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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 294

Alexia remembers that she didn’t seem to say that it had been two weeks.

But thinking that Lan Yu Qiancong had put in so much effort yesterday and worked overtime until the early hours of the morning, he thought it was a reward for her, and Alexia quickly responded.

[Okay, okay, I’ll go this weekend. The keys will also be given to you at that time, so don’t rush me]

“Speaking of which, senior.”

“Huh? What’s wrong?”

“Are you planning to stay on the sofa like this all day?”

Ji Hiiragi Yukina placed the peeled and cut apple into pieces on the coffee table in front of Alexia.

As she said, now Alexia is extremely lazy, as if he has cut off worldly desires. He is very relaxed and slumped on the sofa. If he hadn’t looked so young, some people would have thought where he came from. Retirees, right?

Using ice to create an auxiliary structure like a mechanical arm, he forked a piece of apple and threw it into his mouth. Alexia said: “I don’t want to either, but I really have no strength in every sense right now. Yesterday The sequelae haven’t healed yet.”


This is why Exia is fishing like this now.

Yesterday, he used the multiplication ability of the Sekiryuutei in the state of the sub-species forbidden hand. This was nothing. After all, one of the several basic abilities of the Sekiryuutei’s forbidden hand is that it can be multiplied any number of times at any time.

But the problem is that Exia’s sub-species hand-forbidden transformation will increase his power to the limit that his body can bear at the same time when he enters the hand-forbidden transformation. If he continues to use the multiplication, the overly powerful power will counterattack. Comes over and starts hurting himself, causing physical self-destruction.

In the past, Exia would not have done such a self-destructive thing. However, after awakening the power of Chimera and devouring the Fourth True Ancestor, he gained a super-speed regeneration ability that was comparable to an immortal body under normal conditions, which was completely enough to offset the self-destruction caused by excessive multiplication.

Of course, theoretically, this is also limited.

The more times it is over-doubled, the stronger the degree of self-destruction will be. Once the self-destruction caused by doubling is so strong that even super-speed regeneration cannot completely offset it, Exia will still collapse – but the specific requirements are Exia didn’t know how many times it would take to reach that point.

Yesterday, he must have had a fever. He didn’t know why, but he felt quite angry at Ye Lai Xiansheng’s behavior of forcibly planning the future and happiness for Ye Lai Xia Yin.

When I came back to my senses, it had multiplied too much to the point where I was going to die from pain.

Although it turned out that he killed both Kensei Haze and Natsume Haze, he himself was actually quite dangerous – and half of the reason why he is like this now is due to the self-destruction of his body at that time. The pain has not completely gone away until now.

He really didn’t want to experience that feeling as if his body had been squeezed, crushed, cut and chopped, and then forcibly sewn back together again!

It almost left him with some kind of psychological shadow.

As for the other half of the reason…

“Who told you, Prince, to do such nonsense?” Sajo Aige appeared in front of Ixia, “Even with your permission, the Great Holy Grail can do anything, but the resurrection of [Yase Xiaon]… This thing is really ridiculous, and your magic power was almost drained.”

Yes, that’s the other half.

At that moment, Ye Lai Xia Yin was indeed killed by Ixia, not even a bit of ash was left, and there was no complete body.

But at the same time, Exia made a wish to resurrect Hayase Xiaon, and by paying a huge amount of magic power to the Great Holy Grail, this wish was forcibly realized.

The result was that Natsune Haze, who had been destroyed just one second before, reappeared with a seriously injured and dying body the next second. Perhaps because the magic power paid by Exia was not enough, the way the Great Holy Grail was resurrected was not a true resurrection from the dead, but a change in the [time point] where Haise Natsune was.

As a result, Haze Natsuon barely survived.

And because the magic power that Exia paid at that time was multiplied, it was considered an overdraft of magic power. Therefore, after the doubling state ended, his magic power recovered very slowly. The magic power that usually can be recovered in an instant has not been recovered for the second day, and he is also a little lazy mentally. It will probably take tomorrow to fully recover. .

“Fortunately, Nazuki-chan allowed you to take leave today, and sister Ji Hiiragi will take care of you – be careful not to mess around like this next time.”

“This is the only time I’ve messed up…but it’s true that I have to trouble Ji Hiiragi to take care of me today. I’m sorry.”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena smiled and shook her head: “No, it’s not troublesome. I have been taking care of my senior for the past month, and I am used to this kind of life. And I will be leaving the day after tomorrow, so I don’t have time to take care of my senior. How much? In the end, let me take care of the senior for a while longer.”

