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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 302

“Go into that space vortex and go back to my house to find a robe. Then tell me about the prison barrier and the secret oath in detail.” Ixia returned to the topic, “You must know more. Tell me the inside story, everything.”

“——Who exactly is Teacher Yue?”

102.The gatekeeper of the prison boundary

When it comes to the strongest [human being] in the world, Nangong Nayue is undoubtedly one who can be included in the candidate list.

Known as the “Gap Witch”, she is quite famous not only in Japan, but also in Europe. She is a demon killer who has defeated and arrested many demon criminals and made countless criminals afraid of her.

Even though Jiada’s main area of ​​activity is Central America, she has heard of Nangong Nayue’s name countless times.

“Then do you know the reason why Nangong Nayue is so powerful? Ixia.”

In a cafe on a certain street in Genkami Island.

Jiada had already changed into Alexia’s casual clothes and sat with Alexia near the air conditioner. Jiada asked while eating chiffon cake.

“Is it because she can use space control magic at will?”

Among many magics, space control magic is the highest-level magic system. There are only a few people in the world who can use it freely, and the highest-level magicians can only transfer space to fixed points at most. If Nangong wants to For someone like Yue who can use it anytime and anywhere with just a thought…it’s hard to say if there is even one hand in the world.

In Xia Xia’s opinion, this is the reason why Nangong Nayue is a candidate for the strongest human being.

“Then do you know why she can use space control magic so casually?”

Jiada continued to ask.

This stopped Aixia and asked: “…She is very talented in this area?”

“Haha, in terms of talent, she does have it. After all, she has already become famous among the younger generation at about the same age as you. But her level cannot be reached by talent alone. It is not even considered human. The power of the field.”

Not a force in the human realm?

(It’s the price, Prince.)

Shatiao Aige prompted.

(In order to become the strongest witch, Yue-chan probably paid a price, right?)


“Oh? Did the witch in you give you a hint?” Jiada smiled, “As far as the facts I know are pretty much the same, Nangong Nayue paid a certain price when he was sixteen years old, and then… The exchanged power became the Void Witch.”

“So the next two questions – what price did she pay? Why did she pay the price?”

“The answer lies in the information you got from your local lover.”

I already told you that I am not a local lover.

Alexia was too lazy to argue with Garda and let Sajo Aige input the information she intercepted into his mind.

The first is the secret oath incident.

That was a magic attack on Genkami Island about ten years ago. The attacker was the magic criminal group [lco].

The full name is [library of criminal organization], commonly known as [library].

It is a world-famous huge criminal organization, consisting only of high-level magisters and witches, with thousands of people. It is named after possessing many magic books. The content of the activity is to collect magic books from all over the world, classify them, seal them, and lend the books to the selected people.

Not to develop magic, nor to protect the peace of the world, but only to satisfy their own desires – to put it simply, it is such an organization.

Ten years ago, the one who attacked Genkami Island was a member of this organization named [Secretary Witch]. She tried to use a magic book called [Dark Oath] on Genkami Island for her own purpose. Book.

Regarding the more detailed content, there was no record in the message sent by Lan Yu Qiancong, and it was only stated later that the person who finally defeated the secretary witch was the sixteen-year-old Nangong Nayue and was imprisoned in prison. Enchantment.

“Teacher Nayue… locked the secretary witch in the prison barrier?”

Noticing this last line of words, Alexia couldn’t help but frown.

Then the content about the prison boundary was revealed.

Those contents are no different from the urban legends that Exia knows, but because they are official information from Genkami Island and recorded in the official database, they are more trustworthy.

But since it will be recorded, it means that the prison boundary is by no means a simple urban legend, but an actual place.

[……. All matters related to the prison boundary will be left to Nangong Nayue…]

Suddenly, in a certain piece of information about prison boundaries, Exia passed by such a sentence.

Give Nangong Nayue the responsibility?

Alexia’s brows twitched a few times, and she pulled her consciousness away from the information and returned to reality: “Jia Da… Teacher Nayue is the person in charge of the prison barrier?”

“You can even know this. It seems that the little girl has given you a lot of information.” Jiada propped up her chin with her hands, “We are already very close to the truth, why not continue to speculate?”

“Then Teacher Yue became a witch because of the prison barrier, and the price she paid was to be responsible for the prison barrier?”

“Ninety percent of it is correct. But the second half is not quite right.”

Jada pointed out Alexia’s mistake.

“You can now confirm that the prison barrier is an actual place. But in fact, even if you turn Kamishima upside down, you will never be able to find where the prison barrier is. After all, it is used to guard evil The prison for the ultimate magical criminals is naturally as secretive as possible.”

“But there is no airtight wall in the world. No matter how well you hide it, as long as you are still in the real world, you will definitely be found. It is just a matter of time. In this case, let the prison barrier [not exist] alright.”

To make something that actually exists cease to exist.

Is such a thing possible?

After all, how can we prevent something that already exists from existing in the real world?

“The world is made up of two parts. Matter and consciousness. The two make up the world – this is a theory proposed by a certain scholar.” Jiada explained, “It is said that it does not exist, but it just does not exist in [reality] ]. To give an example, that is [the book does not exist in school], but [the book exists at home].”

It was said so clearly that Exia still didn’t know.

The prison barrier is a prison located in the [consciousness field], and the owner of the [consciousness field] it is in is [Nangong Nayue].

“Nangong Nayue is the sacrifice chosen by Xian Shen Island.”

