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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 286

(I know, come out.)


With Exia’s permission, two lights suddenly lit up around him, and under La Folia’s surprised eyes, Sajo Aige and Arturia appeared in front of her at the same time. In front of you.

And almost at the same time——


As if she felt something, La Folia’s body trembled slightly, and her eyes looked at the two people with some surprise.

“Is that really the case?”

Shajo Aige said in an expected tone: “You are a very good psychic medium, Your Highness, your quality is good enough to respond to us.”

“Your Majesty, these two are…”

“I am Sajo Aige, and she is Artoria Pendragon. To use a term that is closer to your understanding, she is the so-called elf.”

Shajo Aige introduced herself.

“It seems that we have had quite a chat, Your Highness.”

74.Two minutes of dependence experience

There are creatures like [elves] in this world.

Its essence is a collection of energy that exists in high dimensions. It is made up of extremely pure spiritual power. It has certain similarities with the familiar beasts.

However, compared to familiar beasts, elves can hardly exist in the real world for a long time. The elves summoned to this world will automatically disintegrate and be destroyed in a short time. Only very high-level magicians or priests can treat them as Attack magic use.

But there is no other use for it. For many people, the elf is a summoned object that is even more inconvenient than the familiar beast.

However, through a device called the [Elf Furnace], it is possible to allow elves to exist for a long time and be used. This is the biggest reason why the Kingdom of Aldykia became a sorcerer [big country] even though it was a small country.

It is one of the few countries in the world that installs Elf Furnaces on battleships for military armament. You must know that even the Empire of Night of the three true ancestors may not have this technology – although it probably cannot be used.

The fundamental reason why the Kingdom of Aldykia possesses this technology is related to the bloodline of the royal family of Aldykia.

People who are born in the royal family of the kingdom, especially women, are without exception excellent high-level mediums and natural elf summoners. They have the ability to make elves stay in their bodies for a long time without going through the elf furnace.

As the first princess of the Kingdom of Aldykia, La Folia is naturally the same.

As a psychic medium, her level is just as Sajo Aige said, and she is much better than Himeira Yukina.

And it was precisely because of her qualifications that she reacted to the yet-to-be-shown Sajo Aige and Artoria… No, it would be more appropriate to say the other way around. In terms of sequence, it was actually Sajo Aige and Artoria who noticed her aptitude and physique first, and then La Folia reacted.

Just like a person would look back after noticing someone looking at him.

“Elf…and there are two of them?”

La Fulia also looked at Shajo Aige and Artoria with some surprise.

“Apart from the Fourth True Ancestor, is your Majesty actually a spirit summoner like me?”

“No… this is the first time I heard about elf summoners today. Although I do have some understanding of elves, it is limited to the knowledge in textbooks.” Ixia shook her head, ” Miss Aige and Saber are my very important friends and partners, and their existence is not pure elf.”

Friends and partners.

If possible, Sajo Aige hopes that Exia can express it in a more loving way, but at this stage, she is just thinking about it.

“So, what do Miss Aige and Saber want to tell La Folia?”

“There’s nothing special, I just want to meet her. After all, this is the first time I’ve met such an excellent psychic – if it was before being punished by the prince, I would have secretly contacted her in private. , let’s see if I can turn her into my dependent body.”

Shajo Aige’s choice of the dependent body basically only depends on the quality of the other party. First, she must ensure that the dependent body is a medium enough for her to exert a certain power, and then there are some other reasons. Of course, the gender is limited to women, and the appearance must be good-looking. After all, the body is used by Shajo Aige to have contact with Alexia. She does not want to dirty Alexia’s eyes and body.

If it hadn’t been for the fact that the previous incident had been exposed and she had set a geass on herself, Shajo Aige would have definitely followed La Folia to negotiate with her after she left.

“Reliance…ah, that’s it.”

Hearing what Sajo Aige said, La Floria thought for a moment and understood the details. She said with a smile: “Although I don’t think we can achieve long-term cooperation, if Miss Sajo needs it now, I will You can temporarily accept a reliance experience.”

