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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 290

“…Well, that’s right, just to bring her here.”

Lan Yu Asan looked at La Floria, who was leaning on the sofa opposite and receiving treatment from Sayaka Kosaka who had just arrived: “I was on my way home from school to go to work, and I saw it when I happened to pass by an alley. She, seeing that she was injured, and because you were also looking for her, I thought of bringing her here. I met Ji Hei halfway.”

“Well…how are the injuries? Ji Hiiragi, Kosaka.”

“It’s just so-so.” Kosaka Sayaka replied, “It’s not a serious injury. You can just rest after treatment.”

Wu Weiyuan from The Lion King Agency is an expert in curses and assassinations. She has considerable knowledge of the human body and is familiar with its structure. And this ability can also be used to save people and treat people. In terms of medical technology, Sayaka Kirisaka may be the best on the scene.

Touching her arm that was bandaged by Sayaka Kosaka, La Folia, whose face was a little bloodless, bowed her head to Alexia with apology: “I’m really sorry, Your Majesty. Let you see I’m really sorry that I bothered you to ask your friends to treat me when I’m in such a miserable state.”

“It’s not a big deal. Compared to this, how did you get injured? Were you really injured by vampires and orcs?” Alexia asked, “Also, why did you go to that place? If it was for The North District is not a good place to go for sightseeing.”

“…Do you know everything?”

La Folia was a little surprised: “As expected of Your Majesty, everything that happens on this island cannot escape your eyes, right?”

“No, about this…” Alexia glanced at Lan Yu Qian Cong, who was becoming proud, “Forget it, you can think whatever you want about this, just answer my question first – One King’s Daughter Why do you want to go there? You should know what will happen if something unexpected happens to you, right? “

“Actually, this was beyond my expectation. I never thought that I would be attacked. I just wanted to find some clues.”


“Clues to the person I’m looking for.” La Folia said.

Find someone.

Speaking of which, when she was talking to La Folia in the morning, she seemed to have mentioned the fact that the blood of the Aldykia royal family was on the Island of Gengami, and said that this was one of the reasons why she came to the Island of Gengami. one.

Could it be that she was looking for the exiled royal family member?

“Does Your Majesty know a place called Adilard Abbey?”

La Folia asked another question, and this question made Lan Yu Qian Cong take the lead in wondering: “Why would a princess know about that kind of place?”

“Shawn, do you know?”

“Well, it was a monastery on the hill behind our school, but it was abandoned due to a fire four or five years ago. Not many people know about it now.”

“That was actually funded by my grandfather.” La Folia said, “Well… speaking of it, it’s really hard to talk about it. That happened fifteen years ago. My grandfather had a daughter with a Japanese woman who lived in Aldykia.”

Sudden royal gossip!

The words of La Folia’s grandfather…

“Isn’t that the previous king of Aldykia?” Sayaka Kyosaka frowned, “A king has a child with a Japanese woman. Isn’t this considered an affair?”

“Well, it is true. In order not to cause trouble to my grandfather, the woman took the child back to Japan after giving birth. After my grandfather knew about this, he sent people to build the monastery as much as possible. He provided care for the woman and his own children – this matter was never mentioned by my grandfather for so many years, and it was only made public through his last words after the death of an important minister some time ago.”

La Folia’s tone was a little complicated.

“Thanks to this, my grandfather is now on the run, my grandmother is also furious, and there is… some chaos in the palace. And one of the reasons why I came to Genkami Island is to bring back the bloodline that has wandered away. Kingdom of Aldykia.”

“Although she has no right to inherit the throne and is still an illegitimate daughter, she is still a member of the royal family and is still my aunt in terms of seniority. We really cannot ignore her.”

The royal family, an affair, an illegitimate daughter… Listening to La Folia talking about such things, Exia suddenly felt some negative emotional feedback coming from Artoria.

(What’s wrong? saber)

(No…it’s nothing, Master, I just remembered some past events, don’t pay attention to me.)

Arturia’s voice is a little… weak?

Returning his attention to the topic of La Folia, Axia asked: “Then you mentioned that monastery just to find the illegitimate daughter?”

“Yes. I originally wanted to go directly to the monastery to find her, but I didn’t expect that the monastery had been abandoned. And based on subsequent intelligence and clues, I learned that she now lives near the factory in the North District. I didn’t expect that as soon as I went There was an attack there…and the people from Genkami Island who secretly protected me were killed. I’m really sorry.”

La Folia looked gloomy.

Exia comforted her with some empathy: “This is not your fault – then, can you tell me the name of the illegitimate daughter? We have the strongest eyes in the entire Xian Shen Island. Find someone who will definitely It’s easy to catch.”

“Eh? Your Majesty, you mean… are you willing to help me find it?”

“Just think of it as helping people to the end. I quite like [meddling in other people’s business].”

(Also, that illegitimate daughter might be related to the masked angel who attacked me… It would be too dangerous to leave a guy who can’t even be subdued by me.)

“Your Majesty…” La Folia’s eyes flashed, and after thinking for a while, she said the name:

“——Yase Xia Yin.”

82.Angels are coming!

Hayase Xia Yin.

I always felt like I heard this name Alexia somewhere, and it was in school.

“…A saint from the middle of the country?”

Lan Yu Qian Cong also said such a title after being silent for a while, which attracted the attention of Alexia and Ji Hiiragi Xuena.

“what is that?”

“Senior Lan Yu, do you know that Ye Lai Xia Yin?”

“It’s not so much that we know her…it’s better to say that she is quite famous in our school.”

As Lan Yu Qianqing spoke, she took out the projector computer from her schoolbag, connected to the internal network forum of Caihai Academy, and searched for a news item from last year, with a photo attached.

And the moment they saw the person in the photo, everyone present slowed down their breathing for a moment.

