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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 287

“Eh? Why——”

Toot toot~~~~

Just as Alexia was about to raise her doubts, Lan Yu Qiancong hung up the phone.

Appearing next to Alexia, Sajo Aige said helplessly: “Miss Asakusa really knows how to seize the opportunity… Prince, you should have expected that she would be like this. “

“…But when it comes to finding someone, Qian Cong is undoubtedly the fastest, right?”

“I can also help you realize your wish. You can use the power of the Holy Grail as you like.”

As long as we use the power of the Great Holy Grail, it will indeed be easy to find La Folia – of course, Sajou Aige also knows why Aikexia doesn’t make a wish to herself. To put it bluntly, she doesn’t want to rely too much on this kind of heart. It’s just the power to make things come true.

Unless you really can’t even find Lanyu Qianonion.

“But, is this okay? Prince, Yue-chan has said that you won’t be allowed to do anything now.”

“But it’s not [now] anymore, right?” Exia put away her phone, “What’s more, Teacher Nayue also said that if I really want to do something, Genkamijima can only watch and can’t stop me. Mine. If this is the case, then there is no need for me to cooperate with Genkami Island all the time, right?”

“Besides, it’s not my style to just ignore it, isn’t it?”

Although they only met once and the total conversation time did not even last an hour, they were still people they knew.

Since there is a possibility of La Folia being killed, Exia still has to take some care of it. At worst, after Lan Yu Qiancong investigates the situation, he can turn around and provide the information to Nangong Nayue.

In the final analysis, Genkamijima just does not want Exia to directly intervene with force. Appropriate intelligence support is absolutely no problem.

(But, then again… She is really a princess who can cause trouble for others.)

76. Attack from fallen angels

Lan Yu Qian Cong’s reply came quickly.

[Through sifting through all the surveillance videos during this period, it can basically be confirmed that Her Royal Highness went to the following place after she disappeared – don’t forget the spare key if you have enough cakes in a week! 】

Just before school was about to end, Exia received such a message, along with a map location.

It should be said that he is the strongest hacker in Xiankami Island. The things that Xiankami Island officials failed to find for more than two hours were found out in less than an hour, and that was all. Only then will Alexia realize how powerful her friend is.

And after school——

“Is this right here?”

After talking to Himeira Yukina about her situation, and at the same time rarely rejecting Akatsuki and Akatsuki Nagisa, Ixia came to the place Aiyu Asakusa told her – a destroyed place in the North District. Near the factory.

After passing the yellow cordon outside the factory, Alexia walked directly inside.

“This is really badly damaged.”

Looking up, you can intuitively see a big hole that penetrates the entire factory. It seems as if something fell from the sky and penetrated the factory. In addition, you can see a lot of things inside the factory that seem to have been melted by the high temperature. There are many traces and damaged areas. It can be said that almost all the damageable areas in the factory have been destroyed, leaving only a shell.

Exia remembers this place. But he hadn’t been here before. It was just that about four or five days ago, the TV news reported what happened here, saying that an industrial explosion had occurred.

Because this was not the management scope of amateur magic attack masters, and Nangong didn’t mention it to him that month, Ixia just thought that nothing major happened here.

but now…….

“Can this be called an [explosion]? It feels like I was hit several times with the Seven Thunders of Purification.” Exia reached out and touched the wall with a semicircular gap next to it, ” However, to be able to cause this level of damage, could it be that a vampire is causing a scene here? I remember Teacher Nayue said that there is residual magic power from the vampire at the scene.”

“But the explosion happened five days ago. Even if there was any magic reaction left, it should have disappeared naturally long ago.”

Shajo Aige appeared and said.

“But now, I can feel the obvious residual magic power.”

A small magic trick was activated at her fingertips, followed by an invisible wave that spread out, and a large amount of fluorescent liquid-like traces were visible to the naked eye.

The floors, walls, ceilings, iron guardrails, stairs… although not all, as long as they are damaged places, most of them have such marks, and those damaged places all show the appearance of being torn apart. .

“It must be a familiar beast. Judging from the traces, it may be a weapon-type familiar beast.”


Hearing this type of beast, Exia couldn’t help but curled her lips.

Vampires in this world, apart from the True Ancestor, can be roughly divided into three types: D species, G species, and T species.

Among them, type d is a vampire who has inherited the bloodline of the first true ancestor, type g is a vampire who has inherited the bloodline of the second true ancestor, and type t is the bloodline of the third true ancestor. Each vampire has its own unique abilities, for example, the D type can atomize.

When it comes to weapon-type beasts, that is the privilege of the T species – vampires of the third true ancestor’s bloodline have the ability to turn beasts into living weapons.

(The descendants of that woman… Having said that, they should be the same descendants of the same branch of people who are separated by who knows how many generations. She probably doesn’t even know that.)

Adjusting her mood from feeling sorry for a certain green-haired woman, Exia continued to ask: “Can you use magic to trace La Folia’s traces, Miss Aegean?”

“let me try.”

Floating in front of Alexia, Shajo Aige closed her eyes slightly, and quickly constructed a magic circle as if there was an invisible paintbrush sketching a pattern under her body. With the formation and activation of the magic circle, Ixia could vaguely feel as if something was flowing into her mind, intermittently, like broken images.

(This is……)

(The remaining records of the past that I captured through magic, the prince is unwilling to use wish making, and I don’t have a body, so this is all I can do now.)

If there is a possessor, Shajo Aige promises to completely recreate the past events for Axia.

Ignoring the small complaints in Sajo Aige’s words, Exia focused on the impact in her mind.

