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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 295

Taking advantage of the lunch break, Alexia came here alone, and regarding Alexia’s consideration, Shajo Aige only said the above words.

“After all, no matter how long you leave here, it will be at least a month when you come back.”

“That’s what I say…but the next time I come back will definitely not be in a month.”

For them, it was only a month of separation, but for Exia, it might be several years. If they don’t say goodbye properly, Exia might not be able to remember their faces.

Alexia’s thoughts made Sajo Aige sigh slightly. She had no idea what these friends were worth missing. A fragile human being who will turn into a pile of ashes in a few decades has no possibility of accompanying an immortal being like Exia, right?

If you want to stay with the current Exia forever, then the only way is probably to become Exia’s blood servant.

By transplanting a part of Alexia’s body into another person, that person is entitled to enjoy the same life span and magic power as Alexia.

(As for the prince, he will be regarded as a blood servant…)

“My lord prince, this may be a bit sudden to ask, but have you thought about how many people will be needed to awaken the beasts?”


Shajo Aige’s sudden question surprised Alexia: “What’s wrong? Are you asking this all of a sudden?”

“Because I’m very curious, and also a little concerned – because you think blood-sucking is equivalent to X behavior, right? In that case, isn’t the person you suck blood the only one you think can be a partner?”


Alexia, who was originally embarrassed for a moment because of Sajou Aige’s unrestrained words, said seriously after hearing the second half of the sentence: “Well… for the time being, I only plan to suck Bianca’s blood.” . But I don’t know if she agrees with it… Should I confess to her first before talking about this kind of thing?”

“…I think there is no difference between you and Miss Bianca whether you confess or not.”

When Shajo Aige said this, she felt heartbroken.

“But you have mastered ten familiar beasts. Miss Bianca is only one person. It shouldn’t be enough to make all the familiar beasts surrender, right? I heard that some familiar beasts will be angry because the blood donated by the host does not suit their taste. Refuse to be used.”

“real or fake……”

Because she had never tried to communicate with the guys in her blood, Alexia didn’t care about their thoughts. She just thought that maybe after sucking Bianca’s blood, they would be obedient.

But if any of these guys don’t like Bianca’s blood…

“…No matter what happens, it shouldn’t be like that, right?”

Alexia didn’t have any confidence in what she said.

If possible, he doesn’t really want to suck the blood of anyone other than Bianca – although this is not appropriate for someone like him who has been forcibly kissed by different girls several times, but Alexia hopes Bianca was single-minded.

“Forget it, let’s wait until I return to Tianming Headquarters to talk about this kind of thing.”

After continuing to struggle for a while, Exia spread her hands and gave up on solving the problem at this time. The worst case scenario is to use those familiar beasts that like Bianca’s blood and beat them up with other familiar beasts to force them to surrender.

Well, let’s do it!

Thinking this way, Exia was just about to leave the rooftop to end her lunch break——


A dark vortex appeared behind him without warning.


The abnormality coming from the space itself was noticed by Exia almost the moment it appeared.

(Miss Love Song)

(Already preparing)

Alexia herself does not have any means to deal with space abilities, but Sajo Aige can use the Great Holy Grail to use space control magic. With her magic level, even if her opponent is Nangong Nayue, Sajo Aige will not be able to control space. Have the confidence to knock it down head-on.

but now–


The twisted dark vortex was not affected at all, and it quickly expanded in front of Ixia.

Then, in the whirlpool——

(Wait a minute, Mr. Prince, this magical reaction is…)

(…Can you move me away immediately? Miss Ai Ge)

Feeling the magic released from it, both Exia and Sajo Aige immediately realized where the vortex came from, and at the same time they also realized what was about to happen next.

But unfortunately, even if Ixia wanted to leave, the moment this vortex appeared, he could no longer leave.

The white arm suddenly stretched out from the whirlpool and grabbed Alexia’s collar from close range!

“Looks like I’ve caught this feeling. I can’t go wrong following the scent of your blood all the way.”

