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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 299

Coupled with the fact that she was lying on Alexia’s body, if there were outsiders, they would definitely think that the two of them had an extraordinary night last night.

Wanting the other person wantonly, wishing to stay in the other person’s body forever, greedy for a moment of spiritual satisfaction.

The truth is of course similar – it’s just too vampire-esque.

“It was a wonderful night, Alexia.”

Jiada smiled contentedly.

“Even if I only sucked a small amount of blood, I clearly realized how delicious your blood is – can you let me try it again now?”

“Don’t even think about it, get out of here.”

Alexia kicked away Jiada who was pressing her down without any shame, and then sat up from the bed. However, as soon as she sat up, she felt a slight sting on her neck.

After condensing a piece of ice mirror and looking at it, Ixia found that the piece near her collarbone seemed to have a tooth mark.

“This tooth mark?”

“It’s a kind of mark.”

Jiada emerged from the wall and explained.


“When I was sucking your blood last night, I injected some of my magic power into your body… No, it should be said the other way around. Some of my magic power was attracted by the power in your body.”

The power within the body?


“Although I don’t know what you want to do by absorbing my magic power, I thought that since this is the case, I might as well leave you a little gadget – that tooth mark was preserved by my magic power and will not be regenerated by the vampire. The influence of the ability will not disappear until the end of the Hasonin Festival.”

“This is the most intuitive way to express love between lovers. Do you like it?”


You and Jiada?

Alexia thought about what happened last night – he cut off Jiada’s chin and tongue, and Jiada almost broke all the bones in his body…

“…It’s a shame that you can still say you love me so shamelessly.”

“Blood is ourselves. The blood that loves you and the blood that loves you are the same. This is the thinking of our vampires. Although you have become the fourth ancestor, your thinking is still human thinking, just like last night You think you can stop me by tearing my mouth open like this. You are still very naive.”

As Jiada spoke, she compared the state of her mouth last night.

“If you want, I can teach you step by step how a true ancestor should live.”

“…Forget it, I have no intention of becoming the same person as you.”

Alexia stepped off the bed.

But Jia Da suddenly grabbed his wrist and forced him back with a force that almost dislocated Alexia’s arm.

“Don’t go, it’s still early, let’s continue to savor the aftertaste of last night.” Jiada tilted her shoulders, as if she wanted to let Alexia see it more clearly, “Don’t you want to continue to feel it? The warmth of our bodies.”


The ice blade stabbed directly into Jiada’s arm, cutting off her arm.

“Don’t do this, Jiada. I was careless last night. Don’t think about taking advantage of me today – if you want to be frozen into ice, I can let you try it now.”

“Then you come~~~”

She wasn’t angry. She was in a good mood because she had sucked the blood and raised her finger at Alexia in provocation.

She can tolerate many of Alexia’s behaviors now, after all, he has made her feel quite satisfied.

This time Alexia was not polite to her——


The entire bedroom was transformed into a frozen execution ground.

After a while.

Next to the sink.


After spitting out the eighteenth mouthwash, Alexia wiped the water stains from the corners of her mouth: “…I can’t wash it off, the smell of blood.”

After all, he stuffed his arm in his mouth all night, and the taste of blood penetrated into it.

It shouldn’t be something that can be easily washed away.

And compared to the smell of blood, Ixia raised her head and touched the teeth marks on her neck in the mirror.

(Can this thing… be hidden?)

“Maybe it can be eliminated with magic power.”

Quietly, Shajo Aige appeared next to him.

The eyes are a little red.

Alexia did not ignore this: “Miss Aige, are you…crying?”

“No, I just haven’t slept all night and am not in good spirits.” Shajo Aige explained, “Compared to this, do the teeth marks need to be removed?”

“Well, that’s troublesome.”


As soon as Shatiao Aige finished speaking, Alexia felt an itch on her neck, and the tooth marks left by Jiada disappeared immediately.

“Thank you, Miss Aige.”

“Nothing… Prince, can you please use penetration on the whole body?”

Shajo Aige requested in a low voice.

“Yes, yes…why?”

Exia said as she used the penetrating ability on her whole body.

At this moment, Shajo Aige rushed up and hugged him: “…I am very angry now, Mr. Prince. You were treated like that by someone other than me. I am so angry that I want to That True Ancestor killed her, cut her into pieces and threw her to the dogs, cursed her soul to never be reincarnated, and even wanted to make her into my toy until she could no longer be used.”

“But the prince definitely doesn’t like me like that, so I will endure it, and I will endure it with all my strength… Therefore, please hold me.”