“This image… happened today… the figure fighting… is it La Folia? The person fighting her is…”

From the fragmented image presented to Alexia, it was possible to roughly tell who La Folia had fought with here, but because it was so fragmented, in the end Alexia could only tell that she had fought with her. There are three people, one of them is a vampire, one is an orc, and the last one is somewhat difficult to distinguish.

There are more that I really can’t tell.

“That’s all what happened today, Prince. It’s basically impossible to extract anything from earlier.” Shajo Aige stopped her magic, “Judging from the content of the video, Her Royal Highness must have escaped in the end, right?” It’s over there, I’m paying attention.”

“Is there…the underground waterway over there?”

Alexia frowned.

It actually forced a king’s daughter to escape into the underground waterway. It seemed that the situation she was facing was a little troublesome.

“Do you want to catch up? Your Majesty the Prince.”

“Yes. I’ll contact Teacher Nayue and catch up -“


Just as Alexia was about to take out her phone, a burst of sound suddenly fell from the sky!

The shots that seemed to be made of pure light struck at extremely high speed!


The ice wall appeared above Exia’s head for the first time.



It didn’t even have a blocking effect, and the light shot actually shot directly through Exia’s ice wall!


Quickly jumping back to avoid the attack, looking at the ground that was easily penetrated and the broken ice wall, Ixia raised her eyebrows and looked up at the top where the attack was coming.


What came into view was a mysterious woman wearing a gloomy mask engraved with countless eyeball patterns and wearing linen surgical clothes. Behind her stretched out several pairs of ugly black wings with uneven edges and shapes and full of blood vessels. There was a strange radiance all over his body, and some strange patterns appeared on his limbs.

(Is this… a fallen angel?)

Some familiar shapes reminded Aixia of those mythical beings she had seen before.

And just when he was thinking this——


The masked black-winged girl let out a harsh roar, and light bloomed in her hands, instantly condensing a huge lightsaber! Then he threw it hard at Alexia!


A deafening roar and a burst of light burst into the sky instantly!

77. The existence of invincibility

Alexia hadn’t been hit in a long time.

With his current physical ability, even if he is hit, most of the attacks will probably be ineffective. And even if they cause damage to him, the self-healing ability brought by Chimera can allow him to quickly recover in a short period of time. reply.

In fact, it didn’t matter to Exia whether he would be hit or not. The reason why he didn’t want to be hit was simply that it would hurt if he was hit, and pain would affect the body’s reaction.

Therefore, try to dodge attacks that can be avoided, and defend against attacks that can be defended.

By doing this, Exia’s defenses were almost never broken.

but now–


Standing up from the rubble on the unknown floor underground, Ixia patted the dust on her body, scraped off some blood from the corner of her mouth, and then looked at the ugly angel above: “The output has been improved to a certain extent, but it is still blocked. Can’t you stop? I’m going to defend myself very seriously.”

The first light arrow was not blocked. Exia was not too surprised. He attributed the reason to his contempt for the enemy’s attack power – of course, in fact, even the vampires of the old era were basically blocked by that layer of ice wall. Can’t penetrate.

But he seriously defended the second huge lightsaber.

But it still failed to stop him.


After absorbing less than half of the ice shield in her hand back into her body, Exia frowned slightly: “Is it possible that it has been incorporated into a spell that cannot be defended?”

No matter how strong the defense is, there are attacks that cannot withstand it. Taking the situation in the Holy Grail War that Exia once participated in as an example, some heroic spirits possess Noble Phantasms that can subvert cause and effect and are sure to hit the enemy. , some magic is said to be able to do similar things.

Therefore, when her defense was penetrated, Exia would not be hit, but was just a little surprised and confused.

What’s more, he directly withstood the blow without receiving much damage. It felt like being scalded by scalding hot water. Although it stung a little, it was nothing more than that.

“Forget it, I’ll leave the analysis to you, Miss Ai Ge, I’m really not good at magic spells or anything like that.”

“You have been doing it since just now, Prince-sama.” Sajo Aige said with a smile, “Just concentrate on dealing with the enemy. Although the principle has not been fully analyzed yet, even if the attack cannot be defended, the damage it will cause to you It’s also quite limited, so I don’t think you need to worry too much about it.”


He took out the Seven Thunders of Purification from under his clothes and transformed it into blade mode. Exia pointed the sword at the ugly angel: “Yeah, I think so.”


The pile of rubble beneath my feet instantly collapsed and shattered!

Alexia’s figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and there was just a flash of ice-blue light in the space. When he appeared again, he was already behind the masked angel, and the Seven Thunders of Purification, which shone with thunder, fell quickly. !


The thunderbolt struck through the ground.

The masked angel was like a tennis ball being blown away, and crashed directly downward through several floors under this blow!


One blow caused such a suppressive effect, but Exia did not pursue him uncharacteristically, but looked puzzled: “Actually… got [knocked away]?”

How is this possible?

Alexia could see clearly that the other party did not react at all, and completely withstood the blow of the Seven Thunders of Purification with his pure body.

But the result was that she was beaten away?

This is the Seven Thunders of Purification. Everything touched by its blade will be decomposed and shattered. It is a thunder sword that can disintegrate any defense! How could he possibly block it with his body? What’s more, let alone the Seven Thunders of Purification, even if it is an ordinary sword, it will definitely cut a wound on the body instead of knocking the opponent away, right?

“Thunder Herrscher, how do you feel?”

[Hmm…it feels weird. Let me kill her two or three more times to see how things go.]



As soon as he finished speaking, the masked angel who was shot down and flew deep underground had smashed all the rubble obstacles, flapped his ugly wings, turned into a meteor, and rushed towards Exia at great speed!

That speed is almost comparable to fighter jets developed with the latest technology.


The lightsaber took shape in the opponent’s hand, and it slashed towards Exia without even a hint of movement!


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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