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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 304

“…Let’s get back to the topic. What’s the reason why you brought Hase Natsune and Astaludi here this time?”

“It’s because of Miss Nangong’s request.” La Fulia said, “Since noon today, Miss Nangong seems to have lost contact, and Miss Astaludi and I both received her request yesterday. He said [if I can’t get in touch for the time being, then I’ll take Hayase Xia Yin to the little girl next door to Xike Xia’s house].”

(Teacher Yue has been unreachable since noon?)

Alexia frowned, took out the new mobile phone she had just replaced today, and dialed Nangong’s phone number that month in her memory.


No response.

Putting down the phone, Alexia held her chin and began to think: “I remember Teacher Nayue said that she was going on a business trip in the past two days to deal with a magic crime abroad.”

There is nothing wrong with this in itself.

But now Alexia already knows the existence of the prison barrier and also knows the true face of Nangong Nayue.

So, is the so-called [business trip] really just a [business trip]?

Could it be that something happened to the prison barrier that made her unable to maintain the illusion of the real world?

“Teacher Nayue…”

Alexia frowned even more tightly.

And at this moment——

[Hey, little brother, are you free? 】

A doll-like artificial intelligence suddenly appeared on the screen of Alexia’s mobile phone.

“Moguwai? What’s wrong?”

[There is a rather urgent matter that I need to borrow your power for – Genkami Island encountered an invasion by two witches belonging to LCO, and the SAR police force could not resist it]

[Can I ask you to save the day? 】

106. Attack the street at the speed of light


In order to facilitate management, this group with as many as a thousand members has several [departments] internally, each with different names.

Philosophy, sociology, science, art… Based on the fields they are good at and interested in, members of the library unite with peers who have the same interests as themselves to form organizations within the library.

Most of the members of the first echelon [Philosophy] are good at interfering with the law of cause and effect and interfering with existing phenomena.

For example, [Sisters Maya].

Also known as [The Witch of Ashdown].

This title is shared by [Crimson Witch] and [Dark Witch]. In the past, Ashdown, within the territory of the North Sea Empire, boldly held a dangerous magic ritual, which resulted in a huge disaster and caused an entire state and county to disappear on the map. He was a vicious demon guide whose reputation was known all over the world. Criminal combination.

And because these two are witches who gave their souls to the devil, signed a contract with the devil, and have powers that far exceed those of humans, even after decades, these two are still doing whatever they want in the world. There is simply no country that can capture him—or has the determination to capture him.

After all, the only people who can fight against witches are the same witches, or superior demons, or even vampires from the old era.

Ordinary countries cannot produce this kind of combat power, and countries that can produce this kind of combat power will pay a considerable price even if they can capture the Meiya sisters.

In exchange for a contract between a witch and a demon, not only do they receive magical power that surpasses humans, but they are also given a [Guardian] to protect them. As long as the witches adhere to the terms of the contract, the Guardian will be the strongest weapon in the witch’s hand. , even vampires from the old era would have a hard time facing the guardians.

In view of this, the Meiya sisters have always been at large. Ten years ago, they even came to Xiankami Island to cause a scene, causing huge damage to Xiankami Island.

but now–

“Get down here!”

With a scolding, two female figures suddenly fell from the sky and slammed into the artificial land outside the coastal road.

A woman dressed in red that reminds me of a dancer in the desert—the Crimson Witch.

Wearing a jet black cloak and wearing a tight-fitting black motorcycle gelcoat, there is a long-haired woman under the ground – the Dark Witch.

The two witch sisters who were here until a minute ago trying to forcefully land on Genkami Island, using their powerful guardians and magic power to ravage the Genkami Island Special Zone Guard and causing headaches to the whole world, now seem to have lost their breath. When he was smashed into the artificial earth, he fainted due to the severe impact and pain.

And in heaven.

Flapping the increasingly crystal clear and delicate ice dragon wings, Exia landed and waved casually at the air not far away –


The Maya sisters’ guardians – countless invisible tentacles that looked like Kraken – were frozen on the spot, and then shattered into countless ice fragments, flying all over the sky.

not far away.

The SAR police who had kept a safe distance early in order not to cause trouble to Exia looked at this scene and couldn’t help but exclaimed in surprise while feeling accustomed to it.

The world’s first-class magical criminal was actually so vulnerable in front of Exia.

“As expected of Your Majesty.”

La Folia jumped down from the top of a half-collapsed building, holding a curse gun in her hand and put away the weapon with a smile: “Compared with the previous days, you have to be cleaner today when you do it. It is neat and free, as if it has lost some restraint, which is really pleasing to the eye.”

“There’s no need for compliments – the security team over there, come over and take the people.”


The team leader responded and quickly ran over with several team members. He cuffed all the Meiya sisters with special handcuffs that could restrict the flow of magic power, and then carried the two of them to the armored vehicle.

“This time is the same as usual. Thank you for coming to help us, Mr. Kaslana.”

While supervising the behavior of the team members, the team leader also expressed his gratitude to Aikexia: “I am very grateful for you asking me to come here at short notice every time, and for taking the trouble to help us who are weak.”

“It’s okay. This is not an opponent that the firepower of your SAR police force can deal with. I can handle it just fine. Compared to this, can you tell me which prison they will be taken to next?”

