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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 298

Rita and Bianca’s eyes changed a little at the same time.

“Jada! You—get out!”

“Huh? Aren’t you welcome to me?”

“Then it must be——”

[Exia, who is she? 】

[May I ask who she is? Lord Exia? 】

Bianca and Rita questioned each other at this awkward moment.

Alexia froze immediately.

Glancing back and forth at the three of them, Jiada raised the corners of her mouth slightly: “Who am I… Well, a [local lover] who has a one-sided love for Ixia – that’s probably it?”

After saying this, as if to add a fatal blow, Jada touched Exiya’s cheek in a very girlish way.


I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Alexia seemed to hear the sound of something cracking from Bianca and Rita.

96.Is this really admiration?

What would she do if Alexia found someone she liked?

Bianca had rarely considered this issue before. Since the incident about Sajo Aige, she has already asked Rita and Kiana about it, and in conclusion, it seems that Alexia does not like other people at the moment, and it is very difficult. There is a high probability that he may have a good impression of himself.

In view of this, subconsciously, Bianca never thought that Exia would have a lover in another world. The previous Yuki Hiiragi Yukina was just a temporary lover in disguise, and now she is basically just a lover. A case of false reputation.

But now, Bianca felt that something was wrong.

She seems to have…underestimated Exia’s popularity in the other world? Speaking of which, Exia seemed to have mentioned before that he had an unusual affinity with women because of Sekiryuutei’s stay.

[I see, is she Lady Exia’s lover? 】

And while Bianca was thinking this, Rita had already spoken first.

[I didn’t expect that Lady Exia would become so open-minded after not seeing each other for a while]

“No, Rita, that…this is actually her-“

“I call myself that.”

Without Alexia’s explanation, Jiada made her own explanation: “Although he is said to be a lover, it is only one-sided that I am infatuated with him. This innocent and ignorant little guy has no thoughts about me. No.”

“So you two don’t need to be nervous, little girls.”

The last sentence was like an older wise man comforting the younger ones. Rita and Bianca even felt for a moment that they were facing the [aura] of Bishop Otto.

“Please introduce yourself seriously. I am Jada Kukokkan, the third true ancestor of this world.”

The third true ancestor.

Bianca and Rita had read about this existence from the regular reports submitted by Exia. It was said that he was one of the three world rulers of the different world he was in now – now he is Four.

During the feast of flames seven months ago, it seemed that there was a lot of friction with Ixia, and they had a battle. The result had a profound impact on the current Ixia.

[I am Bianca, Bianca Glandelle Ataljina. This is my lieutenant, Rita Rossweisse. First time meeting you, Ms. Kukokkan, it’s an honor to meet you]

“Bianca Hollandelle Ataljina…well, that’s you.”

Jiada glanced meaningfully at Alexia, who hurriedly pushed her head away from her, and then said to Bianca: “Sorry, Bianca, Rita. If there is any If anything happens, just tomorrow… No, just call me next Monday. I have to be busy dealing with Jiada this weekend, so I may not have time. Now I also want to get rid of her first. “

If Jia Da is left alone and continues to chat with Bianca and Rita, then Ixia can be sure that Jia Da will definitely make trouble, and maybe do more things that will cause misunderstandings!

(We must not allow Bianca to have unnecessary misunderstandings again! And at least in front of Bianca… we must not let Jiada succeed!)

[I see…well, it seems Rita and I came at the wrong time]

Bianca also understood Exia’s thoughts.

[This time the bishop gave us almost a week’s vacation, which was very generous. If Exia is free, you can call me over there. Kiana and the others also said they miss you very much]

“Yeah, yeah, definitely next time. That’s it!”

Before even saying the customary goodbye, Aixia hung up the phone, then turned her head sharply and glared at Jiada!

“You bastard…”

“Oh~~ It’s rare to see you so rude and uncool.”

Calmly accepting the pressure and chill that Aixia unconsciously released, Jiada crossed her arms to hold up her chest: “I can see that you like those two people very much… No, it should be said that you like them very much. And that girl named Bianca.”

“so what?”

“I suddenly had a whim.”

After the bull-headed and pony-tailed response, Jada’s appearance gradually changed in Exia’s eyes.

Her light green hair turned into gold, her emerald eyes turned into blue, and her youthful and somewhat mature appearance also visibly changed into a rather girlish look.

“Hmm~~~That’s probably it.”

Jiada touched her face.

“Come on, let’s evaluate it, Exia. How similar is it to a real person?”


Looking at Jiada, who had an extremely familiar face in front of her, Alexia’s eyes widened to the extreme, and her eyeballs almost bulged out. Whether it was her eyes or her expression, everything was covered in indescribable shock at this moment. .

Sajo Aige and Artoria also had the same reaction.

Because at this moment, Jiada is just another [Bianca] except for her figure and voice!

The third true ancestor, the Princess of Chaos.

One of the reasons why Jiada is called this is that she has the ability to change her appearance freely. She can change into thousands of appearances, making it impossible for people to know what her true face is.

The real [Chaos]——is similar to the Chimera of Exia in different fields.

(What would you do if you looked like this?)

Jiada thought with great interest.


