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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 283

Alexia also turned her head after taking a deep breath and looked at Lan Yu Qian Cong seriously: “——Qian Cong.”

“Eh? Yes, I’m here. What’s wrong?”

“First of all, let me thank you. Thank you for liking me. You are the first person to say this to me seriously after Miss Aige. You are different from other girls in the school. I can feel this. “

The sudden serious response made Lan Yu Qiancong stunned for a moment, and then nodded proudly: “Of course, of course! I’m not one of those little girls who don’t know you at all and only like your face. You think I’m… How long have you known each other?”

Similar to Sajo Aige, Lan Yu Qianzuo never regarded those idiots who were obsessed with Alexia as opponents from the beginning. It would be strange if Alexia could respond to them.

“So, what’s your response?”

Suppressing the shame and nervousness in his heart, Lan Yu Qiancong asked what he wanted to know most.

After knowing her thoughts and feelings, what kind of response does Exia plan to make?

“……Feel sorry.”

Alexia said something that caused Lan Yu Qianqing’s heart to stop.

“I…have someone I like, so I’m sorry that I can’t respond to your feelings, Qianqiong. I really regard you as my friend, and I don’t… Treat it as a love object.”

“…Yes, that’s it…”

After a moment of silence, Lan Yu Qiancong weakly whispered.

I couldn’t lift up any strength in my body, as if it was taken away at this moment. My head also seemed to have been hit by something. I was dizzy and unconscious. There was a feeling that something was about to rush out of my eyes. My nose seemed to be blocked, and my hands and feet were shaking…

(I can be considered…rejected.)

There is no need to doubt, this is what Exia said.

Looking at Lan Yu Qian Cong who remained silent after saying this, Alexia couldn’t help but asked with some worry: “Qian Cong… are you okay?”

“…Well, it’s okay.”

With the momentum to hold back all the feelings, after taking a deep breath with great force, Lan Yu Qiancong quickly wiped the corners of his eyes: “But, it really surprised me, you have someone you like or something. …..You have never told me, could it be that you like Shatiao?”

“No, it’s not.”

Shatiao Aige immediately covered her heart.

Ji Hiiragi Xuena explained: “It’s a young lady named Bianca Hollander Atalgina, senior Lan Yu.”

“Do you know Ji Hiiragi?”

“We met once. It happened to be the night when I became my senior’s temporary lover. The other party happened to call me. She was my senior’s childhood sweetheart, a very beautiful blond beauty with a good figure.”

Alexia’s childhood sweetheart?

“There is an image here.” Sajo Aika said while using magic to create a full-length image of Bianca. “In a sense, it is an enhanced version of Miss Asakusa.”



Bianca has blond hair that is brighter than Lan Yu’s, her blue eyes that contrast with red are as delicate and clear as gemstones, and her figure is a notch better than hers… And in addition to these external hardware, she is even more What made Lan Yu Qian Cong notice was the difference in the [temperament] emanating from Bianca.

Just like there are obvious differences in aura between soldiers who have experienced the battlefield and trainees who have not. If Lan Yu Qiancong and Bianca are put together, everyone can notice the difference in their [fields]. .

(Isn’t this a cruel thing for you?)

Looking at Lan Yu Qian Cong who fell silent again, Sha Tiao Ai Ge couldn’t help but think.

(If I take away your memories and feelings, you won’t have to experience the pain of lovelorn, and you won’t have to face the huge gap between yourself and your number one… But even now you It’s useless to beg me to help you. Just taste it for yourself, and then simply give up your illusions about the prince.)

“This is the person you like.”

Looking away from Bianca’s image, Lan Yu Qiancong said to Aikexia: “She is really a very beautiful person, and she matches you very well.”

“Really? Thank you.”

Alexia smiled.

(Did Bianca and I turn out to be a good match? Uh-huh!)

This is a slightly happy statement.

