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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 284

“Huh? What did you say, Teacher Yue?”

“Nothing. By the way, this is for you.”

He took out a photo from somewhere, and Nangong handed it to Aixia that month: “This is the princess, let’s get to know her first. Her name is [La Frelia Lihavain].”

Taking the photo, what caught Exiya’s eyes was a young girl with long silver hair and blue eyes similar to him.

70. Himeira Yukina is about to leave

That same day, in the afternoon.

On the way home after school.

“The first princess of Aldykia is coming to visit the senior?”

Ji Hiiragi Yukina, who was with Exia as always, couldn’t help but be a little surprised when she heard this.

Although it is said that he is a swordsman trained by the Lion King Agency and will not be frightened even when facing vampires from the old era, Himeira Yukina is a commoner after all. For her, the Ichi King’s daughter is someone she can only see on TV. , never thought that we could meet in reality.

But since the other party will arrive at Genkami Island the day after tomorrow and come to visit Exia, then as a neighbor of Exia, it is naturally possible for her to meet him.

“Then…should I not go to my senior’s house that day?”

“No, just come as normal.” Aixia said casually, “I guess she just came to meet me, drink a cup of coffee and chat about anything, and then left. There is no way she would stay for dinner. Right? Besides, she’s just a princess, so you really don’t need to pay too much attention to her.”

No matter how high her status is, she is just a royal daughter.

So far, Alexia has seen too many people with more noble status than a royal daughter. For example, the gods running around in Orario, the demon kings, fallen angel cadres and archangels that appear from time to time in Kuoh Town, as well as those beings whose names are left in mythology who appeared during the Holy Grail War.

And in this world, Exia has also faced two true ancestors, devoured one of them, and defeated the other head-on.

Compared with these people he had met before, she was just a princess of a kingdom. In Xia’s eyes, she was no different from Himeira Yukina, and she could just be treated as an ordinary person.

“As expected of the senior who is the Fourth True Ancestor.”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena sighed slightly: “This attitude of not looking down upon a king’s daughter made me realize the majesty of the senior as the true ancestor again.”

“No, that’s not what I meant…forget it, just think whatever you want.”

Alexia was a little helpless.

At the same time, while the two were talking like this, the two had already entered the apartment.

Arriving through the elevator to the seventh floor where they lived, Ji Hiiragi Xuena just took out the key and opened the door——

“Sukina! Welcome back!”

From Alexia’s house, a figure ran out like an athlete sprinting towards the finish line in a 100-meter sprint, and hugged Himiragi Yukina into his arms!

It’s Sayaka Kosaka.

Rubbing Ji Hiiragi Yukina’s face vigorously, Kosaka Sayaka smiled with an expression that was a little tentative on the edge of danger: “It’s hard to go to school, Yukina, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”

“Ah… um. Thank you for looking after the house, Sayaka.”

Ji Hiiragi Yukina was a little uncomfortable with such enthusiasm, and quickly broke away from Kosaka Sayaka’s embrace.

On the other side, Alexia looked at Sayaka Kosaka who ran out of her home, and couldn’t help but express “Is this the same today?” on her face. ]’s expression.

Because of the previous assassination of Exia, Sayaka Kosaka, who was originally the leading dancer of the Lion King Organization, is now temporarily banned and exiled by the Lion King Organization, and has to stay on Genkami Island. The original mission of monitoring Wattola was also canceled.

And Kosaka Sayaka’s residence on Genkami Island is the Himehiira’s house next door. The two were roommates when they were in The Lion King Agency, and now they have no problem living together.

However, because Ji Hiiragi Yukina spent most of her time at Exia’s house, Sayaka Kyosaka, out of envy and jealousy, half entangled and half begged to get the key to freely enter his house from Exia. and rights, and then sneak up on Ji Hiiragi Yukina every day when the two of them go home.

By the way, Sajo Aika unexpectedly had no objection to Sayaka Kyosaka’s behavior.

[Miss Kosaka is the least threatening person, so there is no need to worry or be vigilant. Rather, I hope she can come more often] – This is what I said.


