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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 289

“…What about the other way? Ddraig.”

Keeping this thought for the time being, Exia asked.

The Sekiryuutei’s power is [Multiply] and [Transfer]. With these two abilities, Exia doesn’t think he can break through the masked angel’s defense.

“No need to break it.”

Ddraig laughed.

“Partner, do you think that as the Sekiryuutei, one of the two heavenly dragons, I only rely on multiplication and transfer?”

“…Do you have other abilities?”

“Yeah. It’s just… I’m not sure whether you can use that ability. After all, I had almost forgotten that ability before this.” Ddraig explained, “After all, the Bible The God sealed almost all of my power in the artifact, leaving only the most superficial multiplication and transfer.”

Artifacts—including divine annihilation tools—are generally divided into two types.

One is a pure artifact, while the other is an artifact with a certain monster’s soul sealed inside. The Cage Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor and the Light Wings of the White Dragon Emperor belong to the latter.

But as two heavenly dragons, their original power was too huge and dangerous. Even if they were made into artifacts, they would still be difficult to contain. Therefore, the God of the Bible, as the creator of the artifacts, combined most of their power and their true original power. They are all restricted, and the only ones left are [Multiple/Transfer] and [Half/Absorb].

“Originally, I didn’t think there would be a time to use that ability. After all, no matter who the Red Dragon Emperor was before, they would only fall into the abyss when they pursued my power. Plus, there was a seal… ..but things are different now, partner.”

“I am no longer an artifact created by the God of the Bible, and I no longer exist in the original artifact system. I am an artifact that only belongs to you. Whether all my abilities can be used depends on your wishes. And the degree of study of my power. And if everything goes well, you should be able to use my third ability freely the moment you realize it.”

Ddraig’s third ability, since it is said so proudly, means that it is an ability that can bring a huge improvement to Exia, and it is indeed worthy of the title of [Incarnation of Power]. ability.

“Then Ddraig, what is your third ability?”


Ddraig said.

“Ignore any defense, ignore any resistance, and attack the enemy directly through the defense – it is such a simple ability.”


The power of multiplication, the power of transfer, and then the power of penetration.

Alexia smiled slightly: “I see, it is indeed in line with the capabilities of the Sekiryuutei.”

Unlimited multiplication allows the Sekiryuutei to have ultimate power.

Random transfer can give extreme power to others and even weapons.

And penetration can make all Sekiryuutei’s attacks become undefendable hits.

If this ability is added to the Seven Thunders of Purification… then the Seven Thunders of Purification will truly become an invincible blade that can kill with one strike!

“…What do I do, Ddraig?”

“The power of penetration, I’m interested in.”

80. The wonderful use of penetration


When Ixia returned from the realm of consciousness, the sun outside had almost completely set, and the dusk-colored light enveloped most of the sky.

The sound of the air conditioner blowing can be heard in my ears.

What came into view was the face of Sajo Aige looking down at him.

“Miss Aige?”

“Welcome back, Prince. It seems that you have successfully gained new power.”

Sitting up from the sofa, Exia shook her head to make herself more awake, then raised her left hand, and the Sekiryuutei’s cage hand immediately appeared.

In terms of appearance, the cage hand itself has not changed at all, but as a user, Ixia is very clear that this cage hand now has a different level of power than before. In addition to the multiplication and transfer that have been used to it for a long time, the new The power already exists within it.

“Well, it went so smoothly that I was a little surprised.”

The process of awakening the power of penetration did not encounter any difficulties. Exia just tried to dive into the depths of the Sekiryuutei’s power under Ddraig’s instructions.

If the field of consciousness is compared to a hall, then the power of Chimera and the power of Sekiryuutei are different [rooms], and Exia just felt the power of Sekiryuutei as soon as he walked into that [room] Entered his own body.

Really, as Ddraig said, just being aware is enough.

However, compared to Ddraig’s description, after actually gaining the power of penetration, Exia did not think that it was just an ability that simply ignored defense. If combined with Ddraig’s other two abilities, it could The object of penetration is definitely not just defense.


The green jade sounded as its power multiplied.


The ocher-red energy spread from the left arm to the whole body, and soon the whole body of Ixia was enveloped in a burst of light.

“…Miss Aige, could you please come to me like this? I want to test this new ability.”

“It’s possible, but how to test it?”

“that’s all.”

After Sajo Aige came to Aike, Aikesha directly reached out and touched Sajo Aige’s arm.

Until now, due to her own way of existence, Sajo Aige was just a projection, an illusory existence. She could not transform into a pseudo-spiritual body like Arturia, and could not be contacted without a supporting body. anything outside.

Similarly, she cannot be touched by outsiders. Even Ixia can only touch the air when he reaches out to her.

but now–


However, Shajo Aige felt a real feeling of being held on her arm, and Alexia also had a real feeling of holding her arm.

He actually touched Shajo Aige!

“My lord prince…this is?”

“…Sorry, Miss Aige, I’ll try it again.”

“Eh? Wait, Mr. Prince, please wait a moment——”

Facing Shajo Aige, who suddenly looked a little shy, Alexia seemed to be completely unaware, pulling him towards her with force, and put the other hand covered with light on her body.

As expected, it indeed touched Shajo Aige’s body.

“Is that really the case?” Alexia let go of Shajo Aige, who was so shy that her cheeks turned red. “This ability allows me to penetrate the barrier between us, Miss Aige.”

