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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 300

The unexpected number of times made Jiada completely understand: “The only time you can get completely serious is once. It’s not difficult to understand that you have ideological problems.”

“What’s the meaning?”

“It means you are too [arrogant].” Jiada smiled, “There are three types of things that people can do, [things that can be done], [things that cannot be done], [things that may not be possible] things].”

“For different people, the standards of the three things are different, but for you, I’m afraid all the things so far are within your [can do] category, right?”

“Therefore, you become [arrogant] and think that since you can do everything, you don’t need to take it too seriously and just use the strength to deal with those things. In addition, you are born with That sense of responsibility results in you paying too much attention to your surroundings.”

I am strong and I can do anything, so I have to protect my surroundings and I can handle everything.

Of course Alexia himself would not be aware of his thoughts, but this was indeed the case in his subconscious mind.

“While you have this arrogance, you also have a strong [contempt] for yourself. You think that as long as the things and humans you want to protect are okay, then no matter what kind of treatment you receive, you can accept it. Within the range – that may be a bit exaggerated, but in reality I think it should be about the same.”

“…Is there any problem with this?”

After a moment of silence, Exia asked: “Kaslana is the knight of the people, protecting the people and fighting against disasters. Compared with her own safety, the safety of the entire [world] is more important – isn’t it?”

It doesn’t matter what kind of situation you encounter, even if your life is in danger, as long as the outcome is good, then your situation is not important at all.

“Well, generally speaking, I appreciate your idea. It’s a very noble spirit of chivalry. But you also have to pay attention to a certain degree.”


“For example, last night, why didn’t you resist my behavior to the end? You must be able to do what you said, right? Although the consequence may be that the apartment was destroyed, you considered that it would lead to casualties in the entire apartment, and considered When it came to the consequences of fighting me, he finally chose to compromise with me.”

Jiada licked her lips: “As far as I’m concerned, it’s a good thing that you are so cooperative. Thanks to this, I also have a good taste of you. But isn’t that right? Is it difficult for the people in that apartment? Are Chengdu your parents? Could it be that they are both Bianca Hollandel Ataljina?”

“Why do you want to sacrifice yourself for a group of strangers who you don’t know each other and have no contact with at all? You can exchange a mere 500cc of blood for the safety of an entire building, or even the entire Genkami Island – you think it’s a good deal This approach, in my opinion, is so stupid that it makes people laugh.”

“Are you trying to show yourself to someone who is so [great] and [selfless]? Or are you pretending to be someone?”

No, maybe neither.

Jiada directly penetrated Aixia’s core.

“You are simply a pathetic soul bound by your [last name].”

99. The world can be held in one hand

Are you bound by the surname [Kaslana]?

Jada’s words did not make Alexia feel any offended anger, but instead fell into a period of self-contemplation.

To be honest, he didn’t care about his last name.

He had never felt the convenience that this surname brought to him. When Otto took him to Kaslana’s house, although the people in the clan were polite to him on the surface, they did not really regard him as Kaslana. part of Na.


This surname is dispensable to him. Maybe it would be better to change his surname to Apokalis.

But, he is Kaslana.

He took on Kaslana’s surname, inherited Kaslana’s bloodline, and awakened Kaslana’s power.

He is Kaslana’s strongest masterpiece in thousands of years. He awakened Kaslana’s stigmata when he was only seven years old. Now he is a genius who has awakened the power of Chimera. Kaslana’s current pinnacle and end.

Kaslana’s power has allowed him to reach this point, and he also hopes to be Kaslana…to be a person like his father, to be the man who sacrificed his life to protect the people he loves as recorded in the books. [Kaslana] who gave birth to life.

Alexia doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with this.

After all, his real name also means the same – [Messiah], a name that entrusts the meaning of the savior.

Compared with [the world], my own safety is nothing.

“Do you think you are the real you now?”

Jiada suddenly asked another question.

“Of course I know that your spirit and consciousness have been split in two, and you are not the complete you now, but even so, this half of you is really what [this half of you] really looks like. What?”

“…You want to say, am I not the real me? Have I unconsciously suppressed my original appearance?”

“That’s pretty much what it means. After all, the environment in which you grow up will greatly change a person’s nature. The original you should be much more pleasing to the eye than you are now, and you should at least have some similarities with the other you.”

Even if they are divided into two, Exia and [Exia] are still one person after all. They must have similarities with each other, and they can never be truly completely opposite.

Take [Exia] as an example. The similarity between him and Exia may be the mood of [wanting to protect something].

And the thing he wants to protect is also very simple, that is Alexia, his other half.

What about Alexia? Is there anything about him that is similar to [Exia]?

“The other you is much more [free] than you, he is more [selfish] than you, more full of [desire] than you, and more [self] than you – in this sense, he is very Fit to be a king.”