After completely walking out of the whirlpool, the green-haired girl with emerald eyes approached Ixia: “Long time no see, Ixia. My beloved fourth ancestor, I haven’t seen you for more than seven months. How are you doing?”


Alexia reluctantly said the name of the person who appeared in front of her.

91. The most troublesome and willful lover

Jiada Kukokkan.

One of only four true ancestors in this world, the ruler who rules the Empire of Night in Central America [Realm of Chaos], known as [Prince of Chaos], a stunning beauty with a thousand looks.

For Aikexia, she may be the person he least wants to see in the world, and she is the only one.

And the reason is very simple——

“Why did you come to Genkami Island?!”

She slapped away Jiada’s hand holding her collar, and under Shajo Aige’s space control magic, Ixia went directly to the place farthest from Jiada on the rooftop, frowning and questioning.

Turning around to look at Aikesia, Jiada smiled: “Space control magic? In the more than half a year since we were separated, you have learned some other methods. Well, it’s very good. I just love it all the time. You are getting stronger, and the stronger you become, the more fascinated I become by you.”

“You are obsessed with my blood, right? You obviously intend to suck me dry, don’t make it sound like you really like me – and I have never lived with you, so how can we be separated?”

This is a rare occasion for Alexia to speak to someone in an impolite tone, but if the target is Jia Da, no matter how rude and rude the tone is, it will be okay, because if she is polite to her, she will only become more and more excessive. point.

Facing Alexia’s rebuttal, Jiada just smiled and said: “I don’t need your acceptance. After all, the relationship between you and me is what I am free to make my own opinions, so it doesn’t matter if I am free to make my own opinions and add some more.” Is it serious?”

“You think so? My beloved Fourth True Ancestor.”


That’s why Alexia doesn’t want to see Jada.

She has fallen in love with his blood that is ever-changing due to Chimera, she has claimed to be his lover, and now she has added the setting that the two are separated…

“For a little guy like you who is only seventeen years old, you may not have a real sense of it, but for our true ancestors, it is already normal to do whatever you want. You must get used to it as soon as possible. Otherwise, you have to dominate this island. It’s going to be tough.”

“…I never wanted to dominate this island.”

“But in our opinion, you are already the ruler of this island – by now you should have had some self-awareness, right? [Your Majesty]”

Jiada jokingly mentioned the names of all the people who recognized the identity of the fourth true ancestor of Exia, and then listed them one by one: “The small fish and shrimp of the Black Death Emperor’s faction, the tatters of the destroyed civilization.” , a shabby fake angel… You have been very active recently. As a lord, you are somewhat too hands-on.”

“But also because of your actions, your position as the lord of Genkami Island has become more and more firm. You have defeated all foreign enemies and protected your territory with the power of natural disasters. In my opinion, the [tyrant] It’s a very interesting status and identity.”

How a person lives is often not determined by himself, but by the world. Even if Exia himself denies it countless times, as long as the world still thinks that he is the Lord of String God Island, then he is the Lord of String God Island.


I already told you that I didn’t mean that – Ixia knew that saying this to Jada was in vain, so she didn’t say it out loud, but changed the subject.

“You came here to talk to me about these things? You didn’t stay in your realm of chaos, and you came all the way to Genkami Island, which is across the entire Pacific Ocean. Are you here to hurt me?”

“How could it be? I’m here on vacation this time.”

Jiada changed into a relaxed and cheerful tone.

“It’s not interesting to stay in the Chaos Realm all the time. You have to walk around occasionally, right? Besides, I also want to see my sweetheart whom I haven’t seen for a long time, so I came here while this island is holding a celebration.”

“…So, you are here to participate in the Bolongyuan Festival?”

“That’s just by the way, the main purpose is for you.”

Jiada walked towards Alexia as she spoke, with a hint of intoxication on her face: “Seven months have passed since the Banquet of Flames, and you have become a lot more attractive and delicious than you were then. I really want to do it now. Holding you in my arms and sucking your blood.”

“Do you want me to beat you down again?”

“If you don’t come with the intention of killing me, you will only lose between us.” There was no arrogance in Jiada’s tone, “Besides, are you sure you want to fight me here? Isn’t it true? From a physical point of view, we are the worst, right?”

