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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 291

“I’ll go take care of it and I’ll be back soon. Until then, I’ll leave it to you, Ji Hiiragi and Kosaka.”


As soon as he finished speaking, Exia flew up and quickly caught up with the masked angel who was knocked away by him!

83. Trying to kill the Fourth True Ancestor?

Although it has been mentioned more than once, it needs to be mentioned again.

In today’s world, there is no accurate understanding of [how powerful the Fourth True Ancestor is].

Even though he has always been called the strongest vampire in the world, in the end this is just a title, and it is not really confirmed to be the strongest in the world, and none of the three true ancestors have publicly admitted or denied this. Even if there were rumors that the Third True Ancestor lost to the Fourth True Ancestor, few people took it seriously.

Therefore, the power of the Fourth True Ancestor has always been unknown to outsiders.

La Folia is such an [outsider].

but now–

“Is that the power of your Majesty?”

It looked like it was just a casual blow, but the thunder it struck seemed to be able to split the sky and penetrate the sky!

Is this the power of the Fourth True Ancestor? Is it possible for the beast to have such great power without even using it? Then if he uses the beast…

“Please come back, Your Highness.”

The voice of Sayaka Kosaka came from behind.

From the time Sajo Aige reminded her, she had already returned to her home as soon as possible and brought over the weapons assigned to her by the Lion King Agency – if Alexia was here, she would definitely recognize it. At this moment, Sayaka Kirisaka The sword he was holding was the same one he had used to attack him before.

Although it was easily subdued by him at that time, in fact, this big sword, like Ji Hiiragi Yukina’s Snow Wolf, is a martial arts tool secretly stored in the Lion King’s organization, named [Huang Hualin].

“I don’t think I need to worry about being vigilant anymore, Miss Huangsaka.” La Floria returned to the house, “With your Majesty here, I think he will come back victorious, right?”

“It’s best not to think that.”

Lan Yu Qiancong, who was typing on the keyboard, suddenly interrupted.

“Ji Hei, Huang Ban, go to the door and ambush. I just saw two logged-in demons coming here through the surveillance camera. One of them has summoned the familiar beast, but I don’t know why the login bracelet didn’t respond. “

“–I see.”

Although she was surprised that Aizawa Asazu could give such an instruction, Himiragi Yukina did not intend to question her instruction. She and Kyousaka Sayaka came to the entrance of the entrance, ready to give the next door opener a head-on blow. Prepare!


“Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!”

What greeted the two of them was not a normal opening of the door, but a sudden and crazy stabbing attack from outside the door, like a gust of wind and rain!

The scarlet gun shadows were layered upon each other, and they could even be said to be like creatures. They tore the door of Alexia’s house into pieces like crazy at a speed that could not be captured by normal vision!


Kosaka Sayaka immediately protected Ji Hiiragi Yukina behind her, and at the same time Koukarin waved——

“Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!”

The dense and intricate gun shadows were all blocked outside by this wave!

“Oh, it’s an interesting weapon.”

Such a joking voice sounded outside the broken door.

Then, a voluptuous blond woman wearing a tight-fitting crimson leather jacket and holding a scarlet spear appeared in front of Ji Hiiragi Yukina and others, along with a tall male orc who had already revealed his true nature!

“Is it you?”

La Folia frowned, held the fully automatic pistol she carried and pointed it at them – she remembered these two people, they were the ones who attacked her earlier!

“He actually came right here, and he was really chasing after me.”

“Don’t say that, Your Highness, we miss you so much. If you cooperate with us and follow us, we will not forcefully break into people’s houses like this.”

The woman holding the spear said with a sinister smile.

“Okay, I’ve let you escape for so long. It’s time to hand over your valuable body, right? Sow!”


The moment she finished speaking the fierce words, the spear in the female vampire’s hand actually bent in a strange arc! It stabbed La Folia as quickly as a poisonous thorn!


The crash almost sounded!

After Huang Hualin defused the female vampire’s offensive immediately, Huangsaka Sayaka looked at the two demons in front of her coldly: “Don’t think we don’t exist, okay? It’s a shame that you have the guts to make trouble here. , don’t you know this is the residence of the fourth true ancestor of the world’s most powerful vampire?”

“Want to die, you guys?”

These words were considered threats.

To be honest, Sayaka Kyosaka doesn’t really want to fight two demons here.

The space is too small.

She couldn’t swing her Huang Hualin at all! And if the wall was chopped into pieces during the swing… She could fully imagine how furious Alexia would be when she came back!

(Isn’t this a case of a fox pretending to be a tiger? Sayaka…)

Ji Hiiragi Xuena couldn’t help but think to herself.

But after hearing her threats, the two demons showed no sign of flinching. Instead, they looked confident that they had a chance to win.

“Don’t think you can scare me like this, a little girl with barely even hair – [Snake Hongluo]!”


Under the instructions of the female vampire, the spear thrust out again!

(This gun…is a familiar beast!?)

