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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 3

If it were Bianca, she would definitely be able to do it. She is a trained Valkyrie. Landing from high altitudes is common, but Axia is not.

If this continues…

[Do you desire power? 】

At this moment, such words appeared in Exia’s eyes again.


(If you had the strength, would you be able to survive this situation?)

【yes, indeed】

The text seemed to be responding to Exia’s thoughts.

“Then…can you give me the strength to live?”


“Then what’s the use of you! Suddenly you threw me here, suddenly made me fall freely from the air, and now you can’t even make me survive an emergency landing! Are you here to kill me on purpose? !”

[tip: Current altitude is 1853 meters]

“You don’t need to remind me! Don’t be so considerate in a place like this. Give me some tips that will help me survive!”


Alexia: “……”

(I made an error——————!?)


Now there is only one thought in Alexia’s heart. Looking at the approaching roof, memories from seven years ago gradually emerged in Alexia’s mind.

Seven years ago, when he fell from the damaged aircraft, he seemed to be in the same despair, right?

So…how did he survive?

Bishop Otto explained to him that he was lucky enough to save his life, but was that really the case? The flying height of the aircraft was definitely several thousand meters, which was even higher than it is now. How did he survive when he fell from that height?

(At that time I was…I was…I was…)

For some reason, his field of vision gradually turned icy blue, but Alexia didn’t notice this. Even now, what existed in his eyes was no longer the unfamiliar roof, but the one he fell to seven years ago. Entering the snowy mountains.

By the way, it was the same back then.

【■■■Leave it to you, you must protect her, I will make the aircraft as stable as possible! 】

【Please, ■■■! 】


Subconsciously, or following some kind of impulse that burst out from her heart, Ixia thought about the snow-capped mountains in her field of vision and stretched out her hands, as if she wanted to touch something. She stretched out her hands towards the erratic mountain. snowy mountains.

【Please, ■■■! 】

Such sounds kept echoing in my ears.

Alexia gritted her teeth tightly: “I… know…”

Facing the looming snow-capped mountains in the field of vision, or the looming figure falling towards the snow-capped mountains in the field of vision, Exia stretched out her hands with all her strength——

【The power of protection】

By the way, that’s what he shouted at that time.

Facing the empty sky and the deserted world, he shouted not to protect himself, but to protect the other person who was beside him at that time, hoping that someone somewhere could protect him. The power of people.

Just like now.


Ice blue light burst out from the palm of his hand.

Facing the castle that kept intruding into her field of vision, as if to smash it, Exia waved her hands shining with ice blue light with all her strength.



Everything in the field of vision was dyed in ice blue color.


at the same time.

The castle directly below, to be precise, is on the avenue of the garden outside its gate.


Just like a meteorite falling from the sky, the icy blue meteorite suddenly fell from the sky and created an extremely huge pothole on the road!

And on the periphery of the pothole——

“What the hell, it scared me to death!!!!”

A red-haired woman collapsed on the ground as if she had lost her soul and screamed on the spot.

5. A world unfamiliar to me

In the boundless darkness.

Just like sinking into the deep sea, Alexia, who was in the darkness, could feel the feeling of sinking.

Since he still retains his consciousness, does that mean he survived in the end?

(Survived…what did I do to survive?)

Can’t remember clearly.

It was obvious that he should have done it while he was awake, but Alexia couldn’t remember any details at all. He just remembered that he had an impulse at that time, and followed his instinct to release that impulse.

That’s all.

(Is it the impulse that came from my body that saved me? And the feeling of that impulse… is very familiar.)

It’s like eating a delicacy once when you were a child, and then accidentally eating it again on the street when you returned to your hometown after many years as an adult. This is where Alexia’s familiarity with that impulse lies.

I…maybe this is not the first time I have had this urge.

But when was the first time? Among the seven years of memory that he has at the age of sixteen this year, there is no memory related to it. So in those memories he had forgotten seven years ago?

Regarding her past, Exia asked Bishop Otto several times when she was a child, but the other party did not reveal much and only said, “Of course I will explain it to you when you grow up.”

Is it possible that my own amnesia and my past are related to the impulse that originated from me?

Alexia’s mind was simply a mess.

And at this moment, it seemed as if a call came from afar——

“I said Loki, why did you pick this guy back up?”

Words with some noise entered Exia’s consciousness.

Is someone talking?