“Eh? Is that okay?” Alexia was suddenly surprised.

“Of course. In fact, I am also a little curious about what kind of elves can make me react, and I am also very interested in these two people who can be called friends and partners by Your Majesty. Not only Miss Sajo , Miss Pendragon is also okay.”

“My lord prince…is it okay?”

Faced with La Folia’s statement, Sajo Aige did not make any claims this time, but asked Alexia for her opinion, and Arturia did the same.

“…It’s okay. But be careful not to do anything, Miss Aige. Saber, I’m at ease.”

“I understand – then close your eyes, Your Highness.”


After receiving Exia’s permission, Sajo Aige and Arturia floated towards La Folia who closed her eyes and got into her body.


Opening her eyes again, [La Folia] raised her hands and touched her body up and down several times.

“Is it done?”

“Yes, I am using this body now, Prince. Your Highness the Queen is watching from a third-person perspective. We have agreed that we will only use this body for two minutes, and Liya and I will each have one minute.” In fact, it was Shajo. Song-loving [La Floria] explained, “But…even though I had expected it, this body’s qualifications are really better than I thought.”

“Don’t think anything wrong about her, Miss Aige.”

“Uh huh huh~~~These words should be spoken by me to the prince.”

Smiling slyly, [La Floria] stood up and approached Ixia, leaning forward slightly in front of Axia: “Do you think, my lord, that I will not do anything to you after getting this body?” ?”

“Then you’re just going to get hit on the butt by an ice brick tonight.”

“I-I was kidding!”

Hearing that her butt was about to be hit by a brick again, [La Floria] quickly blushed, covered her butt and shrank back – using the body of a royal girl to make such a cute action, I have to say it was really cute. There was something heart-warming, and Alexia’s heartbeat quickened for a moment.

And at this moment——

“Master, if you need punishment, I will do it for you.”

“Huh? Did you change it to Saber?”


Because one minute is up, the authority to use the body has also been transferred to Artoria. However, unlike Shajo Aige, Artoria, who can simulate a spiritual body, does not actually have any special needs for the possession body. After Pingyi came up, he only said a few words, and then sat there and waited for time to pass.

A total of two minutes passed by in a blink of an eye.

As Sajo Aige and Artoria reappeared next to Exia, La Fulia also regained control of her body. After a little adaptation, she said with some joy: “It’s really true. What a novel experience, watching others use your body from a third-party perspective… Hahaha, it is indeed a demon zone, and I experienced such interesting things right from the beginning.”

“Interesting… You really have a big heart, La Folia.”

Until a week ago, a fight almost broke out because of this dependence thing, but now La Folia actually finds it interesting…

After opening the can of coffee in her hand and drinking it quickly several times, La Folia stood up and left the sofa with a smile: “Then, it’s almost time for me to leave, Your Majesty.”

“Huh? Are you leaving now?”

“Yes. Although I still want to continue to communicate with you about some things, I’ll wait until later. Now I want to walk around and visit Genkami Island by myself before tomorrow’s official visit. After all, if it comes tomorrow, I will You have to be surrounded by a group of people, and you won’t be able to experience the fun of a foreign country.”

La Folia explained.

Alexia sighed: “A king’s daughter is quite troublesome, but to be honest, just coming to Gengami Island without permission has already caused trouble for your followers. Please don’t make such arbitrary decisions next time. “

“If it is Your Majesty’s request, I will try my best to abide by it – then see you tomorrow, Your Majesty. I will come to visit you with gifts then.”

After saying this, La Folia left Exia’s house.

75. Her Royal Highness was killed?

“What did you say?”

In the afternoon, Caihai College, Nangong Nayue’s office.

Alexia felt that her ears might have heard wrongly.

“Teacher Nayue, are you sure what you are telling the truth?”

“I’m not going to joke with you about this kind of thing. You heard me right.” Nangong Nayue looked a little ugly, “The First Princess was killed.”


