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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 293


Wielding the Seven Thunders of Purification, she split the surrounding storm and transformed into an ocher-red ice dragon carrying five dragon wings. Exia, whose face was covered with broken ice armor, looked at the two people in front of her coldly: “You I will accept your request, Yose Kensheng, as you wish, I will fight with all my strength.”

“But you also said that I am [His Majesty] – although I don’t want to accept and admit it, it seems that many people, including you, regard Genkami Island as my territory. In this case, then I am Is it natural that criminals who have committed crimes in my territory should be sentenced?”

Of course, this is reasonable. As long as Ixia says this, no one in the world will object. Even if there is, the person who puts forward the opinion will be suppressed by everyone else who agrees immediately.

“My decision is the death penalty. If you have any opinions, you are welcome to raise them, but I will not adopt them.”

“…Get ready, xda-7. These are the last rites.”

Without responding to Alexia’s words, Kensei Yeze just turned around and said this to Natsuki Yease beside him.

Along with this order of his.


The magic lines on Ye Lai Xia Yin’s body suddenly bloomed with dazzling light!

As if a switch had been activated, some kind of heart-stopping energy fluctuation… no, it should be said to be a wave, suddenly burst out from her thin body!


A sharp, piercing cry came from her mouth, and the sound wave stirred up substantial impact and strong wind, constantly impacting the surroundings!

It was a solemn, tragic and sacred scream that human vocal cords could never produce.

And in the midst of this scream, the light originating from the magic lines quickly became stronger, covering Yeze Xia Yin’s body in an instant! Her body was beginning to transform visibly to the naked eye!

Several sharp teeth fell out in the mouth, and the original childish face gradually turned into a beautiful face with golden proportions. The asymmetrical ugly wings were replaced, and the three newly grown pairs of beautiful wings exuded dazzling beauty. It is divided into two parts, and a huge eyeball appears on the surface of the wings.

From that eyeball, Ixia felt an [overlooking] perspective – as if those eyes were looking down at him on the ground from the highest point of the world, without any emotion or emotion in them. look.


Alexia reluctantly thought of this description. Although the method was completely evil, the final product made through this evil method was really similar to the image of an angel.

“There’s only one last step left, let’s get started, xda-7.”

Yose Kensheng’s voice was filled with excitement.

“The Fourth True Ancestor——”


A sudden deep voice interrupted his words.

The source of the voice is Exia.

【boost, boost, boost….】

As if the ice armor on his body was speaking, the same voice kept repeating and echoing in the snowfield. By rough calculation, it rang four or five times, right?

And every time this sound sounds, even a non-combatant like Kensei Hayase can feel it. The magic power fluctuations on Alexia’s body are accompanied by it, which can be said to be like a rocket jet, and it continues at an incredible speed. Soaring!

“You said you wanted me to try my best, right?” Ixia raised the Seven Thunders of Purification, “Unfortunately, there is no full strength for me. After gaining the power of the Fourth True Ancestor, in fact, With the ability to regenerate myself at a super high speed, I no longer have the so-called [upper limit] – the only thing that limits me is myself.”


All the accumulated power was transferred to the Seven Thunders of Purification, and the thunder on the Judgment Key was released like a flood. The endless thunder seemed to submerge the sea, spreading endlessly in all directions. open.


The power that penetrates all defenses is added to the blade.

“——[Sword of Oath to Save the World (messiah·kaslana)]——”

There was no sound, no movement.

There was not even a trace of resistance at all. The moment Exia swung her sword, everything was over.

The thunder of purification penetrates the sky.

[Power] pushed to the extreme can even crush the wings of angels in the sky!

87. The dream of being shot down

Haze Natsuon had a dream.

She dreamed that she seemed to have grown a pair of wings and kept flying into the sky.

Her father kept encouraging her and urging her from below, wanting her to fly higher. She said that as long as she flew to a place that no one could reach, to the top of the sky, that would be The happiest thing.

Yeze Xia Yin didn’t know if that was happiness, but her father had been urging her, and she could only listen to her father’s words and do what he said.

She actually didn’t want to fly so high.

She was very scared, and the higher she flew into the sky, the more scared she became. But she can no longer fall down. These are a pair of wings that can never land once they fly. She can only fly upward, non-stop, non-stop, non-stop… non-stop. Flying to places she didn’t want to go.

However, suddenly, she heard a thunder.

The originally cloudless and abnormally clear sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds, strong winds, and thunder and lightning flashed in the gaps between the clouds.

Haise Xia Yin didn’t want to continue flying.

The loud thunder frightened her, but it also gave her a glimmer of hope.

[If I can be struck down by lightning, then I don’t have to keep flying up? 】

That’s what she thought.

I don’t know if I heard her thoughts, but countless thunder and lightning appeared in the clouds. They were dense, layered, and endless. The number of thunder and lightning seemed to be endless, and it seemed that the entire world was occupied. The thunderous thunder surrounded her airtightly inside!


Her wings were shattered.

Her body was shattered.

Her soul was shattered.

Everything that made up her whole person was shattered in the endless thunder. There was not even a bit left of her so far, and she was completely shattered.

The thunder seemed to be a punishment for her, punishing her for flying too high.