Because the female student in the photo is too [holy].

She has the same snow-white silver hair and glacial blue eyes as La Folia, and her appearance is quite similar, but her temperament is completely different from La Folia. Even through the photos, Ixia can tell It is asserted that the girl in the photo is a very gentle and kind person, with a kind of beauty that can be said to be divine.

“She is…Natsune Haze?”

“Like Nagisa and Himeira, he is a third-year junior high school student. He is quite popular among junior high school students. It is said that some kind of treaty organization was established among the boys for him – you are not familiar with such things in school. Pay more attention, Exia.”

“Do you expect me, a person who sleeps in class every day, to pay attention to this kind of thing?” Ixia asked, “Besides, I only came to school half a year ago. Even if I am not in school, I will be busy for various reasons. I really don’t care too much about things in the school. Except those related to you guys.”

“Ugh…what? This is a foul statement.”

Lan Yu Qiancong looked away embarrassedly: “By the way, First Princess, this should be the person you are looking for, right?”

“Well, yes, it is the same as the information I received.” La Folia nodded, “Can you find out where she is now? Miss Lan Yu.”

“Hmm… I guess I can only find out her current address, right? It would be troublesome to find someone from Quanxian Kami Island.”

When she said this, Lan Yu Qiancong glanced at Alexia, and Alexia immediately understood what she meant.

[It’s okay to find someone, but you have to give a benefit—hand over the spare key to your home! Now! 】

(The ambition of a wolf is known to everyone)

Shatiao Aige whispered secretly.

(Prince, if you really do that, you must be careful of her attacks from now on.)

(With you and Saber here, I guess there’s no need to worry, right?)

Alexia thought while giving Lan Yu Qian Cong an OK gesture.

As soon as Lan Yu Qiancong received a confirmed reply, she immediately became energetic!

“But trouble is trouble. You can still find it. Just give me an hour.”

“Really!?” La Folia was overjoyed immediately!

It only takes an hour to find Hayase Natsune, which is much faster than her wandering around Genkami Island alone!

(There are really many talents on Xiankami Island… No, it should be said that your Majesty is surrounded by many talents, right?)

The Lion King’s Sword Shaman and Mai Weiyuan, the two pseudo-elves who are enough to arouse her physical reaction, and technical talents like Lan Yu Asakon… What if Genkamijima really becomes Exia in the future? I’m afraid these people in the Empire of Night he leads will be his [lovers].

La Folia had this premonition.

(If we establish a good relationship with Your Majesty at this time… it will be a good thing for the kingdom, but Your Majesty probably doesn’t like this kind of diplomatic friendship… What should I do? What to do?)

Although it may not be clear to those present, La Folia is actually a princess known internationally for her diplomatic skills and has a keen sense of political changes.

She now has a premonition – a premonition of facing a small [Empire].

And at this moment,

“Your Majesty the Prince.”

Shajo Aige suddenly appeared next to Alexia: “There is a special energy reaction approaching us quickly, and contact will occur after fifteen seconds… This reaction is – the previous attack That masked angel that passed you.”

Alexia: “!”

La Folia: “!”

Both of them showed serious expressions at the same time.

Arriving at the balcony for the first time, Exia pulled out the Seven Thunders of Purification from her waist and transformed into sword blade mode. She spread her ice wings behind her and shouted to Himeira Yukina and Kosaka Sayaka: “Hiseira, Kosaka, I’m going out. You two protect La Folia and Asagi, and please ask Kojou and Nagisa next door – I also have a big sword in my room, Ji Hiiragi, you can use it temporarily.”

After saying that, Exia was just about to fly out.

“Please wait a moment, Your Majesty! Can you take me with you?” La Folia came to the balcony and asked, “If it is those masked angels, I have some knowledge, maybe -“


The arrows of light approaching at great speed from a distance brought about the sound of piercing the sky.

(This trajectory—damn it!)

Without any suspicion, Exia rushed directly in front of the arrow and used her body to force the blow!


Sounds and sights like fireworks erupted in mid-air.

Lan Yu Qiancong and others in the apartment were subconsciously nervous, but when they thought that it was Exia who was hit, they immediately stopped worrying – this kind of attack cannot defeat the world’s strongest vampire.

as expected.


Swinging her sword to sweep away the scattered light spots around her, Exia looked towards the direction from which the arrows of light flew.


The masked angel carrying dirty and ugly black wings was like a rocket, speeding towards him!

No…that’s not right,

(Not coming towards me?)

Exia instantly calculated the opponent’s final destination.

(The real target is…La Folia?)

Without any hesitation, Exia slashed directly at the masked angel with one sword!

——[Sword of Oath to Save the World (messiah·kaslana)]!


The Seven Thunders of Purification instantly released thunder that almost broke through the sky!

Anyway, without using the power of penetration, the attack of the Seven Thunders of Purification is completely impossible to harm the masked angel, so this blow to Exia has no power at all!

And under this blow, the masked angel who was heading straight towards La Folia was immediately blown away to the distant horizon! It is roughly estimated that it was blown dozens of kilometers away in an instant!

(I can’t come back for the time being, but…why are you coming towards La Folia? And why do you know she is here?)

Alexia had doubts in her heart one after another.

But just when he was so confused——


Another sound of flapping wings came to my ears, and a masked angel appeared in front of Ixia’s eyes again!

However, compared to the angel who was blown away by him to who knows where, the angel in front of him…

(Be stronger, Prince, please be careful.)

(Well, I can feel it – but that’s about it, right?)


The seven thunders of purification were waved, and the sky-shaking thunder of [Messiah Kaslana] exploded again! The angel was blasted several kilometers into the sky with one blow on the spot!

This is still a residential area for the time being, so it would be too restrictive to fight.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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