The day after tomorrow.

That’s when Ji Hiiragi Yukina left.

“Has it been decided yet?”

“Yes. When I got up today, I received a letter from the Lion King Agency sent through Shikigami, saying that the relevant transfer procedures have been completed, and asked me to return to the island on a prepared special plane next Monday. But Sayaka seems It looks like I will stay here for a while.”

“Next Monday…?”

Alexia murmured, then forced herself to get up from the sofa: “Then this weekend, when Qianqiong and I go to the cake buffet, you can come too. Don’t say no to me, at least let me know before you leave. Let me do what a lover should do – and then you will continue to act with me outside.”

“……ok, I get it.”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena was a little helpless.

It seems that it will take a long, long time for her to take off the title of [temporary lover].

89. Prelude to the Bolongyuan Festival

Ji Hiiragi Yukina left Genkami Island.

Just like what she said and the contract between Exia and the Lion King Agency, exactly one month after she arrived at Genkami Island, she got on the special plane prepared for her by the Lion King Agency and left.

Although the reason why she came to Genkami Island was not the reason that Alexia liked her, her thoughts about Yukina Himiraji were still the same as when she came, and she didn’t have any bad feelings towards her. She has been taking care of herself for the past month, which made Alexia like her a little bit.

However, having said that, Alexia would not go out of her way to save her. Her leaving would do no good or harm to Alexia. At most, her living situation would just change to what it was before her arrival, a temporary lover. The setting was also changed to [a temporary lover in a long-distance relationship] according to Artoria’s suggestion.

So, the result is that her departure really has no impact…

No, there is still something to say, right?

But that was not brought about by Ji Hiiragi Xuena’s departure, but——


“Good morning, Alexia.”

Early in the morning, in Alexia’s bedroom.

Looking at Lan Yu Qian Cong, who was lying on her bed and looking down at her, Ixia frowned slightly: “What are you doing, Qian Cong.”

“Can’t you see? I’m asking you to wake up. Don’t you boys like this?”

“…At least I don’t like it. Get up now.”

This is one of the influences around Alexia after Ji Hiiragi Yukina left.

Lan Yu Qiancong would run to his house every day whenever she had something to do.

Ever since she got the spare key to his house, Lan Yu Qiancong seemed to regard Alexia as her own home. She would rush to his house to wake him up like this every day before he got up. It was also natural after school. I went home with him and had dinner at his house before leaving to go home.

It’s like replacing Ji Hiiragi Yukina.

Although I know that Lan Yu Qiancong likes me, and I also know that this is probably a kind of offensive she launched against me, but…

“It’s a shame that Ms. Qian Cong has such perseverance every day.”

Next to Alexia, Shajo Aige appeared: “But it’s a pity that every time the prince wakes up to my call, you are just wasting your efforts.”

“I don’t want to be criticized by this piece of air like you. If you want to officially fight with me, just change back to your physical form.”

Faced with Shajo Aige’s provocation, Lan Yu Qiancong directly attacked her fatal weakness.

Shajo Aige’s eyes flashed, and then she hugged Alexia tightly from behind: “Really? But it’s a pity, now I can be intimate with the prince every day.”

“Miss Ai Ge, don’t be ridiculous. I just want you to practice penetration with me.”

Alexia exposed Shajo Aige in a shameless manner.

“Besides, it’s been a month since you guys bickered like this every morning, aren’t you tired of it?”

“It depends on when Miss Asakusa will admit defeat,”

“I will never admit defeat in my life. How can I lose to a ball of air?”

It started again.

Perhaps there is no secret between the two, which leads to the tit-for-tat atmosphere between Lan Yu Qiancong and Shajo Aige when they meet now. It is similar to the dialogue between Rita and Shajo Aige, but the atmosphere is more explosive. .

This is what Exiya is worried about.

Although he knew that the cause was himself, couldn’t they get along well? Fighting like this won’t make him fall in love with them.

“I said you…”

At this moment, Sayaka Kosaka’s voice sounded at the door.

Wearing an apron and knocking on the door a few times with a spoon in her hand, Sayaka Kosaka looked helplessly at the two people on the bed, who were still in a man-on-bottom position: “It’s like this every day… …Do you want to have breakfast? Your Majesty.”

