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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 288

Turning around in the air to avoid this straight blow, which could only be praised for its speed, Exia backhand slashed the masked angel with all her strength with her sword!


She had just taken off and was shot down by Exia again!

(Again…what’s going on with her body?)

[Blocked. 】

The Herrscher of Thunder said.

[But rather than being blocked by the body, it is better to say that she was blocked before hitting her. There is an invisible barrier on her body]

“Can’t you break it down?”

[My decomposition is decomposition from the atomic level, destroying the structure of matter. But that barrier has no such thing as an atomic structure and is airtight]

In other words, the Herrscher of Thunder’s ability cannot affect that barrier?

How could such a thing happen? Is that a defensive ability that ignores the laws of physics?

(By the way…if there is no atomic structure, wouldn’t it be impossible to destroy it?)

[That’s almost it, what should I do? 】



Without giving Exia much time to think, the masked angel took off again. This time, what she condensed was a large number of light arrows. It could be said that the ultra-dense barrage like a meteor shower of light occupied the area in an instant. Covered all of Exia’s field of vision!

An attack that cannot be defended, coupled with such a dense and wide attack range, and the surrounding semi-sealed [narrow space]

Equivalent to [must hit].

“Miss Aige!”

“It’s done~”

Sandjo’s love song and Alexia’s voice were completely synchronized. At the same time, a magic circle composed of multiple magic formulas instantly appeared behind Alexia, absorbing his entire body in an instant! The countless arrows of light that were shot at him immediately lost their target and were all blasted into the air!

“Bang bang bang bang bang bang-!”

The factory, which was already destroyed to pieces, became even more dilapidated after experiencing this bombing! The whole thing began to collapse and shatter, as if the building blocks were completely falling apart!

Before being buried alive, he flew out of countless gaps. The masked angel quickly looked around and confirmed that he could not find Alexia at all. Then he vibrated his wings vigorously and turned into a flash of light and flew to the horizon.

Only one factory was left collapsing on the spot.

78. I hate myself

Some rooftop ten kilometers away from the factory.


As a magic circle suddenly appeared in mid-air, Exia suddenly appeared here.

Turning around and looking in the direction of the factory, Ixia could clearly see the rising fire and thick smoke over there.

“…Would it be better to go back and put out the fire?”

“I don’t object to Prince-sama being so enthusiastic, but it’s best to wait for a while before going back, maybe the other party is still there.” Shajo Aige dissuaded, “Although judging from the situation of the fight just now, the other party is not at all The prince’s opponent, but if the two sides seriously fight, the prince can’t do anything to the other party, right?”

“What’s going on with that masked fallen angel?”

Alexia looked at the Seven Thunders of Purification in her hand: “The situation where the Seven Thunders of Purification cannot cause damage… This is the first time I have encountered that there is no barrier of atomic structure – that angel is difficult to Isn’t it possible that the whole body is covered with that kind of barrier?”

Whether it is a physical barrier or a magical barrier, there is no difference in front of the Seven Thunders of Purification. The power of the Herrscher of Thunder can destroy everything. Even if it does not rely on abilities and characteristics, it can crush everything with pure power. Most of the defense.

But this time…

“Where are the analysis results? Miss Aige.”

“Unfortunately, the outcome is unknown.”

Shatiao Aige shook her head.

“It’s completely impossible to tell what kind of spell the other party used. Although it is similar in nature to a ghost spirit, I don’t think it is that simple. What’s more, the other party can resist the prince’s attack so easily. How? It can’t even be what I know it to be.”

“Even you can’t analyze it…”

Alexia couldn’t help but feel something was wrong.

A masked angel appeared in the place where La Folia disappeared. If this kind of thing spreads, everyone will think that something serious has happened. After all, if even the strongest in the world can’t do anything, then Who else in the world could deal with that kind of monster?

Putting away the Seven Thunders of Purification, Alexia looked at her left hand: “Ddraig, do you have any ideas?”

[My thoughts are the same as the little girl’s. I can’t figure out the origin of that masked angel. Unlike you, I don’t know much about the world you are in now. If I have any suggestions, then I would suggest that if you really can’t handle it, just make a wish and it will be solved. There is no need to cling to some of your own bottom lines]

“……I know.”

[However, if you can’t see through it, you can’t see through it. If you just want to deal with that masked angel, I have an idea, but I don’t know if it can be realized]

Does Ddraig have a way to deal with the masked angel?

“Tell me more about it, Ddraig.”

[Let’s talk after we get back, it’s best if you come to our side]

Go to Ddraig?

Alexia immediately had a reluctant thought.

He hadn’t been to his own realm of consciousness for a long time. On the one hand, it was unnecessary, but more importantly… he didn’t want to see another version of himself.

Ever since the Banquet of Fire, after learning that her other self had caused huge casualties in the East District, Ixia had never wanted to see him, and it could even be said that she hated his existence – it was probably the same for him.

It’s obvious that the two of them are actually the same person, different aspects of [Exiya Kaslana], but the fact that they hate each other now is quite strange.

“…Can’t you just dictate it like this?”

[Just dictating it will only let you understand the method. If you want to actually master it, you still have to come here.]


[By the way, that guy said he doesn’t want to see you either, so when you come, he will just find a place to hide. You don’t need to pay too much attention to him.]

“I said it as if I wanted to see him. I haven’t officially settled the accounts with him about the Banquet of Fire yet… Tsk, I’m getting angrier as I talk about it, so I’d better not talk about it yet. I’ll go back now.”