“…Change back for me.”

After a moment of silence, Exia ordered in the coldest tone that Jiada had ever heard. Her ice-blue eyes were covered with a layer of flame, and there seemed to be iridescent golden light in her white hair. In a flash, the whole person looked like a volcano about to erupt, emitting a very dangerous wave of magic power!

“That’s not an appearance you can use. Change it back. Now, immediately!”

A dark growl reached Jia Da’s ears.

That’s Bianca’s look, a look that only belongs to her, a unique look!

No one can imitate it!


Jiada silently dismissed the change in appearance, and pondered for a while: “…are you angry? Not because of strangers who have nothing to do with you, but because I impersonated that girl’s appearance—— She is an existence in your heart that is comparable to the safety of hundreds of thousands of people.”

“Shut up. If you keep talking, I don’t mind making your mouth speechless forever.”

The flame in his eyes still did not dissipate.

The extreme chill lingering in the room showed no signs of letting up.

This time it really pissed off the boy in front of me.

Realizing this, Jia Da couldn’t help but chuckle: “Oh, that’s not a bad tone – why don’t you give it a try?”

“Chi la————!”

An icy blue flash swept across the space.

Even trying to capture it was a matter of reluctance. The slash was so fast that it was almost impossible to see. It directly cut open Jia Da’s mouth, and the crack made by the slash almost cut off her jaw.

A scene that can only appear in funny animations was reproduced in reality by Exia without hesitation, but the scene that was too gory did not make people think it was funny at all.

(Here comes this trick…then I won’t be polite.)

Jiada’s mouth, which was severely cut, seemed to be smiling.

Then, under Alexia’s unexpected look, Jiada actually bit his neck with her almost completely broken mouth!


The sharp tiger fangs directly pierced Alexia’s skin, then pierced his blood vessels and sucked his blood.


Before she even had time to finish a complete sentence, Alexia was thrown onto the bed by Jiada who stepped forward further. Her whole body was tightly hugged by her, and her strength was comparable to that of Alexia. He was so suppressed that he couldn’t move or even struggle.

Lifting her recovered mouth and licking all the blood from the corner of her mouth, Jiada looked at Aikesia with some pride: “It’s really delicious, your blood. It’s because your blood is flowing every minute Changing the smell, I’m still wondering if it will taste weird.”

“… Generally speaking, if the mouth is cut open completely, shouldn’t it hurt like hell?”

“You think you can shut me up like this, which is enough to show your innocence.” Jiada looked down at Ixia, “Also, let those two ghosts on you stop. Even if it’s just like this, I can directly twist you off.” neck, crush your whole body into pieces.”

This is definitely not something you would say when you admire someone.

But it doesn’t matter to Jiada.

Artoria, who was preparing to transform into a pseudo-spirit to rescue the enemy, and Sajo Aige, who was preparing a magic trick, stopped immediately.

“what you up to?”

“You don’t have to do anything. If you cooperate with me, I will only suck your blood and won’t do anything extra.” Jiada put forward her own conditions, “Of course, you can designate me to suck blood.” The amount, but no matter how much amount you propose, I ask that we sleep together one night after that, I will hug you to sleep like this, and you can also fall asleep on my chest.”

“Is this a good deal for you? Or do you want to just die like this?”

I felt the pressure all over my body.

As Jiada said this, she increased her strength in hugging Ixia. It was indeed a force that could break Ixia’s bones.

“…Including the last one, it’s 500 ml.”

“Stingy. But enough is enough.”

Lifting up her hanging hair, Jiada gently licked Alexia’s recovered neck, and then bit it again.

A foreign object broke into Exia’s body.

A different kind of emotion was stimulated in Alexia’s heart.

The blood-sucking behavior of a vampire has the same meaning as the physiological reaction. Whether it is the person sucking blood or the person being sucked blood, corresponding physical changes will occur when performing blood-sucking behavior.

Alexia could feel overly sharp teeth appearing in his mouth, and the desire brought about by the blood-sucking impulse made him want to bite her neck just like Jiada!

(No…no…I want to be with Bianca…)

Perhaps because she was addicted to blood-sucking, Jiada relaxed her hold on Alexia, and Alexia immediately raised her arm and bit it hard!

(I have to… hold it in!)

97. Let me teach you what self-esteem is

The night passed quickly.

The next morning came again as usual.

When she opened her eyes under the sunlight, what caught her eyes was the window with no curtains drawn, the early morning sunlight shining through the window, and the ceiling of her room.

The extremely strong smell of blood remained in his mouth.

The stimulation of blood sobered up Aixia’s somewhat chaotic brain in the early morning.

Taking out her arm that was stuffed in her mouth and letting it recover on its own, Ixia collected all the blood remaining in the corners of her mouth and mouth and swallowed it.

(The taste of my own blood…)

Very fishy.

Alexia couldn’t taste her own blood at all.

“Are you awake?”

A soft voice sounded in her ears that Ixia didn’t want to hear at all.

Turning his head, what came into his field of vision was Jiada’s beautiful face with a slight smile. Compared with last night, her face seemed to be a little rosier now, and her overall energy was much better.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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