“This… I don’t think it’s an ordinary prison.”

The squad leader guessed.

“The Meiya sisters are international first-class magical criminals. Ordinary prisons cannot hold them… They might be imprisoned in the legendary prison barrier.”

“…Do you know about the prison wards?”

“Urban legends, who doesn’t know them? Especially for us, this is a rumor that we often know.” The team leader smiled, “Then I will escort them back. Thank you again for your assistance, Ka Mr. Silana, if you have time, we will treat you to a treat the next time you come to the SAR Guard.”

After saying this, the squad leader caught up with the two team members who took away the Meiya sisters, got into the armored vehicle and left together. The remaining SAR security team members also began to clean up the battlefield that had been ravaged by the Meiya sisters.

And La Folia came to Alexia: “Are you interested in the prison barrier? Your Majesty.”

“…I haven’t said anything yet.”

“If you can’t tell what Your Majesty is thinking, then I will be a princess for nothing.” La Folia smiled slightly, “I also know something about prison wards. I can tell you if necessary. Some inside information.”

“That’s no need. I already fully understand the prison barrier.”

Alexia shook her head: “What I want to know now is [where the prison barrier is] and [how to enter the prison barrier] – it’s a personal matter, I want to enter the prison barrier to find the gatekeeper there. “

Personal affair?

La Folia was a little surprised.

(Then Prince, do you want to perform the ceremony here?)

Shajo Aige asked.

(I think there should be no interference here.)

(That’s up to you.)


Appearing in front of Exia and La Fulia, a magic array of space control magic appeared under the feet of Sajo Aige. The invisible space fluctuations spread again, like ripples blown by the breeze, and in an instant they moved towards The entire String God Island spread.

As the ripples spread, a three-dimensional view of the entire String Kami Island gradually appeared in Alexia’s mind.

(Let me search carefully – where have you gone, Teacher Nayue.)

107. Prison enchantment, appearance

Genkami Island, North District.

On the highway built along the coast.

Standing here against the night wind at dusk, Jiada felt the feeling of being blown by the wind, looking at the distant sea with half-squinted eyes.

“Huh? This feeling is…”

As if she noticed something, Jiada raised her lips slightly: “Have you finally found this place? In terms of speed, it’s quite fast.”


As Jia Da finished speaking, an icy blue figure instantly landed not far in front of her.

It was Exia.

In his arms was La Folia, who was carried and flown over by him.

“It’s really a high-profile way to make your debut, Exia.”

Naturally, she came to Aikesia. Jiada smiled and glanced at the two of them and said: “You haven’t even been separated from me for an hour, right? In such a short time, you found the first princess of Aldykia as your lover.” , are you really good at attracting the opposite sex?”

“…Why are you here, Jiada?”

“For the same reason as you, of course.”

Jiada looked back at the sea not far away.

After being separated from Exia, Garda became somewhat interested in the location of the prison barrier and began to search for it in her own way. Because several of the twenty-seven familiar beasts she possesses can interfere with space, and she herself often moves in space, so she is quite sensitive to space.

After following the vague and unexpected feeling in the space, Jiada came to this place, which can be said to be the northernmost point of Xian Shen Island.

“I’m afraid the prison barrier is on the sea in front of us, Exia. You came here because you knew about this, right?”


That’s right.

It was precisely because Sajo Aige sensed an abrupt spatial reaction nearby through space control magic that Exia came here.

“Even you are here, so it should be right.” Ixia also looked at the sea, “The next step is to open the door… open the passage to Teacher Na Yue’s dream?”

“Then what are you going to do? If you find it troublesome, I can do it for you, although it may cause some damage to the prison boundary.”

Jiada smiled.

And Alexia just glanced at him coldly: “You go and stand aside, we will handle it here – Miss Ai Ge.”

“I’m here, Prince.”

Shajo Aige appeared behind Ixia, and at the same time, the blue-gold light shone slightly on Aikexia.

After taking a deep breath, Exia began to sing softly.

“—I, make a wish to the Great Holy Grail—”

“——Open the way for me, let the enchantment of dreams appear in front of me——”

【Wish accepted】

【Begin execution】

The Great Holy Grail engraved on Alexia’s body and integrated with him emitted a burst of not too strong magic power, and the shadow under Alexia’s body seemed to be alive, expanding in an instant to form a herd. The appearance has a rough and huge outline, pouring towards the boundless ocean.

A palpitating feeling came to both Garda and La Folia at the same time.

This was the first time that La Folia had seen Exia’s [Shadow], and as someone who had seen the [Shadow] for the second time, Jada felt a sense of certainty in addition to her heart palpitations at this moment.

(This is the power that swallowed up the Fourth True Ancestor… If it is this power, it may be possible to lift the [curse] from us – it seems that we have to let those two guys go in the near future. I’m also going to visit Genkami Island.)

An idea came to Jiada’s mind.

With the emergence of this idea, she also recalled a slightly distant event.

(The [Shadow] that swallows everything… If a being like you could have come to our world thousands of years earlier, then maybe this world wouldn’t be what it is now, Exia.)

The way Jada looked at Alexia, at this moment, there was a change that Alexia had not noticed.

It was as if she was looking through Exia at another person who was not here.


A slight vibration came from the ocean.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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