“Being a love rival with this kind of person is really like throwing an egg at a stone… Let me tell you, Alexia, if you have a chance next time, can you allow me to communicate with your childhood sweetheart alone?”

“Eh? Well, yes, but it’s best to wait until she is free. I don’t want to affect her work.” Alexia agreed without thinking too much, “But you have to talk to Bianca What are you talking about?”

“Nothing, just a simple [declaration of war] on her.”

Lan Yu Qian Cong raised the corner of his mouth, grabbed Alexia by the collar, and under the eyes of others – especially Shajo Aige, who was a little broken – he took the initiative to press his lips again.


The second forced kiss made Alexia’s eyes widen slightly, and she quickly stretched out her hand to distance herself from Lan Yu Qian Cong: “Qian Cong, you… what are you…”

“I have no intention of giving up.”

Lan Yu Qianqing smoothed her long hair and said with a slight blush: “Do you think I am the kind of person who will say “Okay, I understand, I’m sorry, I will start to empathize with you” after being rejected by you. Someone who talks about love】——?”

“How much courage do you think I need to like you? I won’t accept losing to someone I have never met before. Don’t say that I am rejected by you now, even if my memory is taken away , my feelings for you have been reset, and I think I will definitely fall in love with you again.”

There’s no way he wouldn’t like this guy.


Trying his best to suppress the growing shame in his heart, Lan Yu Qiancong stood up and pointed at Alexia’s nose: “You…you…in short, you just do it for me.” Get ready! I won’t make it easy for you in the next six months!”

69. Her Royal Highness is coming soon


Caihai Academy, Class B, first grade high school, last row by the window.

Lying on her desk, Alexia sighed in a very rare way, and at the same time, her eyes uncontrollably glanced in the direction of Lan Yu Qian Cong not far away.

More than a week has passed since then.

Because of what Lan Yu Qiancong said, during this period, Exia was actually in a relatively nervous state. After all, she said that, who knows what she would do? Coupled with the fact that she had been attacked by her twice before, Alexia really couldn’t let her guard down too much.

But in fact, during this period of time, Lan Yu Qiancong did not do anything, and her daily relationship with Exia did not change at all. Not to mention launching a so-called offensive against him, it could even be said that she herself seemed It’s like forgetting what happened at that time.

This made Alexia a little confused and puzzled, and at the same time she became more nervous.

It is said that there is always calm before the storm. The more normal Lan Yu Qiancong behaves now, the more Alexia feels that she is preparing some big plan.

(You don’t need to be so nervous, Prince.)

Shajo Aige spoke in Exia’s mind.

(No matter what kind of things Ms. Asakusa does, I will give you advice and help you resist her offensive in all aspects, please rest assured. Any little thoughts of hers will never escape my eyes, and you can’t Just stick to your feelings.)

To be honest, Shajo Aige doesn’t think Lan Yu Asakon can really pursue Ixia – if she could succeed, Shajo Aige would have succeeded long ago, so there is actually no need to worry at all.

Now Ixia will be entangled, just on how to deal with the relationship with Lan Yu Qiancong. Once a fixed interpersonal relationship has undergone some changes, it will be difficult to return to the past. No matter how similar it is on the surface, there will still be some changes in the heart.

Especially for friends like Alexia and Lan Yu Qiancong who meet almost every day, even if they don’t seem to have changed, embarrassment is inevitable.

(After all, why on earth did Asakon fall in love with me?)

(…The prince really didn’t pay attention to his words and deeds.)

Shatiao Aige was a little helpless.

(Based on the way you usually behave and the things you did to Miss Asakusa, I would be surprised if she didn’t have a crush on you. When she is in danger, she will come to the rescue as soon as possible regardless of the danger. People—this is a behavior that will greatly increase your favorability.)

(Is it?)


Alexia has no consciousness at all in this regard.

And at this moment,

“Dong dong…”

There was a knock on the back door of the classroom, and then Nangong Nayue’s voice came over: “Is Alexia here?”

