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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 285

Like Sajo Aige, Aixia saw through Lan Yu Qiancong’s abacus at a glance.

“Sorry, it’s been taken care of here. Thank you for your concern…Send.”

After replying to Lan Yu Qiancong’s message, Ixia quickly opened another email – it was from Nangong Nayue.

(Come here twice in one day? What happened to Genkami Island recently? There are so many things going on?)

[The news I just received, Exia. It seems that the princess has left the envoys without permission because she couldn’t wait any longer, and flew to Genkami Island by herself. I don’t know where she has gone now, but she may be looking for you soon, so please pay attention]


Well, it’s the same thing.


“To actually act without permission, it seems that Her Royal Highness is a troublesome person.”

72.The Prince and His Royal Highness the Princess

the next day.

Although Nangong Nayue informed him like that, Exia did not intend to go to find the princess. Since the princess wanted to come to see him, then as long as he waited, the other party would naturally appear in front of her. , that is equivalent to finding her.

So he doesn’t need to do anything.

And now, just as Alexia and Himeira Yukina stepped off the train together and were about to walk up the ramp to enter Saikai Academy——

“Oh, it’s coming.”

But Motoki Yaze’s voice suddenly sounded in front of him.

Carrying his schoolbag with one hand, he waved to Aixia: “Here, Aixia, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

“Wait for me? Why are you waiting for me here? Motoki.”

Alexia stepped forward in confusion and looked ahead. For some reason, many students were gathering at the gate of Caihai Academy. It was clear that they were only a few steps away from entering the school, but none of them were surrounded by the school. There, it seemed like someone was blocking the school gate.

“Could it be something related to Exia again?”

Xiao Gucheng, who was following Alexia, asked: “Similar things seem to have happened before, when Ji Hiiragi and Alexia just became lovers.”

“Yes, yes, I still remember what happened at that time very clearly!” Xiao Nagisa nodded quickly like a ticker, “Is it possible that Brother Xia’s real lover is here this time?”


Yaze Motoki quickly signaled Akatsukisa to keep her voice down.

“Don’t say it here, Nagisa, do you want this place to be a river of blood? That means Asazu is not here, otherwise it will definitely——”

“Who did you say wasn’t here?”

Very disrespectful to Yase Motoki, Lan Yu Asakon walked over with her schoolbag on her back: “Good morning, Kojo, Nagisa, Ji Hiiragi, and Exia.”

“Well, good morning.”

“Good morning, Sister Qian Cong/Senior Lan Yu.”

“So what’s going on now?”

After briefly greeting each other, Lan Yu Qianqing looked at the students blocking the door in front of him and asked: “Just heard Motoki said it was related to Exia?”

“Oh, I was just about to talk about this, cough, cough, cough!”

Yase Motoki coughed a few times, cleared his throat and suddenly shouted to the front: “Hey! Everyone in front, give way! Our Axia is here!”

(This person definitely shouted that on purpose!)

Alexia and others had this idea at the same time. Yase Motoki’s behavior was simply to avoid chaos in the world and deliberately create trouble for Alexia.

As he shouted, the students in front immediately gave way to the road, opening a avenue for Exia.

(I feel like laying out a red carpet will make it more interesting, Mr. Prince)

(Miss Ai Ge, please don’t make trouble)

After giving Motoki Yaze a stern look of “wait for me”, Alexia, surrounded by two rows of students, walked towards the school gate with Akatsuki Furujo and others. And soon, after walking to the school gate, Exia and others completely understood why all the students gathered at the school gate.

Because there is a girl there.

A girl whose appearance is so beautiful that one wonders if she is a dreamy temptress or a celestial goddess.

She has waist-length silvery hair like snow, blue eyes that seem to shine like stars, and a rather tall and slender figure, but she is not thin. Instead, it can be said that she is bumpy and belongs to It’s the kind of figure that men will never dislike.

