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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 292


On the ice field that should have been empty except for him, a magic circle suddenly appeared at this moment.

(Huh? A magic formula for space transfer?)

Shatiao Aige was a little surprised.

(However, it is different from that of Yue-chan, it is a bit more complicated…)

Isn’t it Nangong Nayue?

Alexia frowned in confusion – if it wasn’t Nangong Nayue, who else on Xian Shen Island could use space control magic? At least among the people he knew, there was only one Shatiao Aige.

As the body of the Great Holy Grail, she had directly learned the entire set of Nangong Nayue’s space control magic by stealing from her master a long time ago.

With the completion and activation of the magic circle, two figures appeared in front of Exia.

One is a middle-aged man wearing a white coat, who looks a little thin, and wears a pair of glasses. As expected, he should be a scientist or researcher.

The other one is a girl with slender limbs who wears the same simple clothes as a patient’s uniform. Behind her, she has the same ugly black wings as the masked angel who was just destroyed by Exia, but the difference is that behind her there is a Has three pairs of wings.

in addition……

“–No way?”

Because the angel in front of him did not wear a mask, Alexia could clearly see her appearance, but just because he saw it, he couldn’t help but feel shocked, and even felt a sense of disbelief.

The angel had a face similar to La Folia’s, exuding a certain holy temperament from top to bottom, with silver-white hair hanging loosely, and ice-blue eyes looking ahead blankly.

“Yase…Xia Yin?”

Alexia said the entire name she had just heard a few minutes ago.

The angel in front of him was exactly the same as Hazana Hain in the photo he saw!

(She is the person La Folia is looking for? But she looks like this…she is with those masked angels?)

“It’s really surprising that Your Majesty actually knows my little girl.”

After hearing Alexia’s exclamation, the middle-aged man next to Haise Xia Yin spoke.

“Who are you?”

“The villain Kensei Hayase is an insignificant magician technician. He currently works for the Magician Sculpture.”

The middle-aged man – Kensei Haze – put his hand on his chest as he spoke, and bent deeply towards Alexia.

“I am deeply honored to be able to face the majesty of the Fourth True Ancestor. I also ask your majesty to forgive the sin of disrespect and pay you an unexpected visit.”

85. Abnormal fatherly love creates false angels

Kensei Yeze.

Hayase Xia Yin.

They both have the same last name.

“Are you her… adoptive father?”

“That’s right.” Ye Lai Xiansheng bowed his head slightly, “Now that Your Majesty has met Her Royal Highness La Folia, you already know what happened back then. Xia Yin’s mother is my sister, and I passed away after her. Later, he adopted Xia Yin.”

“…Do you have anything to do with me?”

Alexia said in a deep voice, while her mind began to try to connect what happened today.

La Folia was attacked, he was attacked by an angel, the angel chased him to his home for La Folia, the sudden arrival of Kensei Haze, and Natsuki Haze who looked similar to the masked angel… .

(Should it be…)

“——Are you the maker of these masked angels?”


Without denying it, Kensheng Yeze nodded and admitted his behavior: “The villain once served as a palace magician in Aldykia and knows many magic secrets. Now he is called [Mask Angel” by His Majesty ] The official name of this secret technique is actually [Molding Angel].”

A fauxangel?

Alexia frowned.

And through Alexia’s eyes, she could see the situation on Hagase Natsume. Sajo Aige, who had never had a chance to observe carefully before, finally had the time to analyze the current situation seriously.

(…Is that so?)

(Did you analyze anything? Miss Ai Ge)

(Hmm… Although it is different from most existing magic systems, with careful analysis, the content and effect of the spell can be deduced from the results – Model Angel is indeed a It’s a very appropriate name.)

Shatiao Aige whispered.

(What is going on? Miss Song, what exactly is a molded angel?)

(With the help of human hands, the power that ordinary humans cannot master in their lifetimes is forcibly stimulated, and that person is forced to become an [angel]. To put it bluntly, this is what it is all about.)

In this world, there is something called a “Psychic Center” in everyone’s body.

It is a conceptual existence. In reality, it corresponds to the organs in the human body. It is a circuit in which the human body uses spiritual power to perform certain spells – similar to the magic circuit in the world of Shajo Aige.

This side of the world also calls it chakra.

Every human being is born with seven psychic centers, but only a few people can activate them. Even a first-rate warlock can only activate about 30% of them at most. This is almost the limit of being a human being. If it is activated more, that power will no longer be a power that humans can control.

The so-called molded angel is an application of this psychic center.

By activating the power of the psychic center, you can forcibly improve your own spirituality, carry out personal evolution, and become a spiritual being that transcends this world. You can approach the realm of God with a human body – it is indeed equivalent to being an angel. suitable.

(So ​​far, this is my understanding of the molded angel and her spells. I think there won’t be much difference from the actual situation. What I will say next is my guess.)

Shatiao Aige changed her tone.

(If my guess is correct, the real method of modeling an angel may be similar to [Poison])

(Poison? Does it refer to the method in some places in China of sealing several poisons in containers and letting one of them eat the rest to cultivate stronger poisons?)

Alexia has some understanding of this kind of thing, after all, she once lived in China for a period of time.

(That’s right. According to my guess, the real method of making molded angels is to prepare several masked angels, strengthen and activate a certain psychic center in their bodies, and then let them fight and devour each other’s psychic centers. This way After repeating it several times, the last remaining person will naturally be the person who has devoured all the psychic centers – and is also the person who is closest to modeling the complete body of the angel.)

(The evidence is that there are a total of thirteen psychic centers in the body of little sister Ye Lai.)