Barrier—that’s what I say, but it doesn’t count if I have to say it.

The true body of Sandjo Aige is the Great Holy Grail, and its core exists inside the Great Holy Grail. The Great Holy Grail has been integrated with Exia. If you want to touch Sandjo Aige, you have to stretch your hand towards that Only the field where the core is located.

Originally, Exia was completely unable to do so. If she wanted to break up with Sajo Aige, she could only go through the realm of consciousness. But now, through the newly obtained penetrating power, Exia can ignore the [space] barrier, and can touch the true body of Shajo Aige in reality.

[This is really surprising, partner]

Ddraig’s voice sounded in Baoyu.

[Originally I couldn’t do this kind of thing]

“Eh? Really?”

【Um. At least when I use it, this ability is mostly used to break defenses. It may have other uses depending on the situation, but if you directly penetrate the ‘field’ and ‘space’ like you do, let alone do it. Never even thought about it]

[It seems that the artifact has evolved due to your own reasons]

Artifacts will evolve based on the user’s thoughts and thoughts. Even the same artifact will evolve differently depending on the user.

“Then, that means that from now on, I can contact the prince without a body?”

[The premise is that the partner maintains this penetration ability, and the only parts that can be touched are those affected by the penetration ability, other places should remain the same]

“My lord prince~~~~~!”

Almost at the moment Ddraig finished speaking, Shajo Aige rushed directly into Alexia’s arms! She hugged him tightly with both hands, as if she was afraid that he would disappear from her side!

Although Yuki Hiiragi Yukina had hugged Alexia several times before, it was not her own body after all, but now it was the real Sajo Aige herself who was hugging Alexia!

The last time I hugged Exia like this, in Sajo Aige’s memory, it dates back to the Holy Grail War.

“That…Miss Ai Ge?”

With her hands raised in the air, Ixia looked awkwardly at Shajo Aige, who was hugging her tightly: “Then…you don’t need to hug her so hard…”

“No~~~!” Shajo Aige said with a proud smile, “Prince, please keep this pattern from now on! Then I can hug and make out with you anytime, anywhere!”

“How is that possible? I want to get rid of it now.”

“Wait wait wait wait a minute!”

Shajo Aige hurriedly shook Alexia a few times to make him stop this diabolical behavior: “Before I cancel, there is one more thing I want to do to the prince! For this one thing, please be sure to Hear my request!”


Bad feeling.

Although theoretically speaking, Alexia had no reason to reject Shajo Aige, but his intuition told him that it would probably be bad if he agreed.

“Just once, please, my lord prince!”


Looking at Sajo Aige who was so sincere that she almost sat down, Aikexia raised her forehead and said, “Okay, then what do you want – um!”

Before she could finish speaking, Alexia’s mouth was blocked by Shajo Aige.

mouth to mouth.

He was forcefully kissed again!

“Senior, are you at home? Senior Sister Qian Cong and Your Royal Highness are here…”

At this moment, such a voice came from the door.

It looked like she had just come back from school. Ji Hiiragi Yukina, who was holding her schoolbag, stood blankly at the door, looking at Alexia and Sajo Aige kissing each other on the sofa in the room, her expression full of shock. Behind her, Lan Yu Qiancong, who was also carrying a schoolbag, was even more “angry-eyed”!

Yes, finished.

Alexia can already predict what will happen next…

Behind the scenes where Alexia couldn’t see, Shajo Aige even made a small scissors gesture to Lan Yu Qian Cong.

(Shatiao! You!)


81. Daimao: It’s a familiar experience

After a while.

“So, what happened to you just now?”

Crossing her legs and sitting on the sofa of Alexia’s house like a hostess, Lan Yu Qianqiong looked at Alexia and Shatiao Aige with an unhappy face.

She was still thinking that Alexia might be out chasing La Folia at this time. If she brought someone here, she might get a reward or something. However, as soon as she came in, she directly saw the doggy man and woman. The way the family is quarreling with each other!

After all, she also likes Alexia, and she clearly likes him and wants to chase him. Showing her such a picture that made her heart stop was a fatal blow!

If Lan Yu Qianqing didn’t know Alexia well enough and knew that he would never initiate a kiss, it would definitely be Shajo Aige who was causing trouble this time, otherwise he would probably be in love and despair by now.

“It’s nothing.”

Shajo Aige, whose face was much rosier, held up one side of her face happily, and replied with a smile: “It’s just a daily intimacy with the prince. I don’t think how the prince and I will get along, it’s not Asakion’s turn. Miss, you [outsider], would you like to interrupt? Uh-huh~~~”

The smell of gunpowder.

After just one or two brief conversations, Alexia, who was sandwiched between the two, smelled a strong smell of gunpowder.

“How dare you say that? Aren’t you also considered an [outsider]?”

“But at least compared to Miss Asakusa, I, who is with the prince 24 hours a day, should be regarded as a [wife].”


Lan Yu’s green brows twitched several times: “…You can see the barren land at your toes at a glance.”

“Ah la la~~~What are you talking about? Pretentious FB lady.”

If it weren’t for the fact that Alexia was still present, just these two sentences would be enough to provoke a class war between Lan Yu Qiancong and Shajo Aige.

Seeing that the argument between the two was getting more and more intense, Ixia hurriedly coughed: “Ahem! You two should stop for a moment and let’s talk about the business first – Qiao Cong, you came to my house because of… ….”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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