“It will make it easier for me to endure it.”

Last night, when witnessing Alexia being bitten on the neck by Garda’s curious behavior, Sajo Aige’s reason almost evaporated. If it weren’t for Arturia’s reminder, she would definitely have been there at that moment. In an instant, he took action regardless of everything.

Even if the consequence is to make Alexia die for once, she still wants to kill Jada.

But that is meaningless. Jiada will not die, and neither will Alexia. The two parties will just experience death for a time, without any results, and let Alexia experience death… ..Death for the last time is definitely not a good experience. Shajo Aige doesn’t want Alexia to become a corpse.

Even if it’s just for a moment.

“…Miss Love Song.”

Alexia gently hugged Shajo Aige: “My thoughts are the same as yours. For a moment, I wanted to seriously fight Jiada. The moment I cut off her mouth, I was serious.”

“But Mr. Prince, considering the impact of taking action, you finally held back, right?”

What are the consequences of taking action with Jia Da completely?

The worst-case scenario is that Genkami Island sinks, and the best-case scenario is that the surrounding area is completely razed to the ground. As mentioned before, for Jiada, who has the ability to move in space, it is useless to move the battlefield. She can return to Gengami Island anytime and anywhere to induce Exia to destroy the island.

Then Exia will be the same as another [Exia].

Exia is very strong. He is the strongest in the world without any restrictions, but he places many restrictions on himself.

Not to have any impact on the surroundings and to avoid casualties as much as possible… This is his belief and also his [weakness].

“I can’t stand it.”

Jada’s voice came from behind.

Alexia turned her head: “Did you break free?”

“Yes, I was close to death once. Compared with this, I really can’t stand your thoughts.” Jia Da put one hand on her waist, “I’m going somewhere with me today. I want to have a good time.” I’ll teach you.”

“Teach me? Teach me what?”

“——[The pride of being a king].”

98. The soul bound by the surname

On the sea more than a hundred kilometers away from Genkami Island.

Stepping on the ice frozen by Exia, Jiada looked around at the endless empty ocean: “Well, that’s enough here. Even if we fight each other with all our strength, we won’t like you. What impact did that island have?”

“Bring me here…what do you want to do?”

Behind her, Alexia asked in confusion.

Teach him the self-esteem of a king?

What it is?

After all, he is nothing at all——

“Are you thinking now that you are not a king, so you don’t need the self-esteem of a king?”

Turning to face Alexia, Jada spoke out Alexia’s inner thoughts as if she could read her mind.

“…You can also read minds.”

“No, no, but as long as I imitate your way of thinking, I can easily get your ideas. What’s more, you have already expressed your thoughts yourself. In fact, you don’t even need to imitate.”

“In that case, you should also know that I have no intention of becoming a king. I am just a passerby. I just want to do what I want to do. Being a king has nothing to do with me.” Exiya emphasized again, “No You need to teach me your way of life.”

“But now you make me feel sick to my stomach.”

Jiada folded her hands around her chest: “I thought you would have grown somewhat spiritually in these seven months. But now it seems that you have indeed grown, but whether it is good or bad, you have grown. It’s to the point where it’s unbearable.”

“…What do you mean? Are you here to preach to me?”

Alexia raised her eyebrows: “Speaking of which, I think I made you sick to your stomach. You were able to swallow it last night.”

“No, I didn’t realize you were so disgusting after what you said last night. And I’ve said it many times, blood is the most important thing, whether it’s your personality or your appearance, it doesn’t actually matter – your problem It’s [there’s something wrong with my thinking].”


Have a problem with your thinking?

Alexia never thought that he would be said like this, and the person who said this to him was a True Ancestor with even more problematic thoughts.

“What’s wrong with my thinking?”

“Before that, please answer me a question – how many times have you taken it seriously so far?”



“Do you mean… a serious all-out battle?”

“Well, that’s pretty much what it means. Or you can do other things that you do seriously. The important thing is that you are [so serious that you don’t even care about the surrounding situation].”


Do you want to be that serious?

Alexia held her chin and fell into long contemplation, turning over all her memories.

And after reviewing my memory from beginning to end…

“I think…it should only be [once], right?”


Just once.

For Exia, to be serious enough to completely ignore the surroundings would mean risking his life completely.

And that kind of experience… was very rare for him. If I had to mention it, it would only be when he was attacked by Ota in the dungeon for the first time in Orario.

At that time, he completely failed to take care of his surroundings. In order to prevent Ota from chasing Lefiya, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to fighting with him.

“I see, then it’s no wonder you have problems with your thinking.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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