“It’s like this every day. I’m glad you don’t find it troublesome at all, Kosaka.”

“Yes, because I like Xuecai the most, Your Majesty.”

Kosaka Sayaka responded with some respect.

It has been more than a week since she moved in, and she has gotten to know Alexia a little bit. It can be said that as long as she is not hostile to him, he is basically a super easy to get along with. Apart from not knowing how to cook, there is nothing wrong with him. shortcoming.

In addition, what makes Kosaka Sayaka even more satisfied is that – Alexia really doesn’t have any feelings for Himeira Yukina, and there is no atmosphere like a lover should have when getting along with her. She is really just pretending. Just pretending.

Therefore, she is quite friendly to Aixia now.

“I think Sayaka, if you do this every day, wouldn’t it be too…enthusiastic?”

After walking into the house, putting her schoolbag on the sofa and going to the kitchen, Ji Hiiragi Yukina opened the refrigerator and took out the ingredients she needed tonight while talking.

Kosaka Sayaka handed her the apron and picked up the kitchen utensils: “No. And Yukina, you will be leaving next week, right? Of course, we should have a good aftertaste before we are separated again.”

(Aftertaste… What is Kosaka trying to reminisce about?)

(Prince-sama, you don’t need to pay too much attention to things about girls like Miss Kirisaka. That is knowledge that you don’t need to be exposed to.)

Shatiao Aige advised.

After all, if one digs deeper, Alexia might step into a more dangerous field. If possible, Shajo Aige would like to try to prevent Alexia from knowing the knowledge that is quite taboo in a certain sense.

(However, it’s okay for her to say that, [time] is almost over, right?)


The time for Ji Hiiragi Xuena’s departure is very close.

According to the contract between Exia and the Lion King Agency, Himiragi Yukina can only stay on Genkami Island for one month, and it is already late September, and Himiragi Yukina will leave Genkami Island next week.

“It’s really fast, a month.” Alexia leaned on the wall outside the kitchen, “Ji Hiiragi, when you leave, I will treat you to a meal, and Huangsaka will come with me. , just treat it as a farewell to you.”

“Eh? Is that okay? Senior? Wouldn’t this cost you too much…”

“No, Gengamijima gave me a lot of money. It’s more than enough to treat you to a meal – by the way, it’s also a thank you for being my temporary lover this month, for your hard work.”

Hearing what Ixia said, Ji Hiiragi Xuena smiled sheepishly: “It’s not hard, Nagisa has been helping me… But if I leave, what will senior do? What to do?”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s just a [temporary lover] thing. Senior needs a shield, right? If I’m gone, who will senior be looking for to replace me?”

71. What about long-distance relationships?

Himiragi Yukina’s question made both Alexia and Kyosaka Sayaka fall into thinking for a while.

Indeed, if she leaves, then the identity of Alexia’s temporary lover cannot be left to her. After all, after leaving this time, she may not be able to return to Genkami Island before Alexia leaves.

And once they lose her as a shield, there is a high probability that those girls who have vulgar thoughts about Exia, who have been silent for a long time in the past month, will be ready to take action again.

Alexia wanted to avoid that situation if possible, and he didn’t want to be tortured again.

“Although it was not my intention…”

Kosaka Sayaka said.

“But if it’s for Xuecai, I can take over.”

“Eh? Is Sayaka coming?”

“Well, it’s the way I’ve seen it done before in some… uh, night readings.” Sayaka Kyosaka paused mid-sentence, “The lover had to go out and leave because of some things, and In order to continue to take care of the one you love, give up your older sister or younger sister——”

“Okay, stop it, you must not have such thoughts, Ms. Huangsaka.”

Sajo Aige hurriedly appeared to interrupt Kyosaka Sayaka’s description, with a slightly nervous and panic look on her face.

Ji Hiiragi, Xuena and Alexia both frowned.

“What’s wrong with this method? Senior Shajo.”

“Is there a problem, Miss Aige?”

