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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 301

It’s not that Alexia’s appearance has changed, but it’s a kind of [aura].

Just like the aura that comes naturally from people who have been in high positions all year round, there is a strong aura lingering all over Ixia’s body now.

Jiada didn’t know how to describe this momentum, but…if she had to say it, it was like a man who finally straightened his back.

“It seems that I don’t need to say more. Don’t you know how to make changes?”

“Maybe, but I never realized it.” Ixia retracted her fist, “Let me thank you for now, Jiada, I seem to be more awake now.”

“You’re welcome, just let me—”

“Then it’s time for me to settle accounts with you.”

Alexia moved her hands and feet: “First of all, what annoys me the most is what you did to me last night – it’s really a shame that you could do it. Although it may be the level of drinking a glass of wine for you, but I But I wanted to give Bianca my first blood-sucking experience.”

“How about you tell me how you should compensate me?”


It was indeed a good thing that a change had occurred, but this change in Alexia… Jia Da had forgotten about it.

“In addition, there is also the matter of the Feast of Flames. Because of your intervention, I was originally able to deal with the Fourth True Ancestor in the old southeast region, but in the end, you caused such a big scene for me, and finally ended up with me. The other one made me look like that and caused me so much trouble.”

“And yesterday afternoon, did you enjoy teasing me with all kinds of threats?”


Not sure if it was an illusion, Jia Da felt that there seemed to be some black energy like a vengeful spirit appearing behind Alexia.

(Is this… an explosion?)

So far, in the face of the things she has suffered, Ixia has tried her best to understand and accept them, or endure them.

But it’s better to block it than to open it up. The negative emotions he accumulated have not actually been vented in any way, and now –


After giving away the joints on his fists, Exia looked at Jia Da with a non-smiling smile: “At this point, I won’t say that I will be sucked back. As expected, I still have to suck blood for my first time.” Bianca.”

“But I am indeed very angry, so… prepare me to die hundreds of times in the future, Jiada. The anger aroused by you will not stop until I put out the flames.” will let you go.”


murderous look!

Incomparably pure murderous intent!

Jiada’s expression suddenly changed: “——[xolotl (Xolotl)]!”

“Go to hell!”

The moment before the voice fell, Exia’s heavy punch had struck again!

The skeletal giant, which could even cut down and devour space, was blown to pieces by this punch!


The sound brought by the fist was late until the next moment.


“Is this the result you want to see?”

field of consciousness.

Rarely appearing here, Shajo Aige looked at [Exia] sitting on the throne under the dense canopy of trees.

“The shackles imposed on the prince’s mind have completely disappeared. Be it Yu Duchen’s seal, the influence of the power of the stigmata and the Chimera, even the so-called Taixu Sword Heart has collapsed.”

“For you, is this the result you want? [Messiah]”

“Yeah, we have to make him realize the bloody reality.” [Exia] smiled, “He wants to save all the people who deserve to be saved, but he even wants to save the few people he loves to death. He Wants equality, but he himself has made an unquiet decision.”

The reality is inherently unequal.

“Smash his ideals to pieces and let his ideals take root in reality, so that he can better realize his ideals – look at this tree, witch, it has become more and more dense, and One day it will be so dense that it will cover the entire sky.”

[Exia] looked up at the tree crown above her head.

Shatiao Aige sighed slightly: “Unrealistic ideals are just fantasies. Utopias can only become ideal when they take root on the earth and are nourished by reality and the world.”

“It really reminded me of some things in my world, even though I only saw them accidentally.”

“So, what do you think about this change of the prince? Kevin Kaslana.”

Moving his eyes to another person standing under the tree of fantasy, Sajo Aige asked: “The prince is still Kaslana, but he is no longer your shadow. This is you and the person behind you.” What do you want to see?”

“I do not deny.”

Kevin Kaslana said coldly.

“I never had any intention of affecting his spirit. Shenyin, Yu Duchen, St. Mark… there were too many factors that affected his growth, distorting his original self. But now that he has recovered, he is no longer affected by Limited to the wreckage of the past.”

“I think even [he] should feel a little gratified that such a promising successor has emerged in this era.”

“When I return to that world, I think there will be people coming there.”


Shatiao Aige frowned: “Which way?”

“The [Snake] lurks in the history of mankind and advances with the history of current civilization. An organization founded by the remnants of the previous civilization to fight against the collapse – [The World Serpent].”

101.Who is Nangong Nayue?

Lan Yu Qianqing felt that her relationship with Alexia had changed a little.

Originally, she thought that after her confession, maybe the two of them would become closer, so she endured her shyness and went to his house to wake him up every day. Even though Sajo Aika and Kosaka Sayaka were causing trouble every day, She probably should be able to capture Exia bit by bit.

But now…


Finally, he hit the Enter key to send all the information. Lan Yu Qiancong lay on his back on the portable bed: “Obviously it was me who called him, why should I help him check the information in turn! I am his Search engine?”

[Hehehe~~~ But Miss, are you actually very happy? Can come in handy for him like this]

“Well…that’s true.”

Lan Yu Qian Cong turned over.

“But why is Exia suddenly interested in the prison barrier and the old events from ten years ago?”

Whether it’s an urban legend like the prison barrier or a secret file that was closed ten years ago like the Dark Oath incident, it’s probably not something that Exia would be interested in.