La Folia Livahain was killed.

Within just a few hours after leaving Exia’s house.

“After confirming that the princess met with you, Genkami Island has arranged for people to secretly protect her, and they have been secretly following her after she left your home. After all, she is a princess. If she is on Gengami Island If something unexpected happens, that’s a big problem.”

Nangong explained that month.

“However, just two hours ago, those people who were sent to secretly protect her lost contact. After tracing the location and finding the surveillance video, they found that everyone had been killed. There was almost no trace of a fight at the scene. Princess Wang His Highness is also missing.”

“…What about the results of the follow-up investigation?” Alexia asked.

There’s no way that Genkami Island can’t investigate anything in two hours, right?

“Her Royal Highness disappeared in the North District, and some vampire magic remnants were collected at the scene. However, no one could be found from the surveillance. Now we are investigating the East District, but there is probably no result. There are all companies and research institutions there. , it will be very troublesome to investigate.”

Kita District… Indeed, if he disappeared there, considering the terrain and conditions there, it would be difficult even for the officials of Genkami Island to conduct an investigation.

Looking at the documents handed over by Nangong that month in his hand, Exia roughly wrote down all the circumstances: “Then what? Tell me this specifically…Xian Kamijima wants me to Want to help with this matter?”

A royal girl disappeared in the Demon Zone.

If this spreads out, it will definitely cause an uproar in society. What’s more, La Folia came to Xiankami Island without permission in advance. If she is not found soon, Xiankami Island will usher in the world. Let’s hold people accountable within the scope. Maybe Aldykia’s battleship will arrive in the sky of Genkami Island in a while.

Therefore, Genkamijima must now race against time to retrieve La Folia. If you think about it this way, Nangong’s reason for looking for Alexia that month is obvious.

“No, Genkamijima doesn’t want you to take action this time.”

“What?” Alexia frowned, “…although I think it’s impossible, teacher, are you trying to say -“

“Don’t get me wrong, I won’t say the same thing again now. Anyway, even if I don’t let you do it, you will do it without permission, right? I know very well that no one can stop you. But this time it’s not there yet When I need you to take action.”

Nangong Nayue’s words made Alexia suddenly understand.

“That’s what happened.”

“Well, that’s the thing. I can’t rely on you for everything. What’s more, if you take action from the beginning, those thieves might hide deeper… In short, I will do anything if necessary. I will command you mercilessly, so please just watch from the side.”

Alexia put the document down, was silent for a while and then asked: “…You want to get her back before the envoys from the Kingdom of Aldykia arrive, right? Is it too late?”

“The people over there don’t know about this yet. We have twenty hours to deal with it, which is more than enough.”

“…Okay. But I can assist you at any time, Teacher Nayue. If you need anything, just ask. I can work for you for free this time.”

“Humph, then I would like to thank you for your kindness.”

As Nangong Nayue said this, she waved the folding fan in her hand to signal Alexia to leave.


After exiting the office and closing the door, Ixia took out her mobile phone from her pocket and made a call——

【Hello? What’s wrong, Exia?]

What sounded on the other end was Lan Yu Qiancong’s voice.

“Qian Cong, are you free now?”

[I’m free at any time. What can I do? 】

“Find someone for me, your Royal Highness this morning. Can you use Mogu Waihei to access all the cameras on Genkami Island?”

Hearing what Exia said, Lan Yu Qiancong was silent for a while.

[…It’s okay, but why are you looking for that princess? 】

“Her whereabouts are unknown now. Teacher Nayue said she might have been killed. I want to help find her as much as possible.”

Alexia lowered her voice and said.

Her Royal Highness is missing? !

When Lan Yu Qiancong over there heard this, her breathing stagnated obviously.

[This situation…isn’t it very good? I can already think of the diplomatic problems it will cause]

“So can you do me a favor? I’ll treat you to an all-you-can-eat cake buffet later.”

[Well, I understand, give me an hour – but as for the treat, you have to treat me for a week, and give me a spare key to your home]


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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