The thunder seemed to be a rejection of her, refusing her to fly so high.

[disappointed my father]

Yeze Xiayin thought of this for the first time.

But…she herself felt that this would be better.

After all, she didn’t want to fly so high.

Although it hurt so much that she was sure that she was dead, but if this could save her from continuing to fly…

【I am glad to】

With such thoughts, Yeze Xia Yin’s consciousness was also annihilated in the infinite thunder.


String God Island.

mar’s affiliated hospital.

The door to the operating room.

“You are here, Your Majesty.”

Talking to Alexia who was sitting on the chair, La Folia smiled and sat next to him: “Are you waiting for the results of the operation?”

“Well. What about you? Have you finished handling the matter over there?”

“We have cooperated to complete the record, and the two demons have also been handed over to [Gap Witch]. The next step is to deal with String Kami Island.”

It was now two hours after that.

Exia, who had eliminated Kensei Hayase and the Model Angel together, returned to Genkami Island at the same time that Himehiraki Yukina and others defeated the two demons who invaded Exia’s house.

Although one is a T-type vampire and the other is an orc, they are very bad opponents for ordinary people.

However, Himeira Yukina and Kosaka Sayaka are both elites in dealing with demons. As sword wizards and Mai Weiyuan, they have already experienced more or less actual combat. They have no problem dealing with one or two demons. Next, La Folia is not a helpless person.

Thinking that they could just invade his house and kidnap La Folia forcibly if Alexia wasn’t here – having such an idea proves that the two demons are really stupid in a sense.

After handing over the two demons to Nangong Nayue who came over, La Fulia was asked to follow them to make a transcript.

“Those two demons seem to be a man on this island called the Magician… No, let’s forget it. I don’t think Your Majesty is interested in knowing about such a trivial matter, right?”

La Folia interrupted herself mid-sentence.

After adjusting his mood a little, he smiled and said: “I’m really sorry this time, Your Majesty. Because of my reasons, I let you participate in this matter, caused you trouble, and caused your home to be destroyed. I really don’t know how to thank you.”

“You don’t have any need to thank me. I just did it because I wanted to do it, and I don’t deserve your thanks.” Alexia shook her head, “And… in this place, compared to thanking you, I I thought you would blame me.”

“How could it be? I have no reason to blame Your Majesty. If I did that, wouldn’t it be the greatest disrespect to Your Majesty?”

La Folia looked towards the door of the operating room.

“On the contrary, it is precisely because I am standing here that I want to thank you more sincerely. If it were not for you, I would not be standing here.”

“…Is this okay?”

“Well, that’s enough. Judging from the situation at that time, the current situation is already a better ending than I imagined. From now on, we, the Kingdom of Aldykia, will be responsible. We can’t help you. ”

“Yeah, that’s good.”

Alexia stood up, turned her back to the operating room, and walked out.

Looking at Exia’s leaving back, La Folia suddenly spoke again: “This incident, and the kindness that Your Majesty brought to the Kingdom of Aldykia in this incident, will always be remembered by our country. Yu Xin. Although I dare not directly represent the whole country, from now on I will wholeheartedly support and help you.”

These words made Exia pause.

Do you support it wholeheartedly?

(Hehehe, is it really because of pure kindness, or is it because of witnessing the power of the prince?)

Shajo Aige smiled meaningfully in his mind.


“——See you tomorrow, La Folia.”

Alexia replied.

Tomorrow is the day when the Kingdom of Aldygia officially visits String Kami Island, and at that time, La Folia will also pay an official visit to Exia, the titular [King of String Kami Island] for the time being. .

“If anything happens, we’ll discuss it tomorrow. For now, you should focus on her first.”

After saying that, Exia quickly left the corridor, leaving La Folia alone to sit down again at the door of the operating room.

And after waiting like this for more than two hours——


The red light above the operating room changed to green, and the closed door was opened from the inside.

A doctor came out.

“Excuse me, are Haise Xia Yin’s family members here?”

“The treatment operation has been completed.”

88. Ji Hiiragi Yukina’s departure

[Her Royal Highness Princess La Frelia Livahain from the Kingdom of Aldykia has officially arrived at Gengami Island today…]

the next day.

In the living room of Alexia’s house.

Sitting on the sofa and watching the news on the TV, Ji Hiiragi Yukina said while peeling an apple: “[Today]…? Regarding the things that happened yesterday, it seems that none of them have happened. The same thing happened.”

“Don’t underestimate Asakusa. If she is serious, she can control intelligence at this level easily. In addition, Teacher Nayue and the Artificial Island Management Commune are also reckless enough to deal with the aftermath. Basically, everything I saw yesterday Everyone in La Folia has been silenced, and the relevant memories of the students have also been erased.”

Alexia, who was on the same sofa as her, was typing away on her phone lazily.

He was chatting with Lan Yu Qian Cong.

Because of what happened yesterday, Lan Yu Qiancong worked overtime all night under the Cornerstone Gate. He didn’t get home until early in the morning and slept until noon. And because of the things she agreed to yesterday, she is now collecting debts from Aixia.

【Cake buffet for two weeks! And a spare key to your home! Hand it all over to me! 】


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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