“In order to guard the prison barrier, he signed a contract with the devil and gained power over humans. At the same time, Nangong paid the price of becoming the gatekeeper of the prison barrier that month.”

“Alone, I will keep sealing that huge prison until I die.”

“The prison barrier is the [curse] imposed on Nangong Nayue’s [dream].”

This is the true face of Nangong Nayue.

103. Everything I do has meaning

Jiada told everything she knew about Nangong Nayue.

That’s all she knows.

After listening to her story, Alexia just pondered for a moment and then asked a question: “Wait, in this case, what happened to Teacher Nayue who appeared in front of me?”

Not to mention the division of consciousness, human consciousness can only exist in one place at a time.

When awake, consciousness exists in the real world.

When not awake, consciousness exists in the realm of consciousness.

Since there is a prison in Nangong Nayue’s dream, and it needs to be guarded all the time, then she should be sleeping all the time, but judging from Aixia’s experience, Nangong Nayue is not there all day long. Sleeping.

“Huh? Didn’t you realize it? I thought the witch in you had already noticed it.”

Jiada was a little surprised.

“The body that the Void Witch uses to move is a [phantom] created by her magic.”


Shajo Aige immediately retorted.

When not awake, consciousness exists in the realm of consciousness.

Since there is a prison in Nangong Nayue’s dream, and it needs to be guarded all the time, then she should be sleeping all the time, but judging from Aixia’s experience, Nangong Nayue is not there all day long. Sleeping.

“Huh? Didn’t you realize it? I thought the witch in you had already noticed it.”

Jiada was a little surprised.

“The body that the Void Witch uses to move is a [phantom] created by her magic.”


Shajo Aige immediately retorted.

(So ​​Yue-chan is a phantom? How is this possible? If she was a phantom, I should have been able to tell it right away!)

In the field of magic, Shajo Aige is the most powerful and invincible.

There is no magic that she cannot see through, and there is no mystery that she cannot understand. As long as it is shown to her once, she can reproduce any kind of magic. The magic power from the Great Holy Grail and her knowledge of magic allow her to do so. Almighty foundation.

However, she completely failed to see that Nangong Nayue was just a phantom.

Because in the eyes of Shajo Aige, that Nangong Nayue is basically a [human being] who actually exists and is real!

“Teacher Yue’s magic…can even deceive Miss Aige?”

Alexia, who had always believed in Shajo Aige’s authority in magic, now also felt a sense of surprise.

“This also proves that the Witch of the Void has really worked hard on that phantom, right? After all, judging from the records, she was active outside as a phantom at least ten years ago.” Jiada praised, “For a mere person Phantom has spent ten years of hard work, and it can be said to be another [Nangong Nayue] in the world.”

“This is something even our true ancestors can’t do.”

This [us] also includes Exia.

Putting the last piece of chiffon cake into her mouth, Jiada wiped the residue from the corner of her mouth: “So, what are you going to do next? Alexia.”

“For you, Nangong Nayue is a relatively important person, right? What do you think after knowing her true identity?”

Any thoughts?

Alexia leaned on the sofa and began to think.

Nangong Nayue was the first person he met after coming to this world, and she was also the person he interacted with the most in this world. If the span of time equals the thickness of emotion, then Nangong Nayue is the person in the world who has the deepest and most complicated relationship with Alexia.

She used to be Ixia’s monitor, and now she is Ixia’s teacher. She is Ixia’s senior at work. She can also be said to be her partner who often helps Axia. In private, she can also be said to be her partner. friend.

When a thing is given multiple names, the meaning it represents is the cumulative meaning of all the names.

Multiply the span of time by the number of names, and the result is an increase in emotional depth several times.

“A little… offended?”

Alexia expressed her inner thoughts.

Ten years, at least ten years.

Let a sixteen-year-old girl have been sleeping in prison since that time, serving as a lonely gatekeeper – Ixia didn’t know whether this was Nangong Nayue’s own wish, but from his perspective , he felt that this was too unreasonable.

“Are you dissatisfied?”

“How many.”

“Then what are you going to do?” Jiada asked, “Have you removed the prison barrier?”

“Can’t say it’s a bad idea.”

This is something that Exia would never say until recently.

If it were the previous Exia, he would definitely have considered all the circumstances, believed that the prison barrier had its own significance, understood the difficulties of Xian Kami Island and Nangong Na Yue, and ignored them.

Of course he thinks so now.

But the biggest difference between him now and before is that——

“In the final analysis, what is the purpose of the prison barrier? Since they are a group of criminals who are too vicious to be imprisoned by normal means, wouldn’t it be better to simply execute them all? Why should they be imprisoned?”

Alexia asked.

“Perhaps it’s because they can’t be killed. There are many immortal monsters like vampires among criminals, and based on the Sanctuary Treaty, the laws of any country have removed the death penalty as much as possible and replaced it with indefinite detention.” Jiada An explanation was given, “After all, according to the law, there are many people in the world who are sentenced to death.”

For example, vampires.

No matter how you think about vampires who have lived for hundreds of years, it is impossible for everyone to be a law-abiding citizen. Their ethics are very different from humans. According to human laws, the possibility of being sentenced to death is not impossible.

But imposing the death penalty on a vampire is not a simple matter. If the vampire refuses to accept the death penalty and directly releases the beasts to cause trouble, it will not be good. There is also the possibility of escaping from the prison before execution.

Therefore, they can only be detained until the prison boundary.

“That means…as long as all those vicious criminals can be eliminated, the prison barrier will have no meaning, right?”



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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