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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 30

And now…

“From now on, it’s my fight.”

“In a real sense, it’s my fight to catch up with her.”

Following the instinct of the body and the impulse of the heart, Ixia raised her two swords and rushed towards the King of Skeletons!

This time, he will use his full strength!

51.Crush it, Kaslana

Tower of Babel.

“…In other words, that’s it, Loki.”

After briefly explaining what she was doing to Loki sitting opposite, Freya smiled slightly.

“I don’t have any ill intentions, I just want to satisfy my own hobbies and give that kid a chance to upgrade – so you don’t have to be murderous towards me like this.”


Seeing the slut in front of him pretending to be innocent and pitiful, Loki couldn’t help but curl his lips.

Freya has been like this since the beginning of heaven. No matter what outrageous things she does, as long as she acts cute like this, those stupid male gods who only have pornographic waste in their minds will forget about it one by one, as if they have amnesia. All of them forgive her for what she did.

Only a god like Loki who was not interested in her would remember her misdeeds.


Slapping the table between the two of them hard, Loki opened his eyes slightly and said coldly: “We will not accept your trick. I will tell you one thing, Freya – if our child fails to come back, you Just wait to be sent back to the sky by us!”

Divine power.

When Loki said these words, everyone else in the room – Hedin and Finn – all felt the divine power released from her body.

This was not deliberately released, it was just the divine power that Loki unconsciously released when he was angry.

Seeing such an angry old friend, Freya smiled softly: “You really like those two children… In that case, do you want to come and see them together?”

“Ah? What are you looking at?”

“That child crossed over to the moment of adventure.” Freya said as she unfolded the Mirror of God in her hand. “I promised the guild that on the premise that I will never do anything extraordinary, it will be limited to these two days, one day. The Mirror of God can be used once.”

Yesterday, Freya spent the time watching the battle between Exia and Otta.

And today this time——


The moment the Mirror of God appeared, what was reflected was the scene of Exia blocking Udaios’s heavy blow.

Finn’s expression suddenly changed: “Udaios!?”

“Freya, you… you really want to see Ixia become stronger?” Loki asked coldly, “Let him challenge Udaios alone… This You can’t do this kind of thing.”

“It’s just an attempt. If he still can’t upgrade like this, let him deal with Balor – the more he is in trouble and the more he protects his companions, the more dazzling the light he will release.” Fleur. Ya raised his glass to Alexia in the mirror, “I like his brilliance. I love his brilliance. As long as I can make him shine, I can do anything.”


Loki herself also had the consciousness that she was actually crazy, but compared to a slut like Freya, she still felt that she was doing well.

“Loki, I’m going to—”

“No, Finn, you don’t have to go.”

After calling Finn who was about to leave, Loki moved the chair under his buttocks and looked at the Mirror of God: “Watch here with us.”

Anger is anger, but Loki must also admit that he is looking forward to Exia’s growth. If the battle with Udaios can upgrade him, that will definitely be the best.

(Come on, let’s see if you can defeat Udaios, Ixia… the power in your body should be officially awakened this time, right?)


The distance between Aikesia and Udaios was not long. Under Aikesia’s full speed, the distance between the two people quickly shrunk!

Fifty meters, thirty meters, ten meters——


Accompanied by Exia’s war cry, the broad sword swept out in an instant! With a speed completely inconsistent with his huge size, he quickly slashed at Udaios’s ribs!

Udaios’s weakness is obvious, that is, the magic stone is directly exposed in the field of vision. Cut off all the ribs covering the magic stone, and then give the magic stone a fatal blow – this is Udaios’ strategy. .



Couldn’t cut it off.

Precisely because it protects the vital core, the ribs are extremely hard. Even if every weapon Ota left behind is of high quality, a slash will only expose a crack in the ribs, which is far from enough to cut off. Far!

The giant sword was bounced away by the reaction force, and Alexia was also carried away for a distance. In the short period of time when Alexia’s body was floating in the air –


The earth shattered again, and like a fired bullet, a pitch-black spike suddenly pierced out!


She deflected the spikes with her long sword and adjusted her position to fall to the ground. But the moment Exia landed, a large piece of the ground beneath her suddenly shattered just like before!

“Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!”

The pitch-black spear spikes pierced out from the ground like a forest! The black sword peak rises from the ground as if it is about to pierce Exia into tatters!

These are the bones of Udaios.

Among the monsters, Udaios’ movements are very slow. Because his body is too huge, and there are parts that exist underground, Udaios cannot move very flexibly.