In addition, the girl is also wearing a Western-style dress that looks like a military uniform, which adds a sense of majesty to her beauty. Her whole body exudes a sense of nobility and presence that cannot be ignored, making her People couldn’t help but want to focus on her.

“What a stunning beauty…”

Akatsuki Nagisa couldn’t help but exclaimed in a low voice.

[Beauty]——Only such pure words can describe the girl in the most intuitive way. In fact, no one present will refute Akisa Nagisa, because everyone has the same idea, including Exia.

I don’t know if I heard Akatsukisa’s exclamation or noticed the footsteps.

The girl who was leaning at the school gate looked towards Alexia, then she smiled quite heart-warmingly, and walked to the front of Alexia with confident and generous steps. At the same time, following her stop, Xiao Gucheng and others also realized another reason why students gathered here.

The girl, like Alexia, has white hair and blue eyes. Although the white hair of the two is different, and the girl’s hair color is more silver, they do have similar appearance characteristics.

Only a few people knew that Alexia was from another world. To most people, Alexia was just a transfer student from Europe. And now that there is such a girl with similar characteristics to Alexia, everyone will think of a possibility——

[Could this person be a relative of Exia? 】

“I finally see you.”

Under the gaze of the students, the girl smiled and said to Alexia with some respect and confidence.

“This is the first time we meet. I am La Folia Livahain. Can I take up a little of your time?”

——La Folia Livahain

The girl just announced her name.

As soon as the name came out, there was some commotion among the surrounding students, and Akatsuki shouted immediately: “Isn’t this the name of the princess who is about to visit Genkami Island mentioned in the news today? Isn’t this the name? If not, you’re—”

“Well, I am myself.” La Folia smiled, “I came a little earlier than scheduled because I have someone I want to see no matter what. The official visit is still tomorrow.”

As soon as these words were spoken, the commotion around them suddenly became more intense!

Everyone could tell from La Folia’s words just now that she came specifically to see Axia!

And to be able to treat a king’s daughter like this…

“Is Kaslana really the prince of a certain country?”

A certain student in the crowd said what most people were thinking.

Feeling the increasingly fierce commotion around her, Ixia was silent for a while, and then sighed helplessly: “I’m sorry, Gucheng, Asakusa, could you please ask for leave for me and Teacher Na Yue?”

“Yes, yes, but you are…”

“We can’t let Her Royal Highness stand here like this, right? Besides, she looks like she’s been waiting for me for a long time. I’d better accept her invitation first – do you need to change places? Your Highness?”

“Yes. But I still need you to lead the way. I’m not very familiar with the surrounding environment. Please choose a suitable place to talk.”

“Then go to my house.”

After saying this, without paying attention to the stunned reactions of the students around her, Exia turned around and walked towards the direction she came from, and La Folia followed closely.

After this–

[The prince of Saikai Academy has brought home a group of princesses! ! ! 】

This news directly dominated most of the forums on Tianxian Kami Island.

73. La Folia is attracted to

Tens of minutes later.

Taking La Folia back to the home she had just left more than half an hour ago, Alexia threw her schoolbag on the sofa.

“Sit on the sofa for a while, Your Highness. The only thing I serve for guests at my house is instant coffee. Is that okay?”

“Your Majesty is willing to prepare a drink with your own hands. Even if it is an ordinary bottle of mineral water, I will drink it with honor.”

La Folia smiled as she sat on the sofa.

Alexia’s hand holding the coffee paused slightly, then turned around and took out two cans of canned coffee from the refrigerator, and said: “…You and Vatola are not the same.”

“Mr. Aldiyaru? I did hear that he became the diplomatic ambassador of War King Domain to Genkami Island some time ago. Have you met him as expected?”

“Yes, you come to my house early in the morning and knock on the door. You are a little more decisive than you.”