Jiada released powerful magic power all over her body.

“The most fundamental reason why our three true ancestors will become the de facto rulers of this world is not for any other reason, but the purest power.”

“Strong power gives us the right to realize our own ideas, allows us to be free in this world, and makes us the [kings] of this world. Power is the reason why we are kings.”

“You should also have this awareness. When your strength reaches a certain level, you no longer need to have any unnecessary worries, because what you have to worry about is your opponent, your enemy. They should be afraid of you. Strength, don’t dare to have evil thoughts towards your territory and lover, instead of you fighting against Xiaoxiao personally in order to protect your territory and lover.”

“Don’t mistake the order of everyone’s status in your mind, boy.”

“Give me more selfishness and lust.”

A series of words made Exia fall into deep thought for a long time.

Did he do something wrong?

What he’s been doing…is it wrong?

[You are right, partner]

Ddraig spoke.

[It’s just your way of doing things, it’s no longer suitable for you now]


[Do you still remember what I told you? The more powerful a dragon is, the more pure it is, but conversely it can also be said that the more pure a dragon is, the more powerful it is – whether it is the forbidden hand or a deeper power, if your idea is too complicated, you will not be able to fully grasp it]

[Think about it, partner. What should you do now? What kind of approach should you take as the strongest person in the world?]

[You could have been more free, partner]

Does purity equal strength?

Oneself, can be more free.

(Have you started adjusting?)

Looking at Alexia who was standing silently, Jiada suddenly had this idea.

Exia is now in a very extreme position, whether in a good direction or a bad direction. This too extreme situation can easily lead to collapse.

After the collapse, Exia will neither completely fall into extreme good nor completely fall into extreme bad.

He will only be broken into pieces.

Therefore, he needs to balance, redistribute the parts scattered to the two extremes, and find a position that best suits him.

The deathly silence lasted for several minutes.

And after silence——

“My favorite person is Bianca.”

Alexia suddenly spoke like this.

“She is my childhood sweetheart. She is my favorite and favorite person. I want to dedicate everything up to now and from now on to her, and be with her forever.”

“Then Rita, Bishop Otto and Kiana, then Mei Raiden, Yae Sakura, Miss Aige, Saber, Bronya…”

The only things Alexia mentioned were the friends he met at Tianming Headquarters and the partners he had.

These are the people who matter most to him.

He is the person he most wants to protect.

After that are the people you know in this world.

There is only so much that Alexia wants to protect, there is only so much that he wants to protect from the bottom of his heart, and the rest…

[Not important, right? 】

Another voice seemed to ring in my ears.

[You have actually known for a long time that you do not have that obligation. You can save them if you can. If you cannot save them, treat them all equally and treat them as your own inner regrets. There is no need to create any burden or pressure for this.]

[Your hands are only that long, hold the hand you want to hold, and then hold firmly the only hand you want to hold forever, that’s all.]

[What you hold is your ‘world’]


In a daze, Alexia seemed to hear Bianca calling her name.

And it was at this moment——


It seemed that something was shattered. Ixia clearly heard the sound in her mind, and several feather-like lights drifted faintly in her field of vision.


【partner! 】


Amid Ddraig’s somewhat passionate roar, Exia whispered the activating spell.

【welshdragonbalancebreaker! 】

The ocher-red light shot straight into the sky instantly!

The dragon’s aura rushed out like a flood, and all the shadows of chaos under Ixia poured out!


The crystal-clear dragon wings spread out, and the surging shadows climbed onto Ixia’s body, dyeing his body pitch black, but at the same time, it seemed to be purified, and quickly transformed into a blue-gold color. armor!


Arrived in the true sense of the word.

(Complete… subspecies hand-forbidden transformation.)

Feeling the dragon’s fluctuations coming towards her face, a satisfied smile appeared on Jiada’s face.

But the next moment——


A fist hit her directly in the face!

100. The coming snake

Ddraig once said that the hand-forbidden transformation of Exia’s subspecies is only a half-finished product.

In terms of effect, there is actually little difference between the semi-finished product and the finished product. The only key lies in Ixia’s thoughts.

His thoughts were not strong enough to change the world.

But now, his [world] has changed.

By redefining the world, the world that originally spread to perhaps infinite size was infinitely shrunk, and was ultimately limited to the extent that Exia’s hands could reach.

In this way, Exia achieved [world change] through another method.

And the result is——


With a heavy muffled sound, the surrounding ice was torn apart by the escaping fist wind! The ocean in front is like Moses parting the sea in the myth, and it is obvious that a [canyon] with a depth of 100 meters has been blasted out!

A blow that changes the world!

As the direct recipient of this blow, Jiada’s body did not waver in any way. She stood straight on the spot and watched as the fist on her face was retracted before she looked at Ixia.

“It’s much more pleasing to the eye now.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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