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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 305

The [Shadow] flowing into the ocean under Ixia’s body seemed to be swallowing up the space on the surface of the ocean. As the shadow poured in more and more, it became wider and wider. In Ixia In front of the others, an incredible scene gradually appeared on the sea.

A huge black shadow came into everyone’s field of vision under the glow of dusk.

That’s an island.

The terrain looks quite rugged, like the corner of a rocky mountain. Some rocks are uneven, while others are sharp-edged. It looks like a half-artificial, half-natural island.

On the island, you can see a [Temple].

“Château d’If…”

Shatiao Aige suddenly said a place name like this.

Alexia remembers that it was a prison in France, widely known for the famous book “The Count of Monte Cristo”, and now it is a tourist attraction.

The island that suddenly appeared in front of me, as well as the secluded church on the island, were indeed very similar to the Chateau d’If described in the book.

The same was true for the pontoon that appeared in front of Exia and the others after a while.

“That’s the prison barrier.”

Jiada sighed.

“Guarding such a place alone, she can’t really wake up until she dies… Reality and prison are bound to each other. For her, which side is the dream and which side is the reality?”

“Wouldn’t it be better to ask her directly?”

Retracting the shadow that poured out of her, Ixia adjusted her body which was heavier after swallowing something, and looked at the prison barrier not far away at the other end of the pontoon: “That’s it, but it It hasn’t fully appeared yet, has it?”

Even though it has appeared in front of you, there is still a seal on the outer layer of the prison barrier. If you want to enter, you must break that seal.

“Miss Ai Ge, set up a barrier that distorts cognition, hides and distorts space.” Ixia said, “Don’t let the appearance of the prison barrier be known to some people with ulterior motives.”


The complex and mysterious magic formula expanded the moment Shajo Aige’s words fell. Then, as the dusk light gradually dimmed, Shajo Aige laid out a night-like barrier. The barrier was like a spreading curtain, surrounding Everything inside was shrouded in shadow.

That’ll be fine.

Ixia raised her hand and condensed magic mixed with ice on her fingertips, turning it into an arrow aimed at the prison barrier not far away.

But just before he launched—

[Stop it, idiot]

Someone’s voice suddenly came into Alexia’s mind.

Immediately afterwards, Alexia felt as if something was [opened] in front of her.

【come in】

The owner of the voice urged.

There was obvious dissatisfaction in his tone.

(…..I feel like I’m going to be scolded.)

Alexia had some bad premonitions.

108. Adult version of Nangong Nayue

The floating bridge seems to be just a decoration.

The moment Alexia stepped through the [Passage] in front of her, the surrounding scene seemed to be shattered and reorganized, instantly transforming from the open seaside into a somewhat narrow and dark interior.


After seeing clearly where she was now, Exia had such a feeling for no reason.

It was as if the entire interior had been hollowed out, the entire space was empty.

“Is this… the inside of the church?”

“It seems so.”

Behind Alexia, Jada, who also passed through the [passage], said that La Folia also walked in closely, looking at the surrounding scene with curiosity.

Jiada then pointed forward: “If what I thought is correct, this should be the core of the prison barrier. If you go through the corridor in front, you should be able to reach the real core.”


Alexia looked at the passage ahead – the corridor was not narrow, but not spacious either. Bricks that seemed to have fallen off were scattered around the corners, and the floor tiles were also cracked, looking like they were in disrepair.


For no reason, Exia felt this way again.

It was as if what he was facing was not a corridor, but a gap.

(So ​​that’s it…this is the reason why you are called [Gap Witch]…)

After calming down, Alexia took the lead and walked towards the empty corridor, followed closely by Jada and La Folia. After the three people left, the passage connecting the two spaces quietly disappeared, revealing the completely sealed wall behind it.

The corridor is not long, only about ten seconds.

After passing through the corridor, what appeared in front of Ixia was an even more empty hall. Compared to the space that looked like a secret room in an ancient castle, this hall now looks much more luxurious.

However, Axia’s attention was not on the decoration of the hall itself.

The moment he came here, he saw the people in the hall.

“…Don’t you mean going on a business trip to a foreign country?”

After a moment of silence, Exia smiled jokingly.

“Yeah, if you think so, I’m really on a business trip abroad.”

Sitting on a luxurious armchair covered with velvet in the center of the church hall, Nangong Nayue held the side of her face with one hand, looking at the three people who appeared in front of her with a somewhat reproachful and dissatisfied tone and eyes.


“What do you look like?”

When Alexia asked this question, her gaze turned to the side, as if she had nowhere to rest, and her eyes were a little wandering.

Jiada and La Folia couldn’t help but laugh slightly when they saw this.

But the two of them could also understand why Exia had such a reaction.

“It’s nothing, I just changed my appearance to suit my actual age. After all, this is my dreamland.”

Nangong said that month.

As she said this, her image at the moment was not the middle school-age goth lolita that Alexia had always seen. Instead, she seemed to have grown up by ten years and become several times sexy and mature. Looks like an adult.

