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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 29

“…In other words, we were all brought here by Otta after that.”


After being intercepted by Otta at the entrance to the twenty-fourth floor, Lefia was brought here all the way. And as he said himself, he did nothing after that, as if he had lost interest in the two of them, and kept sitting next to Exia like a statue.

Lefia, who was brought here, had nothing to do. Unable to escape, she had to stay by Alexia’s side. She fell asleep until she couldn’t hold on any longer. She just woke up naturally not long ago.

“Anyway, it’s good to be safe.”

Alexia smiled, then turned to look at the direction Ota left, as well as the large bag of weapons and a bunch of maps on the ground – if nothing else, those maps were the maps of each level of the dungeon. .

“The next question is how to get back to the ground.”


Lefiya nodded solemnly.

It’s not that Lefia has never experienced this kind of thing before returning from the deep layers to the surface, but it’s just that they were all together with a large army of the Familia. Returning to the surface with just two people was something Lefia had never experienced before.

And this time there is a huge problem.

The floor master on the thirty-seventh floor, Udaios.

“When they brought us here, the fierce man had a brief battle with it, but it did not solve it. If we want to return to the ground, Udaios is unavoidable no matter what.”

The floor master will guard the passage leading to the next floor, which means that the moment Ixia and Lefia enter the thirty-seventh floor, Udaios will appear in front of them, and it will be just right. Appear on the only way.

You can’t return to the surface without knocking it down, but if you do…

“I’ll knock it down.”

Alexia clenched her fists.

“I won’t lose this time. I’m going to knock it down no matter what so we can get back to the ground.”

We can no longer lose.

Only in this dungeon, only when facing monsters, he could not lose no matter what. Once he lost, he and Lefia would die.

Therefore, you must not lose!

Must win!

Looking at Alexia who said this so seriously and even resolutely, Lefia pursed her lips and said: “…I will also help, Alexia. The floor owner is not the only one.” An enemy that can be defeated by one person, even if you can defeat Goliath alone, Udaeus is really not something that can be defeated by one person.”

Regarding the matter of Udaios, because the Loki Familia had come into contact with him many times during past expeditions, there were many records left in the family, and Lefiya had read it.

Unlike Goliath on the 17th floor and the two-headed white dragon on the 27th floor, Udaios on the 37th floor gives people the impression of being a [King].

The attack method that turns the entire room into one’s own weapon and domain, the special ability to summon a large number of skeleton soldiers [Earthlings]… Although the magic stone as a weakness is visible at a glance, it cannot be easily touched. to something.

[Fighting with an army] – This is how it is described in the records of the Loki Familia.

“Then I’ll bother you then, Lefia. I will try my best to buy time in front so that you can complete the chant.”

Alexia nodded and then stood up.

I have recovered, my hungry stomach is full, and considering the time that I and Lefia stayed in the dungeon – although I am not sure, it is estimated that one night has passed. If I don’t go back, the family members will My companions will definitely be worried.

Putting away the scattered maps on the ground, picking up the weapons that Ota left behind, Exia looked up at the vaguely visible steps in the distance.

“Then let’s go.”



The entire thirty-seventh floor is quite special in the underground city and is called the [White Palace].

The reason is the white walls that cover the entire floor and the huge and strange maze structure – the large number of rooms and roads appear extremely spacious and majestic, making people inside feel like they have entered a huge palace. Most of the rooms and roads are separated from each other. They are all over ten meters.

The entire thirty-seventh floor is an overall five-story structure, and each level is circular. If you want to pass through the thirty-seventh floor, you must go to the next level somewhere with a gap, and then Go to the stairs in the center area of ​​the hierarchy.

Of course, if you come back from the thirty-eighth floor, you don’t need to be so troublesome. Instead, returning to the upper floor will be even more troublesome.

It’s easier to go down than to go up.

Carrying the map and weapons, they spent more than ten minutes along the way, taking the shortest route through the entire thirty-eighth floor. Along the stairs, Exia and Lefiya officially entered the realm of the thirty-seventh floor. .

The dim environment instantly occupied their world. A completely invisible dome shrouded their heads. The only light source in the entire hall was the flickering lights on the wall.

From the thirty-eighth floor to the thirty-seventh floor, the room you are in when you come out must be the room where the floor owner is.


The room was quite quiet, without any monsters.

The number of monsters on the thirty-seventh floor is quite large, which is enough to compare with that of the forty-seventh floor. The interval between rebirths is also very short. If they are not cleared out quickly, they will easily fall into a situation of being besieged. However, the places where monsters are born are quite scattered, which is the only advantage.

The room where the floor master is located, like the 17th and 27th floors, generally does not spawn any monsters.

The only monster will be born only when the floor owner completes his rebirth and an adventurer steps into this place.

Just like now.


The moment Alexia’s feet stepped on the ground on the 37th floor, the entire room around him trembled!

The ground some distance away from Exia suddenly bulged, as if something was about to rush out from the ground. The foreign object in the ground broke a crack in the ground. Along with the wail of the rocks, a large number of cracks appeared on the ground, and they continued rapidly. Spreading in all directions.



A huge behemoth emerged from the ground.

It was a pitch-black giant that was so big that one couldn’t help but wonder whether what they saw was real. Its existence extended into the dome that could not be fully illuminated by lights. The covering rocks and dust kept falling off its surface. In a few breaths, the true form of the giant was revealed in front of Exia and Lefia.

It was a giant skeleton, and the body part that appeared outside was about ten meters long, right? The huge black bones that made up the whole body were shaking constantly, with two giant devil-like horns protruding from the head, and purple will-o’-the-wisps burning in the dark eye sockets.


