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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 296

“I understand the good intentions, but I really don’t need you this time. It’s just a little business trip. It’s an overseas incident commissioned by the Japanese government. You don’t need to worry about it.” Nangong explained that month.

And hearing her explanation, Alexia was relieved: “That’s good – then, who is the person you want me to take care of? Although I may not be available, Huangsaka should be available.”

(That little girl who dances like a queen…well, I have to do it.)

Nangong Nayue thought for a moment: “Okay, then you tell her, if you can, I will ask Astaludi to take the person there tomorrow. That’s it, the lunch break is almost over, remember to come back to class.”

After saying this, Nangong Nayue disappeared in front of Ixia and Jia Da.

“You really do things with vigor and resoluteness, that witch.” Jiada seemed to be praising her, “But how long can she maintain such vigor and resoluteness?”

“What do you mean?”

“Haha, it doesn’t have any special meaning, it’s just something I feel.”

After casually brushing off Alexia’s question, Jiada continued: “But, she really likes you.”

This is certainly not love in the sense of men and women.

Aixia also knew: “Well… it should be because of my good academic performance, right? In addition, I also help out as an amateur demon attack officer from time to time. Teacher Nayue is very kind to capable people.” Easy to get along with.”

“Indeed, as long as I have been with you for a while, anyone will know how capable you are. Even I, who have only been with you for two or three days, know this.” Jiada smiled slightly, “I can see that you also I trust her very much – but you don’t seem to know the true identity of that witch yet?”

Nangong Nayue’s true face?

Some strange statements made Exia puzzled again.

What does this mean? Are you saying that the current Nangong Nayue is not the real Nangong Nayue?

“…It sounds like you know what the real teacher Na Yue is like?”

“It’s just something I’ve heard. If you want to know, I can tell you. But let your local lover investigate the truth.”

Local lover?

Who is that?

“Where did I get my lover?”

“Isn’t there? That little girl named Lan Yu Qian Cong.” Jia Da said, “Although I have been in the realm of chaos before, I have always had relevant information about your affairs here. Of course, no matter what you have I don’t care how many lovers you have.”


Alexia gave up the idea of ​​continuing to argue with Jia Da in this regard, but he was indeed not uninterested in Nangong Nayue’s true face.

(Is the real Nangong Nayue…?)

“Tell me, Jiada. What is Teacher Nayue’s true face?”

“Prison Barrier.”

Jiada named a place.

“You can find out by investigating this place. If that’s not enough, then go investigate a magical disaster called the [Dark Oath Incident] that happened on Genkami Island ten years ago.”

“After completely investigating these two, you will naturally know what Nangong Nayue’s true face is. More importantly, I haven’t investigated it yet, so I don’t know much about it.”

Prison enchantment and secret oath incident.

The two things that Jada said made Exia fall into deep thought.

He didn’t know the latter, but he had heard about the former. It was a well-known urban legend on Genkami Island. It was rumored that it was a special prison used to hold criminals who were too vicious to be imprisoned in ordinary prisons.

It’s just that no one knows where the prison barrier is, and it’s not even sure whether it exists. There are even theories that it is actually just another name for a temple that sank to the bottom of the sea.

(Is Teacher Yue related to the prison barrier? There is also the secret oath incident… I don’t know if Qian Cong can help me check it out.)

“Okay, I have answered almost all of your questions and accepted almost all of your requests. Then it’s your turn, right? Ixia.” Jiada changed the subject, “Just treat it as the leader. I’ll familiarize myself with this island, and you can take me around in the afternoon.”

“…..I want to go to school.”

“Excuse me. There is nothing more important in this world than the date between the true ancestors – or do you want me to burn this school to the ground?”

Jiada released some magic waves as she spoke, as if to prove that she was not bluffing.

After being silent for a while, Alexia sighed helplessly and said, “Just remember, I will definitely beat you up later.”