Jiada and Exia are both true ancestors, eternal immortals, ultimate monsters that cannot die even if their heads are cut off or their hearts are destroyed and shattered. Even if they fight for their lives, what will happen to these two people? It’s just strenuous and excessive exercise.

If Exia wanted to really kill Garda, the only option was to use Chimera to devour her.

In addition, if they really want to fight Garda, even if Exia pulls the battlefield to the Pacific Ocean far away from String God Island, Garda with the space beast can transfer back to String God Island at any time.

“…Now that you have seen me, can you go back to the Realm of Chaos?”

Alexia issued an eviction order with a look of disgust.

With such a person who is eyeing him covetously by his side, he probably won’t be able to sleep well at night.

“Don’t be so uninterested, Alexia. It’s a rare vacation for you to ask me to go back just after seeing you once. You are too cruel.” Jiada leaned in front of Alexia, “At least until the Bolongyuan Festival is over. Before, I didn’t plan to go back. Festivals are something that you have to enjoy to the fullest.”

The Bolongyuan Festival starts the day after tomorrow and will last for a weekend, which means Jiada will have to stay here for at least four days.

“…Try not to cause any trouble for me, Third True Ancestor.”

After thinking for a while, Exia warned.

“In what capacity did you say this to me?” Jia Da smiled and said, “You clearly say that you are not the master of Xian Shen Island, but your behavior is very self-conscious. It seems that you don’t know why. It’s already starting to take shape.”


“However, it’s just a verbal warning. You are really naive – what do you think is the [trouble] for vampires like us?”

Trouble is [fun].

For vampires whose lifespan is infinite, the more interesting things, the better.

Although Jiada has passed that age, she may occasionally have a whim if she gets interested.

And if she wants to cause trouble, the entire Genkami Island can control her people…

“If you don’t want me to mess around, just keep an eye on me yourself. It’s also a good thing for you to control my [lover], isn’t it?”



Alexia curled her lips – he was in a bad mood for once.

92.Nangong Nayue’s true face

In view of Garda’s threat, Exia could only reluctantly take on the role of supervising her various actions during her stay on the Kami Island.

However, before the two of them left the rooftop——

“Here it is.”

Along with a burst of space fluctuations, Nangong Nayue’s voice quietly sounded in front of the two of them.

He appeared in front of Ixia holding a parasol and glanced at Jiada beside him. Nangong Nayue’s brows were visibly wrinkled: “I felt weird space fluctuations and magic reactions, so I came here to take a look.” The situation…I didn’t expect to meet you. Are you here to have a tryst with this boy? Princess of Chaos.”

“Witch of the Void, I haven’t seen you since then. Judging from your appearance, have you been having a hard time lately?”

Jiada smiled.

“Well, it’s almost as you said, come to meet my beloved Fourth True Ancestor. By the way, you also won’t object to participating in the festival on this island, right?”

“…During the Bolongyuan Festival, Xian Shen Island is completely open to the public, and there is no reason to deny the Third True Ancestor access to the island.” Nangong sighed after being silent for a while, “It seems that during the festival, you There’s no time left, Exia.”

“That’s it, Teacher Nazuki. Although I don’t want this temporary arrangement at all.”

Alexia spread her hands helplessly: “Compared to this, Teacher Nayue, you would say this… Could it be that you have something to do with me during the festival?”

“That’s right. I’ll probably have something to do next and won’t be here for a few days. So I hope you can take care of someone for me.”

“Who is it? And…is there anything that can take you, Teacher Nayue, for several days?”

This is really the first time Ixia has heard of it.

Although she is not as good as him, Nangong Nayue is the highest level witch. Even Vatora, a vampire who is closest to the true ancestor, she looks down upon. In terms of power, Nangong Nayue is definitely the best in the world. They are the top few after the True Ancestors.

Coupled with Nangong Nayue’s outstanding mobility, it seems that he can do anything. So far, Ixia has never seen Nangong Nayue spend several days on one thing.

“Is this a troublesome thing? Do you need my help?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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