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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 297

Ignoring the pretended sadness on Jiada’s face, Alexia came to the kitchen, took out a can of ice coffee from the refrigerator and drank it in a gulp.

Looking at Kata who had a somewhat bad expression (on purpose), Sayaka Kosaka came to Alexia and asked in a low voice: “Your Majesty, who is she?”

“The Third True Ancestor. Here for sightseeing, and here to harass me.”

“Oh, it turns out to be the third…eh?”

Because Axia’s answer was so natural that Sayaka Kosaka couldn’t react immediately.

The third true ancestor? !

Quickly turning to look at Jiada who was leaning against the wall in an elegant posture, Kosaka Sayaka hurriedly knelt down and saluted: “Your Majesty, Princess Chaos?!”

“Do you recognize me now? Little girl. But it’s no wonder. After all, it was many years ago that I appeared in public. There should be no images of me left now.” Jiada smiled, “No need to salute. This time I don’t come as the ruler of the Chaos Realm, I’m just the lover of the Fourth True Ancestor over there.”

lover? !

Kosaka Sayaka suddenly looked at Alexia in disbelief, even doubtful about life!

“She named herself, and I never admitted it.”

“You don’t need to admit it. Just like your identity as the Lord of Xingkami Island, as long as I make this matter public, the world will naturally recognize our relationship. It doesn’t matter what your wishes are.”

“[Please] shut up.”

Alexia pinched her eyebrows with a headache.

“Koisaka, help me prepare dinner.”

“Give me one too, the little girl named Huangsaka.” Jiada raised her hand as if ordering, “It doesn’t need to be luxurious or sumptuous, I will eat whatever he eats.”

“Okay, okay! I’ll go get ready right away. Please wait a moment, Your Majesty!”


Kosaka Sayaka was completely panicked!

Because she has a better relationship with Alexia, she is no longer so reserved when facing Alexia, so her words and actions can be more natural.

But today, the Third True Ancestor came to visit directly! There are two true ancestors sitting in the small room!

If she, a dancing figure in the Lion King organization, said the wrong thing or did the wrong thing…she didn’t dare to think about what would happen!

(I…I won’t die here today, right?)

“That’s right, Exia.”

At this moment, Jiada suddenly spoke again.

“Where is your shower room? I sweated a little this afternoon and wanted to take a shower before dinner.”

“That’s the door behind you.”

Turning around and opening the door behind her, Jiada glanced at the situation inside and walked in: “Then I’m going to take a shower first. Can you please prepare a change of clothes for me?”

“This is not a realm of chaos. You can figure it out on your own. The most I can do is lend you the washing machine for a while.” Alexia, who had already arrived in the living room, responded in a coping manner.

The conversation between the two made Kosaka Sayaka feel frightened. After a moment of hesitation, she weakly raised her hand: “Um… Your Majesty, if you don’t mind, my clothes can be used.” Gifted to you for your use.”

“Well, then put it outside for me after you prepare dinner. I plan to take a bath for thirty minutes – does Alexia want to come with you?”

“I don’t want to die.”

“you sure?”

Not sure if it was intentional or not, Jiada lifted up her skirt and said, “Maybe I need you to take off this dress for me tonight.”

“After dinner, you can go back to your hotel!”


With Alexia’s shy roar, he blocked the door of the shower room with ice!

It’s just terrible.

Compared to a young person like Ixia, who is not even twenty years old, Jiada, who may have five or at least four figures, has different levels of experience in all aspects.

Especially the relationship aspect, which Exia is quite bad at.

(Tsk, looking at her like this, even if I say that, she will probably stay there for the night and won’t be able to drive her away… In this case, the solution is to ask Saber to keep an eye on her for me all night, or maybe Will I stay awake all night?)

(No, let’s see if Bianca is available…)

If she doesn’t take some precautions, Ixia really feels that she will be in danger tonight!

“That… Your Majesty.”

In the kitchen, Kosaka Sayaka couldn’t help but chatted to Alexia: “You and your Majesty the Princess…could it be true…”

“…I told you that it was just what she claimed. If I were to be her lover, I wouldn’t still have a false relationship with Ji Hao before and now, right? Don’t think too much about it.” Ike Xia said tiredly, “Besides, just talk as usual. I don’t think that guy will care very much. I’m not used to you being so respectful.”

“Okay, okay, I understand.”

(In other words, you have to be more natural… You can do it if you can! Don’t force it on others. You want me to be in the same room with two true ancestors… It’s absolutely impossible. ah!)

Kosaka Sayaka felt that her stomach was hurting to death.

And in the shower room on the other side.

Jiada took off all her clothes and lay directly into the bathtub that had not yet had time to be completely heated. Jiada felt the coldness that enveloped her whole body, and then said to the room that was empty except for herself——

“Why don’t you come out and meet me? The witch in Alexia?”


There was no response.

Jia Da raised her eyebrows in surprise: “She’s really not here, hahaha, I thought she would really want to meet me in private… Why on earth is she hiding?”

“However, since you have this attitude, I won’t be polite.”

“Let me taste his blood tonight.”

95. Just the words on your fingertips

Although there were many twists and turns before and in the middle, the dinner time finally ended without any danger when Kosaka Sayaka’s stomach was about to hurt.