“Then I’m looking forward to it. This time I hope it will be you and me fighting now. The other you is too rough and savage and only cares about your own enjoyment, but you are the kind of careful person who will take into account the feelings of both parties, right?”

“Don’t worry, he can’t get out.”

Alexia clenched her hands.

“At least for now, it will definitely not come out.”

93. Treat them differently, right?

In the small dark room beneath the Cornerstone Gate.

Sitting slumped on the computer chair, Lan Yu Qiancong was typing on the keyboard.

Because of the entrustment of the Artificial Island Management Commune, she came here directly after school this afternoon, ready to respond to some emergencies that may arise.

But to be honest, the official start of the Hatouin Festival will not start until the day after tomorrow. There will be an eve festival tomorrow. At most, the number of tourists coming to Genkami Island will gradually increase, and maybe the artificial island management commune system will be used. It’s just overloaded.

Even if it wasn’t Lan Yu Qiancong, other programmers could handle it within an hour.

So now she really has nothing to do.

“It’s boring~~~”

Lying on the table, switching to the surveillance camera as a habit, Lan Yu Qianqiong was preparing to find something interesting to pass the time.

[Then do you want to call Brother Alexia? 】

“…Why do I have to call him at this time?”

[I confessed my love to my little brother so passionately, and even warmly woke him up every morning. Why do you still hesitate and get entangled in such trivial matters, Miss? 】

“Well… there are various reasons. Besides, it’s not like I’ll die if I can’t see Exia or hear Exia’s voice. Do you think I’m Shajo Aige? ?”

【I didn’t say that. And Miss, do you think that this little brother is some kind of spiritual support? 】

“If you keep talking nonsense, I’ll give you a virus.” Lan Yu Qiancong angrily crossed out his partner from the computer screen.

Anyway, it’s just that I can’t see Alexia for three days, so it’s not a big deal.

However, after being mentioned like this by Mogu Wai, Lan Yu Qiancong was really curious about what Exia was doing at this time. She didn’t see anyone else at all since lunch break today, and even skipped all her classes in the afternoon. .

Even if that guy can get perfect scores in all subjects by sleeping every day, he won’t miss all the classes in the afternoon, right?

(Could he be involved in some trouble again?)

Narakweiler, the Model Angel, the Princess of Aldykia… Lan Yu Qiancong has experienced a lot of things recently, and he is well aware of the “meddling” thoughts and action patterns of his sweetheart.

If he could do something like skipping class for an entire afternoon, he was probably in trouble again.

“Moguwai, bring out the surveillance cameras related to Ixia.”

[You just threw me into the recycling bin, and now you want me to help you spy on your sweetheart. Miss, you have become unreasonable.]

The doll-like Moguwai complained, but it did not intend to disobey Lan Yu Qiancong’s order, and quickly placed several windows in front of her.

What was shown through the surveillance camera in the window was a scene of Alexia walking side by side with a green-haired mature woman that Lan Xuan didn’t know at all, walking down the street like a couple.

Lan Yu Qian Cong: “!”

(W-What’s going on!? Exia, he is…)

[Oh yo yo, it seems that my little brother and his new love are having fun. Isn’t it bad to disturb them? 】

Mogu made a joke.

“Who is that woman?” Lan Yu Qiancong was a little anxious, “What is that air man from Shajo Aige doing? She is so resistant to me, why doesn’t she jump out when others approach Alexia?”

It can be clearly seen from the surveillance video that the green-haired mature beauty is almost attached to Alexia!

If Lan Yu Qiancong did this, she was sure that Shatiao Aige would definitely pop up on the spot!

[Calm down, Miss]

Seeing that Lan Yu Qiancong was starting to run wild in a certain direction, Mo Guwai quickly comforted and persuaded.

[Look carefully at my little brother’s expression, Miss. He seems to be quite reluctant? 】


Hearing this, Lan Yu Qian Cong immediately looked at Aike Xia’s facial expression attentively – it couldn’t be said that it seemed like it, but it was really full of reluctance. Lan Yu Qian Cong had known Aike Xia for so long, and this was the first time that he had seen him show such an expression. Reluctant expression.