Quickly retreating to create a distance enough for Huang Hualin to move more freely, Huang Saka Sayaka swung her sword to block the spear again. And Ji Hiiragi Xuena immediately lowered her body and rushed towards the female vampire. The timing was just right to seize the moment when she had no time to withdraw her weapon! The palms that gathered the magic power hit the female vampire’s chest directly!

The heart is one of the vampire’s weaknesses!



The orc who had been standing next to the female vampire stood up in time at this moment and met her palm with a punch!

The orc’s powerful physical ability directly forced Ji Hiiragi Xuena back!

(Ugh…so hard!)

“Of course we know this is where the Fourth True Ancestor lives.”

Withdrawing her spear, the female vampire said with a ferocious smile: “Of course we wouldn’t dare to bother him if we had a hundred courages, but I think he will disappear from this world soon, so it doesn’t matter if we just barge in. Alright?”

This sentence shocked everyone in the room for a moment!

“What do you mean by this!” Ji Hiiragi Xuena asked sternly, “Do you… want to kill the seniors and the fourth true ancestor?”

“Isn’t this nonsense? Stinky girl.”

The female vampire’s expression became increasingly ferocious.

“That guy is too much of a hindrance, and in the long run he will also block our ability to make money, so we might as well kill him after he has exerted his last bit of value.”

“…Senior is the strongest vampire in the world and cannot be killed easily!”

“Ha! Who can be sure! Even if he is the strongest in the world, he is not absolutely invincible, right? We have spent a lot of money to kill him! I guess he has been beaten half to death by now, right? But you guys Don’t worry about helping the sow—you’ll be accompanying him soon.”

The spear, which is a familiar beast, is aimed at Ji Hiiragi Xuena and others.

“But, it will be after we have drained all your value~~~”

84.Angels and Dragons

Just when Ji Hiiragi Yukina was facing off against the two demons——

Over the sea near Genkami Island.

Each hand held a masked angel, completely ignoring the two’s constant struggle, and Exia directly threw the two of them towards the sea!

The ice that condensed instantly froze the sea surface for several kilometers, and the two masked angels hit the ice heavily!


A heavy roar echoed on the ice, and a large amount of ice fragments scattered in all directions, almost creating a sandstorm of ice fragments.

After folding her ice wings and landing, Exia’s feet hadn’t completely landed yet——


Two huge lightsabers rose into the sky at the same time, and then crashed down with the momentum of cutting open the sea!

This time, Exia did not choose to take a hard hit, but turned sideways to avoid the two blows coming towards her. Although with his physical ability, even if it was forced, it would not be a big deal, the pain would still hurt. It was not easy to hide in residential areas before, so he took it in order to avoid damaging the house. Now that there is nothing around, he naturally has no need to dodge.

And the next moment he dodged away——




The cage hand that quietly appeared on Alexia’s left hand sounded continuously, and the ocher red light instantly flowed to the Seven Thunders of Purification!

Quickly sprinting through the spreading ice mist, and arriving in front of one of the masked angels, Exia directly cut off the Seven Thunders of Purification in her hand!


Just like before, the slash landed on the masked angel, almost without causing any damage to her body.

But the next moment——


Although there were no wounds at all on his body, the masked angel’s entire body was blown to pieces on the spot like a detonated bomb!

Did it work?

Alexia glanced at her left hand: “This is penetration…it seems like it can indeed cause damage.”

[Of course, partner. Before this ability, there is no effective defense]


As if there was an eye behind her, Alexia suddenly turned her head to avoid the arrow of light shot by another masked angel at herself, then turned around and slashed it down with another sword!



The moment the sword blade fell on the opponent, the power of the Seven Thunders of Purification penetrated the strange barrier on the opponent’s body and directly injected the power itself into the opponent’s body!

The extremely violent force immediately tore the opponent to pieces from the inside! Even because of the power characteristics of the Seven Thunders of Purification, the two masked angels who were attacked were not able to leave even any remains, and completely disappeared from the world!

Both times were one-hit kills!

A large part of the enemies that Exia has encountered so far have some special abilities. Even if they are not strong, relying on those special abilities can always cause some minor or minor damage to Exia. Trouble. Although Exia won every time, he was still a little depressed when he was pestered by the opponent with special abilities every time.

But now——

“It is indeed a very useful ability, penetration. In this way, at least I no longer have to worry about my attacks being defended.”

With Exia’s power and ability to penetrate, even if he is hit by Exia once, it will be defeat and death for most people!

[Otherwise why would I be called the embodiment of power? Crush all enemies with absolute power, this is how I, the Sekiryuutei, fight. The purer the dragon is, the more powerful it is. Pure power is pure power. Playing with strange tricks and cunning is just a heresy for a dragon.]

Ddraig’s voice was filled with pride.

But the fact is indeed worth being so proud of.

“That’s it, it’s done, the next step is…”

Alexia looked at the sky not far away.

Logically speaking, he should have gone directly back to the apartment to meet up with Himeira Yukina and the others after he easily dealt with the two angels.



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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