The white shirt is paired with a short skirt that covers the hips, and the slender thighs are wrapped in black pantyhose in a proud posture, and the straight chest highlights a strong sense of presence.

If it weren’t for her almost identical appearance to Nangong Nayue and the iconic lace folding fan in her hand, Alexia would definitely not have thought she was Nangong Nayue.

They are just two people!

“You are the type that the prince would like.”

The Sajo Aige who suddenly appeared said this.

Alexia’s face immediately stiffened, while Jada and La Folia’s eyes changed.

Nangong Nayue put on a meaningful smile: “No wonder you don’t like those nymphos chasing you. That girl Lan Yu is indifferent to chasing you. I can’t tell that your preference is in this aspect, lust. Brat.”

“It’s just that you are a bit similar to my childhood sweetheart. I never said I liked you, okay?” Exia covered her face and defended, “What’s more, you also said that this was done to match your true age. Adjust, then the real you are still just a little girl with the figure of a middle school student, right? It’s impossible to like you just thinking about it – it hurts!”


Withdrawing his finger from the distance and giving Alexia a mind-numbing finger, Nangong Nayue no longer smiled playfully, but turned to ask seriously: “Tell me, why did you come to my place all the time? You didn’t even hesitate to break into the prison barrier. …You shouldn’t be such a random guy, haven’t you thought about the consequences if this place is broken?”

“At that time, I will take the responsibility to kill all the prisoners, or give you all the uniforms and lock them up again.” Ixia said, “I am just worried that you may encounter some trouble, plus You suddenly disappeared, so I just wanted to try to find you.”

“The other thing I want to ask you is something about the prison barrier.”


Nangong Nayue felt that the person in front of him was not Alexia.

Because what is happening now is not something that guy would do. Just because he was worried about himself, just because he wanted to ask a few questions, he would not hesitate to break into the extremely important prison barrier… Is this what that Exia would do?

“Why are you so impulsive?”

“Ah…well…” Alexia scratched her head, “I…how should I put it now, although there hasn’t been much change, but I’m still doing things…” Sometimes, I will consider my own ideas more, and then try my best to realize my ideas. To put it simply, I have become a little [selfish], thanks to a certain bastard True Ancestor.”

Following Alexia’s words, Jia Da smiled and waved to Nangong Nayue.

(Prince of Chaos…you have done a good job.)

Nangong Nayue glared at Jia Da with some dissatisfaction.

The reason why she left Genkami Island so confidently was largely because she believed that even if she was gone, Exia would be able to handle the impact well. Although she is a stupid student who needs her to deal with the aftermath in every aspect, Ixia is also the person who gives Nangong Nayue the most peace of mind and trust.

Nangong Nayue had already known his thoughts and ideas for nearly eight months.

But now he [rebels].

“…Are you at ease now?” Nangong Nayue asked, “I will just stay inside the prison boundary. Although the phantom used for activities outside has been withdrawn, it is not for any particularly big reason. The reason is that the accuracy needs to be adjusted. I understand your worries, although they are unnecessary.”

“Well, it would be better than anything else to know that Teacher Nayue is okay – can I ask you a few questions next?”

“What do you want to ask?”

“Why would you do such a thing, Teacher Nayue?”

Alexia asked.

“Or why you would want to be the gatekeeper of the prison barrier.”

“Please tell me your reasons, Teacher Nazuki.”

109. Disobedient bad students

The reason why you become the gatekeeper of the prison barrier?

The question asked by Alexia made Nangong raise his eyebrows a few times in that month.

“Why would you want to know such a thing?”

“Because I want to confirm whether this responsibility is imposed or whether it is voluntary on your part.” Ixia touched her chest, “Or to put it another way… I want to use your situation to once again Think about something.”


Nangong fell silent again that month.

She confirmed once again that Exia was different.

Although it is unclear what the Chaos Princess did to Exia, what is certain is that because of that incident, Exia seemed to have made some positive changes in her consciousness and spirit.

Compared with him yesterday, Nangong Nayue found him much more pleasing to the eye today.


“Why should I tell you?”

Nangong Nayue asked with a smile,

“The contract I signed with the devil was to become the gatekeeper of the prison barrier and sleep forever. Therefore, I became the Void Witch and gained power from the devil. And one of the most basic contents of the contract is [confidentiality], isn’t it? ?”

“I believe there is no need to reveal the contents of my contract to you, Exia.”

This is tantamount to refusing to answer.

The charming slender legs changed positions, and Nangong Nayue sat on the luxurious seat like a queen: “In the final analysis, I haven’t settled the score with you yet. Forcibly breaking into the prison barrier, you shouldn’t feel that you were just Can I just flick my forehead and be done with it?”

“As a teacher, it is impossible not to provide a good education for disobedient problem students.”


Magic power trembled in the space, and countless chains quietly appeared throughout the temple hall, dividing and tearing the space around Exia into countless pieces.


The sudden siege did not faze Exia.

He just said calmly: “You can’t scare me away, Teacher Nayue.”

“You think I’m scaring you?”

“Then Teacher Nayue thinks it doesn’t matter even if I tear down the prison barrier here?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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