After cleaning all the tableware and kitchen utensils, Kyosaka Sayaka hurriedly escaped from the Exiya house as if she wanted to escape from the house – if she continued to live in the same room with the two true ancestors, she might I was really nervous enough to pass out.

“That little girl is so interesting.”

Watching the power of Kosaka Sayaka, Kata, wearing the new clothes she sent, smiled and lay on the sofa.

“Moreover, your qualifications are also very good, and you are very suitable to be used as a medium to make the beasts surrender. But you are living with such excellent tools under the same roof every day, but you don’t have the aura of losing your virginity at all. None.”

Jada said the second half of the sentence to Alexia.

“Have you swallowed up all the power and existence of the Fourth True Ancestor, but you don’t even have the thought of using it? It’s really a waste of resources. The twelve most powerful star beasts, how long do you want them to sleep? When?”

“I don’t think this is something you need to care about. When the time comes, I will naturally make them work for me.”

“Hmm~~~Although I know what you want to express, this kind of statement is very suitable to my taste. I think it’s best for you to maintain the attitude you have towards me today.” Jia Da smiled with satisfaction. , “It would be nice if you could look me in the eye when you are talking.”

Alexia, who turned away and did not look at Jada at all: “…”

Jiada looked at her clothes.

Be it underwear or pajamas, what she is wearing now are all from Sayaka Kosaka. In terms of material, it is not excellent, but it is not cheap either. It must have been carefully selected from a brand store in the mall, right?

The style is a bit open. Considering the nature of Wu Weiyuan’s work, it should be to be able to fight immediately in this situation. The nightgown is short, and the bottom is also rope pants with knots on the side.

For Jiada, there is nothing wrong with this outfit. Over the long years, she has worn countless kinds of clothes, and the number of times she has been half-clothed has become too numerous to count.

But for Exia…

(Prince, you must not look back, do you understand? The person behind you is a thousand-year-old witch who can eat you with just one look. She is an elderly grandma. No matter how young and beautiful she is dressed, , she is also an old woman several thousand years old)

In order not to let Alexia’s heart waver, and to keep his position unshakable, Shajo Aige kept saying hypnotic words in his mind.

(Compared to that kind of elderly grandma, a really young girl like me is definitely more suitable for you. Or you can just think of Miss Bianca. As long as you keep thinking of Miss Bianca, you will definitely Able to reject all temptations from the outside world)

(Stick to your own will and say no to bad temptations.)

Even with the help of Bianca’s power, Sajou Aige will completely stop Jiada from doing anything wrong to Alexia!

Seeing that Alexia remained silent, Jiada completely understood his thoughts. She stood up and stretched her graceful figure that was both girlish and mature at the floor-to-ceiling window not far away.

Because Aixia was facing the floor-to-ceiling windows, this scene completely fell into his eyes!

(Prince-sama cannot watch!)

(I did not see!)


Alexia slapped her eyes hard!


Jiada couldn’t help but chuckle.

“You’re really cute, Exia. The strongest person in the world who is superior to us True Ancestors, is he such a cute child?”


(ignore ignore ignore ignore…Bianca Bianca Bianca…)

Alexia directly recited her own temporary meditation spell silently, and at the same time, her whole body began to release some cold air, trying to force herself to calm down.

Looking at him like this, Jiada couldn’t help but have a more real feeling – the person in front of her was not the [King] of the same level as herself. Even if he did have the power to match, he was still just a [child].

(I want to hold him in my arms more and more and eat him dry.)

Smelling the cool [wine aroma] emanating from Alexia, which was like adding a lot of ice cubes, Jiada licked her lips in a bit of intoxication. That is because she is the true ancestor and has enough self-control, otherwise she would have pounced directly at this time.

But she can control herself perfectly, so she doesn’t do that now.

“So…are you ready for our dormitory?”

“There is no place for you to sleep. If I had to choose, it would be the floor in the living room or the bathtub in the toilet. There is also no bedding for you. I only have one bed at home.”

“That means we will sleep in the same bed tonight.” Jada came up behind Alexia, “It looks like it will be a night worth looking forward to.”

(My Lord Prince, for your personal safety, I think it is better to freeze her into an ice sculpture. She will definitely become more honest after being frozen for one night.)

Shajo Aige strongly suggested.

Aixia also believes that this plan is quite practical.



A rapid ringtone suddenly rang from Alexia’s room – it was coming from a personal terminal.

In other words, Bianca!

Immediately forgetting about Jiada, Exia quickly returned to her house and connected the expected communication from Bianca.

[Hi, Alexia, good evening]

[Good evening, Lord Exia, it’s been a long time since I last saw you]

Bianca and Rita appeared in front of Alexia the moment the connection was connected.

The spirit that had been unable to calm down due to Jiada’s various actions miraculously calmed down at this moment.

“Well, good evening to both of you. The mission just ended this time too?”

[Yes, we are waiting for the special plane from the headquarters to pick us up. Since I still have some time, I just wanted to meet you. 】

Bianca laughed.

[How are you doing over there? 】

“My side…”

“Huh? Is this the one you have been longing for?”

Before Alexia finished speaking, Jiada walked up behind him without permission, hugged Alexia’s body from behind, put her head next to his, and breathed softly into his ear as if with some… The sound of aroma.

This scene was also seen by Bianca and Rita.

A stunning beauty wearing what looked like pajamas for a decisive battle appeared in Alexia’s bedroom!


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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