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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 303

Jiada smiled slightly: “Looking at your expression, it seems that you want to do something interesting?”

“It’s not something interesting, it’s just… I want to do what I want to do now.”

Alexia chuckled.

“Ha~~~Are you starting to prepare for an affair?”

“Well, it’s just a personal relationship.”

Willfulness, selfishness, freedom, desire – what Ixia has to do now is to release these things that she once controlled rationally, bit by bit.

You don’t need a lot, just a portion is enough for now.

There is no need to care about the opinions of the outside world, no need to care about the evaluation of others, just turn what you think into practical actions.


“Everything I do has meaning.”

Alexia once again understood what Otto had taught her.

“So, can you tell me where the prison barrier is? Jiada, you know, right?”

“No, I don’t know. You can find it yourself.”


104. A space that has been affected twice

At sunset.

Alexia’s house.

Although he was with Jiada when he went out, now when he came back, Exia was alone.

After all, what happened last night, even if Ixia had beaten Jiada to death in the morning and killed her twenty-nine times, I still hate her. It doesn’t matter if I talk to her about serious things, but I have to Just keep staying in one place.

So after coming out of the cafe, Aixia dumped her forcefully.

“But what should we do now?”

Taking out the can of coffee from the refrigerator, Alexia thought as she leaned against the stove.

“If you don’t know the specific location of the prison barrier, then you won’t be able to see Teacher Nayue at all, right? Miss Aige, do you have any ideas?”

“That’s right… If we can interfere with the space of Quangen Kamijima, maybe we can find it.” Sajo Aige showed up and said, “Although the prison barrier is Nazuki-chan’s dream, It is located in the field of consciousness, but it must have originally existed in the real world, otherwise there would be no way to carry out conceptual space transfer.”

In other words, the prison barrier does indeed exist somewhere on Genkami Island, but it is hidden through quite sophisticated magic means.

In this case, it can definitely be found by performing spatial interference on the Quanxian Island – similar to radar scanning.

“Then can we do it?”

“Of course. I will try to prevent space magic from having too much impact on Genkami Island.”

Shajo Aige’s words of affirmation made Alexia nod: “Well, I’ll leave the matter of finding the prison barrier to you, Miss Aige.”

“Put it on me… Having said that, it’s really different.”

After confidently agreeing, Shajo Aige couldn’t help but sigh: “The princes in the past would definitely not allow me to do this kind of thing. You cherish this String God Island very much, and you have carried out the inspection of the entire island.” You will definitely not accept space interference, even if it is only the minimum space interference.”

“Because you will control the impact to a minimum, right?” Alexia smiled, “Then that’s no problem. I believe in Miss Ai Ge’s ability.”

“Your Majesty Prince…”

Shajo Aige couldn’t help but blush slightly: “Okay! Since the prince trusts me so much, then without further ado, I will start the relevant magic rituals now!”


“Don’t you need to make any preparations?”

“Well, no need. With my magic ability and the assistance of the Great Holy Grail, all preparations for the ceremony can be omitted.”


As he said this, a magic circle of space control magic appeared at the feet of Sajo Aige. Purple light was released from the magic circle itself, and an invisible ripple spread out in all directions with Sajo Aige as the center. Come on.

Alexia keenly felt that the surrounding space reacted like water blown by the wind.



The ceremony only lasted for a moment. As if Shajo Aige had discovered something strange, she suddenly ended the magic ceremony and looked at the door with a puzzled expression.

“This feeling is…”

“What’s wrong? Miss Aige.”

“Space… seems to be in a state of interference.”


Alexia was stunned.

Shajo Aige pointed at the space the two of them were in: “I can feel some traces of influence from the space itself. Although it is not enough to have a big impact on the space, it is indeed left by humans. . It’s like someone wanted to do something to space, but failed because of lack of ability.”

“And, if my guess is correct, what that person wants to do should be the same as what we want to do.”

That is, scanning the space itself.

But who would do such a thing?

Alexia subconsciously fell into thinking: “…will there be any consequences if I continue to use magic?”

“I think there should be some distortions in the surrounding space. For example, it is clear that the door to the bedroom is opened, but after opening it, it leads to the street. In addition, please allow me to remind you, Mr. Prince, it is only for us. Room, space distortion has occurred.”


“Because the space itself has been interfered with, I made further interference without knowing this. Although it stopped in time, the fluctuations that spread out have caused changes in the surrounding space. Fortunately, it was affected The scope is limited to our home, so there is no need to worry about changes in other places.”

Shajo Aige apologized as she spoke: “I’m sorry, Mr. Prince, it was my negligence. I will restore the space as soon as possible. Before that, please do not walk through places with the concept of [entrance and exit] at will. .”

Does that mean you can’t leave the living room?

“Can I use the Great Holy Grail to make a wish and restore space?”

“My suggestion is not to do it, Prince-sama.” Shajo Aige shook his head, “The space itself is in an unstable and chaotic state. If the magic power of the Great Holy Grail is used at this time, it may cause the current situation. further deterioration.”

You can’t use firewood to put out a raging fire, right?

Hearing what Shajo Aige said, Alexia could only put away her thoughts: “Okay, I’ll leave it to you. How long will it take?”

“I think it will take about thirty minutes. The repair is more difficult than the impact. Please bear with me during this period.”

“Does that mean we can only watch TV?”

Alexia picked up the remote control placed on the coffee table and turned on the TV.

And at this moment——


There was a sound of opening the door from the entrance not far away.

Before Ixia could look over, a weak voice came over.