Alexia looked at the petite figure standing at the back door: “Teacher Nayue? I’m here, what’s the matter?”

“Now follow me to the student guidance office. I have something important to tell you.”

Important matter?

Is it about amateur magicians again?

(I’ve been working a lot lately, is this the fourth time in a month?)

Normally, once or twice a month is the limit, but this September, Exia has been visited by Nangong three or four times that month, basically once a week, which is considered a high frequency.

But thinking so, Ixia got up and walked to the back door – anyway, Gengamijima wanted to give him money, and he had no reason to refuse.


Student Guidance Room.

After arriving here with Nangong Nayue, before Exia had time to sit down, Nangong Nayue directly got to the point: “First of all, let me tell you that this time I am not looking for you to attack the magician, nor is it for Xian Shen Island. I have something to ask of you, but I want to talk to you about something related to you… No, it should be said to be a discussion.”


Alexia was stunned for a moment.

Not a job?

“It’s really rare. This must be the second time, right?”

As for Genkami Island, he has to discuss things with himself.

In my memory, the first time was after Ikexia devoured the Fourth True Ancestor. In order to ensure the position and attitude of the Fourth True Ancestor, Xian Kamijima discussed with him through Nangong Nayue. Now Ike This way of getting along with Xiya and Xian Kamijima is basically the result of that discussion.

“Then what do you want to discuss with me this time?”

“The Kingdom of Aldykia—you should know that, right?”

Nangong mentioned a country that month.

Alexia nodded slightly: “Yeah, I know.”

Aldykia is a small country located in Northern Europe. It is geographically facing the Baltic Sea. It is famous for its natural beauty and high industrial power. It is particularly famous for its magic industry. Although it is a small country, it can be said to be a big magic country. It is said that the war The king’s realm borders on each other, and there have been several frictions between them.

“The first princess of that country is scheduled to visit Xian Shen Island the day after tomorrow. The formal documents have just been received.” Nangong said that month.

“That’s right, that has something to do with me…wait, is it possible-“

Alexia thought of a possibility.

The Kingdom of Aldykia is a country that has little contact with Japan. They are almost separated by two Empires of Night. It is actually difficult to establish diplomatic relations. But now the first princess of that country suddenly wants to visit the country. This Demonic Special Zone in the far east is not for pure diplomacy.

And if it is to visit the Demon Special Zone, there is more than one Demon Special Zone in the world, such as Genkami Island, it will be the same everywhere.

Then the more important reason may be that,

“She wants to see me?”

“Well, she clearly wrote it on the application for entering the island, [I want to meet the noble Fourth True Ancestor no matter what].”


(Wattola, Kosaka Sayaka, and now the princess of Northern Europe… why are they calling me this way? I am not the emperor of Genkami Island.)

Alexia sighed helplessly: “So, Teacher Yue, you are here to ask my opinion?”

“After all, if we agreed to you without permission, what if you don’t want to see us and get angry? I don’t think you would do that, but the guy above is worried to death.” Nangong said that month, “In addition, if you If you think it’s okay, we will also arrange a place and time for you to meet her.”

“I don’t have any objection if we just meet. I’m still willing to give you this face.”

If he refused, the face of both parties would be damaged, not to mention that the meeting would not have any impact on Exia, so he had no objection.

“But there is no need for you to prepare for the occasion. If Her Royal Highness wants to see me, just come to my house.”

“Are you going to use your instant coffee to entertain a royal daughter?”

“Any questions?”

The problem… I can’t say there is, but I can’t say there isn’t either.

Normally, entertaining a king’s daughter should be grand, right? As a result, now Alexia actually just plans to use the kind of cheap instant coffee sold in supermarkets?

If he were not the Fourth True Ancestor, his attitude alone would be enough to cause diplomatic problems.

But on the other hand, just because he is the fourth true ancestor, no matter how he treats the princess, there will be no reaction from Aldykia – no one dares to be dissatisfied with a true ancestor.

“…It looks a little more presentable.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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