But even with such shortcomings, Udaios is difficult to conquer. Even the Loki Familia may need all the main players to defeat it. The reason is because of the bone spurs that continuously erupt from the ground.

Use bone spurs to block enemy attacks coming from blind corners, or use bone spurs to attack enemies in the front – the infinitely proliferating bone peaks are Udaios’ weapon with both offense and defense!

Moreover, Udaios does not actually have a lower body. If it must be said, its lower body is the entire room itself. The part extending from the Bone Plate will extend to every corner of the room floor, no matter where the enemy is. Launch an attack.

Even if someone wants to leave, the Sword Mountain of Udaios will block the entrance and exit.

The battle among the Bone Kings only ends when the challenger dies.

[Fighting with an army] – This is how the record of Loki Familia came about.

“Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang——!”

The giant sword and the long sword kept blocking the bone spurs. Although the attacks came from all directions, the attack power of each blow was not strong enough to break down Exia’s defense!

However, in the process of constant defense, due to the impact of the spikes and the necessary movement to a certain extent, Exia was unknowingly driven back to Udaios. !

Above his head, Udaios’s hands were ready to go.

(I will give this blow——)

【What are you afraid of? Wouldn’t it be nice to smash it? 】

Experience and rationality made Alexia want to avoid it, but his body’s instinct told him that there was no need to be afraid – he still had some bad habits that could not be changed immediately once he realized it.

Jianshan stopped at some point. After driving Alexia to the designated position, it stopped not far away. The bone hammer that had been charged for a long time fell again!

The pitch-black meteorite quickly magnified in Exiya’s eyes.

This was not a casual blow at the beginning, but a serious blow that had indeed been charged up.

[This is a charged blow. There is no guarantee that it will be received without injury. It is best to avoid it first]

[It’s a joke. Can’t we just crush this thing? 】

Alexia stared at the falling meteorite, rational and instinctive choices fighting each other in her consciousness, and then——


【Crush it, me (Kaslana)】

Instinct triumphs over reason.

The giant sword meets the heavy hammer of bone!

And it was at this moment——


A flash of icy blue filled the entire White Palace!

52. Instinct: Cool!

There is power in Kaslana’s blood.

When he was fighting Ota before, Exia vaguely felt something calling him in his body. At that time, he wanted to reach out and grab the thing, but in the end he failed.

His body reached its limit at that time, and Otta’s final blow also caused his consciousness to sink, and he was unable to grasp the light that was so close at hand.

And now——


That light burst out again in Alexia’s hands, eyes and heart!

This was not the first time he had seen this light.

The first time was seven years ago, when I first came into contact with this light in order to protect my most important sister.

The second time was not long ago, when I had just arrived in this world. In order to prevent myself from falling from the sky and falling to my death, I came into contact with this beam of light again.

This time is the third time.

[This time, don’t use it once and forget about it again. Keep your own power.]

The instinct in the body seemed to be saying this, and driven by the instinct, Exia stretched out her hand and held it. She should have held it seven years ago, but was forgotten by herself and restricted to herself. [Light (Power)] in the body!


In an instant, the extremely cold air swept across the entire floor!

Not just the room, but the entire thirty-seventh floor including the passage where Lefia is located, and even the thirty-eighth floor below! All were ravaged by the strong cold air!

【Kaslana’s Blood】

——Given by Frost

——? ? ? ?

——? ? ? ?

——? ? ? ?

If someone could check Ixia’s sacred text at this time, they would definitely find such a text change.

Control the frost and freeze everything into solid ice.

This is the power of Kaslana’s blood that Ixia should have awakened and mastered seven years ago.


The freezing sound kept ringing. Starting from the contact point between the giant sword and the black bone, a layer of ice spread visibly to the naked eye, and spread to Udaios’s whole body! In just one or two breaths, one-third of the ten-meter-high body was trapped in the crystal blue ice!

Exia waved the giant sword in her hand vigorously——


The blade glowing with icy blue light was not so much about chopping as it was about smashing the frozen bone giant with brute force!

Breathing out a breath of cold air that was filled with ice, Ixia wiped away the frost that almost covered her whole body: “This is… By the way, this is what I used once seven years ago… …”

The power that saved his sister.

Why would I forget it? Why have I been unable to actively use it? Now that she had regained control of it, Alexia belatedly realized that the power in her body seemed to have been locked up by something.

Who put the lock? Why lock it?

(Bishop Otto…)

The figure of his guardian and mentor jumped into his mind. If anyone knew about this matter, he was the only one.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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