“This guy almost beat us to death! No matter what, we have to settle the score with him, right? What’s more, you also saw the iceberg, maybe this guy is a treasure~~~~~ If you can take him home, then Don’t we just make a profit?”

Another voice came next.

This time it was clearer, and it seemed to be a female voice, but Alexia could tell just by listening that the woman who said this was probably not a gentle woman, and Bianca, Rita, and even Miss Amber is all very different.

And…what does “turn home” mean?

(I have to wake up and ask myself about the situation. The question is how do I get out of this darkness.)

“Gudu Gudu~~~~~”

As soon as the idea came out, the darkness behind him suddenly erupted with a sound like gurgling spring water, and then Alexia felt a huge impact force erupting behind him, hitting his back hard. He thought that it should be said that he pushed out from the [upper] direction!

A little light appeared in the field of vision, and under the push of the thrust, the light began to magnify continuously, and then——


Eyes opened in the real world, Alexia shouted suddenly and sat up from the bed, like a person who was finally awakened from a nightmare, gasping for breath uncontrollably!


After taking several deep breaths quickly to calm down, Ixia looked at her palms and quickly checked her body.

“I’m… okay?”

“It sounds like you really hope something happens to you?”

Such a voice came from the side – it was the female voice I heard just now.

Alexia looked to one side and saw three or four people in strange attire sitting near the bed where he was sitting. Although there was nothing out of the ordinary in general, the attire looked strange to him. It’s a bit…retro?

Do people still wear armor and robes in this era? And that one is a staff? It feels almost the same as in the game…

“Hey, where are you looking?”

Among the people, a red-haired woman who seemed to be the leader squinted her eyes and smiled: “Are you still awake? Or did you hit your head when you fell from the air?”

“No, I don’t think so…”

Alexia shook her head, and then said: “Did you save me?”

“Saved you? Well…ah, yes, yes, we indeed saved you.”

The red-haired woman smiled and nodded: “Suddenly it fell from the sky and suddenly hit us in front of us. It almost scared us to death. Although gods will not die, they had to because they were scared to death.” It would be too embarrassing to return to heaven——”


Alexia frowned.

“what is that?”

“Eh? Don’t you know? Is it true? Is there anyone in this world who doesn’t know our God?”

“If you are referring to the gods recorded in myths, then I know that. I have read myths all over the world, but judging from your context…” Ixia stared at Red The woman asked, “You say you are a god?”

“Otherwise? If we are not God, then who else is God?”

The red-haired woman said it with a matter-of-fact expression.


Chewing on this word, Ixia fell into deep thought again – but unfortunately, he was not able to think for too long.

“Speaking of which, now that you’ve woken up, can we get down to business?”


“Well, for example…who are you? Why did you fall from the sky? Where did you come from?” The red-haired woman asked three questions in a row, “You are not from Orario, are you?” There are no sacred words on your back, so you are not a child of any family, so who are you?”

Orario? Sacred text? Family members?

What is that?

Alexia frowned and said: “I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you are talking about at all. Although I can understand every word you say, I don’t know the meaning of some of the nouns… ….”

“Huh? Uh…what about that, Riveria? Could it be that we picked up a stupid guy and came back?”

The red-haired woman couldn’t help but ask the green-haired, pointed-eared woman in a robe next to her – is her name Riveria?

“It’s so impolite to call others that, Loki.” Riveria said coldly, “But, don’t you know the meaning of the noun…Young man, it was Loki who mentioned something about you. Isn’t this something you haven’t heard of?”

Alexia nodded: “Basically everything… If possible, could you please tell me where this is? It sounds like it is in a city called Orario, but I don’t know where it is. Where is Lali, and who are the others? What about the sacred text and the dependents? Please explain these things to me.”

Riveria: “…”

Loki: “…”

“It seems that you really picked up a strange guy, Loki.”

A blond boy who looked to be only eleven or twelve years old standing on the other side of Loki said with a smile, and pulled a chair to sit beside Alexia’s bed: “As for your questions, we can To answer you, your expression and eyes do not look like you are lying.”

“But on the other hand, we also have questions to ask you. If you are willing to answer our questions after we answer your questions, then I would like to explain to you – is such an exchange acceptable?”

“Yeah, no problem.”

The young man smiled: “Very good, it seems like a good person to talk to. So before we answer each other’s questions, let’s get to know each other first. My name is Finn, Finn Timna, what about you? ?”



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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