Thirteen? !

Hearing Shajo Aige’s explanation, Alexia’s eyes suddenly trembled violently!


What a sacred word. Among the many books he had read, angels were God’s messengers who performed God’s will and brought blessing and purity to the world. Even the Archangel Michael, whom Ixia had seen with her own eyes, was a gentle and kind-hearted old man.

But now, angels made with human hands…actually use this method? !

“…Did you let her eat it?”

After a moment of silence, Alexia asked Yeise Kensheng in a gloomy voice.

Before he had time to say what he wanted to say, Kensheng Yeze was slightly surprised when he heard Alexia ask this question: “… Do you even know such a thing? As expected of the first Fourth True Ancestor, just like the rumors, everything that happened on Xian Shen Island cannot escape your eyes.”

“Yes, as you thought, I have asked Xia Yin to swallow the six psychic centers of the simulated angel candidates, plus the seven psychic centers that humans are born with, the total is thirteen. The relationship between them The total number of paths is thirty. This is the minimum number required for human beings to upgrade their spirituality by one level.”

The process of becoming an angel requires the power of the complete activation of the psychic centers, but the human body cannot withstand the power of all seven psychic centers being fully awakened.

In this case, just increase the quantity.

Even if every psychic center is not fully activated, as long as there are a sufficient number of psychic centers, it can make up for the lack of output.

“Xia Yin will become an angel, Your Majesty.”

Kensei Yeze said.

“Can you please give her one last push?”

“…..What do you mean?”

“If it is just to create a model angel, then this stage is actually completed, but if you want to become a real angel, Xia Yin still needs to go through a [transformation] – by fighting against the world’s strongest vampire, I think It should be enough to complete this transformation.”

“And as long as she becomes an angel, Xia Yin will be able to obtain eternal happiness. When she is summoned to God’s side, she will become a higher-dimensional existence. No one can hurt her anymore.”

“As her adoptive father, I sincerely hope that she can get to that point.”

When he spoke so frankly, Yose Kensheng’s expression showed a bit of sincerity.

“So, can you please be her final [cornerstone]? Your Majesty. The strongest power in the world can definitely fully inspire her power and push it to the highest level.”

86. The thunder of purification penetrates the sky

Kensei Yeze didn’t lie.

No one can lie in front of Shajo Aige who can see through any lies. This is not only because Sajo Aige has considerable eyesight, but also because she secretly uses magic to distinguish lies from truth.

Therefore, Yose Kensheng did not lie.

He really wanted Ye Lai Xia Yin to be happy, and he really thought that after becoming an angel, Ye Lai Xia Yin could be happy.

For this reason, he hopes that Aikesia can fight with Ye Zexiaon… No, to put it more directly, it should be that he hopes that Alexia can be killed by Yeze Xiaon after trying his best. Bar.

Strong enemies make the best sparring opponents.

Only under high-intensity pressure can human potential be stimulated. And if you take Exia as your opponent, the pressure you will feel is the strongest level in the world.

Kensei Yeze’s sincere words and request made Alexia fall into deep thought for a moment.

He was not pondering over whether he should accept this request. The other party was asking him to die. If he accepted it, there would be something wrong with his brain. Even if he is indeed willing to help others, he is not so enthusiastic.

Alexia was confused about another thing.

“…Answer me one thing, Kensheng Yeze – do you really think this is a blessing for your daughter?”


Yose Xiansheng was a little confused.

“Of course this is a kind of happiness. She will become a higher-dimensional angel and go to the world of God. Is there anything happier than this in the world?”

“Then…did Yeze Xiayin say this personally?” Alexia continued to ask, “I don’t know Yese Xiayin at all. I only knew her name a few minutes ago. She is a complete stranger, I have no idea what kind of person she is, and I don’t know what she thinks.”

“But – becoming a higher-dimensional existence, becoming an angel beside the gods. This kind of thing is not what a 15-year-old girl would think of, right?”

At least, Alexia would never have thought of it when she was fifteen years old.

“You…have you ever seriously asked your daughter for her opinion if you do such a thing to your daughter?”

“…Xia Yin won’t have any objection.”

After the silence, Yose Xiansheng said: “Furthermore, you who don’t know Xia Yin well don’t have the ability or qualifications to speculate on Xia Yin’s thoughts.”

Is that really the case?

Alexia took a deep breath and raised the Seventh Pursuit Leiping in front of her: “You’re right, I don’t know what Yeze Xia Yin would think about this kind of thing, and I don’t want to speculate. But. Even if you don’t talk about these things, just speaking from the broadest perspective——”

“An ordinary child will definitely not get happiness and joy from killing people, Kensei Yeze.”

Modeling an angel? An existence beyond this world?

Alexia didn’t have any intention of understanding these things. From Sajo Aige’s explanation, he finally extracted only one piece of information-Yase Xiaon was illegally transformed by magic by his adoptive father, and then it was not out of the blue. He killed six people against his own will and now wants to escape to a [foreign country] through magic.

A very disgraceful explanation.

But no matter how high-sounding Yose Kensei’s words are, no matter what professional terminology and sincerity he uses to describe it, his behavior can be described in the most realistic terms.

“Genkami Island expressly prohibits private human experimentation without permission, Kensei Hayase.”

The words that were so cold that it seemed a bit deliberate spread across the snowy field.

“What you did completely violated the relevant laws of Xian Kami Island, plus one of forcing minors to kill – I think you are ready, right?”

Magic, activated.

Power, liberation.

——[Hands-forbidden (balancebreaker)]


A storm of ice and snow rises from the sky!

The roaring thunder raged in all directions!


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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