Looking at the two people who looked confused and completely unaware of the potential threat of this approach, Shajo Aige sighed helplessly: “Sister Ji Hiiragi, Prince. In theory, this approach is indeed no problem. Yes, but if combined with reality, it will have a high possibility of triggering some uncontrollable situations.”

“for example?”

“Miss Kosaka gradually fell in love with the prince during the disguise – something like that.”


As soon as she finished speaking, Kosaka Sayaka slapped the kitchen knife in her hand directly on the stove: “Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I will like Shangmianxia or something… Absolutely impossible! I will always like Yuki vegetable!”

“Why are you so excited? You have to pay for me if you break the kitchen knife.” Alexia reminded, “But Huangsaka is right. Are you too worried? Miss Aige, even if you -“

“Now there is a precedent set by Miss Asakon.”

“——I think Miss Ai Ge is right. We should avoid this possibility as much as possible.”

Change your words at the speed of light!

If it was before Lan Yu Qian Cong’s situation happened, then Exia would definitely think there was no problem, but now…even if the possibility is only one percent, what if it happens?

“…Well, since you think it won’t work, then forget it.”

Kosaka Sayaka didn’t feel regretful either. She originally just made a suggestion, purely for Himiragi Yukina’s consideration, and didn’t have many other ideas.

But what should we do?

“Actually, I have an idea.”

Shatiao Aige raised her hand at this time.

“Why don’t you just let me do it-“

“Okay, Miss Aige, please go back first. Thank you for your hard work.”

Without giving Shajo Aige a chance to finish her words, Exia simply asked her to go back. Seeing this, Shajo Aige could only crawl back into his body with great disappointment.

(Prince, you idiot…)

(Master, can I say something?)

When Shajo Aige was feeling depressed, Artoria suddenly spoke up and appeared in front of the three of them at the same time: “I think the two of you can have a [long-distance love] relationship.”

Long distance love.

It means that both parties in the relationship study, work and live in different areas and cannot see each other frequently for a long time.

“In other words, it’s not about lifting Ji Hiera’s temporary lover status, but continuing to maintain it?”

“Yes. Judging from the results, the Master and Ms. Ji Hiiragi only have one more title each. Even because the two places are separated, there is no need to do anything for it.”

It is equivalent to creating a more realistic lie.

Moreover, this is also an approach that can avoid Shajo Aige’s worries to the greatest extent. They are separated in two places. No matter how you think, there is no relationship progress, right? Especially when Alexia and Himiragi Xuena have been getting along for almost a month without making any progress.

“What do you think, Ji Hiiragi?”

“I…I think it’s okay.”

“Okay, then it’s decided. Thank you, Saber.”

Artoria smiled slightly: “It is my duty to help Master solve problems, so there is no need to thank you.”

After saying this, she disappeared.

Looking at this scene, Kosaka Sayaka couldn’t help but say: “I’ve been a little curious since I found out… How many people are there in your body? You are possessed by multiple spiritual bodies, and you have a self. The weapon of consciousness, coupled with the Fourth True Ancestor and being hosted by a dragon… Even if you are a person from another world, there must be a limit to how outrageous you can be, right?”

“It became like this without knowing it. I didn’t mean it.” Exia smiled, “But I think it’s good. It allows me to know that I am not fighting alone at any time and anywhere. Having these best friends who support me.”

“Then you really have a lot of friends. Okay, now Xuecai and I will start preparing dinner. You can go over there and watch TV to kill time, Your Majesty.”

Like a housekeeper, Sayaka Kyosaka said as she pushed Alexia out of the kitchen – she didn’t want an extra light bulb to appear in the world between herself and Himiragi Yukina.

After sitting down on the sofa, Exia was about to turn on the TV——

“Beep beep! beep beep!”

The phone rang twice in succession, and two emails were sent to Aixia’s phone.

One is from Lan Yu Qian Cong.

(Light green onions…)

Alexia immediately became nervous.

[I suddenly remembered something today. Is Alexia, Ji Hierai leaving soon? After she leaves, can I be your temporary girlfriend? 】



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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