrscher will appear on a monthly or even weekly basis. As a unit, Honkai will get stronger and stronger. Even though Exia has defeated Herrscher twice now, he does not have the confidence to be able to defeat Herrscher forever.

Even to the extreme, there was a possibility that he would lose to the Herrscher and die as a result.

Therefore, Ixia really couldn’t give an accurate time as to when she would be back.

“…Is this the biggest reason why you want to take away my memory? Sha Tiao.”

“Yes. Because parting is always uncomfortable. If the prince never comes back from now on, wouldn’t Miss Asakusa be obsessed with longing for the prince and wait for the rest of her life?” Shajo Aige said with a smile, “In addition, this It’s not the biggest reason, it’s probably just a 100% reason. Ninety percent of the reasons why I would do something to you are out of jealousy and hostility towards my love rival.”

Listening to such direct and refreshing words, Lan Yu Qiancong couldn’t help but want Exia to beat Shajo Aige to tears again.

But… there is some truth to what Shajo Aige said.

Although I dare not say that he will still miss Exia after he left decades later – Lan Yu Qiancong is only 16 years old now, and he can’t imagine what will happen in such a long time – but if he really leaves and never comes back, then There will indeed be some sadness and nostalgia.

And if Shajo Aige takes away his memory and resets his feelings, maybe he won’t feel sad and nostalgic anymore. In this sense, it can be said that Shajo Aige is [protecting her], and it can be a little bit involved.

“Okay, these are the things I’m still hiding from you.” Ixia ended her affairs with these words, “It’s your turn, Asakusa, you…you were suddenly in the hospital before. Kiss me, what do you mean?”


After being asked such a straightforward question, Lan Yu Qiancong suddenly became shy. She curled up her hanging hair with her fingers and rolled them around uneasily.

“That, that means…”

“Miss Qian Cong means that she likes you, Prince.”

Without giving Lan Yu Qiancong any time to hesitate, Shatiao Ai made it clear what she wanted to say.

“Just like I love Prince, just like Prince loves Miss Bianca, Miss Asakusa also has the same feelings for you, Prince.”

“——Although I think it’s definitely not as good as what I do to you.”

68.Half a year left

Lan Yu Qian Cong likes herself.

What came out of Sajo Aige’s mouth did not surprise Alexia much.

Although I can’t say that it doesn’t happen, it’s more of a thought like “It really is so.”

Alexia really doesn’t know much about this aspect. He is focused entirely on Bianca. So far, he has only accepted Shajo Aige’s confession to him, asking him to take the initiative to detect other people’s love for him. It means it’s basically impossible.

But Lan Yu Qian Cong has already reached that point, and no matter how slow Exiya is, she cannot think of this aspect.

“Qian Cong, you…”

Looking at Lan Yu Qian Cong with complicated eyes and staring at her side face that was flushed due to shyness, Exia silently sorted out her words: “…You, like me.”

“…Hmm. I like you, what’s the problem?” Lan Yu Qiancong turned away slightly, “I noticed it myself, idiot… I tried my best to do that. It’s such a mess, please don’t let me take the initiative to say it out again, okay?”

“No, I noticed that I noticed something… I’m just not sure.”

Alexia turned her gaze to the other side: “After all, I don’t know what I have that deserves you to like me, and I don’t remember anything I’ve done to attract you and make you like me. So I’m not very I’m sure you have feelings for me.”


Where did this emotional idiot come from?

Is he not aware of what he is doing?

Lan Yu Qian Cong couldn’t help but glance at Aixia slightly with the look of looking at an idiot.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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