“…I’m coming right away, Koisaka.”

This is also one of the influences around Exia now.

Because Alexia is not good at cooking, before leaving, Himiragi Yukina specifically told Sayaka Kyosaka that she would stay on Genkami Island for a long time and asked her to help take care of Alexia. daily life.

To be honest, Ixia felt that there was no need for it at all. The worst she could do was go to Xiao’s house next door to have a meal. Anyway, Xiao Gucheng and the others always welcomed her to eat together.

But Sayaka Kosaka said, “This is something Yukina asked me to do very seriously!” Please be sure to come home for dinner every night and I will prepare it for you! 】——The result is that Sayaka Kosaka is now Exiya’s cook.

“…How about I bring breakfast every day from now on?”

Looking at Sayaka Kosaka who looked like a hostess, Lan Yu Qianzuo couldn’t help but murmured in a low voice, and then seemed to remember something: “By the way, Alexia, I have something to tell you. What will happen in the next three days?” God, I probably won’t come to your place.”


“Ah la la, are you finally ready to give up? It’s a very wise choice, Miss Asakusa. I think we can become good friends from now on.”

Listening to Sha Tiao Ai Ge’s sarcastic words, Lan Yu Qingcong resisted the thought of saying it back: “It’s because of the Bolong Yuan Festival!”

“Bolongyuan Festival…Oh, it sounds like it is almost here.”

Alexia also reacted.

——Bolongyuan Festival.

It is a big festival held on Genkami Island every year in the last week of October. Various activities such as fireworks displays, outdoor performances, and costume parades will be held to allow the whole island to revel together. There will also be a large number of tourists from outside the island coming to visit, and the entire Genkami Island will become lively.

The prototype is said to be for Halloween.

Alexia only came to Genkami Island this year. This is her first time to participate in this festival. She knows this because she heard a lot about it from school.

“During the Bolongyuan Festival, there will be many tourists visiting Xian Shen Island. To be on the safe side, I received a commission from the management of the commune yesterday. I am asked to work a little overtime in the next few days. The reward will be the usual three days. Come twice as much.”

“So I won’t be here for the next three days or so, so don’t-“

“Don’t worry, Miss Asakon. Even if you are no longer here, Mr. Prince will not feel lonely or bored, because he will always have me by his side.” Shajo Aige directly interrupted Lan Yu Asakon’s words, “Why don’t you say Asakon The young lady should also be aware that she comes too often.”

“You’re such an airy person, why don’t you over-emphasize your presence?”

Why did it start again?

Ignoring the two people who started to fight each other again, Ixia got out from under Lan Yu Qiancong’s body, opened the wardrobe and started to change clothes.

(But…Bolongyuan Festival, does this mean that a month has passed since then?)

(Time flies so fast.)


The Bolongyuan Festival is celebrated in the last week of October, and Ji Hiiragi Xuena leaves on the last day of September.

After all, she has been gone for a month.

Speaking of leaving, Ixia will leave at the end of February next year, which means there are only more than four months left.

(More than four months… By then, how should I say goodbye to the people I know in this world?)

This is a question that Alexia has to start thinking about now.

Among the several trips to other worlds so far, during the trip to Orario, he did not say goodbye to everyone in the Loki family. He only said goodbye to Loki and left, although he asked Loki to tell them on his behalf.

As for that time in Kuoh Town, when he left, everyone in the Supernatural Research Department went to the underworld for the summer vacation, and only Elsa, Xenovia, and Irina were the only ones to say goodbye properly.

Not to mention the Holy Grail War, he was kicked out forcibly.

Not counting the number of times he left his original world, Alexia’s experience of leaving was only these… But in those other worlds, to be honest, Alexia didn’t think she had any acquaintance there. Friends develop too deep bonds.

The only first-level adventurers he knew in the Loki Familia, and the only ones he was familiar with were Captain Finn, and then Lefiya. In terms of relationships… maybe we can only say that they are seniors and juniors, right?

The same is true for Kuoh Town.

But it was different in this Xian Kami Island. He had lived here seriously for a year. He had friends who he spent time with day and night, and he also accidentally found someone who liked him.

Even if it was just a temporary separation, Ixia wanted to say goodbye in a more formal way.

“I think, Mr. Prince, you can just say ‘I’m going on a little trip, see you in a month’ as ​​usual. That’ll be fine.”

On the rooftop of Caihai Academy.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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