[This means that I don’t want to accompany the green-haired girl at all, right? 】

“In other words… Ixia is being coerced?” Lan Yu Qiancong hit the nail on the head, “But he is the Fourth True Ancestor, who can coerce him?”

【I don’t know. But at least you can know that I didn’t do this out of intention, so just calm down, miss]

“…No, no.”

Lan Yu Qiancong’s tone suddenly became serious: “Since Ixia doesn’t want to do this, then I have to rescue him from this embarrassing situation! Moguwai, call Ixia!”

[Miss, you really don’t know what fear is…]


The shopping street near the Corner Gate.

“Well…this tastes pretty good. Do you want to try it too? Alexia.”

Garda, who was holding an ice cream in her hand, said this while bringing the ice cream to Alexia’s mouth.

Stepping back with a look of disgust, Aixia shook her head and said, “I have it in my own hand, you can eat it yourself.”

“I really don’t understand the style. If I were in a bad mood, I don’t know what I would do.”

“Don’t threaten me…”

(So ​​tired…)

Alexia has some experience in accompanying women when they go shopping. He has accompanied both Himeira Yukina and Aiwa Asaki, and if I have to say it, he can be said to be there almost every day when Sajo Aige is by his side. Go shopping with girls.

But going shopping with Jiada really made him feel tired – his reluctance and some of Jiada’s willful behaviors kept him in a semi-stressed state.

(I really want to sink this Third True Ancestor to the bottom of the sea…)

If she hadn’t known that doing so would be of no use to her, Alexia would have done this long ago.

“Beep beep beep!”

The cell phone in his pants pocket rang at this moment.

Alexia took it out and connected it without even looking at it: “Who is this?”

【It’s me, Qian Cong. This may be a bit sudden, Alexia, can you come to my place of work now? I want to have dinner with you. The ramen shop here at Cornerstone Gate has launched a new product. If two people eat together, they will get a discount]


Alexia glanced at Jiada who was walking in front of her, and frowned: “Well… I’m sorry, Qian Cong, I probably won’t be able to do it this time. Today… no, maybe next time I can’t even get away from the festival in Bolong Yuan, so there’s a particularly troublesome guy I have to keep an eye on.”

【is that so? 】

“Well, next time. I’ll treat you next time – ah, by the way, I just have something to ask you. Could you please help me investigate the [Prison Barrier] and the [Secret Oath] ten years ago? Book Incident?”

“I need it urgently.”

94. It’s up to you to take off this

“Where did you run to-“

At night, after the sun sets.

At Alexia’s house, she had bought the ingredients for dinner early. Sayaka Kosaka, who was waiting for Alexia to come in the living room, heard the sound of the door opening and just wanted to get up and say goodbye to Ike who had not come back for a long time. Xia scolded a few words——

“Oh? The little girl from the Lion King Agency?”

In front of Alexia, Kata, who walked into the house first, looked at Kyosaka Sayaka with interest, then turned her head and smiled at Alexia: “Even if she has known the information for a long time, she is hiding such a secret at home. A lover is not just about strength, you have indeed grown a lot in this aspect.”

“Whatever you think.”

As if she was tired of it, Alexia followed Jiada back home: “I’m sorry, Huangsaka, I’m a little late when I come back. I’ve been running around with this woman all afternoon today, and I’m almost exhausted. How can I bother you?” Can you prepare dinner quickly? Just enough to swallow, a little more – she doesn’t need to prepare it.”

In the second half of the sentence, Alexia was naturally talking about Jia Da.

Jia Da smiled bitterly: “You are really a ruthless man. I heard you said that dinner was prepared at home, so I directly rejected the invitation to a high-end dinner from Xian Kami Island to come here.”

“I didn’t say it was because of you. You forced yourself to follow me.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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