It’s not necessarily that he has something to do with these two, right?

“But in any case, it should be enough to give him all the records about the prison barrier and the Dark Oath incident in the Genkami Island database, right?”


An uninhabited island in the Pacific.


Following the fall of a thunderbolt, a large amount of seawater was evaporated into water vapor and rose, and then turned into water mist and poured down. The astonishing explosion sound shook the atmosphere, and the shock wave spread shook the ground.

More than 90% of the island disappeared on the spot.

And on the only remaining remains of the island.


Staggering and kneeling on the ground, the clothes on her body were in many torn places, and her whole body was a little disgraceful. The embarrassed Jiada wiped the corners of her mouth with the blood all over her body.

Opposite it, there is a [strait] about three or four meters apart——


As if teleporting, Exia, carrying ice crystal dragon wings, appeared in front of her with a thunderbolt in hand, floating on her toes above the remains of the island, looking at Jiada with a slightly strange look in her eyes.

“You really can’t be beaten to death. What is your body made of?”

Ten minutes have passed since the two started fighting.

In these ten minutes, Ixia has killed Jiada twenty-eight times, chopped off her head, pierced and shattered her heart, froze her body to pieces, struck her to death with thunder and burned her… .Basically, Jada has experienced every method that Exia can use.

But she couldn’t die at all.


“It’s different from the regeneration of a vampire.” Alexia frowned and said, “Rather than saying that you are immortal and your body is regenerating, it is better to say that you are [filling], which is somewhat similar to hematopoiesis.”

“…Thank you for seeing it. Has your eyesight improved after you stopped restraining yourself?”

Jia Da didn’t care that her clothes were in tatters. If she stood up completely, Ixia would see her naked. She stood up generously and said with a smile: “Leave aside the vampires from the second generation, we as The three True Ancestors of the Root are slightly different in terms of rebirth. The same goes for you, the Fourth True Ancestor.”


The thunder in his hand turned into countless arrows.

Aixia drew her bow and nocked an arrow, and the whirlpool of lightning suddenly dug away Jiada’s arm. But not long after, the lost arm seemed to go back in time, and a brand new arm grew back from the section.

Jiada shook the newborn’s arm: “How many times have I changed my arm today? I died nearly thirty times in one day, and this is the first time since I became the true ancestor.”

“I can add another zero for you, but I’ll probably die of boredom.”

“You’re the one who vowed to kill me hundreds of times. Don’t let me go soft before I’m satisfied, okay?”


The bow and arrow turned into a cannon barrel, and Exia fired a super electromagnetic cannon at Jada’s head!


The next moment Jiada jumped away to avoid it, the electromagnetic gun fired in the distance directly evaporated part of the sea. It was like a piece of cake had been dug out of the complete sea level, leaving a gap where seawater was constantly pouring in. .

“Don’t hide.”

“In your words – it hurts.” Jiada smiled, “Besides, wouldn’t it be nice if you could shoot more accurately? Just like before.”


Along with the roar that shook the sea area, the place where Jiada was was changed without warning and became an ice sheet. Under the ice sheet, the dragon’s head, which was frozen by the sea water, suddenly broke through the ice! Devour Jia Da directly in one gulp!

Twenty-nine times.

Alexia sighed slightly: “After killing so many times, the anger has almost subsided… If we continue to fight, there will be problems with the climate of this planet, right?”

“Absolutely. It is estimated that in the next few months, there will be quite frequent storms in the sea area around here.” Shajo Aige appeared and smiled, “In addition, the prince’s thunder and ice were also destroyed just now. The marine ecological environment in the surrounding sea area is estimated to have suffered heavy fish casualties.”

It is equivalent to a natural disaster.

This is Exia, who has completely transformed into a hand-forbidden sub-species. Every blow he makes is equivalent to a natural disaster.

“Compared to this, Prince, I received a message from Miss Asakon.”

“Eh? But my phone didn’t ring…”

Alexia touched her pants and found that her mobile phone had long been turned into a pile of rags.

“Under the aftermath of your power, ordinary mobile phones have been scrapped long ago. I intercepted Miss Qianqiong’s message using magic. The content is related to the prison barrier and the secret oath incident.”

Prison enchantment, secret oath incident.

Jiada mentioned two key things about Nangong Nayue’s true face.

Alexia looked at the dragon’s head not far away, raised her hand and snapped her fingers——


The dragon’s head, which was tens of meters high, shattered.

Jiada, who was completely naked, landed on the ice. She raised her hand to cover her chest a little shyly: “Huh? Has your anger subsided, Alexia?”

“I can’t kill you anyway. Even if I continue to kill you like this, it’s just a waste of time.”

“Hahaha, haven’t you ever thought of using that shadow on your body to devour me? Just like you devour the Fourth True Ancestor.”


Alexia touched the blue-gold ice crystal dragon armor on her body, and then raised a middle finger to Jia Da: “I have no interest in eating an elderly grandmother again, she will vomit. Besides, I always think you might What purpose will you achieve while I devour you? I don’t want to be bitten by you again.”

“…My intuition is good. Sure enough, you satisfy me more now than before, and I like you more and more – can you give me a coat? I don’t want to go back naked like this. “

Jiada still needs some self-esteem.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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