A deafening roar shook the entire hall.

The floor master on the 37th floor, [The Lone King of the Labyrinth] Udaios!


50. Instincts and impulses

The weak will feel fear when facing the strong.

And hesitating between the two choices of [escape] and [confrontation].

Compared to the current Ixia, Udaios is indeed a [strong man], whether it is the sense of oppression conveyed to his body or the intimidation and presence brought by his huge body.

This does not mean that a huge existence must be powerful, but one of the ways of expressing power is hugeness.


The skeletal giant roared, and the terrifying sound waves stirred up strong winds and hit Ixia and Lefiya who had just walked out of the passage on the thirty-eighth floor.

(This is… Udaios!)

Lefiya pursed her lips nervously.

As the saying goes, seeing is better than hearing. Even if she had read about Udaios in the information, after seeing it with her own eyes, Lefiya still couldn’t stop feeling excited. Fear arose.

She is undoubtedly weak to Udaios, and the same goes for Exia.

Both of them were weak in front of Udaios.

“It’s okay, Lefia.”

Alexia’s voice reached Lefiya’s ears. The voice was not very strong, just like a normal “good morning” when they meet in the morning.

But what was incredible was that Lefia felt that the fear in her heart was slightly dispelled.

“Exia…be careful and remember the information I told you before.”

As for Udaios’s various attack methods, Lefia had already told Aixia everything on the way to the thirty-eighth floor. After that, we can only see whether Udaios can be defeated. Alexia herself…no, it should be said that it depends on the strength of the two of them.

“[Make a wish in the name of Wei Xian. Ancestors of the forest, noble compatriots. Answer my voice and come to the grassland. The bond of connection, the promise of feasting. Dance around the circle. Come, elf The ring. Please—lend me your strength]”

A magical chant came from Lefia’s mouth.

There are three magics that Lefia masters, [Arc Ray] and [Fire Javelin]. These two have been used in front of Exia several times, and the third magic is called [Elf Ring]. , its effect is – on the premise of fully mastering the effect of a certain magic and chanting the incantation, the use of magic can only be used by people of the elves.

In short, you can use the magic mastered by other elves. As long as it is the magic used by the elves, Lefiya can chant the corresponding chant again and use which magic after activating the ring of elves.

This is also the origin of the title “Thousand Fairies” given to Lefiya by the gods.

And now, in order to improve Alexia’s chances of winning as much as possible, Lefiya is going to use a certain magic on him——

“[——Gather, the breath of the earth——]”

The magic circle enveloped Alexia’s body, and a layer of emerald-colored light film covered Alexia.

“This is……”

“It’s Master Riveria’s magic. It can improve both physical and magical resistance at the same time. It also has a certain degree of healing ability… Although I can’t do it like Master Riveria.” This magic has three stages, but the first stage is still fine.”

Lefiya knew clearly that she might not be able to provide timely support to Aixia during the floor master’s battle. The speed of magic chanting was a big problem. But now there is no problem in giving him aid before the war begins.

Feeling the naked clothes on her body, Ixia put the weapon bag on her back: “Thank you, then I’ll go up. I’m sorry to trouble you for support, Lefia, just do it according to your judgment.”


The weak will be afraid when facing the strong and will be hesitant about what choice to make.

But Alexia will not be afraid, nor will she hesitate.

(Now that we have come this far, Lefiya and I have no option of escaping, so there is only one thing to do——)


Throwing the extra weapons on the ground, holding the big sword he had used in his left hand, and the more comfortable long sword in his right hand, Exia looked at the skeletal giant in front of him and assumed a fighting stance.

(We have to return to the ground, and I have to protect Lefiya, so…)

“—I will knock you down. Udaios!”


The skeleton giant roared in response to Exia’s declaration of war.

Then, the exposed black hand bones were thrown behind him, raised high as if charging power, raised to the highest point, and then suddenly bombarded and fell!


That was a blow much heavier than Goliath’s hammer! The ground of the White Palace was directly shattered by this blow! Strong vibrations and shocks shook the entire hall! The sweeping storm almost made Lefia unable to control her body and fell backwards!

(Just one blow… I can’t concentrate on chanting magic at all!)

Lefia thought anxiously.

(Speaking of Exia, is he okay?!)

Even though protective magic had been applied to him, Lefiya could not help but worry when facing the floor master’s blow. If her magic was too fragile to provide help…


An extremely powerful explosion suddenly shattered the original impact!

The storm, dust, and broken rocks that were shaken up by Udaios’s blow all disappeared on the spot with this explosion!

After the smoke and dust dissipated, what came into Lefia’s field of vision was Exia with her back turned to her, and the two sword blades that blocked the skeleton’s fist in mid-air, like a cliff!


Amid the loud war cry, Ixia suddenly swung her arms, and the two swords that passively resisted Udaios’ heavy punch immediately broke out in strong resistance under the guidance of the user! It turned out to be——


Udaios’ suppression was directly deflected on the spot!

[Rationality and thinking limit your performance]

This is what Otta said to Exia before, and it is also the experience of an experienced person – even though Exia has power comparable to lv.5, he does not have much combat experience. All experience They all come from simulated battles and theories. He will give priority to choosing a response method based on known experience.

There is nothing wrong with this, but for [Kaslana], he thinks too much. He believed too much in the experiences and theories he knew, relying on [formulas] and known [variations], and was unable to fully trust the temporary judgments made by his own body instincts.

How can someone who can’t even trust himself possibly give full play to his abilities?

This was the drawback of Exia, who had never really experienced a battle – the only drawback of him retreating before setting foot on the battlefield because of the gap between his childhood sweetheart and his teacher.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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