With the ice wings unfolding behind him, Exia flew high into the sky in an instant!


At the same time, in a small alley on Genkami Island.


With several banging sounds, a manhole cover located on the road in the alley was pushed up from below.

After laboriously climbing up the ladder to the surface, she took a deep breath of the fresh air from the outside world. She had a lot of valuable clothes hidden on her body, and she looked a little embarrassed and disgraced. La Folia leaned against the wall and looked up. Narrow sky.

“Did you finally manage to escape? The underground of this island is really complicated.”

Kicking the manhole cover back into place with her feet, La Folia looked at her left arm – the clothes below the elbow had been torn off by her and tied to her upper arm as a temporary bandage. If she looked carefully, You could see blood dripping from under her torn sleeves.

She is hurt.

“Orcs, T-type vampires… If it’s just these two people, it wouldn’t be difficult to deal with them.”

As an elf summoner, La Fulia’s personal combat power is even comparable to that of vampires from the old era. Ordinary demons are simply vulnerable to her, even vampires of Valtola’s level, La Fulia Yaya also had the confidence to stand still for a while.

But now, she was indeed injured by two demons – however, it was not the demons that caused her injury, but because she was distracted from dealing with the third enemy, thus neglecting to deal with the vampires and demons. Precaution… One against three was still a bit too much for her, not to mention that the [third person] was someone she couldn’t fight against alone.

“Now…it’s really troublesome. I can’t seem to handle it by myself. Shouldn’t we join up with the Knights and then act together?”

The moment she had this idea, La Folia shook her head a few times and threw it away: “No, you can’t rely on the Knights. If you fight against that kind of existence, the Knights have no chance of winning.”

Because she had faced the [third person] directly, La Folia knew how powerful the other party was. Even though the knights of the Kingdom of Aldykia were known as demon killers and had powerful weapons against demons, That existence is not a demon, it can even be said that it is not an existence in [this world].

If you want to fight against it…

“Do you want to ask for help?” A figure of a certain person flashed in La Folia’s mind, “No, no, this is my business, I can’t trouble your majesty.”

“Huh? Wait, you are-“

A girl’s voice suddenly sounded from the exit of the alley next to her.

La Folia looked over and saw standing there a fashionable blond girl carrying a schoolbag and wearing the same school uniform as Alexia.

79. The penetrating power of Sekiryuutei

field of consciousness.

A cold world full of ice and snow.

After nearly half a year, after returning to her home, Exia immediately returned here.

After landing on the snowfield, Exia habitually looked in the direction of the ice tree not far away.

“……not here?”

The ice tree still stood there, its branches became slender, and its crown was several times denser than before. It could almost be said to have formed a dome, partially blocking the sky above.

The throne under the tree is now empty, as if waiting for Exia to sit on it.

What would happen if I sat on it myself?

Alexia couldn’t help but think that, after all, the person sitting there was another him, and he had never sat on it once.


There were heavy footsteps behind him.

Alexia looked behind her: “Ddraig?”

“Well, I haven’t seen you for a while, partner.” The ocher red dragon said solemnly, “The other one you have now gone to a deeper place, which is the core area of ​​Chimera’s power. Before you left, he seemed It doesn’t look like he will come out, don’t worry. It seems that Kevin Kaslana will also be watching him.”


“However, I don’t mean to preach to you, partner, but you are the same person after all. If you continue to maintain this relationship, it will not be a good thing for both of you.”

Glancing at the vacant throne, Ixia pursed her lips: “—I know. But…I don’t want to now.”


“Let’s get down to business, Ddraig.”

The Sekiryuutei’s cage hand appeared on his left hand, and Alexia asked: “What is the method you mentioned to fight against the masked angel? Is it related to the power of the Sekiryuutei?”

“There are two methods. To be precise, one of them is related to my power, and the other is related to those stinky girls sleeping in your blood.”

The stinky girls in your own blood?

“Familiar beast?”

“Well, do you still remember the two-headed dragon you saw once when you fought with the Fourth True Ancestor?”

Two-headed dragon.

It probably refers to the third familiar beast of the Fourth True Ancestor – [Dragon Snake Mercury (almeissamercury)].

When Ddraig mentioned this guy, Exia quickly realized the method it wanted to use: “…Do you want me to use its power?”

“That guy has the power to bite and devour the space itself and even the dimensions. No matter what kind of defense the masked angel has, she still exists in this world. So as long as the space where she is located is Just devour her along with her.” Ddraig said, “You are not opposed to using the power of the beasts. I know this. The reason why you have not used it even once so far is purely because you want to destroy yourself. Give it to the woman you like for the first time.”

The vampire’s blood-sucking behavior is equivalent to desire impulse and physiological behavior.

In this case, then the person whom Alexia would suck blood for the first time would, no matter what, hope to be Bianca – this was something he really hoped he could do.

“…I won’t suck blood.”

“I know. But partner, haven’t you also thought about using force to knock those guys down and force them to surrender?”

“you mean…..”

“Just this once, use your strength to make that two-headed dragon surrender to you. Doesn’t this go against your ideas?”


If it weren’t for the worry that she might not be able to completely subdue the beasts with strength, then Exia would have beaten all ten beasts in her body to the ground. He still said the words the fourth true ancestor said before he died. Quite concerned.

But if it is only for one-time use, maybe it can be done.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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