Throwing one of the cans of coffee to La Folia, Alexia sat across from her: “But compared to you, at least I can feel that he does have considerable respect for me. Judging from his words and deeds, He should treat me and his first true ancestor as equal beings.”

“Your Majesty, do you think I don’t respect you enough?”

“For you to ask such a question, it means that the only respect you have for me is that.”


Alexia opened the can of coffee and took a sip: “But, compared to Vatola’s attitude of treating me as the true ancestor and facing me respectfully, your attitude is better for me. I originally I don’t intend to look down on everyone just because I am the True Ancestor, just be more natural.”


After a moment of silence, La Folia breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile on her face became more alive and real – the previous smile was basically a standard face-saving behavior.

“It seems that I made the right bet, Your Majesty.”

Meeting Exia in this way this time was actually a bit of a gamble for La Folia. After all, she is the daughter of a king, and Exia is the fourth true ancestor. In any case, both of them should be. It would be better to meet in a more formal occasion, but based on some information she learned before coming to Genkami Island, she judged that maybe Exia would like this kind of natural meeting and getting along more than in a formal occasion, so she did this This was considered a private meeting.

By the way, this practice of “waiting at the school gate like friends” was learned from her subordinates, and it is said to be a very common practice in Japanese campuses.

Putting down the coffee in her hand, La Folia sat upright and bowed to Alexia very elegantly: “But please allow me to introduce myself to you again in a formal way. I am La Folia… Livahain, it’s an honor to meet you, Your Majesty the [Fourth True Ancestor] Ixia Kaslana.”


Alexia nodded slightly in acceptance.

“So, why are you looking for me? You said you want to see me no matter what, right?”

“Yes.” La Folia put on a more natural expression, “Ever since I heard about the feast of flames that happened on this island half a year ago, I have always wanted to meet you.”


“Because of curiosity and care.”

La Folia touched her silver hair: “White hair and blue eyes. This feature cannot be said to be unique to our kingdom, but it is also quite rare. After hearing that you have such an appearance, the country… …That is to say, within the royal family, there was a suspicion that you might be a descendant of the royal family who is living abroad.”

Part of the reason La Folia came to Genkami Island this time was to confirm this point.

“However, I don’t think so after actually meeting you. You and I are definitely not blood relatives. I can still feel this kind of thing.”

“You make it sound as if your royal family’s blood has been left outside.”

“Well, it’s true – this is another reason why I came to Xian Shen Island.” La Folia nodded, “But please don’t pursue this matter. It is an internal matter of our royal family, even if it is yours I also…..”

Alexia waved her hand: “No need to emphasize it, I know, your family affairs, right? Although I am a nosy person, I still know that I cannot interfere in other people’s family affairs casually, so I will not interfere. “

“Thank you for your understanding.”

“Is this the only reason why you came to see me?”

If that was the case, then Alexia felt that she didn’t need to say anything more to her. She could just find any reason to send her away, or contact Nangong Nayue to take her away.

La Folia showed a thoughtful look, and then smiled: “Well… these words may be a little offensive to you, but the main reason why I want to see you is actually my curiosity about you. , especially after meeting you, I became more curious about you, and even felt attracted to you. If possible, I would like to chat with you more and learn more about you.”


These words made Exia not sure how to reply.

Because he has no idea why La Folia is curious about him. What else does it mean to be attracted to him? Could it be love at first sight? This shouldn’t be possible, right?

(Prince, I think, maybe it’s because of Liya and me.)

At this moment, the voice of Shajo’s love song sounded.

(Eh? Does it have anything to do with you?)

(Well, it really surprised me. Her Royal Highness has a very strong talent, perhaps even stronger than Sister Ji Hiiragi and Miss Asakusa. You feel the same way, right? Liya.)

(Yes. Master, please allow us to appear in front of her.)

Arturia asked to appear?

Alexia rarely hears such requests. After all, Artoria doesn’t like to appear randomly. She usually plays the role of stopping Shajo’s love song.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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