“Um… I’m sorry, is this Miss Kosaka’s house? I am Haise who was introduced by Teacher Nangong to live temporarily…”


Looking at the door with a somewhat surprised look, what caught Exiya’s view was a blue-eyed girl wearing a Saikai Academy uniform and with hair as white as snow. She had a very similar face to La Folia. , but the whole thing is more holy and gentle.

“Natsune Haze?”

Alexia said the name of the person who came.

And then——

“Xia Yin, you went to the wrong place. That’s Mian’s – eh? Mian, are you at home?”

Another familiar voice came, and then La Folia appeared behind Haise Xia Yin. Also appearing with him was the artificial life form Astarte, who had met Exia several times before.

A slightly strange combination walked into the entrance of Exia’s house.

(Why are the three of them here?)

This is what Aixia was thinking at this moment.

105. Nangong Nayue’s whereabouts are unknown

More than a month has passed since the angel incident that Ixia experienced.

And that was actually the time when La Folia came to String God Island. In the past month, she had actually stayed on String God Island and showed no signs of returning to the Kingdom of Aldykia. But there were no more meetings with Exia except for one formal occasion.

Alexia thought she had left without saying a word, but she didn’t expect that she would appear at her doorstep with Hase Natsune and Astaludi.

Also, listening to the conversation between Hase Natsune and La Flora just now, it seems that the three of them are still here to see Kyousaka Sayaka?

“What Koisaka says is next door.”

Although it was unclear why the three of them were here, Exia kindly pointed to the wall not far away.

La Fulia smiled slightly: “Xia Yin, did you hear that? You go there with Astaludi first, and I will say a few words to your Majesty and then go help you pack your things.”

“Okay, okay. Sorry to bother you.”

After timidly nodding and apologizing to Alexia, Hazase Natsune, who was holding a large bag in her hand, followed the expressionless Astaludi to the house of Sayaka Kyosaka next door.

And La Folia walked into the room and came to Aikexia. She put her hands on her chest and bent down towards Axia: “I haven’t seen you for a month. It’s really strange that I came to visit you all of a sudden without applying to you.” I am extremely sorry, Your Majesty.”

“It’s not a big deal. Just sit down first.”

Alexia motioned for her to sit down: “I thought you had left a long time ago. A royal daughter will stay on Xiangami Island for a month… Is everything okay over there in the Kingdom of Aldykia?”

“I’m sorry for your concern, but I’ve already taken care of things in the kingdom. Having said that, I have to go back anyway after the festival in the Bolong Temple. My father and mother are very worried about me.” La· Freya explained.

“…Then the month you stayed here was all used to take care of Haise Xia Yin?”

“Absolutely. Except for the interviews with Xian Shen Island and Aldiya Lu Gong, I almost always stay with Xia Yin. After all, she doesn’t have any relatives other than me on Xian Shen Island now. She can only It’s up to me to take care of her—Miss Nangong, the nominal guardian, can’t always focus on her.”

After the incident a month ago, regarding the handling of the “survived” Haise Natsuki, it was finally deemed that she “did not bear the main responsibility”, just like Astarte’s time, and was handed over to Nangong Nazuki for a three-year period. years of supervised learning.

Essentially the same as not guilty.

“For the past month, Xia Yin has been staying at Miss Nangong’s house, and I have been visiting when I have time.”

“I thought you would take her directly back to the Kingdom of Aldykia.”

Although she is the illegitimate daughter of the previous king and does not have any inheritance rights, she is still of royal blood. One of the reasons why La Folia came to Gengami Island is to find her, and considering all aspects, let It is not a good thing for a royal family to live abroad for a long time. It will be troublesome if someone with ulterior motives targets them. It is better to take them back to be on the safe side.

La Folia smiled bitterly: “I did think so originally, but Xia Yin was not willing. Think about it, Xia Yin has lived on Xian Shen Island for a long time, and suddenly she was asked to come with me. Living in a foreign country must have a lot of inconveniences. So after discussing with Xia Yin and my parents, I finally decided to respect Xia Yin’s opinion, but in order to ensure Xia Yin’s safety, there will be a team of knights from the Kingdom of Aldykia in the future. Settled in Xian Shen Island and secretly protect Xia Yin.”

“Let a foreign armed force be permanently stationed on Genkami Island?” Exia frowned, “I don’t think the purpose is simply to protect Hain Haise? A nail driven in by the Kingdom of Aldykia What?”

“We have absolutely no intention of doing so, Your Majesty.”

La Fulia lowered her head and explained sincerely: “The Kingdom of Aldykia has no intention of infringing on the territory of the Crown. Although it is a nail, its fundamental purpose is to protect Xia Yin. At most, it is used as a window. Let us provide some assistance to Xia Yin and understand Xia Yin’s current situation.”

“I have no intention of offending Your Majesty.”

“…Okay, I just mentioned it casually, so you don’t need to be too nervous.” Exia waved her hand, “And to be honest, if the target is you, I don’t believe you have the guts to mess up. Come.”



Exia’s performance made La Folia keenly feel something unusual – he didn’t actually refute the fact that “Xingkami Island is his territory” contained in his words? And compared to a month ago, Alexia seems to be more confident and confident now.

(What happened?)

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing La Folia’s sudden silence, Alexia couldn’t help but ask: “Is there something on my face?”

“No… I just feel that there seems to be some changes in my majesty.”

“Well, um… my mentality and spirit have been touched and changed a little in the past two days. Can you tell?”

La Folia smiled and nodded: “I think anyone who is familiar with Your Majesty can probably tell that you are more energetic now than I was before, to a certain extent. [Self-centered] temperament.”

(Have I changed that much?)

(Yes, Prince, although there are not many, there are indeed some. Remember to continue to maintain this change)


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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